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Serious / What did he mean by this?
« on: June 12, 2016, 07:31:23 PM »
"Islamophobia implicitly calls for the break-up of Russia. The difference between Europe and Russia in our attitude toward Islam is that, for us, Muslims are an organic part of the whole, while for Europe they are a post-colonial wave of re-invaders from a different geopolitical and cultural space. But since we have a common enemy in the globalist elite, which is pro-Pussy Riot/Femen, pro-gay marriage, anti-Putin, anti-Iran, anti-Chávez, anti-social justice and so on, we all need to develop a common strategy with the Muslims. Our traditions are quite different, but the anti-traditional world that is attacking us is united, and so must we become.

If “identitarians” really love their identity, they should ally themselves with the Eurasianists, alongside the traditionalists and the enemies of capitalism belonging to any people, religion, culture or political camp. Being anti-Communist, anti-Muslim, anti-Eastern, pro-American or Atlanticist today means to belong to the other side. It means to be on the side of the current global order and its financial oligarchy. But that is illogical, because the globalists are in the process of destroying any identity except for that of the individual, and to forge an alliance with them therefore means to betray the essence of one’s cultural identity."

Serious / Will the cargo cult of science ever die out?
« on: June 10, 2016, 01:08:45 PM »

Positivism is pleb-tier tbqh fam.

The Flood / Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 8
« on: June 07, 2016, 03:56:43 PM »
>Episode 8
>Brienne arrives to find the Lannisters laying siege and gets captured with Poderick
>Jaime lets them go because of muh plot
>Episode ends with her walking into a sept and we see a man praying at the altar
>She approaches him
>"You want revenge against the woman who cost you your entire family? Ride with us to Winterfell and take your vengeance. If you help us win the battle, the witch is yours"
>Man praying at the altar stands up and turns to her
>It's Stannis
>He looks over at a Dragonstone guardsman
>"Gather the men"
>Camera pans outside with thousands of soldiers gearing up, with the Season 1 Baratheon theme playing
>Cuts to black

I'm thinking of one that says "2016 Musket" with a silhouette of an AR15

One with the Male/Female bathroom door symbols that says "Enabling is not Love"

Something about globalism

Some picture of Clinton ringing her hands, captioned "Oy Vey!", or maybe her making a dumb face with the caption "Wipe the memory? Like with a cloth?"


« on: June 03, 2016, 02:57:46 AM »


The Flood / "Albanian people don't exist"
« on: May 31, 2016, 11:57:38 PM »
T. A Certain User

The Flood / Just another day on the job
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:02:58 PM »
I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief.

“Bad news, detective. We got a situation.”

“What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?”

“Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.”

The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?”

“Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.”

“Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.”

He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.”

“Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.”

I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside.

“Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t.

“Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up.

“Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?”

It didn’t seem like they did.

“Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.”

Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing.

I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it.

“Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled.

Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him.

“Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen.

I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!”

He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose.

“All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.”

“Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy.

“Because I was afraid.”


“Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.”

I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head.

“Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.”

He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him.

Serious / I think something is very wrong
« on: May 31, 2016, 05:43:31 PM »

>Only 6 in 1000 immigrants arriving from 2015 until 2016 have gained employment. The rest are on benefits.
This was posted this morning in Sweden's largest newspaper, based on official government stats, but the paper quickly removed this paragraph a couple of hours later for unknown reasons. This thing about removing paragraphs happens A LOT. You'll see a paper publish objective statistics or more commonly politically inconvenient descriptions of crime suspects. The police might have released a report like "dark-skinned man tried to rape woman last night in Stockholm", but virtually all mainstream papers routinely remove details about race/ethnicity/accent, referring to "the ethical guidlines of the Journalist Federation of Sweden".

Another one from today:
>The Swedish Church release new LGBT theology book aiming to 'look past the patriarchal lines drawn up in the Bible'
(This is the official State Church of Sweden doing this)

Another one:
>The Migration Agency actively refused to report sexual attacks on refugee centers -- after reports from victims, the Agency promises to better itself in reporting sexual assaults on refugee centers

Real-estate agents already have "coded language" for informing people whether the area is 'very white/Swedish' and Sweden's largest newspaper even had a large exposé of the secret code language a couple of months ago, where they pretended to be a racist Swede looking for a house, and intentionally asked the real-estate agents loaded questions about "Swedish areas" and they would respond honestly and sometimes in coded language like "very family-friendly", "no trash bags in the stair cases" etc.

In August must Uffe Rustan and his children move out of their homes that they rent by the city of Lidingö.

The reason is that a newly arrived family to move in there instead.

- You can not put a family on the street for another family, says Uffe Rustan.

Last Friday Uffe Rustan listened to their voice mail. There was no urgency from the municipality and he was asked to call back as soon as possible.

- Then I was laid off from my accommodation on the phone. When I asked the reason, he said that people come from other countries. He left the news and said basically just nice weekend. To not get a decision in writing is like to end the telephone, says Uffe Rustan.

He lives in the villa that they rent by the city along with their two teenage children Rasmus Eriksson Rustan, 15, and Linus Eriksson Rustan 17th

The announcement of the move came as a shock for the whole family.

- We have quite recently moved here and just when it starts to feel like home so should you, says Rasmus Eriksson Rustan.

Big Brother Linus agrees.

- It is very sad, he says.

Besides Uffe and his two children live also a friend of Linus with them.

- He is sad and very disappointed by this, says Ulf.

Self is Uffe Rustan was born and raised in Lidingö. There are also his children.

- It feels like I'm worth less though I pay taxes and my kids go to school here. If only it had been a kindergarten or something, but you can not put a family on the street for another family.

The agreement with the city is a six-month contract that the family has renewed once.

- From the beginning, let it not be that the city had no plans to do anything with the house and they said they might even could fix a permanent contract, later they said they could not. It has been very uncertain everything, and now this announcement, says Uffe Rustan.
holy shit fucking sweden

The Flood / The hero we need
« on: May 31, 2016, 04:27:15 PM »


Serious / Crouching Libertarian, hidden Democrat
« on: May 31, 2016, 04:20:30 PM »

>Austin Peterson stood by his word by endorsing Johnson after he won the candidacy.

>As a token of good faith, Austin gave Johnson a replica of George Washington’s flintlock pistol, to let him know that he has Austin’s full support in the general election. Tearing up on the front stage of the convention floor, Austin said to Gary as he presented him with the pistol, “You have my sword, and you have my gun.”

>Hours later, a number of delegates were reporting on social media that Johnson was seen tossing Austin’s pistol in the garbage. A husband and wife witnessed Johnson throwing out the pistol and retrieved it from the garbage. The pistol has since been returned to Austin Petersen and remains in his possession.

What the FUCK, Gary?

The Flood / GOT spoilers: >That faint "allahu ackbar" at 0:50
« on: May 30, 2016, 05:26:51 PM »

holy kek

Serious / How did Vice turn into such cancer
« on: May 29, 2016, 02:02:48 AM »

Was it always this bad? Am I imagining a non-horrible Vice that never existed?



I would say the Russian invasion of Crimea and the subsequent geopolitical turmoil has had more impact on my worldview than any other event.

The Flood / Serbs are truly the Meme Race
« on: May 21, 2016, 05:35:04 PM »

Gaming / Polygon=100% cuck
« on: May 21, 2016, 01:57:01 AM »

Meanwhile, in Sweden

The Flood / Post YFW Sanders drops out
« on: May 21, 2016, 12:29:10 AM »

The Flood / "Uhh, I don't know that Finland is white"
« on: May 21, 2016, 12:12:52 AM »
T. Austin

The Flood / "Lamborghini can be pretty shitty"
« on: May 20, 2016, 11:00:09 PM »
T. Austin

The Flood / A E S T H E T I C thread?
« on: May 20, 2016, 05:05:37 PM »

Serious / How do you guys feel about Slavoj Zizek
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:25:00 PM »

I've been pretty interested in him lately. Currently watching the Pervert's Guide to Cinema, might pick up one of his books soon. His critiques are pretty on-point. From what I've read and seen of him so far I think he's onto a lot of the same currents Stirner was onto, but with a very different perspective and response.

The Flood / Tips for working fast food?
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:49:22 PM »
Just got hired at a local Cook Out, and I start Monday night. The store is on a busy street, but my first shift is 8pm to 1 am on a Monday so I'm not worried about a lunch rush or anything. This is my first fast food gig, so some advice would be neat.

Serious / Why so few Christians among the refugees
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:48:21 AM »

The video fails to point out an equally important point, though- there just aren't that many Christians in the conflict zones anymore. The Islamists have driven them out of most of Syria and Iraq, and things aren't that much better in Kurdish territory.

Only a fraction of the Christian population remain in Syria and Iraq.

The Flood / ITT Tell me why I'm awful and you hate me
« on: May 18, 2016, 10:52:42 PM »
Hit me daddy hit me harder

The Flood / Feels thread?
« on: May 18, 2016, 06:29:55 PM »
Last night I dreamed I was in BUDS trying out to be a Navy Seal.

I was living the dream doing hardcore shit and I was so amazed I could pull all of this shit off as long as I believed in myself.

Then I woke up and remembered I'm still broke, tired, and depressed.

How are y'all nigs?

The Flood / Why can't British and Australians pronounce Aluminum?
« on: May 18, 2016, 05:43:25 PM »

The Flood / ITT Post shit that makes you feel great
« on: May 18, 2016, 01:12:39 PM »

Serious / Will Soros finally get what's coming to him?
« on: May 18, 2016, 12:58:17 PM »

>Soros Holdings Limited was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands. Soros Capital in Bermuda. And Soros Finance Inc. was set up in Panama. It's there that the law firm Mossack Fonseca helped the rich and powerful avoid taxes and hide their wealth.
>Soros is one of 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's biggest contributors, donating at least $13 million to her campaign so far.
>What's ironic about his inclusion in the Panama Papers leak is his funding of the ICIJ — the international journalist network that's spearheaded reporting on the Panama Papers.

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