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Messages - Reciffo_Smmoc

Pages: 1 ... 303132 3334 ... 77
Too bad I don't shitpost and instead point out the truth.
Perhaps Kinder is in the schizophrenic club...


I've said it before, and I'll say it 'till I die. Police are not military. They are not a paramilitary organization. They are not militia. They exist not to fight foreign enemies of the state, but to enforce laws and promote a peaceful atmosphere. Domestic terrorism should not be the responsibility of local, low level law enforcement. You have SWAT units at the county and state level for these incidents. We do not need MRAPs patrolling farmtowns. Your typical officer does not need to have an assault rifle at the low ready patrolling Philly. A militarized police force only draws hostility and fear from those they "protect."
Yes, exactly. Let the Paramilitaries handle large-scale threats or extremely delicate situations.

And what's wrong with Judges? <.<
Apart from them not being quite as cool as the Adeptus Arbites >.>
They aren't gonna be judges though. They're just gonna be a bunch of fatasses with Assault Rifles.

Whatever little respect I had for you has now just disappeared.

I hope you never get a position of authority, you fascist scumbag.
Not even a fascist. Just dumb. At least Fascists were able to convince others that their ideology was worth dying for.

Pretty sure as a ninja you should refrain from such. Let comms or challenged handle the autistic posting
God damn, no wonder a most of the people here don't like you...

Kinders ideal police force

Minus the badassery of course. Just gonna be a bunch of fat lards with Assault Rifles and riot gear.

I've explained to you before, the "militarization" of police isn't bad. We live in a new age where serious threats are being made constantly and foreign groups are trying to cause harm to the nation. No matter what happens, law enforcement is and will be first responders to ANY minor or major event domestic event. These new vehicles, body armor, and technology goes towards protecting not only the lives of officers risking their lives (for shit pay I might add) but for the lives of anybody else nearby. What do you think would have happened if the Boston Bombings was a much larger attack and officers on scene didn't have the adequate  tools to respond with? Plenty of people could have very much died

And I'll say again, over 750K people are sworn officers. Not all of them are bad. There will be some but it doesn't mean all are bad
Yes.. Good goy. Listen to your masters and you'll get your shekels..

The Flood / Re: So I made a Twitter account AMA
« on: August 23, 2014, 03:05:31 PM »
Post nude pics.

Serious / Re: More fearmongering from the pro-EU crowd
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:54:34 PM »

I leik teh EU :^(

Serious / Re: Wow, my respect for Recon just tanked (Ferguson shooting)
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:53:59 PM »
I have you muted on for your complete stupidity

You see, you're the very reason why racism still exists. Totally forget about the situation and only go full retard and spew nonsense. That's obvious the proper way.

The cop heard about the robbery over the radio
The guy assaulted the cop by pushing him back in the car
The guy tried to take the officer's gun
The officer felt in danger
The officer fired his gun

Fucking tell me how that is racist. Wanna talk about racism, then why are you or any body else talking about white people getting shot by black cops. Bet you're one of the autistics who actually believed Zimmerman was white
>claims Challenger is racist
>sides completely with racist cop's story

The Flood / Re: Soldiers of The Galactic Empire, report!
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:48:20 PM »
I think it's safe to say this thread completely derailed.

Now, back to the glorious Empire.


So yeah. Kiyo's a noob. And Smiggles is a mega noob.

The Flood / Re: Soldiers of The Galactic Empire, report!
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:47:19 PM »
It's actually the first time we argued in public.
There was also your Honest Opinion of Kiyo thread which became you two arguing over whether each and every individual member of the US Armed Forces is a murderer or not. And then we scraped you pretty hard.

What great people for being so nice!
They were either giving captured Syrian Army soldiers their hospitality, or those were people who they didn't like for some random reason.

I'm sickened by your NSFW picture, but very curious.
The picture is courtesy of our trusted "Freedom Fighters" in Syria.

The Flood / Re: Soldiers of The Galactic Empire, report!
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:40:34 PM »

This thread is incredibly cancerous, and it should die in the fowl depths of someone's festering arsehole.
It's yet another battleground between Noelle and Kiyo.

The Flood / Re: Soldiers of The Galactic Empire, report!
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:37:54 PM »

Cause it's funny. That's why.

Can't you just stick to one username?
Skip to 1 minute, 13 seconds.

did you fap?
Reciffo was, but then I murdered him. I stated it in the OP.

The Flood / Re: Soldiers of The Galactic Empire, report!
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:34:18 PM »
No, you're not.

The Flood / Re: Soldiers of The Galactic Empire, report!
« on: August 23, 2014, 01:43:59 PM »
For some reason I can't see that...
You're not thinking of Otthild, are you? Her I can see doing that.
I like Otthild. She's a pretty cool person.

Glad to have you back. I never liked this Reciffo guy anyways and I knew he'd fall for my ruse and get himself killed by the "advice" I gave him.
Whenever I try to make a story, I forget to write or misspell so many words. >.>

The Flood / tfw you have 1889 unread Emails
« on: August 23, 2014, 01:29:40 PM »

The Flood / Re: There's some thumping around my house.
« on: August 23, 2014, 01:06:45 PM »
Happened to my uncle and his wife. They would constantly hear sounds running up and down the stairs. Electricals would turn on by themselves, faucets too. They moved out.
Don't worry. It was just me.

The Flood / Re: Your view on sloths
« on: August 23, 2014, 01:03:04 PM »
I really don't give a shit.

I don't think words which could describe just how much I don't give a shit even exist.

The Flood / Re: Soldiers of The Galactic Empire, report!
« on: August 23, 2014, 01:02:04 PM »
I'm about to eat dinner in a moment, Id rather not be put off by that psychotic little creep.

Spoiler're done?

The Flood / Re: Soldiers of The Galactic Empire, report!
« on: August 23, 2014, 01:01:47 PM »
i see your point tbh
camm can have an attitude at times, but everyone has their bad days
im not so sure about smii though, havent paid enough attention i guess

i dont hate/strongly dislike them, though
just their actions/opinions/whatever etc. at times
Some people never change..

The Flood / Re: Soldiers of The Galactic Empire, report!
« on: August 23, 2014, 12:53:26 PM »
Then you obviously know nothing about her, so your opinion does not mean anything.
Never said my opinion is right. I just said how I have no reason to believe my opinion is wrong.

The Flood / Re: Soldiers of The Galactic Empire, report!
« on: August 23, 2014, 12:52:41 PM »
I don't hate them because they attention seek.
Cams a stuck up bitch who thinks because she's a military wife that she's better than everyone else and Smiggles tortured and killed animals for fun and passes it off as no big deal.
Yeah, I talked to Colbyrules a while back, and he mentioned that about Camm. That's half the reason I hate her. And please go more into detail about Smiggles' sadism...

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