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Messages - PSU

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The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for me to judge you
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:48:37 PM »
whos your #1 hated person tho?

The Flood / Re: Everyone post your favorite Roman quotes
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:41:59 PM »
You guys are assholes.

Thread reported for singling a user out. Enjoy your ban.

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for me to judge you
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:58:42 PM »

You're the 2nd worst user here. Roman being the 4th. Your actions and outlook on life is very savage, but not in a good way. You objectify women and you refuse to see them as people, just bags of flesh for you to cum on, which is heinous.

Thats false.

 You should never be allowed to have children because you're going to teach any males you have to be sexist as fuck and to treat their mother like utter shit.

as you know I've already had a child and love his mother (my wife) very much.

You may get laid but like Roman you will never have a meaningful relationship because you both demean women. You may have accomplished in getting laid and whatnot, but as far as your moral goes, you have accomplished jack shit on that level.

I'm married tho.

Oh so you're married huh? I'm surprised you haven't had an affair yet.

lol I already fucked all the chicks I've wanted to. No need to cheat.

Does your wife even know that you post here or do you keep this place a secret from her? Because unless she's a scumbag like you are, I doubt she would agree with you on any "advice" you gave to Roman.

She does know I post here. Would she agree? Probably. I'm just giving him advice I would give any 20-ish male in real life.

I would never take any advice from you in real life. Your advice doesn't help anyone in this generation. Maybe in the 90s it did when people were so susceptible to bullshit like yours, but not anymore.

You'd be much better off if you took my advice. I've been there and done that, you can learn from my experience.

Which is why I always strongly consider the advice of my elders.

Fuck you. I'd never take your advice. I'd rather gargle liquid nitrogen than to take ANY advice you have to offer.

Your loss.

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for me to judge you
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:56:50 PM »

You're the 2nd worst user here. Roman being the 4th. Your actions and outlook on life is very savage, but not in a good way. You objectify women and you refuse to see them as people, just bags of flesh for you to cum on, which is heinous.

Thats false.

 You should never be allowed to have children because you're going to teach any males you have to be sexist as fuck and to treat their mother like utter shit.

as you know I've already had a child and love his mother (my wife) very much.

You may get laid but like Roman you will never have a meaningful relationship because you both demean women. You may have accomplished in getting laid and whatnot, but as far as your moral goes, you have accomplished jack shit on that level.

I'm married tho.

Oh so you're married huh? I'm surprised you haven't had an affair yet.

lol I already fucked all the chicks I've wanted to. No need to cheat.

Does your wife even know that you post here or do you keep this place a secret from her? Because unless she's a scumbag like you are, I doubt she would agree with you on any "advice" you gave to Roman.

She does know I post here. Would she agree? Probably. I'm just giving him advice I would give any 20-ish male in real life.

I would never take any advice from you in real life. Your advice doesn't help anyone in this generation. Maybe in the 90s it did when people were so susceptible to bullshit like yours, but not anymore.

You'd be much better off if you took my advice. I've been there and done that, you can learn from my experience.

Which is why I always strongly consider the advice of my elders.

The Flood / Re: Can you still have a fun life as a teacher?
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:55:50 PM »
I just want something with a good work life balance. Money can be decent.

9-10 hour days, but you do get summers off.

Call her a racist.

lol no I would be very respectful. I hate the woman, but of course its 100% her right to speak without interruptions.

Fuck her right in the pussy since you're such a player. Your affair is inevitable.

Shes a big dyke. She doesn't fuck men.

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for me to judge you
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:52:48 PM »

You're the 2nd worst user here. Roman being the 4th. Your actions and outlook on life is very savage, but not in a good way. You objectify women and you refuse to see them as people, just bags of flesh for you to cum on, which is heinous.

Thats false.

 You should never be allowed to have children because you're going to teach any males you have to be sexist as fuck and to treat their mother like utter shit.

as you know I've already had a child and love his mother (my wife) very much.

You may get laid but like Roman you will never have a meaningful relationship because you both demean women. You may have accomplished in getting laid and whatnot, but as far as your moral goes, you have accomplished jack shit on that level.

I'm married tho.

Oh so you're married huh? I'm surprised you haven't had an affair yet.

lol I already fucked all the chicks I've wanted to. No need to cheat.

Does your wife even know that you post here or do you keep this place a secret from her? Because unless she's a scumbag like you are, I doubt she would agree with you on any "advice" you gave to Roman.

She does know I post here. Would she agree? Probably. I'm just giving him advice I would give any 20-ish male in real life.

About 30 minutes from my house. thinking about taking a half day at work and checking it out. What should I do?

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for me to judge you
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:48:57 PM »

You're the 2nd worst user here. Roman being the 4th. Your actions and outlook on life is very savage, but not in a good way. You objectify women and you refuse to see them as people, just bags of flesh for you to cum on, which is heinous.

Thats false.

 You should never be allowed to have children because you're going to teach any males you have to be sexist as fuck and to treat their mother like utter shit.

as you know I've already had a child and love his mother (my wife) very much.

You may get laid but like Roman you will never have a meaningful relationship because you both demean women. You may have accomplished in getting laid and whatnot, but as far as your moral goes, you have accomplished jack shit on that level.

I'm married tho.

Oh so you're married huh? I'm surprised you haven't had an affair yet.

lol I already fucked all the chicks I've wanted to. No need to cheat.

The Flood / Re: Can you still have a fun life as a teacher?
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:47:40 PM »
I believe a teacher's top priority in life (aside from taking care of loved ones, of course) should be the spread of knowledge and helping the next generation find the will to want to learn and grow into better people.

Is that your top priority?
Yeah, as long as I get to bang another hot teacher.

My nigga
So you support the decision of going into a career for the sole reason of fucking more girls?

Isn't that the reason anyone works at all?

If I wasn't concerned with getting laid I would just live in Alaska and do my own thing.

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for me to judge you
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:46:38 PM »

You're the 2nd worst user here. Roman being the 4th. Your actions and outlook on life is very savage, but not in a good way. You objectify women and you refuse to see them as people, just bags of flesh for you to cum on, which is heinous.

Thats false.

 You should never be allowed to have children because you're going to teach any males you have to be sexist as fuck and to treat their mother like utter shit.

as you know I've already had a child and love his mother (my wife) very much.

You may get laid but like Roman you will never have a meaningful relationship because you both demean women. You may have accomplished in getting laid and whatnot, but as far as your moral goes, you have accomplished jack shit on that level.

I'm married tho.

The Flood / Re: Can you still have a fun life as a teacher?
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:40:23 PM »
I believe a teacher's top priority in life (aside from taking care of loved ones, of course) should be the spread of knowledge and helping the next generation find the will to want to learn and grow into better people.

Is that your top priority?
Yeah, as long as I get to bang another hot teacher.

My nigga

The Flood / Re: Can you still have a fun life as a teacher?
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:39:56 PM »
Yes you can. I know I've went out and drank with some of my highschool teachers (when i was 21 of course) and they're some of the coolest people I know.

The Flood / Re: Post in this thread for me to judge you
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:38:54 PM »

The Flood / Re: if you could take a trip whare would you go?
« on: May 10, 2016, 04:05:05 PM »
I really wana go to Jamaica.

Serious / Re: Circumcision should never be mandatory.
« on: May 10, 2016, 04:03:58 PM »
I urge that anybody who supports this uncivilized practice to watch this.


Looks fine to me. Literally saw it happen to my son and didn't cringe. it was for the best.

I'd be fucking pissed.

The Flood / Re: by the end of this week, i will be a vegetarian
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:58:26 PM »
I wish I had the will power to do that. I've always tried it, and end up giving up in 2-3 days time.

I just like meat too much.
Insert Gay Joke here

Serious / Re: Circumcision should never be mandatory.
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:55:30 PM »
Yes because I thank my parents everyday for the decision.

It has nothing to do with the aesthetics of the penis, it's more to do with the fact that it was purely a non-required procedure immediately after my birth and I was not given a choice on the matter. If I was 14 and I was given the option I'd probably be singing a different tune over this subject. But to go through something like that at such an early age when parents aren't fully informed (see the video at the bottom of the previous page)? I don't understand such a decision.

I'm 100% happy I had my son circumcised too, I'm sure he'll thank me one day.

I was absolutely fully informed. Thanks to baby books and the kind people over on (I made a thread discussing it like ~4.5 years ago).

My and my wife's decision was purely aesthetic. Full Disclosure:  I wanted my son to have a good looking dick so when hes in the locker room at school or when he pulls it out in front of a girl he likes, he wouldn't feel embarrassed. Saving him some emotional distress along with having a great looking dick is enough for me to have the procedure done. Literally caused him a few hours of discomfort tops. Then he was all healed up within about a weeks time.

The Flood / Re: non virgins get in here
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:49:02 PM »
Don't care if I'm a virgin. Here's my two cents on the matter.


Or distract yourself with a new hobby.

But he wants to fuck broads.

How is jerking off or finding a hobby going to help him do that?


I'm just saying, isn't that the point of the thread?

Serious / Re: Circumcision should never be mandatory.
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:21:22 PM »
I have a circumcised penis and thinking about it just makes me angry.

You'd rather have a nasty looking slug dick? Shit, I'm happy as fuck every morning when I look down at my dick that my parents had me circumcised. I'm 100% happy I had my son circumcised too, I'm sure he'll thank me one day.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach - Review - By me
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:12:18 PM »
ugh reach kids.

Listen, reach wasn't horrible (When compared to H4). But it can't hold a candle to CE-3. Shit, even 5 is better than reach.

The Flood / Re: non virgins get in here
« on: May 10, 2016, 11:53:02 AM »
Don't care if I'm a virgin. Here's my two cents on the matter.


Or distract yourself with a new hobby.

But he wants to fuck broads.

How is jerking off or finding a hobby going to help him do that?

The Flood / Re: I had the worst night of my life Thursday night
« on: May 10, 2016, 11:23:55 AM »
Appointment with the urologist at 2pm today

Good luck today bro. I'm sure it'll be all good. Let us know how it goes.

The Flood / Re: How does this make you feel?
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:25:10 AM »
PSU is always talking about how much kids learn from playing sports

but i've never seen him describe exactly what you learn

other than worthless bullshit

Literally listed 3 huge things in work ethic, teamwork, and leadership.

All 3 are needed to be successful in the real world and playing sports helps to increase them. Being stuck in a math class doesn't.
Them three things sure are good at making sure spaceships don't blow up or having better quality technology, don't they?

People like you are the reason we have to give kids a 55% minimum and push them into further grades.

65% minimum here.

Listen I love astronomy and space as much as the next guy. But do you learn anything that advanced in highschool? Not at all. You need a fucking doctorate to work at nasa.

We're talking highschool here, kids. Not adults. Kids need the discipline that sports provide.
Kids do need discipline, I can agree there, but honestly man, the system is bullshit telling you from firsthand experience and seeing money go to a massive stadium like that when smartboards could have been provided to every teacher is bull.

What's a smart board going to do? Especially when half the teachers are too old to even know how to use them.

The Flood / Re: How does this make you feel?
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:24:18 AM »
PSU is always talking about how much kids learn from playing sports

but i've never seen him describe exactly what they learn

except for
- worthless bullshit
- stuff they could've learned anywhere else, doing something less stupid, wasteful, and harmful

Then again your going against a wall, and your a wall too.

He believes sports are the cure all, you think sports are basically one the biggests wastes of resources.

You guys are never going to hit any common ground
Personally, I've never made that argument. Kinesthetic learning styles are important; however, wasting that much cash on a stadium, not even a college stadium, but a high school one, while teachers are paid based off of their school's scores is bullshit. Especially taking into consideration such things as a high prevalence of ELLs or being located in a lower socioeconomic area can cause that school to be low. It doesn't matter how great the teacher is with external factors like that.

It's not a waste tho. Investing in football is investing in those kids who would have no other shot at college otherwise.

Education isn't for everyone. Shit, I fucking hated school. It's a miracle that I was convinced to get a masters degree. Literally 18 years of hating school.

The Flood / Re: How does this make you feel?
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:21:31 AM »
For all of what Football teaches you, it sure doesn't last long because of the brain damage it causes long term.

As long as concussions are diagnosed correctly, there is minimal long term effect.

The big issue was people getting concussed and then going right back into the game.

The Flood / Re: How does this make you feel?
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:20:23 AM »
I don't think I have enough popcorn to handle Verbatim vs. PSU

Lol it'll have to resume tomorrow. The only reason I'm up this late is because of this Warriors-Blazers game.

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