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Messages - Reciffo_Smmoc

Pages: 1 ... 678 910 ... 77
I actually don't have anyone muted.

But actually the government legitimately does go after those who advocate pedophilia acceptance, look up NAMBLA if you don't believe me. Anyway, lowering the AoC to 14 years old still falls under the larger umbrella of pedophilia, and it's disgusting and wrong.
So you lied. Good to know.

And the government can "go after me" all they want. Holding the opinion that the AoC should be lowered to 14 isn't a crime, and I've broken no law for posting that opinion on the Internet and reiterating it in real life. You can call it disgusting all you want, that's your opinion. The simple fact of the matter is that unless someone on here posts or supports CP, the FBI has no legal authority to prosecute.
There are multiple members here that support CP. Your point?
Mind backing that up with evidence? Nobody here seriously supports CP.
I can point you to four users that spam drawings of sexualized pictures of children here. I can point you to many more who think it's acceptable.
So cause I spam meatspin, I'm a big fan of tranny porn? Lol.

Doesn't mean just because you spam something, it means that you actually support it. And mind naming those 4 users?
You're missing the point.
Lol. Now that I actually challenged your point, I'm "missing the point" now? You don't seem to get the difference between spamming and supporting something. And you never said those 4 users. I'm waiting. Or are you gonna continue making an ass of yourself?
Ossku, True, Yutaka, Waifu

And I'm not going to continue this any further if you're going to make an idiotic claim that 'they don't mean it.' You want some real world advise? An FBI watch dog does not interpret whether or not someone is serious when they say they're going to bomb an airplane, they act as if they are serious.

You're so fucking predictable. Those guys just spam anime crap. Please don't tell me that you think that anime is even remotely in the same league as real life. And don't even think that comparing Anime and actual CP is even close to comparing a fake and real bomb threat. Cheat made it clear that he would delete any actual CP, and despite how retarded most of those users may be, they aren't going to post CP or even real sexualized images involving children. I don't see how you're comparing some dumb anime pictures to Child Pornography. You don't seem to have any idea what you're talking about.

I actually don't have anyone muted.

But actually the government legitimately does go after those who advocate pedophilia acceptance, look up NAMBLA if you don't believe me. Anyway, lowering the AoC to 14 years old still falls under the larger umbrella of pedophilia, and it's disgusting and wrong.
So you lied. Good to know.

And the government can "go after me" all they want. Holding the opinion that the AoC should be lowered to 14 isn't a crime, and I've broken no law for posting that opinion on the Internet and reiterating it in real life. You can call it disgusting all you want, that's your opinion. The simple fact of the matter is that unless someone on here posts or supports CP, the FBI has no legal authority to prosecute.
There are multiple members here that support CP. Your point?
Mind backing that up with evidence? Nobody here seriously supports CP.
I can point you to four users that spam drawings of sexualized pictures of children here. I can point you to many more who think it's acceptable.
So cause I spam meatspin, I'm a big fan of tranny porn? Lol.

Doesn't mean just because you spam something, it means that you actually support it. And mind naming those 4 users?
You're missing the point.
Lol. Now that I actually challenged your point, I'm "missing the point" now? You don't seem to get the difference between spamming and supporting something. And you never said those 4 users. I'm waiting. Or are you gonna continue making an ass of yourself?

I actually don't have anyone muted.

But actually the government legitimately does go after those who advocate pedophilia acceptance, look up NAMBLA if you don't believe me. Anyway, lowering the AoC to 14 years old still falls under the larger umbrella of pedophilia, and it's disgusting and wrong.
So you lied. Good to know.

And the government can "go after me" all they want. Holding the opinion that the AoC should be lowered to 14 isn't a crime, and I've broken no law for posting that opinion on the Internet and reiterating it in real life. You can call it disgusting all you want, that's your opinion. The simple fact of the matter is that unless someone on here posts or supports CP, the FBI has no legal authority to prosecute.
There are multiple members here that support CP. Your point?
Mind backing that up with evidence? Nobody here seriously supports CP.
I can point you to four users that spam drawings of sexualized pictures of children here. I can point you to many more who think it's acceptable.
So cause I spam meatspin, I'm a big fan of tranny porn? Lol.

Doesn't mean just because you spam something, it means that you actually support it. And mind naming those 4 users?

I actually don't have anyone muted.

But actually the government legitimately does go after those who advocate pedophilia acceptance, look up NAMBLA if you don't believe me. Anyway, lowering the AoC to 14 years old still falls under the larger umbrella of pedophilia, and it's disgusting and wrong.
So you lied. Good to know.

And the government can "go after me" all they want. Holding the opinion that the AoC should be lowered to 14 isn't a crime, and I've broken no law for posting that opinion on the Internet and reiterating it in real life. You can call it disgusting all you want, that's your opinion. The simple fact of the matter is that unless someone on here posts or supports CP, the FBI has no legal authority to prosecute.
There are multiple members here that support CP. Your point?
Mind backing that up with evidence? Nobody here seriously supports CP.

ITT: Le Dustin transforming into Kinder
The only abnormality I see in myself in the context of this argument is that I care what you faggots think. I cannot come to the conclusion that I am in the wrong for not defending pedophilia, child porn, etc. Yet so many of you are coming into this thread and siding with the pedophiles and calling me a troll for standing against it and I cannot bring myself to understand why.

Well I can, you guys really aren't intelligent and you're clearly being manipulated.
If you think we're being manipulated, I'm scared to think about what you're being manipulated by.

The Flood / Re: Hiiiiiii, guys
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:02:48 AM »
I'm hungover... it's 3 in the afternoon. Hangover cures... tell me yours!
Just have tons of water. But I don't really know. Never been hung over.
Just smoke weed everyday

The Flood / Re: Hiiiiiii, guys
« on: September 13, 2014, 02:53:36 AM »
I'm hungover... it's 3 in the afternoon. Hangover cures... tell me yours!
Just have tons of water. But I don't really know. Never been hung over.

ITT: Le Dustin transforming into Kinder

Gaming / Re: How many Steam games do you have?
« on: September 13, 2014, 02:05:33 AM »
I have like 30, but I only bought one this year (Borderlands 2 cause it was on a 10 dollar sale for GoTY). But I got 2 games for free as well. Stopped spending much money once I realized that I only played a couple of games.

Gaming / Re: Halo Custom Edition
« on: September 13, 2014, 02:01:36 AM »
I have it. :^)
I'm down for a game on Coldsnap or a dogfight on Hugeass.

The Flood / Re: 6.5 hours until I return to the Shiticon Valley.
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:27:04 AM »
New York wasn't perfect, but it was a hell of a lot better than California. Not as good as Europe of course, but I can see why a lot of people like the US. DC and Virginia were also really nice (minus Kinder, fuck you), but yeah. The East Coast actually seems like a nice place. Maybe once I'm German, I'll put in a good word. ;)

Anyways, onto the discussion value. 6.5 hours. Yeah. Of nothing. What should I do for the next 6.5 hours? And this is the time between me sitting on a couch and leaving for the airport.
OP has no appreciation for his city either that or he's white
>makes post not making fun of the US for once
>gets criticized for it

The Flood / Re: 6.5 hours until I return to the Shiticon Valley.
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:15:12 AM »
Ew, I hate the east coast.
Especially New York City.
And Especially New Jersey.
What's so bad about Joisy?

The Flood / If you had to have sex with a guy.
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:46:42 AM »
If you're a girl, then you'd have to have sex with a girl. If you're gay, you have to do it with the opposite sex. And if you're bisexual, then fuck you.

The Flood / Re: 6.5 hours until I return to the Shiticon Valley.
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:38:12 AM »
Your name isn't Daron, is it?
No, it's Andrew. What're you referencing?

A friend of mine is in NYC, coming back tomorrow to central CA. I thought it a strange coincidence.
Funny, I had a really strange coincidence during my trip. My one cousin from South Africa just happened to be visiting New York at the same time we were there. And this was his very first time going to the US. So of course we met up.

The Flood / Re: 6.5 hours until I return to the Shiticon Valley.
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:32:23 AM »
Your name isn't Daron, is it?
No, it's Andrew. What're you referencing?

The Flood / Re: 6.5 hours until I return to the Shiticon Valley.
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:31:35 AM »
Go to the middle of Times Square and yell "ALLUH AKHBAR"
>has no New York Shitway ticket
>Times Square is an hour away via walking
>walked a ton today

Serious / Re: Anita Sarkeesian getting absolutely BTFO
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:30:46 AM »
Eh, there'll always be people like that no matter what you say. Better to just ignore them.

The Flood / 6.5 hours until I return to the Shiticon Valley.
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:28:57 AM »
New York wasn't perfect, but it was a hell of a lot better than California. Not as good as Europe of course, but I can see why a lot of people like the US. DC and Virginia were also really nice (minus Kinder, fuck you), but yeah. The East Coast actually seems like a nice place. Maybe once I'm German, I'll put in a good word. ;)

Anyways, onto the discussion value. 6.5 hours. Yeah. Of nothing. What should I do for the next 6.5 hours? And this is the time between me sitting on a couch and leaving for the airport.

Gaming / Re: Destiny
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:28:34 PM »
It's fun.

But you can tell Activision has forced Bungie to make Disk Locked Content and stall the story big time so they can really milk it. Just take a look at the sales.
So the Bungie-Activision deal was really a "Bungie will be Activision's butt slave" deal. What a surprise.

Gaming / Re: I'm broke and out of gold
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:26:43 PM »
Would have been a great time for my "Xbox Live Trial Bank" idea to be implemented...
It's a thread I made which is near the bottom of the forum now. You'll know it when you see it;

Ahh. Can you give me the gist of your idea? I would like to hear it, but I'm too lazy to look for the original thread >.>
People with spare, unneeded 2-day trials would say that they have X amount in the thread, and a user who needs one  would message a user who has a spare one. But you could only take one pass a week so the supply doesn't vanish within a month.

Gaming / Re: I'm broke and out of gold
« on: September 12, 2014, 08:56:32 PM »
Would have been a great time for my "Xbox Live Trial Bank" idea to be implemented...
It's a thread I made which is near the bottom of the forum now. You'll know it when you see it;

Gaming / Re: I'm broke and out of gold
« on: September 12, 2014, 08:13:48 PM »
Would have been a great time for my "Xbox Live Trial Bank" idea to be implemented...

The Flood / Re: Original Bnet join year?
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:50:54 PM »
Explains that sudden drop in quality and why I took a year break from The Flood then.

The Flood / Re: Post your ignore list!
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:21:44 PM »
Oh shit. So this is how we go down in flames? Not through rage and butthurt, but silence and tumbleweeds?
Yep. If Cheat wants to end the site with dignity, he could make me mod and tell me what to di.

Gaming / Re: Destiny
« on: September 12, 2014, 06:22:38 PM »
Just like Borderlands
Well, only in the way that Destiny is just a Borderlands rip-off.

The Flood / Re: Post your ignore list!
« on: September 12, 2014, 06:11:40 PM »
Oh thank god. Now I don't have to see Weed/Comms anymore!

dat grudge tho

The Flood / Re: Post your ignore list!
« on: September 12, 2014, 05:55:13 PM »
inb4 butthurt

Meta Cognition
Mr Psychologist
True Turquoise
Mad Max
Trussing Door
Madman Mordo
I love that I'm not on there

OT: I only have Comms
dat obsession
>says the guy who sends me harrassing messages on Bnet, Facebook, the site you got nuked, and this site.
>says the guy who goes out of the way to impersonate me and photoshop fake conversations/messages
God, you're such a fucking try hard. It's Hitlerious. Trust me, it's harder to not harass you than to harass you.

The Flood / Re: Post your ignore list!
« on: September 12, 2014, 05:49:09 PM »
inb4 butthurt

Meta Cognition
Mr Psychologist
True Turquoise
Mad Max
Trussing Door
Madman Mordo
I love that I'm not on there

OT: I only have Comms
dat obsession

Gaming / Re: Borderlands 2 £4.99
« on: September 12, 2014, 05:47:45 PM »
Anyone wanna play with a Commando? ;^)

Serious / Re: Conservative or Liberal?
« on: September 12, 2014, 05:44:30 PM »
Because cars are not a Constitutional right

Why shouldn't they be? Would they be if they existed during the 1700's?
I can't tell if troll or just stupid

Horses existed back in the 1700's but there is no Amendment about them
I can sum up 90% of Kinder's posts in the Serious board.

"muh constitution"
I can sum up 90% of Comm's posts on the site.

"muh germany"
That doesn't even make sense. At least my one is based on some truth. God, you suck at copying others' posts.

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