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Messages - PSU

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If torturing a child is preventing the loss of human life, I'm 100% for it.

No, but I do believe it's in the government's interest to offer student loans at 0%.
Now that's a good idea

Pretty sure that's how it works with the current student finance england shite, although it looked like it adjusts for inflation over the years but the rough idea is that you only pay back when you are earning above a certain threshold without extortionate interest rates.

I reaaaaally should remember this crap, what with having a loan on it myself, but... ehhhh <.<
Probably one of the very britbong ideas I like but at the same time, no interest for degrees relating to fields of necessity such as medical, policing, military, etc and even a discount for those fields. Areas like women studies and bullshit degrees ought to be more strict with. After all, a degree means better job chance and thus more tax the government receives so it's an investment if somebody becomes a brain surgeon
The NHS subsidizes a lot of medical training in the UK with the general expectation that you will then go on to work with the NHS. Some people take advantage of this and then fuck off into private healthcare or going abroad to better job prospects though >_______> Slimy bastards.
Which is a good reason to allow privatization. A person will always choose the same job that pays more and it's so happens to be private healthcare does pay more
Which negates the whole point of universal access to healthcare, y'know, so the poor don't die of treatable diseases.
Which is why you offer poor and homeless people government healthcare while allowing the middle and rich to buy their own, ensuring everybody has medical treatment available

Why should I have to pay for my own when other people get their for free?

Gaming / Re: Why do sports games now have these fancy titles?
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:55:55 AM »
Nobody is forcing you to buy fifa, if you don't think £50 is worth it then don't buy fifa, simple. Meanwhile I think it is worth it
Aaaannnnd that's why the industry is like it is.
People like you lap up the newest reskin of a franchise every year.

If people were clever enough to stop buying copy/paste rehashes every year, then we'd get something new and different enough to warrant a £50 price tag.

But its worth every penny of $60 to me...Just because you feel differently doesn't make me wrong.

Gaming / Re: Why do sports games now have these fancy titles?
« on: December 10, 2014, 10:55:47 AM »
To anyone that says Fifas are just reskins, you know nothing. Go play the last 10 and fucking tell me they are the same, the difference from 10 onwards is especially large as that was when the player impact engine came into play, and 12 completely demolished the old movement system, 13 expanded on everything, 14 finally made everything far more fluid and natural, adding an unpredictability and greater freedom to improvise, and 15 has introduced emotion, made goalkeeping actually like goalkeeping and improved ball movement and physics no end.
"Slight engine updates and a new graphics paint job is totally worth £50 each year".

Yep because to many people it is.
Yeah, and those people are idiots.

All good. You're entitled to your opinion.

Gaming / Re: What games have you been playing lately?
« on: December 10, 2014, 10:04:37 AM »
MCC and NBA.

Gaming / Re: Why do sports games now have these fancy titles?
« on: December 10, 2014, 09:57:46 AM »
To anyone that says Fifas are just reskins, you know nothing. Go play the last 10 and fucking tell me they are the same, the difference from 10 onwards is especially large as that was when the player impact engine came into play, and 12 completely demolished the old movement system, 13 expanded on everything, 14 finally made everything far more fluid and natural, adding an unpredictability and greater freedom to improvise, and 15 has introduced emotion, made goalkeeping actually like goalkeeping and improved ball movement and physics no end.
"Slight engine updates and a new graphics paint job is totally worth £50 each year".

Yep because to many people it is.

Gaming / Re: Why do sports games now have these fancy titles?
« on: December 10, 2014, 09:56:50 AM »
How about instead of relying on people to post for you you actually back up your statements? If you have the time to post multiple times on a forum site then I think you have the time to make a post at max that takes 5 minutes. For your thing about NBA2k playing differently than NBA Live. What about them makes them play differently from each other? That's another question you avoided.

Also you're backing up a post that's bascilly saying paying $65 a year for these games is justified because the engine gets slightly changed in each game which is the only change he listed in his post.

I'm not avoiding anything. I just don't care enough to respond, I've had these conversations before.

You think $65 for a sports game isn't worth it, thats cool. However, thats subjective and by the looks of XBL numbers, MANY people disagree with you. Sports games are consistently some of the top played games every year.

Hell no

If you are a college student you know the cruel reality: it is pretty dang expensive.
An entire year, 2 semesters, is a bit more than $4,000 at my college. People who pay $20,000+ a semester are idiots

You do realize there are people who don't have $4k a year, correct?

And that many careers are beginning to shun 2 year degrees, because there are so many more people with them?

If you're over 18 and you don't make at least 4 grand a year, there is a serious problem.


Gaming / Re: Why do sports games now have these fancy titles?
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:40:32 PM »
To anyone that says Fifas are just reskins, you know nothing. Go play the last 10 and fucking tell me they are the same, the difference from 10 onwards is especially large as that was when the player impact engine came into play, and 12 completely demolished the old movement system, 13 expanded on everything, 14 finally made everything far more fluid and natural, adding an unpredictability and greater freedom to improvise, and 15 has introduced emotion, made goalkeeping actually like goalkeeping and improved ball movement and physics no end.


The Flood / Re: Having kids is like
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:22:13 PM »
No kids here. I'd prefer being railed in the ass or doing the railing without worry of that.

No matter how much you try to justify it, kids are just awful. Fathers are just trying to make the best of a bad situation, and they know it.

lol not at all bro

You know it deep down. I don't think this needs any further discussion.

Lol the only time having a kid is awful is when they wake you up at 3AM for no reason at all. Aside from that, I have no complaints. I'm even trying for another.

Serious / Re: Why do we laugh at preppers?
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:19:42 PM »
We really shouldn't.

While I'm not a "prepper", I have stuff to hold me over in case shit hits the fan.

The Flood / Re: Having kids is like
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:18:39 PM »
No kids here. I'd prefer being railed in the ass or doing the railing without worry of that.

No matter how much you try to justify it, kids are just awful. Fathers are just trying to make the best of a bad situation, and they know it.

lol not at all bro

The Flood / Re: Do you live near you extended family?
« on: December 09, 2014, 07:16:46 PM »
I live near most of my moms side.

My dads side is spread out along the east coast so they're not that far away.

Serious / Re: I just watched the movie of Ender's Game
« on: December 09, 2014, 04:07:04 PM »
Read the book in 9th grade and then saw the movie when it came out.

Lovely film.

The Flood / Re: Let's discuss how objectively awful blink-182 is
« on: December 09, 2014, 03:21:07 PM »
These 2000's kids hating on a good band

Serious / Re: Would you end the Internet?
« on: December 09, 2014, 03:11:03 PM »
Not sure, leaning yes.

The Flood / Re: Having kids is like
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:57:17 PM »
Children are a blessing.

Nothing better than being a father
I can think of plenty of things better than wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on something I dont want.

All good. Its anything but wasting though.

The Flood / Re: Having kids is like
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:52:10 PM »
Children are a blessing.

Nothing better than being a father
i think i threw up in my mouth a little bit

You'll never be complete until a child throws up in YOUR mouth.

The Flood / Re: Having kids is like
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:49:33 PM »
Children are a blessing.

Nothing better than being a father

Its really easy to say that, but who knows what could have been.

We could have had 2-3 more major attacks on our homeland without this war. But alright.

So, we invaded two countries, both for over a decade (And one of which had no involvement in the 9/11 attacks), lost ~ four thousand lives, spent trillions of dollars, and helped destabilize the region more...on a question of "Oh, this could happen!...."

Seriously, the Vietnam War was more justifiable than that, and the Vietnam War was a joke.

No, we went to war because we were attacked. Or do you seem to forget 9/11?

I'm sorry, Iraq was involved in 9/11?

Nope, but they were a huge threat to our national security.

Its really easy to say that, but who knows what could have been.

We could have had 2-3 more major attacks on our homeland without this war. But alright.

So, we invaded two countries, both for over a decade (And one of which had no involvement in the 9/11 attacks), lost ~ four thousand lives, spent trillions of dollars, and helped destabilize the region more...on a question of "Oh, this could happen!...."

Seriously, the Vietnam War was more justifiable than that, and the Vietnam War was a joke.

No, we went to war because we were attacked. Or do you seem to forget 9/11?


Easy, they give you fake info. Keep torturing them until they give you the right info.

Or, you know. Until you've committed murder.

Of course, I'm sure that's no big deal.

Its really not. War isn't pretty. You have to do some messed up things to win.

If you have to go to these lengths, violating international law and all that fun shit - have you actually won?


Wrong answer.

Remind me, how exactly, we've won in the Middle East and fighting terror? We lost four thousand lives for....nothing.


Its really easy to say that, but who knows what could have been.

We could have had 2-3 more major attacks on our homeland without this war. But alright.


Easy, they give you fake info. Keep torturing them until they give you the right info.

Or, you know. Until you've committed murder.

Of course, I'm sure that's no big deal.

Its really not. War isn't pretty. You have to do some messed up things to win.

But I'll take torturing and killing terrorists any day instead of the alternative.
But when Obama done strikes Anwar Al-Awlaki in Yemen, people lose their shit...

Yep, because for some reason people don't like drones.


Easy, they give you fake info. Keep torturing them until they give you the right info.

Or, you know. Until you've committed murder.

Of course, I'm sure that's no big deal.

Its really not. War isn't pretty. You have to do some messed up things to win.

If you have to go to these lengths, violating international law and all that fun shit - have you actually won?



Easy, they give you fake info. Keep torturing them until they give you the right info.

Or, you know. Until you've committed murder.

Of course, I'm sure that's no big deal.

Its really not. War isn't pretty. You have to do some messed up things to win.

But I'll take torturing and killing terrorists any day instead of the alternative.

but I don't see all torture being bad

Care to give an example where it's not bad?

Torturing a known terrorist for information

but I don't see all torture being bad

Care to give an example where it's not bad?
Dealing with terrorists; hostile foreigners actively in war against the U.S. What the Japs did in WW2 though is on the side of excessive

Despite the fact that most information coming from torture turns out to be inaccurate or just plain false?

Hell, the report even has a section stating the CIA overaggerated the role of torture in getting information on Bin Laden.

Easy, they give you fake info. Keep torturing them until they give you the right info.

but I don't see all torture being bad

Care to give an example where it's not bad?

Torturing a known terrorist for information

Gaming / Re: Why do sports games now have these fancy titles?
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:27:48 PM »
I really don't have the will nor the time to list all the changes.
How convenient.

Stop being such a hater your whole life.
I'm not.
It's just super convenient how you're unable to list the changes after being asked by multiple people, yet I was able to lis tsome of the changes in AC to prove how you're wrong without even being asked to do so.

You are honestly trying to tell me that there were no changes from madden from 2000-2014?

Just stop, your irrational hate for sports games is hilarious.

I also know [...] every president has given these orders.
Sure you do.

If you think otherwise you are delusional . Lets be real here.

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