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Messages - Sαndtrap

Pages: 1 23 ... 36
The Flood / Re: What is the final redpill?
« on: March 25, 2017, 03:08:23 AM »
See my review of dying.

Not so fast fuckface. I'm the only one here who can properly review it.

0 out 10 not enough heart failure after sex

Serious / Re: So the healthcare bill failed
« on: March 25, 2017, 03:00:34 AM »
Unrelated but my provinces new head cheese fucked everybody in the ass. Brad Wall. It's like Trump except he's winning.

Serious / Re: So the healthcare bill failed
« on: March 25, 2017, 02:18:29 AM »

The Flood / Re: Group project question for you guys (small rant)
« on: March 25, 2017, 02:06:14 AM »
Get used to it all through life. Somebody's gotta carry all the heavy shit and everybody'll dissappear when the time comes to do it. Who gets to do the heavy lifting? You do!

Serious / Re: Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 24, 2017, 02:18:00 AM »
sapphire is ok with having a child be trans at a young age and think its child abuse to not let them do that. it cant be worse tbh

If a child suffers from severe depression that is not mitigated by conventional means and you willfully refuse the desires of both your child and the advice of medical professionals, I will conclude you are negligent of your child's well being.

When a parent's intuition takes precedent over professional's, you're in league with anti-vaxxers.

I know it sounds funny and tin foil, but proffessionals seem to be less of that these days. Their track record of fuck ups seems piss poor to be honest. While they're a proffessional for a reason, that doesn't make them the bedrock of authority, being right, or, eerily enough, intelligent.
They are the most qualified to assess the risks, if you are skeptical of their abilities you should be more skeptical of Cletus's abilities.

Doing nothing can be fatal.
Taking a proffessional's word at face value in the past has cost members of my family, and no doubt other people out there. You don't need to look far in history to find slews of proffessionals who made shit calls or made things worse. With people, no matter who they are, you've got to take things with a grain of salt and do your own work. See if their logic is sound and where holes are. If you don't, you're setting yourself up.
If HRT doesn't produce results, it can be discontinued before any notable effects occur. The risks of major complications happening due to HRT are miniscule, especially when only inhibitors are used.

If someone experiences severe depressive symptoms. They are already at risk. These depressive symptoms can persist through other treatments. They did for me.

If I was fillibustered by my parents, I would have died without HRT. Others might not be as lucky as I was.

Just saying. Complete trust is risky.

Serious / Re: Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 24, 2017, 01:57:50 AM »
sapphire is ok with having a child be trans at a young age and think its child abuse to not let them do that. it cant be worse tbh

If a child suffers from severe depression that is not mitigated by conventional means and you willfully refuse the desires of both your child and the advice of medical professionals, I will conclude you are negligent of your child's well being.

When a parent's intuition takes precedent over professional's, you're in league with anti-vaxxers.

I know it sounds funny and tin foil, but proffessionals seem to be less of that these days. Their track record of fuck ups seems piss poor to be honest. While they're a proffessional for a reason, that doesn't make them the bedrock of authority, being right, or, eerily enough, intelligent.
They are the most qualified to assess the risks, if you are skeptical of their abilities you should be more skeptical of Cletus's abilities.

Doing nothing can be fatal.

Taking a proffessional's word at face value in the past has cost members of my family, and no doubt other people out there. You don't need to look far in history to find slews of proffessionals who made shit calls or made things worse. With people, no matter who they are, you've got to take things with a grain of salt and do your own work. See if their logic is sound and where holes are. If you don't, you're setting yourself up.

Serious / Re: Holy fuck, Bungie is such a shithole
« on: March 24, 2017, 01:43:46 AM »
sapphire is ok with having a child be trans at a young age and think its child abuse to not let them do that. it cant be worse tbh

If a child suffers from severe depression that is not mitigated by conventional means and you willfully refuse the desires of both your child and the advice of medical professionals, I will conclude you are negligent of your child's well being.

When a parent's intuition takes precedent over professional's, you're in league with anti-vaxxers.

I know it sounds funny and tin foil, but proffessionals seem to be less of that these days. Their track record of fuck ups seems piss poor to be honest. While they're a proffessional for a reason, that doesn't make them the bedrock of authority, being right, or, eerily enough, intelligent.

Serious / Re: Why should we care?
« on: March 24, 2017, 01:37:04 AM »
I can tell you that self help is possible. It's hard, but possible. If you can figure out what's eating you and get down to the root of your problems, but you don't think you can do it alone, that's when you reach out to somebody. Not a doc, but somebody who'll listen, understand, and try to help. You gotta be ready to help yourself. Even if you've got a pal, they can't carry all the weight. That's the hard part. You have to be invested too.

The Flood / Re: Guess who's back
« on: March 23, 2017, 08:37:28 PM »
Jester Thomas will forever haunt the darkest part of my nightmares.

The Flood / Re: as of now i am 16 years old
« on: March 23, 2017, 05:10:36 PM »
Good job matey. Happy birthday.

Serious / Re: Why should we care?
« on: March 23, 2017, 05:08:40 PM »
Not enough room to write how many things this connects to. If this were a conversation in person it would be a talk that persisted long after a reasonanle sleeping hour.

I'll start by saying that it's neccessary to find a middle ground rather than an extreme end on a scale. This is crucial to everything in we do in life and our systems. I don't think happiness and its opposite exist on a linear scale as both happiness and misery can feed each other. Take the linear scale and make it a circle.

Sombody likes eating. Happy. Person eats too much, gets morbidly obese. They're sad because they know they're obese but they're happy because they eat. Likewise. Take somebody who goes through a divorce. Sad. They're devastated. Sometimes they don't let go. They hold on to that sadness and that resentment and eventually it warps into a twisted pleasure because they like hating their ex. They like dwelling on it even though they associate those feelings as negative.

The goal with that compass of sorts it to keep your bearing right down the middle. You're asking why it hurts so much and the straight up answer I can give is that you're out of balance to an extent where you get stuck on the hurt. It hurts, but you're so used to it that there's a comfortable safeness to it. Rather than face the hurt in full and fight your way out because it's an understandably hard thing to do, you settle to the bottom where things become dull and relatively meaningless.

There's an irony in nihilism because it stems directly from a warped form of pleasure. It's a pleasure that the holder doesn't want to acknowledge, but it's there, deep down. They take pleasure in not caring. Very little nihilists will admit this because they would have to face reality.

Rather than tell you why you should care, I'll tell you that you already do, just in a warped manner. Unless you're an abberation to the human condition or a straight up psychopath, it's impossible for a regular human being not to care entirely.

The only problem is that landing your compass needle in the messy, far end of the spectrums where this stuff really blurs, is detrimental to you and any person experiencing it. It's not a question of why should we care, since we inescapeably already do. It's a question and a struggle to maintain a logical and sane balance without falling into the deep end of either side.

Care too little, it hurts you. Care too much, you burn yourself out. Care just enough so that you don't burn yourself out and tire, and when the hurt comes, you didn't stake everything you had and watch all of it fall apart.

I'll be frank. I understand. You're in a bad way. You know it and you know that you're doing it to yourself. You're hooked on what hurts but a small part of you knows something is wrong. You've got this massive wall in front of you and you know that's what you'll have to climb to get out of it. It's fucking scary and depressing and settling at the bottom, and staying there, as much as it hurts, is comforting because you don't know if you can handle that wall of shit you'll have to face to get out.

You want a real answer then I'm telling you to consider help. More than what you'll find here. You can only do it when you're ready to. The sad thing is, some people don't make it. They never get out of it. Not by circumstance but by choice. You need to ask yourself why you should care. Do you want to keep on as is until you can't take it and just off yourself? Do you want to wander through life empty and seeing nothing until something else gets you? Or do you fight your way out and find something better? Do you want to?

Let me tell you something. All the hurt of mine does not beat the good things I made for myself in life. The bad stuff I endured because I had no choice, the bad stuff I put myself through, nothing compared to the little moments of good stuff. If they weren't worth hanging on to I wouldn't have gone through what I am right now just to type this up for you, as silly as it might sound. You should care because of all the things you're blinding yourself to unknowingly by not caring.

The Flood / Re: I quit my second job
« on: March 23, 2017, 04:23:14 AM »
I don't see how that was glib at all. Either way, it wasn't intentional. I was just trying to point out that work isn't all crap. Maybe your current job is, but don't let that stop you from finding something better.
you don't seem to understand just how vehemently opposed i am to the concept of a "job" in the first place, and that's why your post came off as glib to me--though i guess i can't blame you for not knowing how i feel about this since i don't talk about it much

basically i hate jobs on a conceptual level because i'm an entitled millenial who doesn't believe i should have to work AT ALL to maintain a healthy, comfortable existence on earth

we get jobs because it costs money to live, and i think that's a sick joke--only i can't laugh now, because now i'm just another cog in the machine; something i've gravely feared since childhood

because of this outlook, there is literally no job out there for me, because it all boils down to making enough worthless pieces of green paper so i can continue the next day to make even more worthless pieces of green paper, for the rest of my pointless life, for no ultimate purpose or greater goal

i hate money and i hate working for it, but i do it because society says i have to--or else i die, or i'm considered a "leech"

please draw me the silver lining in all of this

Society and large population centers like to paint it like they're all there is. Our generation wasn't taught much beyond just assimilating into what was already established. We weren't given other options.

Listen before you laugh. Consider what my life was. First thing comes to mind is difficult. It was a choice for important reasons beyond being brought to where I was by family. I chose to stay.

I agree with your sentiments up to a point. Work is required of you no matter what you do. Even for things you enjoy. Even my lifestyle was bound to society as it is today. I was as fringe as I could get without taking it to the extremes and becoming fully isolationist.

Work is required no matter what. Feel happy or sad about it. Your decision. Whatever you pick doesn't change the reality or the responsability no matter how harsh it is to you.

What you can do is choose why you work. I hated long-term jobs. That signed paperwork shit and scheduled hours. Fuck away. Made myself a jack of all trades and  took small jobs wherever I could. I was never trapped to one thing. Just new and short things. Just enough to be refreshing but not long enough to tire. Made the minimum money that was necessary for me to survive and to get what little I wanted.

Everything else, I tried to be independant. I wanted to make my home off the grid. Wanted to grow my own food, wanted to provide my own heat in the winter. All very hard work. But it was mine.

I used a heavy antique tiller to shred the dirt. Two passes to make the garden. Burned to a crisp in the sun making hills, planting seeds, and weeding. End of the year, pulled everything out. I want you to imagine the work I did carrying 800 pounds of potatoes, walking 100 feet into a house, ducking into a short cieling basement to store the potatoes. I did that alone with two five galleon buckets until all the potatoes were stored.

You'd have hated every second of it, just like me. I'm weak to heat, summer sucks, and carrying that down the stairs into a ceiling that's not tall enough sucked. But for the entire winter and the rest of the year, anytime I wanted potatoes, there they were. No money needed, no trip to the store, no wondering what proccessed shit and chemicals there were. Just plain potatoes. Wasn't too fond of the work but the end result was worth it every single time because it was all me.

I didn't have to grow those potatoes. Didn't have to make that garden. Coulda just gotten a job like everybody else and bought the cheap shit from the store. I could've gotten a job in town at the gas station. I chose the hard way. Learning every angle to be a jack of all trades which included some downright ass jobs nobody else would take but they always ended shortly.

You might not understand the point since you're so wrapped up in your own thoughts on things, which is your choice. The short here is, there's things beyond society and the trends. Some are hard to reach. But it's a different kind of work. Honestly I think that's something our generation lacks. Work. Not mindless work like they teach you. Purposeful work.

Some advice if you don't like the money.

Split the payhcecks. Save some for you because you factually know you'll need it. Use the rest on other people who're more caught up in it than you are.

The Flood / Re: Describe a movie poorly
« on: March 20, 2017, 02:10:30 AM »
I'm stumped Prime. I remember a lot of movies with that premise but brain doesn't want to remember the titles of them.
Hint number 2:
The guy and his ex-wife's sister don't get first in the contest

Ya'll are just making it worse for me.

The Flood / Re: Iron Fist is the best thing on Netflix right now
« on: March 20, 2017, 02:09:18 AM »
Good luck. Biggest flaw is the pacing issues. There are episodes that are just exposition with a two minute fight scene tacked on at the end that takes place in dimly lit rooms with cuts every 1.5 seconds. The camera work is pretty shitty at times, which is a shame because the fights at least seem well choreographed.
The first four episodes could have been negated if Iron Fist didn't have a missing brain.
You mean actually talking to the Meachums and telling them things only Danny would know instead of yelling "I NEED TO TALK TO YOU" while beating up security guards, breaking into houses, kidnapping people, and being an all around cuntwad?

Haven't seen the show but Imma chalk it up to first day on the job.

Everybody's brain is missing on the first day.

The Flood / Re: Describe a movie poorly
« on: March 20, 2017, 02:05:24 AM »
I'm stumped Prime. I remember a lot of movies with that premise but brain doesn't want to remember the titles of them.

The Flood / Re: Describe a movie poorly
« on: March 20, 2017, 01:54:51 AM »
Protagonist's girlfriend fights his ex-best friend with psychic powers, blows up city.

A little too on the nose, I think.

Okay, round 2: guy tries to get back together with his ex wife, gets with her sister instead.

It's gonna be Vien who solves mine likely.

Now that one's a toughie. I got a lot of movies with that rattling round in my head. Gimme some time.

The Flood / Re: Describe a movie poorly
« on: March 20, 2017, 01:44:05 AM »
Protagonist's girlfriend fights his ex-best friend with psychic powers, blows up city.


The Flood / Re: Describe a movie poorly
« on: March 20, 2017, 01:36:50 AM »
I'll leave a hint. It's a sequel.

The Flood / Re: Describe a movie poorly
« on: March 20, 2017, 01:29:56 AM »

The Flood / Re: Describe a movie poorly
« on: March 20, 2017, 01:11:21 AM »
Big Lebowski.

Man fights illegal alien in the big city.

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 20, 2017, 12:38:01 AM »
What about harry potter novels? Similar style but big tonal gap from start to end. It was done so with progression in mind. Novels that "aged" with their readers.

Suppose that's what the new season's going for? They know that the audience is going to be older now than compared to the last time they watched it. It's a transition not just with the show, but the audience as well.
sure, and aria just made that same comparison

the thing about harry potter is that, despite the massive (yet justified) tonal shifts between books, they're still well-written in the sense that they all still feel as though they 100% belong in each other's canon

except for the cursed child, which, despite being canon, is not canon (because i said so)

that's what you DON'T want to happen--for people to disavow the next installment as part of a different series

i don't want samurai jack to fall down that road, but this new episode just leaves a bad taste in my mouth

and yeah i realize i'm probably the only one who gives a fuck about integrity and consistency, but whatever

Fair enough. Your only option is wait, see, and hope for the best.

If it sucks for you we can all say we know that feeling. Us Halo fans had to go through it several times.

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 20, 2017, 12:27:07 AM »
At some point or another anybody creating content will likely be inconsistent due to the direction they wish to take. What's important to look at is that the creators of content should be given the space to be inconsistent. True, it might not make their work better. But in a lot of cases inconsistency lies at the heart of change and progress.

Keep it simple. Let's say we look at somebody who writes stories. Compare their early works to something they do much farther down the line. The gap of inconsistency between then and now will be huge, due in part to the growth the author themselves has gone through, and the changes they desired to make over time in their work.
i don't know if i care for that comparison, because there's a perfectly justifiable reason for the inconsistency of style between each story--and they're different stories anyway, so why would they need to be stylistically consistent

a better comparison would be this: a children's story is partially written, but remains unfinished

the author comes back and decides to finish the story

but now, it's written in a different style--which ultimately affects the integrity of the whole story

What about harry potter novels? Similar style but big tonal gap from start to end. It was done so with progression in mind. Novels that "aged" with their readers.

Suppose that's what the new season's going for? They know that the audience is going to be older now than compared to the last time they watched it. It's a transition not just with the show, but the audience as well.

The Flood / Re: Peace out guys
« on: March 20, 2017, 12:18:02 AM »
Peace Jive.

The Flood / Re: Samurai Jack season 5
« on: March 20, 2017, 12:06:04 AM »
if jack killed maybe two or three real humans in the original series, it would feel less jarring
He did. The Gentleman, Boris, and Jujunga. They just weren't explicitly shown because it needed to be able to air in the afternoon and morning.
well, i can't pretend i've seen every single episode or have a perfect recollection of them all--but still, therein lies the rub

regardless of the reasons behind the unseen murders of those characters, that's how they presented murder: by not explicitly showing it--and now that's out the window, because we're on [adult swim]

it's inconsistent, and that bugs me

At some point or another anybody creating content will likely be inconsistent due to the direction they wish to take. What's important to look at is that the creators of content should be given the space to be inconsistent. True, it might not make their work better. But in a lot of cases inconsistency lies at the heart of change and progress.

Keep it simple. Let's say we look at somebody who writes stories. Compare their early works to something they do much farther down the line. The gap of inconsistency between then and now will be huge, due in part to the growth the author themselves has gone through, and the changes they desired to make over time in their work.

The Flood / Re: my dog was put down
« on: March 19, 2017, 11:49:19 PM »

What was your goal in doing so? Did you expect to be with her or something, or did you just want to get that off your shoulders?
I really wanted her to help me out it to rest, or tell me it would never happen.  We've been so far away for so long now how could it?

Talk to her a little more about it. See what she thinks.

Distance and time's not a factor. Sometimes you meet people who can travel far that you don't see for years and when they show up again, you hit it off like the gap doesn't exist.

It's a good feeling.

The Flood / Re: Why do so many of you deny God?
« on: March 18, 2017, 02:35:08 AM »
Watch kids die of cancer and you've got my answer.

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