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Messages - Alternative Facts

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Serious / UN Reviewing Bombing of Refugee Center in Gaza
« on: August 04, 2014, 11:45:18 AM »

JABALIYA, Gaza Strip ? An examination of an Israeli barrage that put a line of at least 10 shells through a United Nations school sheltering displaced Palestinians here last week suggests that Israeli troops paid little heed to warnings to safeguard such sites and may have unleashed weapons inappropriate for urban areas despite rising alarm over civilian deaths.

Inspection of the damage, a preliminary United Nations review that collected 30 pieces of shrapnel, and interviews with two dozen witnesses indicate that the predawn strikes on Wednesday, July 30, that killed 21 people at the school, in the crowded Jabaliya refugee camp, were likely to have come from heavy artillery not designed for precision use.

Israeli officials have argued throughout their 27-day air-and-ground campaign against Hamas, the militant group that dominates Gaza, that it is the enemy?s insistence on operating near shelters and other humanitarian sites that endangers civilians. But in the Jabaliya case, they provided no evidence of such activity and no explanation for the strike beyond saying that Palestinian militants were firing about 200 yards away.

?It was clear that they were not aiming at a specific house, but fired lots and it fell where it fell,? said Abdel-Latif al-Seifi, whose three-story villa just beyond the school?s north wall ended up with two large holes in its roof.

The Jabaliya strike has already opened Israel to a new level of global scrutiny. International criticism ratcheted up another notch on Sunday after a missile the Israelis say was meant for three militants on a motorcycle also killed people waiting in line for food outside a United Nations school in Rafah that had been turned into a shelter.

Though Israeli military leaders have declared definitively that no United Nations facility was targeted, Rafah was the sixth shelter struck during the operation. Such strikes have renewed sharp questions about the tactics Israel uses in dense neighborhoods and, especially, near shelters that are supposed to provide refuge to people who follow Israel?s own orders to leave areas of fierce fighting.

?Why aren?t the safe zones working?? asked Robert Turner, the Gaza director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which is sheltering nearly 260,000 people in 90 schools and emails the Israeli authorities with their exact locations twice a day. ?Why are the military decisions being made that are leading to these tragedies??

The Israeli general who heads a committee charged with investigating the civilian impact of ground operations said that he did not know the details of what happened in Jabaliya because the troops involved were still fighting and therefore had not been interviewed. Speaking on the condition of anonymity under military protocol, the general said in an interview that ?Hamas people were shooting at? a group of soldiers working to destroy a tunnel in the area. No Israelis were killed or wounded.

The New York Times emailed Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a military spokesman, a map of where the strikes hit and asked him to point out where Israeli forces were operating, and from where in the 200-yard radius around the school they saw enemy fire; he did not respond. Colonel Lerner and the general refused to say what ordnance was deployed.
Continue reading the main story

Asked whether artillery would be appropriate in such a situation, the general said ?the question is whether or not they were under great or imminent risk.?

?The sheer orders are you are not allowed to fire artillery or mortar shells into urban areas unless there are imminent risks for human lives ? meaning only if you are under deadly fire or under great risk,? he said. ?The orders are clear. But I find it very difficult to judge those fighters under fire and tell them, ?Look, please open your textbook and read out loud what we told you.? ?

The Flood / Re: hello
« on: August 04, 2014, 11:39:02 AM »

The Flood / Re: ITT: I'll edit your posts to whatever I want
« on: August 04, 2014, 02:26:10 AM »

Serious / Re: oh gawd y
« on: August 03, 2014, 11:19:05 PM »
In this thread: People, having never been to the UK to see their system in practice, falsely believing it is similar to the VA healthcare system in America.

The Flood / Re: If you were a prostitute...
« on: August 03, 2014, 11:09:39 PM »
About tree fiddy

Damn it. You took my line.

The Flood / Re: Got a new laptop today
« on: August 03, 2014, 09:37:04 PM »
Windows 8.


Gaming / Re: How many people still play Halo 4?
« on: August 01, 2014, 02:55:32 PM »
Every now and then

This doesn't surprise me

Same, although it still disgusts me. The United States has done the same with journalists since the shitfest that was the Vietnam War - especially with the Patriot Act. It severely restricts what the press can report during wartime.

News / Re: Don't block our ads
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:54:57 PM »
Sorry, but I hate ads. I hope you don't make using adblock a bannable offense, like those assholes in the Flood are suggesting.

Okay SecondClass.

As a Journalist, this just pisses me off

NEW YORK -- The Israeli military told The New York Times on Friday to withhold publishing additional information about an Israeli soldier reportedly captured by Palestinian militants until it is first reviewed by a censor.

The Times acknowledged the order in an article Friday on the abrupt collapse of a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

The Times added the new paragraph nearly six hours after first publishing the article, according to Newsdiffs, a site that tracks changes in news stories online.

A Times spokeswoman did not have any immediate comment on the paper's handling of the censorship notification.

The Israeli government recently issued a media gag order related to the killings of three Israeli teenagers and one Palestinian teenager, violence that helped lead to the current conflict. While the news media faced restrictions, the Times' Robert Mackey wrote that "a vigorous, at times frightening, public discussion of the killings has continued online based on rumor and leaks used by partisans of both sides to indict their enemies.?

Israeli officials blamed Hamas for abducting the Israeli teenagers, though some intelligence officials have now expressed doubt that Hamas was involved. The resulting war has led to the deaths of nearly 1,500 Palestinians and 56 Israeli soldiers.

In April, the Times acknowledged withholding news that a 23-year-old Palestinian journalist had been arrested because of an Israeli court-imposed gag order. At the time, Jerusalem Bureau Chief Jodi Rudoren told Times? Public Editor Margaret Sullivan that the paper is ?indeed, bound by gag orders.?

Sullivan wrote that Rudoren ?said that the situation is analogous to abiding by traffic rules or any other laws of the land, and that two of her predecessors in the bureau chief position affirmed to her this week that the Times has been subject to gag orders in the past.?

Still, some of the paper?s top editors said they didn?t know the Times abided by such restrictions.

Both Dean Baquet, who was then managing editor and has since been promoted to executive editor, and Susan Chira, a former foreign editor and current assistant managing editor, told Sullivan they "were un

Serious / Re: How are people still against gay marriage?
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:47:18 PM »
I don't think it's right but I also don't think my opinion should have an affect on someone who doesn't believe in what I believe in. It's disgusting when it's flaunted though. Straight or gay.

Why don't you think it's right?

The Flood / Re: Respected Users Hangout
« on: August 01, 2014, 12:26:18 PM »
Staying up until 6am binge watching shows isn't the best idea.

Didn't say they aren't good shows. So it all works out in the end.
Join up

So much effort.

The Flood / Re: um.... holy shit?
« on: August 01, 2014, 12:25:50 PM »
Quick, America. Colonize the Moon.

The Flood / Re: Respected Users Hangout
« on: August 01, 2014, 12:24:49 PM »
Staying up until 6am binge watching shows isn't the best idea.

Didn't say they aren't good shows. So it all works out in the end.

The Flood / Re: Respected Users Hangout
« on: August 01, 2014, 11:25:30 AM »
Staying up until 6am binge watching shows isn't the best idea.

I like how they use the word ancient. But it's still pretty cool that it was found there.

Yeah, not the greatest word usage.


How is this a

Religious, Political, or controversial topics

Really Interesting Story

It was a Tuesday when construction workers found it. The location was lower Manhattan and the year was 2010 ? nine years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, that toppled the World Trade Center towers.

The workers were in awe. Underneath the black muck and ooze of the ruins lay an exoskeleton of something that hadn?t seen air for 200 years and, freshly exposed to the elements, was quickly deteriorating.

It was a vessel, 30 feet long. Hundreds of years old, the cargo ship had somehow been preserved 20 to 30 feet below street level ? below what had once been the tallest buildings on the planet. Pictures show baffled men clad in orange hovering around the ship like fossil hunters at an excavation.

?We?re trying to record it as quickly as possible,? Doug Mackey, a chief regional archaeologist for the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, told the New York Times. ?And do the analysis later.?

Much of the analysis has now been done. Columbia University researchers laid out many of the ship?s secrets in a fresh study published this month in the journal Tree-Ring Research. And not only does the research show where the ship came from, but scientists say this ?rare and valuable piece of American shipbuilding history? helps shed light on how ships of that period were constructed.

The land upon which the World Trade Center was built was not always land. And New York City was not always New York City. In 1647, the Dutch West India Company built the first wharves in what was then New Amsterdam. After the British came to town and founded New York, some of the coastline and inland bodies of water were filled to create more land. Even back then, apparently, real estate in lower Manhattan was hot.

?Cheap and abundant fill materials such as rocks, earth and refuse were placed behind wooden barriers or within wood structures to create new land,? the study states. ?Earlier wharfs and abandoned merchant ships were often a component of the fill in newly constructed land.?

Sometime between 1760 and 1818, the study says, the land where the World Trade Center would stand was filled. ?The location where the ship was found had been infilled by the 1790s,? wrote the scientists, led by Dario Martin-Benito of Columbia?s Tree-Ring Laboratory. ?Our hypothesis is that the ship was built in the mid to late 18th century and was sunk, either deliberately or accidentally, less than thirty years later.?

But where was it built? And by whom?

The answers, researchers say, are in its wood. Applying the techniques of dendrochronology, or tree-ring dating, the researchers homed in on what went down ? and where. ?What makes the tree-ring patterns in a certain region look very similar, in general, is climate,? Martin-Benito explained to Live Science. Local rain levels and temperatures, he said, dictate regional ring patters. The wetter the climate, the thicker the rings.

One major clue was the ship?s keel. It contained hickory, ?which greatly reduces the possible provenance to the eastern United States or to East Asia, the latter of which is unlikely.?

The most likely area: Philadelphia. Their research ?suggests that most if not all of the timbers used to build the ship came from the same forest in the Philadelphia area.?

That finding, researchers said, supports earlier theories that the ship, because of ?certain idiosyncratic aspects of the vessel?s construction,? had been built at a ?small rural shipyard rather than a large, established, and well-financed shipyard.?

It just so happens that shipbuilding was one of the most important industries at that time in eastern Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, where colonials constructed ships of similar size and makeup.

So what brought down the ship? The study said it sank at a lower Manhattan harbor only 20 to 30 years after it was built and may have made at least one trip to the Caribbean. But its ?short lifespan,? was perhaps due to ?hard use, repairs and shipworm infestation.?

?I don?t know much about the life expectancy for boats,? Martin-Benito told Live Science. ?But that doesn?t seem like too long for something that would take so long to build.?

Tl;Dr: 200+ year old ship found under the remains of the Twin Towers in 2010.

Fuck that. Why would I want to stare at a huge fucking advertisement every time I load a page?

Because it helps pay to support the website.

If you don't want to help, go back to b.lind. You won't be missed.
Staying here and blocking ads gives this site the same revenue as me leaving. Your logic fails again.

Actually you'd be a detriment since you're consuming bandwidth without compensating via ad revenue.
Wow, you know you have a great site when all new members are called detriments.

Nope. Not all new members.

Just those like you who feel entitled to not help ensure the website is funded, through a free alteration in your usage (Disabling the ad block), to make improvements.
It's not free. I have to pay by looking at that shit every time I load a page.

Awww, poor you.

Maybe we should just ban you so we don't waste bandwidth allowing you to post.

The Flood / Re: Best profile pic, ROUND 2.
« on: July 31, 2014, 07:47:59 PM »
I'm a Dinklebot.

Dinklebot's don't care.

Serious / Re: There is no free-market
« on: July 31, 2014, 07:46:08 PM »
Meh. Agreed.

Still doesn't mean a 100% free market is a good thing

Serious / Re: Your stance on cyber bulling?
« on: July 31, 2014, 07:43:02 PM »
Cyberbullies can be stopped by reporting and muting.

No, they can't.

The Flood / Re: GET IN HERE FIG
« on: July 31, 2014, 07:38:17 PM »
I learned that Icy Wind really hates Quebec.
And everything else

I do not.

Why do you hate Quebec Icy? What did those Frenchies ever do to you?

You don't even live in Canada.

Live close enough to know those Canadians are up to no good.

'Merica must invade now

The Flood / Re: GET IN HERE FIG
« on: July 31, 2014, 07:26:44 PM »
I learned that Icy Wind really hates Quebec.
And everything else.

I do not.

News / Re: Meet the new Mod
« on: July 31, 2014, 07:08:51 PM »
Congrats Kiyo!

Fuck that. Why would I want to stare at a huge fucking advertisement every time I load a page?

Because it helps pay to support the website.

If you don't want to help, go back to b.lind. You won't be missed.
Staying here and blocking ads gives this site the same revenue as me leaving. Your logic fails again.

Actually you'd be a detriment since you're consuming bandwidth without compensating via ad revenue.
Wow, you know you have a great site when all new members are called detriments.

Nope. Not all new members.

Just those like you who feel entitled to not help ensure the website is funded, through a free alteration in your usage (Disabling the ad block), to make improvements.

Fuck that. Why would I want to stare at a huge fucking advertisement every time I load a page?

Because it helps pay to support the website.

If you don't want to help, go back to b.lind. You won't be missed.

The Flood / Re: A third offsite? Really?
« on: July 31, 2014, 04:09:48 PM »
Why did you waste your time to come here just to be rude to others?
Because some members on here, like Mad Max and Sentra, are actually decent.


The Flood / Re: Has anyone been IP banned from this site yet?
« on: July 31, 2014, 04:06:03 PM »
Think the John Cena account was.

The Flood / Re: A third offsite? Really?
« on: July 31, 2014, 04:04:21 PM »
Speaking of shitposters....

If you think I'm a shitposter, of all people, you have some serious fucking mental issues.

Now now. Play nice.

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