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Messages - Alternative Facts

Pages: 1234 56 ... 306
How is Fox News handling this? For the FBI guy getting fired which was being blamed on the Attorney General, my dad joked that Fox News would be holding out keys ad going "Look at the jingling keys".

They ran the initial story that the NYTimes did (although more speculative) and posted the White House denial to their Facebook page.

I can't wait for the impeachment hearings. Pure comedy gold.

Oh please. Hill Republicans will sweep this under a rug and hope people forget about it in a month.

Plus Pence wouldn't be nearly as fun to mock

All that and more in today's "Trump fucked up and Russia is somehow involved" thread

WASHINGTON — President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo that Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.

“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo.

The existence of Mr. Trump’s request is the clearest evidence that the president has tried to directly influence the Justice Department and F.B.I. investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia.

Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. The memo was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence an ongoing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.

Mr. Comey shared the existence of the memo with senior F.B.I. officials and close associates. The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of the memo to a Times reporter.

“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey that Mr. Flynn had done nothing wrong, according to the memo.

Mr. Comey did not say anything to Mr. Trump about curtailing the investigation, only replying: “I agree he is a good guy.”

In a statement, the White House denied the version of events in the memo.

“While the president has repeatedly expressed his view that General Flynn is a decent man who served and protected our country, the president has never asked Mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation, including any investigation involving General Flynn,” the statement said. “The president has the utmost respect for our law enforcement agencies, and all investigations. This is not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the president and Mr. Comey.”

In testimony to the Senate last week, the acting F.B.I. director, Andrew G. McCabe, said, “There has been no effort to impede our investigation to date.”

A spokesman for the F.B.I. declined to comment.

Mr. Comey created similar memos — including some that are classified — about every phone call and meeting he had with the president, the two people said. It is unclear whether Mr. Comey told the Justice Department about the conversation or his memos.

Mr. Trump fired Mr. Comey last week. Trump administration officials have provided multiple, conflicting accounts of the reasoning behind Mr. Comey’s dismissal. Mr. Trump said in a television interview that one of the reasons was because he believed “this Russia thing” was a “made-up story.”

The Feb. 14 meeting took place just a day after Mr. Flynn was forced out of his job after it was revealed he had lied to Vice President Mike Pence about the nature of phone conversations he had had with the Russian ambassador to the United States.

Despite the conversation between Mr. Trump and Mr. Comey, the investigation of Mr. Flynn has proceeded. In Virginia, a federal grand jury has issued subpoenas in recent weeks for records related to Mr. Flynn. Part of the Flynn investigation is centered on his financial ties to Russia and Turkey.

Mr. Comey had been in the Oval Office that day with other senior national security officials for a terrorism threat briefing. When the meeting ended, Mr. Trump told those present — including Mr. Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions — to leave the room except for Mr. Comey.

Alone in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump began the discussion by condemning leaks to the news media, saying that Mr. Comey should consider putting reporters in prison for publishing classified information, according to one of Mr. Comey’s associates.

Mr. Trump then turned the discussion to Mr. Flynn.

After writing up a memo that outlined the meeting, Mr. Comey shared it with senior F.B.I. officials. Mr. Comey and his aides perceived Mr. Trump’s comments as an effort to influence the investigation, but they decided that they would try to keep the conversation secret — even from the F.B.I. agents working on the Russia investigation — so the details of the conversation would not affect the investigation.

Mr. Comey was known among his closest advisers to document conversations that he believed would later be called into question, according to two former confidants, who said Mr. Comey was uncomfortable at times with his relationship with Mr. Trump.

Mr. Comey’s recollection has been bolstered in the past by F.B.I. notes. In 2007, he told Congress about a now-famous showdown with senior White House officials over the Bush administration’s warrantless wiretapping program. The White House disputed Mr. Comey’s account, but the F.B.I. director at the time, Robert S. Mueller III, kept notes that backed up Mr. Comey’s story.

The White House has repeatedly crossed lines that other administrations have been reluctant to cross when discussing politically charged criminal investigations. Mr. Trump has disparaged the ongoing F.B.I. investigation as a hoax and called for an investigation into his political rivals. His representatives have taken the unusual step of declaring no need for a special prosecutor to investigate the president’s associates.

The Oval Office meeting occurred a little more than two weeks after Mr. Trump summoned Mr. Comey to the White House for a lengthy, one-on-one dinner in the residence. At that dinner, on Jan. 27, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Comey at least two times for a pledge of loyalty — which Mr. Comey declined, according to one of Mr. Comey’s associates.

In a Twitter posting on Friday, Mr. Trump said that “James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”

After the meeting, Mr. Comey’s associates did not believe there was any way to corroborate Mr. Trump’s statements. But Mr. Trump’s suggestion last week that he was keeping tapes has made them wonder whether there are tapes that back up Mr. Comey’s account.

The Jan. 27 dinner came a day after White House officials learned that Mr. Flynn had been interviewed by F.B.I. agents about his phone calls with the Russian ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak. On Jan. 26, Acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates told the White House counsel about the interview, and said Mr. Flynn could be subject to blackmail by the Russians because they knew he had lied about the content of the calls.

Ah, how I enjoy a good news break during my cardio workout. Almost as good as during happy hour with BOGO shots.

Inb4 PSU and the usual users shout things they don't understand.

Gaming / Re: I might give Kingdom Hearts a go
« on: May 16, 2017, 03:15:51 PM »
Are all of the games available on the PS4?


1.5 HD + 2.5 HD Remix has 1, CoM, 2, BBS, and two movies that tell the story of a couple handhelds.

.2 Final Chapter Prologue is KH DDD + BBB vol. 2, along with a third movie.

The Flood / Re: I know who Foman is
« on: May 16, 2017, 03:13:52 PM »
I know who both forman and groot are but they are not the same person, and I will not say who they are :3

Neither are real shockers. I never understood Deci's obsession with it.

Though that would require understanding him at all.

fake news

You aren't using that term correctly.

But surprise surprise, it's you.
Fake news

You aren't using that term correctly.

fake news

You aren't using that term correctly.

But surprise surprise, it's you.

"surely this will ensure that Trump will be impeached" says increasingly nervous man for the 58th time this year

Eh, he can stay as long as he keeps fucking up for my amusement.

It doesn't surprise me, but it does worry me that he did it while bragging. It shows the character of the man. Is what he did illegal? Hard to say. Ultimately what is classified comes to him. Yet it's really stupid by not following normal channels.

Legally? Likely fine (Our resident lawyer can confirm), but it is an ethically gray area for two fronts...

A - Presidents can and do declassify information, but I believe (And others can correct me) there is a process and procedure that is undergone before doing so.

B - The information Trump shared was not obtained by US intelligence, but by a partner state - who according to the article did not authorize Trump to share said information with Russia or any other country.

"Trump revealed classified info to Russian foreign minister and ambassador"

I look forward to seeing the "lock her up" crowd defending this, or even Congressional republicans for that matter.

Serious / Re: Historical Statues Being Removed In New Orleans
« on: May 11, 2017, 11:24:48 AM »
I don't have any particular problem with this except for:

In January 2016, a federal judge dismissed an attempt by preservation groups and a chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans to keep them.

Oh come the fuck on, what the Hell is the federal government gonna do with the statue? Let's cut the shit here, it'll rot in some crate in the middle of nowhere till the end of time. Why can't the Sons of Confederate Veterans keep it? Yeah, their ancestors fought for shitty ideals but they're still technically family. They're probably already displaying Confederate shit all over their property, what's the harm an extra statue will do in their yard on some farm?

I believe that quote is a poorly worded way of saying "the judge dismissed an attempt to keep them where they are". Not that the group requested to take ownership of the statue and was denied.

Though you'd know that if you clicked the link and actually read the story your quote is describing. 

In what way is this a surprise, the news has  been suspecting this move for some time.



God this is a bunch of autism. Comey should be fired just by virtue of being a slimy fuck.

You do realize that the firing of FBI directors in incredibly rare? I can only think of one cases - Clinton fired the FBI director for ethical misconduct and using FBI resources for his personal gain. This isn't a position that consistently changes with Presidents - it's a 10-year term specifically to avoid politicization within the department.

Not to mention the timeline of events leading up to this isn't clear. According to Spicer, the Deputy AG started this 2 weeks ago after his confirmation (Though no one seems to know who directed him to do so), Trump got the letter recommending dismissal today, didn't speak to anyone at Justice about it after their findings and additional thoughts, and decided in two hours to move ahead with firing Comey - who didn't find out about it from any government official, but from news reports as he gave a speech.

It's a rushed and irrational move that is only going to cause more questions about the FBI's investigation into Russia and the 2016 elections - an issue Trump wants to snuff out.

Gaming / Re: Assasins Creed leak
« on: May 09, 2017, 06:48:28 PM »
This series derailed, jumped a shark and went over a cliff with AC3 (And even Revelations) and just hasn't recovered.

Why have the modern story anymore? What is it doing?

Boy it sure isn't suspicious of Trump to fire him when he's in the middle of being investigated or anything....

Don't question his authority. He doesn't like that.

After misstatements on Clinton Email investigation

FBI Director James B. Comey has been dismissed by the president, according to White House spokesman Sean Spicer.

“The president has accepted the recommendation of the Attorney General and the deputy Attorney General regarding the dismissal of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” Spicer told reporters in the briefing room, according to a pool report.

Earlier in the day, the FBI notified Congress that Comey misstated key findings involving the Hillary Clinton email investigation during testimony last week, saying that only a “small number’’ of emails had been forwarded to disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner, not the “hundreds and thousands’’ he’d claimed in his testimony.

The letter was sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, more than a week after Comey testified for hours in defense of his handling of the Clinton probe.

“This letter is intended to supplement that testimony to ensure that the committee has the full context of what was reviewed and found on the laptop,’’ wrote FBI Assistant Director Gregory A. Brower.

In defending the probe at last week’s hearing, Comey offered seemingly new details to underscore the seriousness of the situation FBI agents faced last fall when they discovered thousands of Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s emails on the computer of her husband, Anthony Weiner.

“Somehow, her emails were being forwarded to Anthony Weiner, including classified information,” Comey said, adding later, “His then-spouse Huma Abedin appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding emails to him for him I think to print out for her so she could then deliver them to the secretary of state.”

None of the Trump WH has taken a shine to Comey, but I do find the timing and abruptness of this announcement surprising.

« on: May 08, 2017, 10:14:06 PM »
Oh, he's back.

That was unexpected

Hopefully Macron keeps his mouth shut for the next five years or France and the EU will worry in the next election.

Your logic behind this statement being...?

Serious / Re: French General Elections thread - /MFGA/
« on: May 07, 2017, 02:12:42 PM »

Serious / Re: FCC to Investigate Colbert over "Cock Holster" Joke
« on: May 05, 2017, 08:33:14 PM »
I liked him better when he was a correspondent for Stewart. Jon leaves for one week and lets him run the show and he lets it get to his head.

Now he's just "Le epic current year" man.

How dare you insult John Oliver

That's really not a reason to dislike him.

Serious / Re: FCC to Investigate Colbert over "Cock Holster" Joke
« on: May 05, 2017, 05:20:31 PM »
He's better than that unfunny redcoat Oliver.

Colbert should be fired for being terrible at his job.

How dare you insult John Oliver

Serious / FCC to Investigate Colbert over "Cock Holster" Joke
« on: May 05, 2017, 03:47:33 PM »

Late night talk show host Stephen Colbert’s controversial joke about President Trump drew the attention of the Federal Communications Commission. The agency received “a number” of complaints about Colbert’s commentary earlier in the week, according to the FCC’s chief.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai promised to “take the appropriate action” following a comprehensive investigation of Colbert’s remarks.
The FCC's response will depend on whether Colbert’s remarks are considered “obscene.”
“We are going to take the facts that we find and we are going to apply the law as it’s been set out by the Supreme Court and other courts and we’ll take the appropriate action,” he told Talk Radio 1210 WPHT Thursday.
“Traditionally, the agency has to decide, if it does find a violation, what the appropriate remedy should be,” he said. "A fine, of some sort, is typically what we do.”
Broadcast television is governed by different rules depending on the time of day, Pai said Wednesday, prior to viewing Colbert’s comments.
The FCC flags speech it considers “indecent” before 10 p.m., he told Fox Business Network, and looks for “obscene” content after that point. Colbert's “The Late Show” airs at 11:35 p.m. ET on CBS.
The agency’s website states that content must meet a three-tier Supreme Court test to be labeled “obscene.”
“It must appeal to an average person’s prurient interest; depict or describe sexual conduct in a ‘patently offensive’ way; and, taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value,” it reads.
Colbert on Monday unleashed a flood of insults at Trump, satirizing an interview with CBS news the president cut short the day before.
“The only thing your mouth is good at is being [Russian President] Vladimir Putin’s c—k holster,” he said of Trump.
Colbert on Wednesday defended his joke amid fierce backlash online.
“I don’t regret that,” he said. “[Trump], I believe, can take care of himself. I have jokes; he has the launch codes. So, it’s a fair fight."

I look forward to everyone who has complained about issues of free speech in the past to rush to Colbert's defense in this scenario.

Serious / Re: Penguin at local Japanese zoo adopts a waifu
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:51:28 AM »
Which I'm beginning to consider a mental disorder.

You didn't already?

The fan tweets pushed me over the edge.

Serious / Re: Penguin at local Japanese zoo adopts a waifu
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:45:09 AM »
I only heard of this story from a friend of mine and Googled "Penguin waifu" and these three links came up.

dang you be on a website called
Wait why is this in Serious?

He wants to seriously discuss anime and waifus.

Which I'm beginning to consider a mental disorder.
How can you say this when you just wrote an essay of a rebuttal to Ian?

A handful of short paragraphs and some one liners that took me all of 4 minutes to write is considered an essay now?

Serious / Re: Penguin at local Japanese zoo adopts a waifu
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:34:49 AM »
I only heard of this story from a friend of mine and Googled "Penguin waifu" and these three links came up.

dang you be on a website called
Wait why is this in Serious?

He wants to seriously discuss anime and waifus.

Which I'm beginning to consider a mental disorder.

Serious / Re: Penguin at local Japanese zoo adopts a waifu
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:33:00 AM »

Even with the tweet from the Zoo, they don't say the entire story is fabricated.

First off, I wouldn't categorize either of these as "news websites" - meaning it's unlikely that they would publish a redaction or update to clarify. So...

Your first link, "", says "visitors reported that the bird would not leave the cutout's side" - yet the article fails to provide any proof of such outside of one image showing the bird looking up at it, followed by a series of fanart. Because yes, that's what this shitty website does.

And about the fence? They don't even address the zookeepers tweet, only saying "BUT THE STORY GETS MORE DRAMATIC!  It appears that zookeepers were concerned for Grape-kun, who at age 20 (that's old for a penguin) was missing feedings because of his crush, a behavior that could lead to malnutrition and eventual death. So they had to isolate him from the anime standee, as this heartbreaking photo illustrates."

Which, again, is false considering the people responsible for the bird literally came out and said: "He's behind the fence so he doesn't fall in."

Your second link is less egregious but has similar errors to the first.

It's fake news, Ian. People captured images of the bird looking up at or standing near the cutout, made a story out of it, and these niche websites ran it because it makes a cute story for anime-loving fans. The problem is it isn't true, there's no evidence of it being true. Hell, neither even bother to quote zoo officials.

Serious / Re: Penguin at local Japanese zoo adopts a waifu
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:03:13 AM »
You gonna post any of those links?

Serious / Re: Penguin at local Japanese zoo adopts a waifu
« on: May 03, 2017, 09:43:38 AM »
Why would that make the picture above fake though? They 'shopped in the 2D?

Ian's story: "We keep the penguin behind the net for his mental health, keep him away from the anime thing", with no record of this being said.

Zookeepers who work with the penguin: Uh no, he's behind the net fencing so he doesn't fall into the water.

And yes, it looks photoshopped

Serious / Re: Penguin at local Japanese zoo adopts a waifu
« on: May 02, 2017, 10:03:53 PM »
Ah, Ian falls for fake news cause it's cute.

Serious / Re: So this is why Trump's presidency is such a failure
« on: May 01, 2017, 08:41:20 PM »
Everyone jokes about this but I seriously doubt we'll get another meme candidate in 2020.
You say that now.

We said that four years ago.
Honestly I think Kanye deserves a chance.

Your trolling has gotten so shitty lately.
I'm not trolling, I never have trolled. Your moderation was always shitty and still is, so are your vapid and oversexualized posts.

So, you seriously believe that Kanye West should be the President and Commander and Chief of the United States?

Can you tell me what qualities he possesses that you belief would make him excel at the job? Experience?

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