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Messages - Sprungli

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Gaming / Re: Why do sports games now have these fancy titles?
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:30:19 AM »

To anyone that says Fifas are just reskins, you know nothing. Go play the last 10 and fucking tell me they are the same, the difference from 10 onwards is especially large as that was when the player impact engine came into play, and 12 completely demolished the old movement system, 13 expanded on everything, 14 finally made everything far more fluid and natural, adding an unpredictability and greater freedom to improvise, and 15 has introduced emotion, made goalkeeping actually like goalkeeping and improved ball movement and physics no end.
"Slight engine updates and a new graphics paint job is totally worth £50 each year".
You just described most major franchises

Gaming / Re: Why do sports games now have these fancy titles?
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:29:50 AM »

To anyone that says Fifas are just reskins, you know nothing. Go play the last 10 and fucking tell me they are the same, the difference from 10 onwards is especially large as that was when the player impact engine came into play, and 12 completely demolished the old movement system, 13 expanded on everything, 14 finally made everything far more fluid and natural, adding an unpredictability and greater freedom to improvise, and 15 has introduced emotion, made goalkeeping actually like goalkeeping and improved ball movement and physics no end.
Paying $65 for improved goalkeeping...

Damn, that's some innovative shit right there.
And i'd rather pay that for a game i'll pour hundreds of hours into, a game that will be good to me over and over in many situations vs a game that will last me maybe 10 hours, or 100 hours if i'm desperate (*cough*BF4*cough*)

Gaming / Re: Why do sports games now have these fancy titles?
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:27:26 AM »

To anyone that says Fifas are just reskins, you know nothing. Go play the last 10 and fucking tell me they are the same, the difference from 10 onwards is especially large as that was when the player impact engine came into play, and 12 completely demolished the old movement system, 13 expanded on everything, 14 finally made everything far more fluid and natural, adding an unpredictability and greater freedom to improvise, and 15 has introduced emotion, made goalkeeping actually like goalkeeping and improved ball movement and physics no end.
So basically you're saying a graphics change and a slight engine update justifies the $65 every year and that somehow prevents it from being reskins? How exactly does changing the movements to look more realistic and making goalkeeping look more like goalkeeping prevent this game from being a reskin of the previous game which is a reskin of the previous game? You're still doing the same old shit you were doing in the previous game. You're running across the same old field kicking a ball to one of the ends. Changing the engine isn't going to change that. Your Fifa game isn't like Halo where the story changes, we get new maps which play differently and new vehicles that act differently. You're playing a sports game where the only change is to the engine, the graphics, the players and the number in the title.
So, because it's players and teams instead of guns and maps it's not worth it? And on story, you make your own story, sport is the story of real people-you make your own moments that are truly invaluable and unique and it's that which is of greater value than any fabrication, no matter it's quality.

And like I said, you go play the Fifa games from the early 2000s to now, there is far more evolution than there has been in the FPS genre for one. You are judging yearly instalments vs tri-yearly instalments. So how about thinking Fifa 12-Fifa 15, or 07 to 10-because to say they are reskins is just ignorance

Whoever merged my thread, you fool, my topic is totally different-I was talking about the girl's reaction, not the CIA shit

Serious / Re: Would you end the Internet?
« on: December 09, 2014, 05:15:58 PM »
Hmm, lets see, destroy the best method of communication, innovation and equality we have because?....

Yeah, no

Serious / "America is awesome"
« on: December 09, 2014, 05:12:30 PM »
Fucking lol

I can't imagine Paxman crying "The Queen is a bae!" on the BBC, it'd be hilarious and fucking dumb

The Flood / 'America is awesome'
« on: December 09, 2014, 05:06:36 PM »
Fucking lol

I can't imagine Paxman crying "The Queen is a bae!" on the BBC, it'd be hilarious and fucking dumb

Gaming / Re: More Battlefield 4 content on the way
« on: December 09, 2014, 05:04:14 PM »

Please bring back Damavand Peak and Isla Innocentes. We need more good Rush maps.
Is rush as unpopular on consoles as it is on PC?  I think DICE is reluctant, because BF4's rush implementation was pretty sloppy, and the community prefers conquest because of it.
Yeah, I love rush but I can never find a bloody game

Gaming / Re: Why do sports games now have these fancy titles?
« on: December 09, 2014, 05:01:21 PM »
To anyone that says Fifas are just reskins, you know nothing. Go play the last 10 and fucking tell me they are the same, the difference from 10 onwards is especially large as that was when the player impact engine came into play, and 12 completely demolished the old movement system, 13 expanded on everything, 14 finally made everything far more fluid and natural, adding an unpredictability and greater freedom to improvise, and 15 has introduced emotion, made goalkeeping actually like goalkeeping and improved ball movement and physics no end.

Gaming / Re: Which console has the best boot screen/sound?
« on: December 08, 2014, 04:41:24 PM »
PS2, by far the best

Gaming / Re: Farcry 4 opinions??
« on: December 08, 2014, 02:05:09 PM »
I want it bad

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 08, 2014, 01:02:53 PM »
Well this thread seems to have taken off

The Flood / Re: susan coffrey > all your nasty bitches
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:16:00 PM »

I would be very happy if I looked like that.
If my memory serves me right you look nice as is
I have never posted a picture.
You did, once, back on bnet

The Flood / Re: susan coffrey > all your nasty bitches
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:12:21 PM »

Verby is kinda right, not exactly top notch tastes guys. Gootsbae's taste is passable
oh ffs not you.
Hey babes
you have the worst taste in women
Interesting statement since i've not communicated my taste in women

The Flood / Re: susan coffrey > all your nasty bitches
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:10:56 PM »

I would be very happy if I looked like that.
If my memory serves me right you look nice as is

The Flood / Re: susan coffrey > all your nasty bitches
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:09:39 PM »

Verby is kinda right, not exactly top notch tastes guys. Gootsbae's taste is passable
oh ffs not you.
Hey babes

The Flood / Re: susan coffrey > all your nasty bitches
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:39:33 PM »
Verby is kinda right, not exactly top notch tastes guys. Gootsbae's taste is passable

« on: December 07, 2014, 06:37:57 PM »

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:36:03 PM »

- Halo: Reach is one of the best in the series. Story might be shit, but gameplay is solid and made major improvements to Forge and Custom Games.

- People who play Halo competitively need to get the stick out of their ass and accept that game franchise change overtime.

- Titanfall was a pretty decent game. An actual story could've of made it even better. a lost opportunity.

Little Big Planet is shit

- You're entitled to your own opinions, but fuck your opinions.

- Call of Duty is a pretty good game series, with a few bad eggs here and there. It's the community that seems to make it a shit heap.

- PC gaming is objectively inferior to console gaming.

- Mouse and keyboard are not good for an FPS.

- 60 FPS is great, but a game shouldn't be shat on for being 30 FPS. There is nothing wrong with 30 FPS.

- Bethesda hasn't made a good game since the early 2000's.

- 343 Industries has taken better care of Halo than Bungie ever could.

- People who hate on Halo 3 for High Charity fitting through the portal seem to be forgetting The Maw level in CE and Halo 4's beginning.

- Halo CE is objectively the best Halo game.

- Half-life 2 is a game with crap gameplay that feels like is should belong back in the late 90's era.

- Halo 2 should be renamed Glitch Fest Simulator 2004

- People who think button combos in Halo 2 aren't game breaking are retarded.

- People who think button combos have a place in the FPS genre are even more retarded.

- KoTOR's combat system and A.I. was shit.

- Halo Wars is the best Halo spin off game.

- GTA is a shit series that got dry after the third game. Rockstar should focus their efforts on different settings and projects (Red Dead, New IP, ect.)

- Saints Row 3&4 > GTA

Thank you
Fuck no

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:35:01 PM »

Halo 3 ODST is the worst Halo game and doesn't deserve the praise it gets. The only good thing about it is the soundtrack and that's all

Halo Wars is a terrible excuse of a console RTS.

Fallout 3 is an excellent game.

Mortal Kombat is the best Fighter franchise

Blizzard makes the best cutscenes out of any dev

MW2 and CoD4 are the best Call of Duty titles. Blops 2 is also really good.
Is a pleb

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:34:27 PM »

>Gen 4 pokemon games were good
>controller>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mouse & keyboard
>halo 2 is bad
>halo is overrated
>SR 3&4>SR1&2
>Half Life is overrated
>Skyrim was mediocre, and like lemon said, Dragonborn itself was better than the actual

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:33:27 PM »

I don't give a fuck about frame rate

I do give a fuck about resolution

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:33:13 PM »

Mouse and keyboard is annoying when trying to play a FPS.

60fps isn't significantly superior to 30fps and for the most part I don't notice the difference.

RPGs are boring time vampires for the most part.

Sports games are complete shit and I don't know why they exist.
No, should've gone to specsavers m8

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:32:04 PM »

>COD is the best game of the franchise
>Halo is shit compared to COD
>Halo is shit compared to COD and BF
>COD has a good story
>COD is not a copy and paste
>Every COD people are old man and not kids
>COD is love, COD is life

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:31:36 PM »

>Fallout: New Vegas is immensely better than Fallout 3, even though it was unplayable for the first six hours after release
>Morrowind is better than Skyrim and Oblivion
>GTA:SA is overrated and is mostly admired by nostalgiafags
>Uncharted 2 is the only good game in the series
>Borderlands is a horrible, horrible franchise
>GoW sucks
>343i is better than Bungie in almost every way
>Ubisoft's only real blunder this year was AC:U
>KoTOR is better than KoTOR 2
>The PlayStation 4 is objectively a better piece of hardware than the Xbox One
>The Xbox One has better games than the PlayStation 4
>My PC outputs more terraflops than the Xbox One and PS4 combined
>That wasn't an opinion
>Larry Hryb is a pegboy
>NVIDIA makes better hardware and software than AMD
>Rockstar are money whores
Lel Sony
No, although I never got into it
Yes, and Watch Dogs
No, just more powerful
So are you

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:28:39 PM »

Halo 3 is overrated.
Halo is overrated and mediocre.
Even with the changes in Halo 4 343 did a better job with that game than what Bungie did after Halo CE.
Half Life isn't that great. 
GTA only has one all around good game(San Andreas.).
Cod isn't that bad of a series.
Skyrim is overrated and only feels like a developed game with mods.
Fallout 3 is mediocre at best.
Not really
True enough

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:27:16 PM »

Reach is Awesome

Competitive Halo is a fucking Joke

Competitive CoD is a fucking contradiction in of itself

We need another Game like Halo 4 (Exept not Halo)

Little big planet is shit

Wii U aught to be outselling Shitbox One and the PissPoor

CoD AW and Blops 2 are pretty good

We need a new Paper Mario

And a New Custom Robo

Fossil Fighters was alright

The new one looks like Deer shit
Hell yeah
Wtf do you even mean?
And communism ought to be better than capitalism

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:25:40 PM »

Halo 3 ODST is the worst Halo game and doesn't deserve the praise it gets. The only good thing about it is the soundtrack and that's all

Halo Wars is a terrible excuse of a console RTS.

Fallout 3 is an excellent game.

Mortal Kombat is the best Fighter franchise

Blizzard makes the best cutscenes out of any dev

MW2 and CoD4 are the best Call of Duty titles. Blops 2 is also really good.
Fuck you
Double fuck you
Dunno, but probably not because Blur

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:24:10 PM »

and the gameplay was bad
That's not an unpopular opinion.

Halo 3 is pretty shit.
Halo 4 is one of the best in the franchise.
Saints Row 3 & 4 >>> Saints Row 1 & 2
Half Life is overrated
Skyrim is pretty shit. Dragonborn DLC was better than the actual game.
343 >>>>>> Bungie
I agree in part

Gaming / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions
« on: December 07, 2014, 03:40:34 PM »

Bioshock Infinite and Half Life 2 are immensely overrated.
Gone Home is a load of shit that shouldn't exist.
Halo: Reach was a good game.
343i have handled the lore FAR better than Bungie.
The Walking Dead Season 2 is better than Season 1.
David Cage is a TERRIBLE writer.
Never heard of it
Fuck yeah
Agreed by a long way

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