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Messages - gats

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Gaming / Re: NES Classic Edition Sold Out
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:17:27 PM »
Ehh I have a working SNES with a shit load of games so I'm not bothered

GCHQ, Ministry of Defence

A year after it was first proposed, and with the government mired in a Brexit fuelled crisis, the UK’s new mass surveillance regime last week passed its third reading in the House of Lords and is soon to become law.

The Investigatory Powers Bill – aka the Snooper’s Charter – is reminiscent of the US Patriot Act, which was hastily passed 45 days after 9/11 in the name of national security. This conservative government finds itself in a not too dissimilar crisis and, with a distracted public and media, this fundamental curtailment of legal rights is quietly working its way onto the UK statute books.

The bill is a comprehensive surveillance law that was drafted after three inquiries highlighted flaws in the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (‘RIPA’), the existing UK surveillance framework. According to The Home Office, the law is needed to allow the authorities more oversight than ever before for national security reasons.

Open Rights Group’s executive director, Jim Killock, commented after the bill was passed by the House of Lords that the UK was ‘one step closer to having one of the most extreme surveillance laws ever passed in a democracy’. ‘Despite attempts by the Lib Dems and Greens to restrain these draconian powers, the Bill is still a threat to the British public’s right to privacy,’ he said. According to the Open Rights Group, the new Bill ‘fails to restrain mass surveillance by the police and security services and even extends their powers’.

The Snooper’s Charter sets out an all-encompassing framework for legal surveillance of equipment and data in the UK and abroad. Couched in the widest possible language, the Investigatory Powers Act will give the security and intelligence agencies, and law enforcement chiefs, extensive powers to ‘obtain communications, equipment data or other information’ for the ostensible purposes of national security and tackling crime.

The opportunities for abuse are rife and the new law risks entrenching an already present culture of mass intelligence gathering operations in violation of human rights law. The law will extend from monitoring mobile phones, computers, email systems, and their users to surveilling private residences and vehicles. Telecommunications companies, including major tech companies like Facebook and Google, will be duty bound to provide user data to the authorities pursuant to the Act.

The Flood / Re: It's 2016 and this is what the American people voted for
« on: November 11, 2016, 01:20:41 PM »
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Die Wiccan

The Flood / It's 2016 and this is what the American people voted for
« on: November 11, 2016, 08:10:56 AM »

As a Jew I'm pretty worried

Even Obama has called for one at times but it was just posturing.

This is meme is very shit it's worse than "Dat boi"

Serious / Re: Based Beaner
« on: November 11, 2016, 05:31:36 AM »
Arming the population only works when you a civilized society

Even Obama has called for one at times but it was just posturing.

Serious / Re: How not to treat your political opponents
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:42:39 AM »
Whitey got fucked

The Flood / Re: So a new restaurant in town opened up...
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:20:42 AM »
It'll be attacked by your family before Russia even comes close to it LOOOOL


The Flood / Re: 4chan is all right
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:11:30 PM »

this thread was just a trick to see who said this

gatsby we're DONE </3
Does this mean you're not sending twink nudes anymore?
depends whether or not you keep complimenting me on the discord

No one likes you gook, go away

Gaming / Re: CoD 4 Remastered
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:07:43 PM »
Literally all they had to do was improve the graphics

It never happened

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:38:03 PM »

The Flood / Re: 4chan is all right
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:13:10 PM »

this thread was just a trick to see who said this

gatsby we're DONE </3
Does this mean you're not sending twink nudes anymore?

The Flood / Re: 4chan is all right
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:10:26 PM »

People who don't understand economics be like:

We need stuff made in the USA, we need jobs in this country. We need to take care of the immigration problem too.

Shifting manufacturing to somewhere cheaper isn't a bad thing that's part of capitalism, it's just that the government should have helped direct people into different jobs rather than leave them to their own accord.

Enjoy shit products from China then, because I don't like shit from China. I already have a lot of shit that's made in China that fell apart rather fast.

There are exceptions, but cheap doesn't always mean good.
God you're a fucking idiot aren't you

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 10, 2016, 02:30:05 PM »
I know, >Cracked, but this article actually did a pretty damn good job of summarizing why Trump won and why he got such an unprecedented amount of support in the first place:

Class and Verb, it might do you well to have a read.
Ok so that explains why he got the rural vote but as the article says, that's only around 40% of the population. Take a look the chart for voters by income he got a shit ton of support from "city dwellers" too

The Flood / Re: What is the perfect breakfast?
« on: November 10, 2016, 01:30:51 PM »
Cheese and tomato croissant

it's just that the government should have helped direct people into different jobs rather than leave them to their own accord.
Thanks, Bill.
What is this meme?

Serious / Re: If Trump ends NAFTA, do you think it will bring jobs back?
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:32:58 AM »
I'm sure Meta will answer this better than anyone but I would have thought those kinds of jobs left the US because of an increase in individual wealth rather than free trade, even if it was abolished it'll still be cheaper to have some third world dude do it than an American who wants to live in a quiet suburb, with a nice car, send their kids to expensive universities, A la the white picket fence.

Maybe if it wasn't for NAFTA the transition off shore would been slower but it would have happened eventually anyway. The only thing the government can do is help facilitate people into other sectors.

People who don't understand economics be like:

We need stuff made in the USA, we need jobs in this country. We need to take care of the immigration problem too.

Shifting manufacturing to somewhere cheaper isn't a bad thing that's part of capitalism, it's just that the government should have helped direct people into different jobs rather than leave them to their own accord.

Serious / Re: My mom has terminal breast cancer
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:24:21 AM »
My condolences dude, I can relate to your situation but for me it was an auntie whereas for you a mother so it's a completely different league of pain, all I can recommend is that you spend as much time with her as possible and seek comfort with your close family and friends, please don't go through this alone.

The Flood / Re: I'm back
« on: November 10, 2016, 07:55:51 AM »
No one cares you dumb nigger

The Flood / Re: LC, come we have mission
« on: November 10, 2016, 06:34:36 AM »
Das is gay that's defacto liberal

>He fell for the Russia meme
Not a meme

Sent from my LG-H810 using Tapatalk
Oh yeah dude a friend of Israel like Trump is going to fight the international financial system of which his businesses totally don't profit from. He's gonna send them crashing

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 04:36:48 AM »
Hopefully this election sows the seeds for future racial conflict leading to the dissolution or fragmentation of the USA, hopefully.

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 06:05:37 PM »
Oh.. people really fed this for 8 pages.
Shut the fuck up you voted Trump your opinion is literally trash

The Flood / Re: fuck everything
« on: November 09, 2016, 04:46:11 PM »
Fucking white people man

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 04:30:15 PM »
60 million people voted for literally Hitler and you guys are surprised the righteous are mad
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be ironic or not.
Not at all Trump is a modern Hitler

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 04:11:57 PM »
60 million people voted for literally Hitler and you guys are surprised the righteous are mad

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