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Messages - PSU

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The Flood / Re: To those with girlfriends
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:19:07 PM »
Shut up bitch

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:39:22 PM »

See, looks so much nicer without that silly religious line we had to add to be better than the Soviets.

Oh yeah, so much better.

I mean its not completely the same or anything.

It's not - it shows how our government and military should be - secular.

Thats your opinion and I respectfully disagree.

I believe (in a profession where your main duty is fighting to protect) that Religion should be a main focus.
You realize this mentality makes Americans and especially the Arabs believe it's another crusade?

This is the type of shit that leads to more extremism. As a religious person you should be against it. Pray all you want and carry a bible around if it comforts you, but don't tell me I should have to conform to what you want. Is it the land of the free or the land of mob rule?

Y'all can do whatever you want. No need to conform. Just don't give me shit about a single word.
Couldn't we say the same thing to you? Don't give us shit for leaving God out.

But I'm not doing that.
I dunno, I'd classify a good number of your responses in this thread as "giving shit" for our position.

The only thing I'm giving you guys shit about is caring about something that really isn't that important.

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:30:16 PM »

See, looks so much nicer without that silly religious line we had to add to be better than the Soviets.

Oh yeah, so much better.

I mean its not completely the same or anything.

It's not - it shows how our government and military should be - secular.

Thats your opinion and I respectfully disagree.

I believe (in a profession where your main duty is fighting to protect) that Religion should be a main focus.
You realize this mentality makes Americans and especially the Arabs believe it's another crusade?

This is the type of shit that leads to more extremism. As a religious person you should be against it. Pray all you want and carry a bible around if it comforts you, but don't tell me I should have to conform to what you want. Is it the land of the free or the land of mob rule?

Y'all can do whatever you want. No need to conform. Just don't give me shit about a single word.
Couldn't we say the same thing to you? Don't give us shit for leaving God out.

But I'm not doing that.

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:19:12 PM »

See, looks so much nicer without that silly religious line we had to add to be better than the Soviets.

Oh yeah, so much better.

I mean its not completely the same or anything.

It's not - it shows how our government and military should be - secular.

Thats your opinion and I respectfully disagree.

I believe (in a profession where your main duty is fighting to protect) that Religion should be a main focus.
You realize this mentality makes Americans and especially the Arabs believe it's another crusade?

This is the type of shit that leads to more extremism. As a religious person you should be against it. Pray all you want and carry a bible around if it comforts you, but don't tell me I should have to conform to what you want. Is it the land of the free or the land of mob rule?

Y'all can do whatever you want. No need to conform. Just don't give me shit about a single word.

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:18:18 PM »

See, looks so much nicer without that silly religious line we had to add to be better than the Soviets.

Oh yeah, so much better.

I mean its not completely the same or anything.

It's not - it shows how our government and military should be - secular.

Thats your opinion and I respectfully disagree.

I believe (in a profession where your main duty is fighting to protect) that Religion should be a main focus.

What an archaic belief to have - this isn't the Crusades.

You're right its better to have zero faith when you are fighting a war.

The Flood / Re: Is anyone interested in crimes?
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:15:46 PM »

The Flood / Re: Oh my god. Shut the fuck up.
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:15:01 PM »
The fucks a prat?

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:13:19 PM »

See, looks so much nicer without that silly religious line we had to add to be better than the Soviets.

Oh yeah, so much better.

I mean its not completely the same or anything.

It's not - it shows how our government and military should be - secular.

Thats your opinion and I respectfully disagree.

I believe (in a profession where your main duty is fighting to protect) that Religion should be a main focus.

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:11:57 PM »
Point is, change "God" to any word and you won't hear a peep out of me. Because it doesn't effect me at all.

You see, when you have multiple things to be stressing about on a daily basis (house, work, kids, wife, ect) the little bullshit doesn't even phase you anymore.

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:10:40 PM »

See, looks so much nicer without that silly religious line we had to add to be better than the Soviets.

Oh yeah, so much better.

I mean its not completely the same or anything.

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:10:00 PM »
America is a a secular nation. No deity has any place in the military, school, government, or anywhere that isn't a private establishment or your home.

End of story.

Apparently thats not the case.

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:08:03 PM »
Want my evidence? 99% of people don't give a fuck about the word "God".

Source would be lovely.

If you or Max have ever spent a dollar bill then you both are hypocrites. "In God we Trust".

I only spend money from pre-1950.


Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 01:05:23 PM »
Wait so my Anecdotal evidence is always shitty but this time its okay to use Anecdotal evidence for YOUR point? FOH

Want my evidence? 99% of people don't give a fuck about the word "God".

If you or Max have ever spent a dollar bill then you both are hypocrites. "In God we Trust".

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:59:02 PM »
Heres a solution.

Don't sign up for the army then. Boycott it.

A horrible idea, really.

to bitch about it when it has no impact on you.

> United States military
> no impact on me, as a United States citizen

-Caring about one little word "God"

The fact that you think it's simply over one word, and one word only, is laughable.

Oh but it is.

If the word "Family" or "Citizens" replaced God you'd be fine.

Its just a word. Get over it.

No, it wouldn't - because the moronic mentality of the basic grunts for the military still exist. You know, the belief we're on a new Crusade to fight the evil Arab monkeys or whatever the think.

You're so tough insulting our great military.

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:55:34 PM »
Heres a solution.

Don't sign up for the army then. Boycott it.

A horrible idea, really.

to bitch about it when it has no impact on you.

> United States military
> no impact on me, as a United States citizen

-Caring about one little word "God"

The fact that you think it's simply over one word, and one word only, is laughable.

Oh but it is.

If the word "Family" or "Citizens" replaced God you'd be fine.

Its just a word. Get over it.

Serious / Re: All my views can be summed up in this.
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:51:18 PM »
OP says he loves and accepts everyone.

Still gets criticized by the liberals LOLOL

Nothing will please them OP. Don't even try anymore.

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:47:22 PM »
Heres a solution.

Don't sign up for the army then. Boycott it.

A horrible idea, really.

to bitch about it when it has no impact on you.

> United States military
> no impact on me, as a United States citizen

-Caring about one little word "God"
-Not caring about cutting military personnel wages....

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:18:41 PM »
Heres a solution.

Don't sign up for the army then. Boycott it.

A horrible idea, really.

You're right. A better solution is to bitch about it when it has no impact on you.

Might have been the gayest thing I've ever read

The Flood / Re: If someone was protesting in the middle of a highway...
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:35:02 AM »
People saying no.

If you were late for your CAREER, and stuck on the highway because of these bozos, would that change your mind?
No. Only a retard would drive through a crowd of people.
You'd end up in jail and get fired for being such a bellend.

Really? Cause the police were cheering this guy on and hes not currently in jail.

If anyone should go to jail its these fucking jobless clowns who protest in the middle of a HIGHWAY
So you'd willingly drive through people and potentially kill someone?
You're a piece of shit human being.

Gotta take care of myself first, sorry protesters.

I'm not getting fired over some hippies on the highway.

The Flood / Re: If someone was protesting in the middle of a highway...
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:31:24 AM »
People saying no.

If you were late for your CAREER, and stuck on the highway because of these bozos, would that change your mind?
I wouldn't hurt others for my own selfish reasons.
Going to a job (to feed, clothe, and house youself and family) is selfish but protesting in the street isn't?

Lol these pussies are lucky I wasn't there with my expedition. Would have killed a few people easily.
Wow. I see you enjoy the death of innocents who are exercising the rights given to them by the Constitution to freely protest. I bet you would've have ran over the Civil Rights protesters as well if you had the chance back in the 60s.

If they were in the middle of the street and I was late to work, Yes I would have without second thought.

You want to protest? thats all good. Just don't do it in the middle of the fucking highway.

The Flood / Re: If someone was protesting in the middle of a highway...
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:28:29 AM »
People saying no.

If you were late for your CAREER, and stuck on the highway because of these bozos, would that change your mind?
No. Only a retard would drive through a crowd of people.
You'd end up in jail and get fired for being such a bellend.

Really? Cause the police were cheering this guy on and hes not currently in jail.

If anyone should go to jail its these fucking jobless clowns who protest in the middle of a HIGHWAY

The Flood / Re: If someone was protesting in the middle of a highway...
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:27:39 AM »
People saying no.

If you were late for your CAREER, and stuck on the highway because of these bozos, would that change your mind?
I wouldn't hurt others for my own selfish reasons.
Going to a job (to feed, clothe, and house youself and family) is selfish but protesting in the street isn't?

Lol these pussies are lucky I wasn't there with my expedition. Would have killed a few people easily.

The Flood / Re: If someone was protesting in the middle of a highway...
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:24:33 AM »
People saying no.

If you were late for your CAREER, and stuck on the highway because of these bozos, would that change your mind?

The Flood / If someone was protesting in the middle of a highway...
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:18:36 AM »
Would you run them over?

I sure would 100%.

My nigga

Serious / Re: US Army "On a mission for both God and country"
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:16:17 AM »
Heres a solution.

Don't sign up for the army then. Boycott it.

Serious / Re: White people empathize less with darker skinner people
« on: November 30, 2014, 11:55:01 AM »
Yeah it is true. Just being 100.

Serious / Re: Hey protesters, some people actually have jobs and a life
« on: November 28, 2014, 04:44:07 PM »
I see no problem with the protests.

Nothing wrong at all with protests. Its when they break into stores or illegally block roads is when the protests become a joke. And it happens far too often.

News / Re: Anarchy Weekend (Nov 28 – 30)
« on: November 28, 2014, 02:37:46 PM »
Why is anarchy off limits to me?

Serious / Re: Should non-STEM majors be required to learn algebra?
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:37:51 PM »
no fuck math

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