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Messages - PSU

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Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:39:04 PM »
first Canada, then Alaska, and now this?

which is it, obama?

All 3 bitchboy

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:38:44 PM »
Too funny. You literally have zero comebacks so you just use mine.

All of you are fucking sheep. Bunch of faggots.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:37:45 PM »
If you're not trolling then I don't see why you even bothered to post this thread. It seems like you were ready to disregard everyone's points before they were even posted and I'm pretty sure posting "yawn" thirty times isn't changing anyone's minds about Trump.

Why? because I just like pointing out hypocrisy.
Literally where? You've pretty much just gave ad hominem attacks and ignored everyone's points.

On the contrary, how can all of your points not be turned around on you? What if you posted a long thought-out post against Hillary and everyone just responded with "You're just biased against Hillary and you're wrong because Hillary is way more successful than you."

way more successful at breaking the law maybe.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:36:47 PM »
Typical libtard mod response.
This is the problem with conservatives

they get butt hurt whenever you challenge them

yawn you're so generic

Yawn you're a pussy and you're scared to ban me.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:36:25 PM »
I look forward to seeing Hillary Clinton win on Tuesday night.

I'm gonna go ahead and say 307 electoral votes

yawn more like 207

Your "predictions" have no basis in reality, and I severely question your mental capacity when you make such statements.

If she gets over 300 electoral votes, I'll have cheat ban be from this website forever. Theres ZERO shot.

Except she's leading in the upper-Midwest, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, North Carolina - which puts her in the upper 280's/ low 290's.

Florida is also tilting more to the Democrats based on early voting, and with the news that the FBI has no new case against Clinton, enthusiasm is likely to increase.

I don't care about biased polls.


Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:34:37 PM »
You're a fucking joke.
I'm not Donald Trump~

No you're just a loser who gets bullied in real life.

Thats the reason why all you pussies don't like him. You view him as a bully, and you all have experience being made fun of.

typical conservative language

Typical libtard mod response.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:32:54 PM »
If you're not trolling then I don't see why you even bothered to post this thread. It seems like you were ready to disregard everyone's points before they were even posted and I'm pretty sure posting "yawn" thirty times isn't changing anyone's minds about Trump.

Why? because I just like pointing out hypocrisy.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:32:25 PM »
You're a fucking joke.
I'm not Donald Trump~

No you're just a loser who gets bullied in real life.

Thats the reason why all you pussies don't like him. You view him as a bully, and you all have experience being made fun of.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:30:36 PM »
I'm trolling?

Prove it.

just a typical cuckservative reply. You'll all be crying when Hillary blows Trump out of the water.

Real great behavior from a mod.

You're a fucking joke.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:28:43 PM »
Had Flee prefaced himself with, "As someone who thinks Donald Trump is a great guy," you still would've disregarded his points.

Go smoke a joint and drink a beer.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:28:10 PM »
I look forward to seeing Hillary Clinton win on Tuesday night.

I'm gonna go ahead and say 307 electoral votes

yawn more like 207

Your "predictions" have no basis in reality, and I severely question your mental capacity when you make such statements.

If she gets over 300 electoral votes, I'll have cheat ban be from this website forever. Theres ZERO shot.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:27:32 PM »
Stop trolling, tis against the rules?


let's make it against the rules

Not trolling. How about you do your job right.
You are trolling


I'm trolling?

Prove it.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:25:53 PM »
Stop trolling, tis against the rules?


let's make it against the rules

Not trolling. How about you do your job right.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:25:33 PM »
I look forward to seeing Hillary Clinton win on Tuesday night.

I'm gonna go ahead and say 307 electoral votes

yawn more like 207

brb spirit cooking

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:19:56 PM »
You hit all these points, and never explain why.
Because people get tired of explaining why due to stuff like this:

Yawn, nice bias. Dude is a trillion times smarter and more successful than you.

No matter how reasoned or sensical the response, you will brush it aside with irrelevant and often completely uninformed claims.

But to answer your questions:

- no, we fully condemn Hillary's transgressions. Thing is, Trump has just as many and is a worse candidate overall.

- Trump will not shake anything up and will do nothing to get rid of any corruption. To think that such a man with such a background is going to do anything but benefit himself and his peers when in office is baffling.

- no, Trump would be terrible at negotiating any deals. The man can't even keep his composure during short TV debates. To think a loudmouth clown who apparently thinks that waving a finger around and shouting 'WRONG' over his opponent despite there being irrefutable proof of the opposite would be good at negotiating and dealing with world leaders is, again, baffling.

Yawn. Can't wait until tuesday. All your points are a joke. Completely biased because you dislike the man.
Get some sleep dude

No thanks dude

Serious / Re: Trump assassination attempt.
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:19:30 PM »
Yawn. You asked where he was named in Wikileaks. I provided you that information.

Can't wait until your crooked candidate gets wrecked. 2 days until we drain the swamp.
I really can't tell if you're trolling, or if you really are just retarded.

Yawn, more successful than you with a higher level of education than you.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 02:17:09 PM »
You hit all these points, and never explain why.
Because people get tired of explaining why due to stuff like this:

Yawn, nice bias. Dude is a trillion times smarter and more successful than you.

No matter how reasoned or sensical the response, you will brush it aside with irrelevant and often completely uninformed claims.

But to answer your questions:

- no, we fully condemn Hillary's transgressions. Thing is, Trump has just as many and is a worse candidate overall.

- Trump will not shake anything up and will do nothing to get rid of any corruption. To think that such a man with such a background is going to do anything but benefit himself and his peers when in office is baffling.

- no, Trump would be terrible at negotiating any deals. The man can't even keep his composure during short TV debates. To think a loudmouth clown who apparently thinks that waving a finger around and shouting 'WRONG' over his opponent despite there being irrefutable proof of the opposite would be good at negotiating and dealing with world leaders is, again, baffling.

Yawn. Can't wait until tuesday. All your points are a joke. Completely biased because you dislike the man.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:51:05 PM »

He's a literal joke and anyone who votes for him should be violently disposed of.
Yawn. Coming from you thats hilarious.
it's so hilarious, you yawned

Thanks man

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:42:56 PM »

He's a literal joke and anyone who votes for him should be violently disposed of.

Yawn. Coming from you thats hilarious.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:42:16 PM »
"unethical dumbass with no respect or understanding of how the government runs"

Yawn, nice bias. Dude is a trillion times smarter and more successful than you.

Nice retort to the points Turkey made.

When some posts sentences like the one I quoted. They aren't worth a serious response.

Serious / Re: Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:31:19 PM »
"unethical dumbass with no respect or understanding of how the government runs"

Yawn, nice bias. Dude is a trillion times smarter and more successful than you.

Serious / Things I keep hearing on Sep7agon
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:06:32 PM »
"Hillary is obviously the better choice"
"Hillary is the less of 2 evils"
"Trump isn't presidential at all"
"Trump would be a nightmare"

You hit all these points, and never explain why. Do you all just ignore Hillary's transgressions? Do you not think our government is corrupt and needs a shake up? Do you not think Trump could negotiate our trade deals more efficiently?

Serious / Re: Trump assassination attempt.
« on: November 06, 2016, 12:51:34 PM »

oh man, that sure is one big and scary assassination attempt goin on there

the guy was named multiple times in Wikileaks.

[source here]

I see that we've resorted to using reddit for our sourcing.

Also, every quote from law enforcement reporting that there was no gun or weapon found - which goes against this "Oh my god Trump was gonna be killed!!" narrative. So your title and source material is shit

Yawn. You asked where he was named in Wikileaks. I provided you that information.

Can't wait until your crooked candidate gets wrecked. 2 days until we drain the swamp.

Serious / Re: Trump assassination attempt.
« on: November 06, 2016, 11:07:19 AM »

oh man, that sure is one big and scary assassination attempt goin on there


the guy was named multiple times in Wikileaks.

You libtards really are brainwashed.

>there's actually people voting for this man

Quick let me pull up scandal after scandal that come out EVERYDAY.

>there's actually people voting for this woman.

Serious / Re: Trump assassination attempt.
« on: November 05, 2016, 11:06:52 PM »
Canceling an event because of rain is presidential? LOL stop.

Did you take anything home with you?

Serious / Re: Trump assassination attempt.
« on: November 05, 2016, 11:02:01 PM »
first of all the orgy island thing is a complete non issue even if it's true

she's allowed to fuck whatever consenting adult she wants to

"consenting adult". Thats where this whole thing gets interesting.

Serious / Trump assassination attempt.
« on: November 05, 2016, 10:59:22 PM »
Trump finished a speech at an event (that was last minute and still had more people than JayZ/Beyonce Hillary event) after being rushed off stage because of a possible gunman.

Hillary cut her Florida event to 7 minutes because of rain. Also came out today that she traveled to an "orgy Island" at least 7 times.

Which one sounds more presidential to you?

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