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Messages - PSU

Pages: 1 ... 91011 1213 ... 203
Serious / Re: Truck in Germany drives into a crowd
« on: December 19, 2016, 02:14:32 PM »
Religion of peace

The Flood / Re: Got offered $100/hour job
« on: December 19, 2016, 01:12:24 PM »
So much money smh

2-3 nights a week 

$6000 a month

>He thinks 6k a month is a lot.

Lmao, poor fags should be gassed

Shit its more than I make. And I have to drive an hour and 20 minutes a day just commuting to work.

Serious / Re: Several electors plan to vote for John Kasich over Trump
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:12:34 AM »
Several electors want their careers ruined then I guess.

Looks great to me. Best movie of 2017 easily. I'll be seeing it day 1.

Serious / Re: Dumbass reporter makes himself a combatant in Iraq
« on: December 12, 2016, 03:13:49 PM »
Dumbass? More like Badass.

Finally a pussy ass journalist actually doing something worthwhile.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 07, 2016, 05:23:45 PM »
This update blows.

you blow

Thank god we have new stances and a big forge crab.

No need for 1 flag or fixed assault gametypes!

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 07, 2016, 05:06:29 PM »
This update blows.

Serious / Re: So much for draining the swamp
« on: December 06, 2016, 04:01:08 PM »
Is there anything he is so far sticking to which he said he was going to do? So far he's coming off exactly like Microsoft before and after the Xbone launched.
Nine days until his news conference about "leaving his business entirely" even though he apparently won't put his assets in a blind trust. Meanwhile he met with three business partners after winning the election.

Yawn, the guy could cure cancer and end world hunger and you'd still have a problem with him.

No one cares.

Serious / Re: Pizzagate
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:51:23 AM »
It's 100% true and you would have to be a fool not to think so.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 05, 2016, 10:50:56 PM »
Agreed anyone against legalizing marijuana has to be retarded.
I don't know about everyone. There are some very valid reasons to be against it. It's just some of the old guard conservatives tend to fall back on the slippery slope of pot being a gateway, or misidentifying it as a hard core narcotic like heroin.
It IS a gateway. The thing is, that's not a valid reason for it to be illegal.

Not a gateway at all.

Prescription pills and Alcohol are 100 times the gateway that Weed is.

The Flood / Re: Arguing with older conservatives about legalizing pot
« on: December 05, 2016, 08:41:00 PM »
Agreed anyone against legalizing marijuana has to be retarded.

Serious / Re: Trump "punishes" Carrier by giving them $7 million tax deal
« on: December 05, 2016, 08:39:56 PM »
Ah yeah. The "Never, Always" is so great in debates.

Not one good thing has come out of the federal government in the past eight years, nothing has been done that has improved the lives of some group of people, some community.

Keep telling yourself that.

The federal government? No
State governments? Absolutely

Serious / Re: Trump "punishes" Carrier by giving them $7 million tax deal
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:02:22 PM »
I'd rather have the multi paragraph answer cause Obama has done literally nothing except hurt America

The Flood / Re: I don't even know what the fuck to ask for for christmas
« on: December 05, 2016, 04:28:07 PM »
I don't ask for anything, really. I appreciate the bundle of stupid little  inexpensive gifts that have some novelty or thought behind them much more than asking for games or something.

Though I might start telling folks to just throw me a brick of 5.56 or 6.5jap if they've got nothing else to go on and don't want to just hand me a card with money or liquor or whatever.
why the fuck would you pay for a video game? or a movie, or music, or software?

Because I'm not a degenerate loser who steals things. 

Serious / Re: Trump "punishes" Carrier by giving them $7 million tax deal
« on: December 05, 2016, 04:25:33 PM »
Yawn, take a multinational business finance course.

This is how deals are done. Trump has done more in 4 weeks than Obama has done in 8 years.

Serious / Re: Sharia Law Police in Germany
« on: December 05, 2016, 01:49:40 PM »
Merkel will be impeached/killed before 2017 is over.

Serious / Re: Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 04, 2016, 02:19:38 PM »
The difference is that being a "baby murderer" isn't a bad thing.
I'm not even going to bother arguing your facile presuppositions at this point. We get it. You're an anti natalist. Now fuck off.
Which is not what abortion does. What you're basically saying is that women deserve to be punished with children, which may be the most fucked up thing ever when you really think about it.
Nobody is coercing people to fuck unless you're a rapist, and that's a totally separate abortion discussion which I think most people agree on anyway. There is a slew of contraceptives out there for people to use that renders the prospect of pregnancy impossible when combined, so don't come at me as if getting railed by Jamal every night means you get to throw personal responsibility out the window because you were too inconvenienced to buy a pack of Trojans five minutes earlier.


Serious / Re: Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 04, 2016, 02:17:57 PM »
Abortion is murder


The Flood / Re: Cowboys
« on: December 02, 2016, 10:26:03 PM »
They'll lose in the Divisional round to the #6 seed Saints.

The Flood / Re: How did you find out Santa wasn't real?
« on: December 01, 2016, 10:52:50 PM »
I believe I was 10. Was talking to friends and one kid said he wasn't real. Asked my mom if that was true and she broke the news to me. I think it was a few weeks before Christmas that year.

I don't. I thought I made that clear.
Sorry, I don't buy it. Someone who truly doesn't care wouldn't be so purposely condescending, and come up with labels for people with dissenting points of view like "edgy kids." The fact that you entered into this conversation alludes to you having some degree of concern over loaf's topic, but your complete refusal to be empathetic to other viewpoints and your condescending nature alludes to your concern not being out of curiosity and a desire to learn other beliefs.

So basically it looks like you just disagree with certain people, and their beliefs matter to you enough that you feel the need to berate them. This is a perfectly valid stance to have, honestly, you have a right to free speech. Just own up to it.

Someone like verbatim takes this stance all the time, and he acknowledges it, but what really separates him from what you're doing is that he actually explains his perspective and makes an attempt to defend his beliefs, which adds to the discussion.

You're just coming in here like,"no you're just an edgy kid, I don't have to explain why, you'll see one day. . ."

Essentially adding nothing to the discussion.

You don't have to "buy" anything. No one cares.

God exists and you will realize that when you grow up and you're not an edgy little kid.
Can you explain this to me in anything other than cliches and platitudes?

No thanks.

Just remember this conversation 10 years from now.
Hmm, so you have nothing to say.

No not really. All that matters is I know for a fact that God exists. If you don't, thats fine. I just think eventually you'll change your tone.
If you're so confident in your beliefs that atheists don't matter because they'll "change their tone" eventually, then why do you feel the need to say all of this? If you're not even remotely open to the possibility of new ideas but refuse to explain and defend your own from others, then what is the point in participating in this conversation at all?
You have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation and you're just wasting people's time.

ok kid
See this is why you're so easily dismissed.

Why would I care if I'm easily dismissed on a dead forum?
I don't know man, why do you care if some dude has different beliefs than you on a dead forum?

I don't. I thought I made that clear.

God exists and you will realize that when you grow up and you're not an edgy little kid.
Can you explain this to me in anything other than cliches and platitudes?

No thanks.

Just remember this conversation 10 years from now.
Hmm, so you have nothing to say.

No not really. All that matters is I know for a fact that God exists. If you don't, thats fine. I just think eventually you'll change your tone.
If you're so confident in your beliefs that atheists don't matter because they'll "change their tone" eventually, then why do you feel the need to say all of this? If you're not even remotely open to the possibility of new ideas but refuse to explain and defend your own from others, then what is the point in participating in this conversation at all?
You have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation and you're just wasting people's time.

ok kid
See this is why you're so easily dismissed.

Why would I care if I'm easily dismissed on a dead forum?
because autism doesn't stop once you log off your computer


God exists and you will realize that when you grow up and you're not an edgy little kid.
Can you explain this to me in anything other than cliches and platitudes?

No thanks.

Just remember this conversation 10 years from now.
Hmm, so you have nothing to say.

No not really. All that matters is I know for a fact that God exists. If you don't, thats fine. I just think eventually you'll change your tone.
If you're so confident in your beliefs that atheists don't matter because they'll "change their tone" eventually, then why do you feel the need to say all of this? If you're not even remotely open to the possibility of new ideas but refuse to explain and defend your own from others, then what is the point in participating in this conversation at all?
You have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation and you're just wasting people's time.

ok kid
See this is why you're so easily dismissed.

Why would I care if I'm easily dismissed on a dead forum?

God exists and you will realize that when you grow up and you're not an edgy little kid.
Can you explain this to me in anything other than cliches and platitudes?

No thanks.

Just remember this conversation 10 years from now.
Hmm, so you have nothing to say.

No not really. All that matters is I know for a fact that God exists. If you don't, thats fine. I just think eventually you'll change your tone.
If you're so confident in your beliefs that atheists don't matter because they'll "change their tone" eventually, then why do you feel the need to say all of this? If you're not even remotely open to the possibility of new ideas but refuse to explain and defend your own from others, then what is the point in participating in this conversation at all?
You have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation and you're just wasting people's time.

ok kid

God exists and you will realize that when you grow up and you're not an edgy little kid.
Can you explain this to me in anything other than cliches and platitudes?

No thanks.

Just remember this conversation 10 years from now.
Hmm, so you have nothing to say.

No not really. All that matters is I know for a fact that God exists. If you don't, thats fine. I just think eventually you'll change your tone.

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