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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 242526 2728 ... 130
The Flood / Re: 4oD is such a pain in the bloody arse
« on: April 11, 2015, 06:09:34 PM »
You deserve such suffering for watching anything from Channel 4 (although E4 doesn't count)

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 Gameplay trailer
« on: April 11, 2015, 05:22:43 PM »

I definitely like the tone. Very blunt and realistic vs say the dragon age games which tend to be more preachy.
Still doesn't grab me like I want it to for some reason. Outside elderscrolls and fable I have a hard time getting into western fantasy RPGs.

Trailer is basically a copy of the gta v reveal or is that just me? Same sounding chick. Same flow of details.
Comparing Dragon Age to the Witcher is like comparing the Hobbit to GoT

Gaming / Re: The ESA Claims Game Preservation is Hacking
« on: April 11, 2015, 05:21:24 PM »
They must be, it's the only reasonable explanation

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament
« on: April 11, 2015, 05:20:28 PM »
Tfw no-one GMT master-race


I buy Halo for the single player and custom games, with the occasional play of Swat, Snipers, BTB or Grifball.

So I don't actually care

Gaming / Re: Decent mobile games?
« on: April 11, 2015, 05:15:46 PM »
80 days
Game Dev story (or any of Kairo's games)
Plague inc
New Star Soccer
Star Trader

They're all good

The Flood / Re: apparenlty it's #NationalSiblingDay
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:25:34 PM »
Two, one is 13 and the other is 4 months old

The Flood / Re: Feminism, its not a synonym for equality
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:24:11 PM »


But there are less shitposts now though, i'm pretty sure the decline is due to a drop in that, mostly.
That definitely plays its part, but there has been a slight decline in activity overall.

Got any ideas to regain all that activity?
Get new members

The Flood / Re: At what age are you too old to live with your parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:06:51 PM »


That covers Uni
You honestly think 18 is too old to be living with your parents still?
Ah, I think if you are going to Uni then yes, if not then no. It's alright to live them again after Uni too, but no older than 24.

The Flood / Re: I need a movie...
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:04:33 PM »

How is Elite: Dangerous? I've heard it requires you to invest a  fair bit of time and needs you to enjoy trading (which, I do) but i'll be getting it the moment it releases on X1.

Right now? Tedious. I've been flying between two systems for the past...half day now. Interdiction attempts have broken the monotony. Let's put it this way. I've watched almost all of Firefly since I started save for the first two episodes and the last one.

When I'm exploring or combat piloting, it's fucking fantastic. You have to be good at multi-tasking, especially in combat. You have to be able to balance power usage to what ever the situation requires and know when to bug out. It's a great game, a lot of fun if your into space. I enjoy the hell out of it. Why else would I be wasting the past day to earn enough for a ship I don't really need?
I must say that i'm not averse to repetitive shit if it feels fantastic doing so, i've played the fuck out of Star trader on my iPhone (and iPod, and my old Htc), on a phone.

Plus I really like the dev's philosophy, the guy is a legend. By the sounds of it he plans to continue with Elite: Dangerous for the next ten years or more, one day having it so that you can go down on planets and move around within larger ships in stations (think Star Citizen).

The Flood / Re: I need a movie...
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:57:19 PM »
How is Elite: Dangerous? I've heard it requires you to invest a  fair bit of time and needs you to enjoy trading (which, I do) but i'll be getting it the moment it releases on X1.

The Flood / Re: At what age are you too old to live with your parents
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:50:06 PM »

That covers Uni

But there are less shitposts now though, i'm pretty sure the decline is due to a drop in that, mostly.

The Flood / Re: can we get perks for the forum
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:35:24 PM »

Ghost: your posts don't appear to any members
Bungie has that, it's so stealthy not even you know when it's active. They call it 'banned' tho

Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:32:09 PM »

CoD will probably top again. if only for the fact that it's multi-plat and can sell to more people.
Winner=/=Most sold
then what exactly are you using to compare in the OP if not sales?
Sales, cultural impact, lasting legacy
how exactly do you measure 'cultural impact' and 'lasting legacy' in order to say that CoD has won?
put it plainly how you came to your conclusion in the OP without being as vague as "because i think so".
Which conclusion? That CoD has won the previous two occurrences?
fresh edit.
The Black Ops series has had an impact on how popular gaming as a whole is, the fact that they were so successful led to an influx of people into gaming. Compare them to Reach and 4, both of those games are undoubtedly good and 4 is important in the franchise but neither have had an impact on the industry-whereas both Blops have.

It's not measurable per se, but it's observable through comparison.

Gaming / Re: Black Ops 3 confirmed? (oh shit nigger it's cuntfirmed)
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:28:46 PM »

please stop buying these games
um never
do you know why the AAA gaming industry is such a steaming pile of shit right now? because the consumers mindlessly buy everything new and shiny that comes out, and you know what they tells the developers? it tells them that they dont need to try and come up with new, interesting, creative, dynamic titles. they just put a new graphical skin on the old title, build a few new maps, and they hold their hand out for your $60. and they know theyll get that $60 every single time, because the consumers are too stupid or apathetic to punish the developers for pushing out the same rehashed bullshit year after year.

Call of Duty is cancer. and it needs to be removed.
And all those samey fucking indie games are any better? If it's only right to stop buying AAA games because they are too repetitive then I guess all the indie platformers can really sod off, along with all the survival games, racing games and basically every game that's not targeting a niche group.
the entire industry is fucked backwards right now. 1/10 games released are worth playing. for consoles anyway. pc is just fine, always has been, always will be.
PC is no better, there's simply more games to dilute the problem
this isnt particularly surprising anyway. movies and television are the same way. loads upon loads of absolute trash, and every once in a while you get a gem. pc has a lot of gems because, like you said, there's a shitload of pc games. but consoles dont have that luxury.

the consumers hold all the power, and i guess they want these shitty games, because theyre not going away anytime soon. but im not going to bend over and let Treyarch fuck me in the ass every other year, nozirreee. im better than that.
That's because gaming has become mainstream, and the majority of people are fucking stupid boy-band-loving, twitter-whoring retards that love whatever shit is popular.

Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:25:17 PM »

CoD will probably top again. if only for the fact that it's multi-plat and can sell to more people.
Winner=/=Most sold
then what exactly are you using to compare in the OP if not sales?
Sales, cultural impact, lasting legacy
how exactly do you measure 'cultural impact' and 'lasting legacy' in order to say that CoD has won?
put it plainly how you came to your conclusion in the OP without being as vague as "because i think so".
Which conclusion? That CoD has won the previous two occurrences?

Gaming / Re: Black Ops 3 confirmed? (oh shit nigger it's cuntfirmed)
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:19:50 PM »

please stop buying these games
um never
do you know why the AAA gaming industry is such a steaming pile of shit right now? because the consumers mindlessly buy everything new and shiny that comes out, and you know what they tells the developers? it tells them that they dont need to try and come up with new, interesting, creative, dynamic titles. they just put a new graphical skin on the old title, build a few new maps, and they hold their hand out for your $60. and they know theyll get that $60 every single time, because the consumers are too stupid or apathetic to punish the developers for pushing out the same rehashed bullshit year after year.

Call of Duty is cancer. and it needs to be removed.
And all those samey fucking indie games are any better? If it's only right to stop buying AAA games because they are too repetitive then I guess all the indie platformers can really sod off, along with all the survival games, racing games and basically every game that's not targeting a niche group.
the entire industry is fucked backwards right now. 1/10 games released are worth playing. for consoles anyway. pc is just fine, always has been, always will be.
PC is no better, there's simply more games to dilute the problem

Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:18:45 PM »


I was really hoping they'd hop back to 1940's-1960's. All this FUTURE WARFARE shit gets kind of old after the market is flooded with it.
Couldn't agree more. Although, I have the funny feeling blops3 may be going further into the future than any CoD before it.

Shepard will be alive in ME3. After he fell from orbit, Cerberus rebuilt him as the ultimate bionic man. He has the powers of the omni-tool, and must find out what the reapers are.

Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:17:30 PM »

CoD will probably top again. if only for the fact that it's multi-plat and can sell to more people.
Winner=/=Most sold
then what exactly are you using to compare in the OP if not sales?
Sales, cultural impact, lasting legacy

The Flood / Re: Which country should I move to?
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:36:02 PM »
Move to the Empire

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:28:38 PM »
Last year's E3 was superb, if MS (and I suppose, Sony) can top last 2014's then i'll be impressed. The sheer number of bombshells was unexpected.

Expect some VR announcement from MS though, they have definitely got something. Plus lots of games, according to Spencer there is too many to all launch this year, so...

Gaming / Re: Black Ops 3 confirmed? (oh shit nigger it's cuntfirmed)
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:23:33 PM »

please stop buying these games
um never
do you know why the AAA gaming industry is such a steaming pile of shit right now? because the consumers mindlessly buy everything new and shiny that comes out, and you know what they tells the developers? it tells them that they dont need to try and come up with new, interesting, creative, dynamic titles. they just put a new graphical skin on the old title, build a few new maps, and they hold their hand out for your $60. and they know theyll get that $60 every single time, because the consumers are too stupid or apathetic to punish the developers for pushing out the same rehashed bullshit year after year.

Call of Duty is cancer. and it needs to be removed.
And all those samey fucking indie games are any better? If it's only right to stop buying AAA games because they are too repetitive then I guess all the indie platformers can really sod off, along with all the survival games, racing games and basically every game that's not targeting a niche group.

Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:19:41 PM »

cod sucks
Your posts always push the levels of complexity and thoughtfulness to new heights.

Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:18:47 PM »

CoD will probably top again. if only for the fact that it's multi-plat and can sell to more people.
Winner=/=Most sold

Gaming / Re: Here we go again
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:15:24 PM »


I was really hoping they'd hop back to 1940's-1960's. All this FUTURE WARFARE shit gets kind of old after the market is flooded with it.
Couldn't agree more. Although, I have the funny feeling blops3 may be going further into the future than any CoD before it.

Gaming / Here we go again
« on: April 09, 2015, 05:54:03 PM »
So, now with Blops 3 confirmed that means we have basically a repeat of 2012's and even 2010's situation.

Once again it has fallen so that it's Black ops vs Halo, both of the previous match-ups between them have had CoD pretty much coming out on top (Blops vs Reach in 2010 and Blops2 vs Halo 4 in 2012) but I do wonder about the outcome this year.

I suppose it would be fair to say that neither franchise is what it once was; CoD seems to get deeper into trouble with each new game, AW's only saving grace was the introduction of Exos (A revamped mobility system, basically) and zombies (as bloody dlc). Halo hasn't technically fallen at all, although i'm sure many of you would say otherwise-but it's certainly not the monster it was pre-Halo 4.

The gaming world of today is very different, and although it's difficult to say without having seen anything of Black Ops 3 bar that teaser trailer... I believe that, parallel to previous years, Halo is now the more modern and advanced series. That can only bode well for Halo 5 beating out it's competition.

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