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Messages - gats

Pages: 1 ... 343536 3738 ... 643
The Flood / just found out das is my dad, ama me anything
« on: January 17, 2017, 06:34:50 PM »
go go go

The Flood / What do I get for dinner?
« on: January 17, 2017, 01:28:08 PM »
Cant be fucked to cook, make the decision for me daddy

The Flood / Re: I will attempt to consume one (1) Chinese animation
« on: January 17, 2017, 09:38:19 AM »
Streaming paid content is illegal. I hope you rot in prison.

we should post the link to sep7 in porn comments

The Flood / Re: geese look terrifying up close
« on: January 17, 2017, 05:09:20 AM »
They are some feisty niggers. One once bit my cousins ear lobe off when we were teens

The Flood / Re: J. Cole once again proves he's the GOAT
« on: January 17, 2017, 02:57:10 AM »
BLM in rap form

The Flood / Re: I will attempt to consume one (1) Chinese animation
« on: January 16, 2017, 03:34:02 PM »
Don't fall for the Jojo memes, that anime will turn you gay. (speaking from experience)

The Flood / Re: Hey Eurofags and Bonglords
« on: January 16, 2017, 02:28:43 PM »
Why does he look like Berzerk?

Also supermarkets here in the UK usually store eggs in boxes on the shop floor, if I buy some though I'll put them in the fridge.

If there's any way to artificially end your perioid, it's not safe or healthy. Periods are natural and fine, just extremely unpleasant. They're a testament to how women inherently have it harder than men, and claiming that it's all good because you can fuck with your body and not have periods is retarded.
Now you're just moving the goal post since I proved it can be negated. Bleeding from the vagina is minor inconvenience when you take into account the job roles limited to men.
LMAO cry me a river

meninists are the most annoying people

ever heard of the wage gap, glass ceiling, slut shaming, or misogyny? Keep whining about your petty MRA trivialties
I'm not a meninist I just believe that female suffering in the West is overstated.

>Slut Shaming

Free speech
Just because something is not  illegal to say it doesn't mean it's not something negative women face. What was your logic coming from either that argument? I guess we should go back to the old times when women couldn't vote because hey - that was the law so nothing could possibly be wrong with it.
apples and oranges

If there's any way to artificially end your perioid, it's not safe or healthy. Periods are natural and fine, just extremely unpleasant. They're a testament to how women inherently have it harder than men, and claiming that it's all good because you can fuck with your body and not have periods is retarded.
Now you're just moving the goal post since I proved it can be negated. Bleeding from the vagina is minor inconvenience when you take into account the job roles limited to men.
LMAO cry me a river

meninists are the most annoying people

ever heard of the wage gap, glass ceiling, slut shaming, or misogyny? Keep whining about your petty MRA trivialties
I'm not a meninist I just believe that female suffering in the West is overstated.

>Slut Shaming

Free speech

If there's any way to artificially end your perioid, it's not safe or healthy. Periods are natural and fine, just extremely unpleasant. They're a testament to how women inherently have it harder than men, and claiming that it's all good because you can fuck with your body and not have periods is retarded.
Now you're just moving the goal post since I proved it can be negated. Bleeding from the vagina is minor inconvenience when you take into account the job roles limited to men.

In fact, a woman can purposefully skip her period by omitting the placebo week and starting a new pack of pills, patch, or ring. Birth control manufacturers have caught onto some women's desire to have less frequent periods, and there are now several brands of the birth control pills on the market that don't have a placebo week.

I too would like to play life in easy mode whenever I wanted
>being a woman
>easy mode

lmao dude fuck off
In the West it's true
not at all

women still have periods, childbirth, and are subject to far more prejudice than men

far from "easy"
I won't disagree with you on the last one but you do understand the first two are completely avoidable?
periods aren't avoidable without invasive surgical procedures, and women are socially pressured into being mothers

there's absolutely nothing to say being a woman is easy outside of the wants of the male mind (more accessibility to sex)
Going on the Pill largely negates most effects of periods with the exception of bleeding which is probably the easiest part of the whole menstrual process. As for having children it is still ultimately your choice regardless of pressure.

I too would like to play life in easy mode whenever I wanted
>being a woman
>easy mode

lmao dude fuck off
In the West it's true
not at all

women still have periods, childbirth, and are subject to far more prejudice than men

far from "easy"
I won't disagree with you on the last one but you do understand the first two are completely avoidable?

I too would like to play life in easy mode whenever I wanted
>being a woman
>easy mode

lmao dude fuck off
In the West it's true

I too would like to play life in easy mode whenever I wanted
Trick spawn point, you're now a woman in the Middle East.

Have fun, fuck face, you're now on Legendary Difficulty.
Going by OPs rules I can also turn back into man, checkmate atheist.

I too would like to play life in easy mode whenever I wanted

The Flood / Re: my bf got alcohol poisoning from a single four loko
« on: January 15, 2017, 01:52:40 PM »

The Flood / Re: A n new year's resolution we should all follow
« on: January 15, 2017, 09:39:24 AM »
I agree but you forgot to include Marvel/DC movies. They're on par with the same kind of trash that you listed in the first sentence.

The Flood / Re: What is the worst country?
« on: January 15, 2017, 03:54:38 AM »
North Korea
How is the last free country against the Judeo-American world order the "worst"?

The Flood / Re: Who is the most red pilled user?
« on: January 15, 2017, 03:06:24 AM »

Gaming / Re: That feel when the Western Roman Empire is finally dead
« on: January 14, 2017, 01:34:15 PM »
Isn't the same happening to the European Union?
I dont get it
Popular opinion on /pol is that the West or specifically Europe is going to collapse and it's going to be terrible, bloody and like WW2 all over again because apparently it has all the same markers that the Roman Empire did prior to its fall.

Never mind repeated destruction to the capital at the hands of the Germanic tribes, if anything the collapse of Europe will be a lot like that of the USSR with probably less military involved.

Gaming / Re: That feel when the Western Roman Empire is finally dead
« on: January 14, 2017, 10:38:05 AM »
Isn't the same happening to the European Union?
"Le present situation is the same as the latter stages of the Roman Empire meme"

The Flood / Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events Netflix Series
« on: January 14, 2017, 07:14:23 AM »
Just finished Ep 2, it's fucking great.

Gaming / Re: I got high and downloaded Runescape Oldschool
« on: January 14, 2017, 06:48:51 AM »
I try to play an hour or so a day.

User is gooootsby

Serious / Re: Thoughts on the Euro?
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:28:53 AM »
It'd work a lot better if Euro shitholes weren't forced to adopt it.
Has it actually been forced on some countries? I know we had a vote about it here in Sweden (and the results were negative).
All members of the EU will have to adopt the Euro in 2020
Wait, what? Is this a recent decision? Because if they made that decision with the current state of the euro, it's really stupid.
Idk tbh maybe the integration of some non-Euro countries will act as a counter to balance the economic failures of countries like Greece

Date of this article is 2 years ago

Serious / Re: Thoughts on the Euro?
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:17:11 AM »
It'd work a lot better if Euro shitholes weren't forced to adopt it.
Has it actually been forced on some countries? I know we had a vote about it here in Sweden (and the results were negative).
All members of the EU will have to adopt the Euro in 2020, last I read anyway

The Flood / Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events Netflix Series
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:15:38 AM »
Watched the first two episodes. It's unique / different and so far I'm interested, but I don't know how long that can go on if they are planning another season of this.
There are 13 books.

The Flood / Re: What are the largest immigrant groups in your area?
« on: January 13, 2017, 04:42:54 PM »

They're the same thing right, they just worship different memes?

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