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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 343536 3738 ... 130

as evidenced by the distinct lack of police shootings here in Europe
my fucking god, it's almost like the police don't have any guns or some shit! who would've thought that a place with no guns wouldn't have many gun deaths!

do you even read what you''re typing?
That's my point... That guns are unneeded here, except in special cases-and armed units are only a short while away


The main issue is American culture,
I'm more likened to blame the culture of urban minorities, rather then American culture as a whole. Most of the sport shooters and hunters I know are very respectful in regards to their weapons and understand the significance of proper firearm safety.
Yes, because they respect their equipment and understand it. That's not the average American is it?
I'd reckon it is, Lonepaul.
Sure, Camnator


The main issue is American culture,
I'm more likened to blame the culture of urban minorities, rather then American culture as a whole. Most of the sport shooters and hunters I know are very respectful in regards to their weapons and understand the significance of proper firearm safety.
Yes, because they respect their equipment and understand it. That's not the average American is it?
I don't think the average American has a firearm, and I don't think the average firearm owner is a street thug.
I think the average American is perfectly willing to use their gun in self-defence, too willing. More often than not the wrong choice is made by perfectly ordinary people and people end up dead-that's the unfortunate reality


To say that European law enforcement is being outgunned is a joke, remind me, when it came to the Charlie Hebdo incident who was better armed?

Oh yeah, the police
Really? Because the way I remember it is the cops got gunned down in the street.

There's also the fact that the military can be called on, and they are certainly not being outgunned
Do you have any idea how long it takes for the military to mobilize for that sort of thing?
Right, at this point in time we are talking about Europe remember. An armed response unit is never more than a half hour away, and neither are the military.

Yes, 2 police officers died. One was taken by total surprise, and the other was killed whilst defenceless on the ground. Neither due to being beaten on firepower. Neither would have been prevented by actively arming police officers in civilian areas with zero reason other than to 'be safe'. This would obviously be counter-productive, as evidenced by the distinct lack of police shootings here in Europe in comparison to the Martial Oligarchy of America

Serious / Re: So..maybe no Big Bang?
« on: February 11, 2015, 02:53:03 PM »

White whole blahblahblah black hole blah blah black hole blah blah big bang blah.

Basically blah

You buttmad over the fact I called you out on your disregard for supplying sources, or something?
Nah, I just find you funny. And conveying my and most other's lack of understanding


The main issue is American culture,
I'm more likened to blame the culture of urban minorities, rather then American culture as a whole. Most of the sport shooters and hunters I know are very respectful in regards to their weapons and understand the significance of proper firearm safety.
Yes, because they respect their equipment and understand it. That's not the average American is it?

Gaming / Re: Spiritual Successor to Banjo Kazooie
« on: February 10, 2015, 07:17:09 PM »

It'll be shit
It's one thing to take a classic franchise and re-invent it, build on it. And it's another to take the original and do totally new things and freshen it up (see Mighty No9 for example), but it's not exactly promising that they have chosen to use those awful graphics. That doesn't scream innovation or something new, but it does appeal to nostalgia, and trying to reboot or make a reinvented successor based of nostalgia can never end well
I think it'll be fantastic when they said spiritual successor I think this game is going to be a collect-a-thin type of game which I highly enjoy it won't be nostalgia seeing that we've had to play the game years ago and we are replaying it, also
Playtonic does want to let people know that the game is in its early stages
with that said I enjoy the art style they have right now on that pic gives me a donkey kong country jungle feel, for what it's worth it'll probably better than what Rare could be working on
Your first paragraph is gibberish. But I get the gist. What you have said sort of just proves my point though, games where the main focus is collecting things are not exactly prolific nowadays. That is not a concept that anyone that never played BnK or the sort will so easily understand. I mean, I don't personally see the attraction of that, I thought the industry had left that back with the PS2 and original xbox

Gaming / Re: Spiritual Successor to Banjo Kazooie
« on: February 10, 2015, 07:12:35 PM »

It'll be shit
It's one thing to take a classic franchise and re-invent it, build on it. And it's another to take the original and do totally new things and freshen it up (see Mighty No9 for example), but it's not exactly promising that they have chosen to use those awful graphics. That doesn't scream innovation or something new, but it does appeal to nostalgia, and trying to reboot or make a reinvented successor based of nostalgia can never end well
What awful graphics? It's a teaser picture.
And innovation isn't needed for a game to be good or enjoyable (it's ironic you bring up innovation when you play shit like Fifa).
And remaking a game/succesor based on nostalgia has worked multiple times. Most recently OR/AS.
Innovation is needed to reboot a franchise (or make a successor), the example of Pokemon is poor too, as Pokemon has never left the public eye. The Pokemon franchise has fans across multiple generations and an enormous following. Banjo n Kazooie is over a decade old and totally unheard of to the majority of players on modern platforms, you can put out anything Pokemon and people will buy it, no nostalgia needed. You can't pull the same trick with BnK

To say that European law enforcement is being outgunned is a joke, remind me, when it came to the Charlie Hebdo incident who was better armed?

Oh yeah, the police

There's also the fact that the military can be called on, and they are certainly not being outgunned

The main issue is American culture, but a bullshit right to bear arms and lack of gun control, plus the prevalence of illegal gun ownership and use supplements it greatly. There are nations that allow gun ownership and do it right, but it's mostly down to the culture.

If you think of culture as personality, you might let someone sensible, reasonable and calm use a gun and there'd be no issue. But if you were to arm a illogical, violent and frenzied idiot there would most certainly be a difference

It's a fake story

Serious / Re: So..maybe no Big Bang?
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:45:15 PM »
White whole blahblahblah black hole blah blah black hole blah blah big bang blah.

Basically blah


Gaming / Re: Spiritual Successor to Banjo Kazooie
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:40:50 PM »

It'll be shit
It's one thing to take a classic franchise and re-invent it, build on it. And it's another to take the original and do totally new things and freshen it up (see Mighty No9 for example), but it's not exactly promising that they have chosen to use those awful graphics. That doesn't scream innovation or something new, but it does appeal to nostalgia, and trying to reboot or make a reinvented successor based of nostalgia can never end well

Gaming / Re: Spiritual Successor to Banjo Kazooie
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:27:23 PM »
It'll be shit

Gaming / Re: So who wants a FREE game of their choice?!
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:26:25 PM »

Gaming / Re: Bethesda to hold its first E3 conference in June
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:25:30 PM »
Fallout 4
Dishonoured 2
A new IP
That other game thing they have
Some shit about TeS:Online

I can see it now, i'm calling Fallout 4 to be set in the Commonwealth of whatever it's called in the North. So Boston, or Chicago, or maybe somewhere here in Europe... That'd be sweet

The Flood / Re: What shoes do you wear? Post pics
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:22:10 PM »

Plus school shoes, and a hard ground version of the green hypervenoms
I play football, and the Hypervenoms are the best for me. And I wasn't going to get them in bloody purple, or worse, white

The Flood / Re: What shoes do you wear? Post pics
« on: February 09, 2015, 04:17:28 PM »

Plus school shoes, and a hard ground version of the green hypervenoms

Gaming / Re: BF: Hardline hits 5 million players
« on: February 09, 2015, 04:13:25 PM »

Is Hardline even any good? I never even played Battlefield 4, I am more excited for the Handsome Collection for Borderlands, and for Battleborn.
I feel it's alright, it can be fun. Feels faster then BF3/4, this also includes a very low time to kill. You can buy the what you want for your gun rather then unlocking all of the sites and other parts individually, but a large amount of weapons of faction locked until you get 100 kills with them.

I can't really think of much more then that, it's pretty identical to 3 and 4 for the most part. It's not worth full price, but maybe for 50% off it could be good.
I'd agree, except that i've heard good things about it's campaign. And before I write it off as another pile of shit, i'm willing to give Visceral the benefit of the doubt-they are after all, new to the franchise

Serious / Re: Would you like CCW in the UK and Europe?
« on: February 09, 2015, 11:25:19 AM »

CCW would allow us to turn back time.

Actually it works the other way, turning back time would require using swords, knives, and such.

Learn your history.
Lol, CCW as in Counter-clockwise

Gaming / Re: dudewhat
« on: February 08, 2015, 06:38:36 PM »

I feel like he turned around to see who was handing him the mag
You can tell he did it on purpose
I think he did it on accident

His controller probably malfunctioned causing him to turn left
it's a known easter egg. There are multiple ones

Says the guy who thought it was a controller malfunction. Either that or you have a terrible, terrible sense of humour

You need to get your sarcasm detector checked

It's faulty
On the internet there is no way to determine between sarcasm and idiocy except by prior knowledge (or italics), so...
Except by using your brain.
Of course

Gaming / Re: Pick 3
« on: February 08, 2015, 06:38:06 PM »

The main Forza series (not the Horizon sub-series)

Star Citizen on X1, it looks truly great

Gaming / Re: Post nostalgic WWII games
« on: February 08, 2015, 06:35:40 PM »

the first WW game i ever bought.
Oh I forgot you're 14
I'm 14 and I would never say WaW is even remotely better than CoD: Finest Hour, Big Red One or MoH: Rising Sun. And considering WaW released in 08, it's sad that he somehow never played a decent WW2 game before then.


I shouldn't need to, why would I provide a link to a universally accepted, basic fact of life?
I must have missed the memo which let us all know that people don't deal with propositions on a true-false basis. . .

So, yeah, either provide some evidence or rescind your claim.
Is killing people moral?

Yes or no.

No buts, no explanations, no exceptions. Except that is simply not possible, there is always a grey area, i'm not going to look for a scientific paper because I have the entirety of life as my example. Of course you can deal with questions on a true/false basis, when there is a factually correct answer that does not rely on human judgement or perception...


You are incorrect, it has been proven that the human mind does not think in ways of true or false
[citation needed]
Yeah, no. I have philosophy to do by the morning, i'm not going to waste any more time here
What the fuck? Don't make claims like that if you aren't going to provide links for them.
I shouldn't need to, why would I provide a link to a universally accepted, basic fact of life? I'm not publishing a scientific paper or writing a book on a philosophical concept, i'm talking to a dude on the internet in a sub-forum currently comprised of two fucking people.

Serious / Equality and Justice (Also, I require your help)
« on: February 08, 2015, 06:04:42 PM »
Lol screw it, i've managed to get good answers from cleverbot by collating its responses-luckily it maintains the same opinion throughout it's responses

Serious / Re: Equality and Justice (Also, I require your help)
« on: February 08, 2015, 05:57:22 PM »
Seriously, it's you guys or I ask bloody cleverbot. Or re-post this in the flood


You are incorrect, it has been proven that the human mind does not think in ways of true or false
[citation needed]
Yeah, no. I have philosophy to do by the morning, i'm not going to waste any more time here


Not believing is something that implies I have my doubts, not that I believe it is false. Not believing implies I believe there is the possibility of it's falsehood, that's why there is a difference between someone saying they know something and someone saying they believe something. Believing implies that you think X is most likely, whereas knowing implies you think that X is certain
You can't make that parition; there is no epistemic middle-ground here.

You either believe some proposition is true or false, and varying degrees of probability or certainty within that are just fluff.
You are incorrect, it has been proven that the human mind does not think in ways of true or false, there is always a middle ground. That is of course what makes programming AIs so challenging and what makes the process of making moral decisions so difficult.

Like how I don't share (believe in) Christian beliefs, yet I do not believe in Christian beliefs being false just because I do not share them.
Yes, you do. You necessarily do. Not believing something implies you believe it's falsehood. Otherwise you'd believe it.
Not believing is something that implies I have my doubts, not that I believe it is false. Not believing implies I believe there is the possibility of it's falsehood, that's why there is a difference between someone saying they know something and someone saying they believe something. Believing implies that you think X is most likely, whereas knowing implies you think that X is certain

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