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Messages - PSU

Pages: 1 ... 179180181 182183 ... 203
Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 04:46:24 PM »
I love how you guys are like "You're butthurt", "you're crying", when you guys would be 10 times worse if Sentra (and others) followed you into every thread and called you a troll.

Hop off my nuts niggas.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 04:45:17 PM »
Oh thats cool. The last page of posts have been harassing me and the new master forum ninja has done nothing.

Good job mods.

Sentra, no one gives a shit about your posts bro. No one gives a frack if you think I'm a troll. You don't need to repeat it every 5 min to get attention.
Skepticism of your sincerity =/= harassment

Alright. Thats cool.

Every single thread that is made on Serious from now on, I'm going to go into it and claim the OP is trolling.

I can do this right mods? Its cool right?
Can I sell your tears? I think there is a big market, and we would make a killing.
What do I look like? A Gypsy?

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 04:35:19 PM »
Oh thats cool. The last page of posts have been harassing me and the new master forum ninja has done nothing.

Good job mods.

Sentra, no one gives a shit about your posts bro. No one gives a frack if you think I'm a troll. You don't need to repeat it every 5 min to get attention.
Skepticism of your sincerity =/= harassment

Alright. Thats cool.

Every single thread that is made on Serious from now on, I'm going to go into it and claim the OP is trolling.

I can do this right mods? Its cool right?

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 04:34:33 PM »
Oh thats cool. The last page of posts have been harassing me and the new master forum ninja has done nothing.

Good job mods.

Sentra, no one gives a shit about your posts bro. No one gives a frack if you think I'm a troll. You don't need to repeat it every 5 min to get attention.
Instead of complaining about non-existent harassment, you should be thankful he hasn't locked this thread and banned your ass for trolling the Serious forum. This isn't the first time you've gotten away with pulling this shit and I doubt it'll be the last.

Really? because I'm not trolling. I'm not "pulling any shit". Stop getting your panties in a bunch whenever I post. It makes you look like a little girl.

Since you are 18 and have the brain power of a preschooler, I'll repeat this again.

If you can prove that I am trolling, I'll give you my motherfucking house.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 04:28:38 PM »
Oh thats cool. The last page of posts have been harassing me and the new master forum ninja has done nothing.

Good job mods.

Sentra, no one gives a shit about your posts bro. No one gives a fuck if you think I'm a troll. You don't need to repeat it every 5 min to get attention.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:34:22 PM »
Why should an 18 year old living off his parents hold the same amount of votes as someone who pays top dollar in taxes?
Quick question here. If the recent poll is anything to go by, I am the highest educated person on here. Yet, I'm still continuing my education by aspring a second, specialized Master's degree, which my parents are paying for. I am a full-time student and won't be looking for a job just yet. Explain to me why I, despite having more knowledge of law, economics and politics than most people with a place of their own, should not be allowed to vote for the mere reason that I haven't bought a house of my own yet.

Must be nice to have rich parents.

Especially parents who would let you pursue 2 masters degrees, while paying, and dedicate that kind of time.

But for real, you're lucky. Enjoy it.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:32:42 PM »
As if you know anything about my personal life. I pay for my phone bill and I pay my car payment/insurance. I also do chores around the house which pays for my internet. Really, continue to dig that hole deeper

I'm the one digging a hole? LOL whoa! Don't go overboard with those chores man. You might hurt yourself.

Yes it is literally that easy to find a job. Especially after 6 months. I worked at fucking McDonalds when I was 17 and within 6 months was an assistant manager making 25 an hour. Its not hard to move up within a company and its not hard to get a job. 

Yes I know its a direct violation of the constitution. Like I said, I don't care.
Yes, we should keep the NSA. They aren't infringing on shit.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:26:22 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.
In today's news, PSU doesn't understand how real estate markets differ.

Houses in my area *start* at $750,000. $450,00 if you want a studio or 1-bedroom apartment.

Sorry. Nope. I'm renting.

Guess I can't vote.
because there are many, many more job opportunities near you.
Except not really.

You honestly think those living costs don't offset?
Nope. People who work here commute in from the cheaper surrounding areas. People who live here are either wealthy retirees or small, rich, Asian families who were making a shit-ton of money overseas. If you live here, you don't work here. If you work here, you don't live here.

Thats true of every area.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:25:40 PM »
You guys took the bait.

Why do you always take the bait.

Except I'm not baiting.

Please contribute to the thread or I will be forced to report you to the nearest mod.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:23:05 PM »
Why should an 18 year old living off his parents hold the same amount of votes as someone who pays top dollar in taxes?

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:22:10 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.
Because there are not people that are older than you and homeless, right?

So I guess that athletes can't vote because they spend money in retarded ways and end up going bankrupt after a year

Yep. You want to know why they are homeless? Because they are fracking retarded. If you're 30 years old+ and you're homeless, you fracked up somewhere and its your fault. #SorryNotSorry

Athletes go bankrupt after a year?
Because the 2008 financial decline never happened, right?

Its 2014. Sorry.
Because everything returns to normal in 1 or 2 years? Sorry, that's not how things work

Funny how you think property owners know more yet you absolutely know nothing about the Constitution, economics, or the financial system. I'd fracking rather support Challenger and Icy over you anyday
its been 6 years.

I know most everything about the constitution. I just disagree with some of it.

And please don't talk about economics or financial situations when your mommy still pays your phone and internet bill.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:20:53 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.
In today's news, PSU doesn't understand how real estate markets differ.

Houses in my area *start* at $750,000. $450,00 if you want a studio or 1-bedroom apartment.

Sorry. Nope. I'm renting.

Guess I can't vote.
because there are many, many more job opportunities near you.
Except not really.

You honestly think those living costs don't offset?

My house cost my 250k. And you're correct, it would probably cost over 500k where you live. And it would cost under 125k in Arizona. There are reasons for that.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:15:45 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.
Because there are not people that are older than you and homeless, right?

So I guess that athletes can't vote because they spend money in retarded ways and end up going bankrupt after a year

Yep. You want to know why they are homeless? Because they are fracking retarded. If you're 30 years old+ and you're homeless, you fracked up somewhere and its your fault. #SorryNotSorry

Athletes go bankrupt after a year?
Because the 2008 financial decline never happened, right?

Its 2014. Sorry.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:15:17 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.
In today's news, PSU doesn't understand how real estate markets differ.

Houses in my area *start* at $750,000. $450,00 if you want a studio or 1-bedroom apartment.

Sorry. Nope. I'm renting.

Guess I can't vote.

You know why they are that high? because there are many, many more job opportunities near you.

Everything offsets.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:10:28 PM »
A-are you serious? You HAVE to be trolling. From a person that's all "MURIKA FUK YEAH" you're sure not acting like it with a response that goes against the American Constitution. Like, did you and Camnator go to the same government class? Because none of you have an actual concept as to what the Constitution even says

The constitution is outdated.
No it's not. You only think it's outdated because it doesn't conform to your draconian ideas

No idea what draconian means, sorry bro.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:09:54 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.
Because there are not people that are older than you and homeless, right?

So I guess that athletes can't vote because they spend money in retarded ways and end up going bankrupt after a year

Yep. You want to know why they are homeless? Because they are fucking retarded. If you're 30 years old+ and you're homeless, you fucked up somewhere and its your fault. #SorryNotSorry

Athletes go bankrupt after a year?

Serious / Re: Do you ever get the urge to kill?
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:08:17 PM »

And I mean a really serious impulse, to the point of prolonged fantasising and planning.

No, never planned out killing someone.

There were times I could absolutely kill someone in that instant of rage, yes.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:07:04 PM »
A-are you serious? You HAVE to be trolling. From a person that's all "MURIKA FUK YEAH" you're sure not acting like it with a response that goes against the American Constitution. Like, did you and Camnator go to the same government class? Because none of you have an actual concept as to what the Constitution even says

The constitution is outdated.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:06:44 PM »
Apparently money now equals political knowledge.


Anyone can own a home if I can at 23 (bought when I was 22).

All you have to be is semi smart about managing your money.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:05:54 PM »
And property owners do know what they're doing?

More than non property owners, yes.

To own a house you generally have to be more involved.

Serious / Re: Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 02:05:17 PM »
I honestly believe
I don't believe you.


Serious / Voting
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:27:16 PM »
I honestly believe that only property owners should have a vote. Its not racist anymore because literally anyone can own property today.

Lets be real, most voters are completely oblivious to what is going on and who they are voting for. 

The Flood / Re: George R R Martin dead at 66
« on: October 08, 2014, 12:22:28 PM »
Is there really that many dicks in Game of thrones?

Gaming / Re: Halo Channel Developer Walkthrough
« on: October 08, 2014, 12:21:20 PM »
Cant wait until playlists reveal tomorrow.

Serious / Re: How old is god?
« on: October 08, 2014, 12:20:39 PM »
Old enough

To Party

Why even debate it?
Because so many people act as if it were true.

And then we have schoolgirls being shot at and abortion clinics being bombed.

Well, I feel like God is absoluely real. Obviously I can't be 100% sure, no one can.

the bombing of abortion clinics is irrelevant when discussing if God exists. 

Why even debate it?

Fact is all of you and I will have no idea if god exists until we die.

Serious / Re: Is marijuana a gateway drug?
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:26:35 AM »

Alcohol is the gateway drug.

The Flood / Re: George R R Martin dead at 66
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:26:07 AM »

Why? because its true.

Prove to me that there is no god if you're certain.

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