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Messages - Alternative Facts

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« on: August 20, 2014, 09:26:39 PM »

« on: August 20, 2014, 09:23:43 PM »
Now imagine this....

In HD.


The Flood / Re: Heroic Users Hangout
« on: August 20, 2014, 09:10:54 PM »
Just gave you a +1 Noelle. You shall be mythic!

The Flood / Re: Heroic Users Hangout
« on: August 20, 2014, 09:04:27 PM »
I'm the Princess.


The Flood / Re: ITT Bash
« on: August 20, 2014, 06:40:46 PM »
They do it fine on their own.

The Flood / Re: Heroic Users Hangout
« on: August 20, 2014, 06:30:38 PM »
All of the Heroics!

The Flood / Re: Heroic Users Hangout
« on: August 20, 2014, 02:56:42 PM »
All the +1's!

The Flood / Re: Nameplate Ideas
« on: August 19, 2014, 10:46:03 PM »
Cheat, could I have this?

Septagon / Re: Maintenance Mode
« on: August 19, 2014, 10:44:11 PM »
And it's back working for me, switched to Firefox.

I'll let you know if it continues for me.

Septagon / Re: Maintenance Mode
« on: August 19, 2014, 10:32:25 PM »
Just as a side note, seems to be happening through my internet provider and our WiFi? I have to turn WiFi off even on my phone to get access.

Septagon / Maintenance Mode
« on: August 19, 2014, 10:28:20 PM »
The forums seem to be acting buggy for me after we switched hosts. Every now and then, it keeps going back into Maintenance mode for me, and clearing my cache and history does nothing. Usually goes away after a couple hours, but a bit frustrating.

Thoughts on this?

The Flood / Re: Nameplate Ideas
« on: August 19, 2014, 10:22:32 PM »
I will give the pleasure, you take the nameplate. That sounds like a fair compromise.

That's almost as dirty and her watching me and the Canadian

The Flood / Re: Nameplate Ideas
« on: August 19, 2014, 10:15:17 PM »

The Flood / Re: Nameplate Ideas
« on: August 19, 2014, 09:58:22 PM »
I should have of Princess nameplate.

Just sayin'

The Flood / Re: Look what I found :3
« on: August 19, 2014, 09:37:18 PM »
I'll never understand this anime shit.

The Flood / Re: Heroic Users Hangout
« on: August 19, 2014, 09:30:51 PM »
Everyone join to celebrate!

The Flood / Re: Heroic Users Hangout
« on: August 19, 2014, 09:13:43 PM »
Hell, I'd be happy if I ever get to Heroic even.

My +1 got you there :)

The Flood / Re: Heroic Users Hangout
« on: August 19, 2014, 09:10:57 PM »
I'm still going for Legendary.

The Flood / Re: "German is a harsh language."
« on: August 19, 2014, 07:56:16 PM »
Tu sei un grande pezza di merda.

The Flood / Re: Do any of you fuckers still host Halo 3 gamenights?
« on: August 19, 2014, 07:49:17 PM »
Just tell me a night lol

Firstly let me begin by saying – Homosexuality is completely unnatural. There is nothing normal or even remotely positive about a homosexual relationship between two members of the same sex, in fact it borders the realms of pure evil; satanic, sick and perverse evil.


Nature decrees that Homosexuality is unnatural,


By encouraging widespread homosexuality, the white race is being eaten away by those who refuse to fulfil their basic human function of reproducing.


Homosexuality, feminism and metrosexualism are just several weapons used by the cultural marxist parasites who reign above us. People need to wake up and realise what is happening to our country and to our race before this evil unfolds fully and destroys everything.

Oh god, RC and PSU are better than these fucking idiots. What is scary, however, is that they already have 57k likes in Facebooks.

So many idiots.

Serious / Re: American Journalist is beheaded by ISIS
« on: August 19, 2014, 07:36:57 PM »
You know why I will never be a foreign corespondent.

Serious / Re: American Journalist is beheaded by ISIS
« on: August 19, 2014, 05:53:08 PM »
Kind of an idiot, but damn.

It's his job.

Serious / Re: Rick Perry to Turn Himself In to Authorities
« on: August 19, 2014, 02:27:01 PM »
So it's perfectly fine for Obama to veto but it's wrong for Perry to use his veto powers? And isn't the prosecutor some chick that gets a hard on for suing conservatives also? And wasn't she charged and jailed also?


No one disputes that Perry has the power to veto measures approved by the Legislature, but his threat to do so before actually carrying it out prompted a complaint from a left-leaning watchdog group.

The Flood / Re: How have y'all been doing?
« on: August 19, 2014, 01:41:36 PM »
It's the middle of August and I'm listening to Christmas music.

How you doing?

Serious / Re: Rick Perry to Turn Himself In to Authorities
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:59:48 PM »
What did he supposedly do?

Perry on Friday became the first Texas governor since 1917 to be indicted, and is facing charges of coercion and official oppression that carry a maximum sentence of 109 years in prison for carrying out a threat to veto funding for the state's public integrity unit last summer.

A grand jury in Austin, a liberal bastion in otherwise largely conservative Texas, indicted Perry for carrying out a threat to veto $7.5 million in funding for the state's public integrity unit after Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg, a Democrat, refused to resign following a drunken driving arrest. The ethics unit is housed under Lehmberg's office.

No one disputes that Perry has the power to veto measures approved by the Legislature, but his threat to do so before actually carrying it out prompted a complaint from a left-leaning watchdog group.

The grand jury met for months before handing down its indictment, and Perry's $450 per-hour defense attorney was paid using state funds. Buzbee said the public will continue footing the bill for the governor's now pricier legal team, though he said a private foundation could eventually be established to handle some of the costs.

Serious / Rick Perry to Turn Himself In to Authorities
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:55:23 PM »

AUSTIN, Texas -

Texas Gov. Rick Perry will turn himself into authorities Tuesday evening on two  counts of abuse of power, Local 2 News has learned.

According to our sister station in Austin, KXAN-TV, Perry will surrender at around 5 p.m. Tuesday.

His attorneys said Monday that a mug shot of the governor will be taken.

Monday's developments

A Texas judge opted Monday not to issue an arrest warrant against Gov. Rick Perry, but the Republican still faces the unflattering prospect of being booked, fingerprinted and having his mug shot taken -- and has assembled a team of high-powered attorneys to fight the two felony counts of abuse of power against him.

Leading conservatives around the country have mostly lined up to support the longest-serving governor in Texas history, and Perry's aides said the case won't derail his busy travel schedule, which includes visits to several key presidential battleground states as he continues to eye a second run for the White House in 2016.

"This is nothing more than banana republic politics," Tony Buzbee a Houston-based defense attorney who will head a cadre of four lawyers from Texas and Washington defending Perry, said at a news conference. "The charges lobbed against the governor are a really nasty attack not only on the rule of law but on the Constitution of the United States, the state of Texas and also the fundamental constitutional protections that we all enjoy."

Perry on Friday became the first Texas governor since 1917 to be indicted, and is facing charges of coercion and official oppression that carry a maximum sentence of 109 years in prison for carrying out a threat to veto funding for the state's public integrity unit last summer.

The governor has emphatically stood by his veto and denied all wrongdoing. The judge overseeing the case, Republican Bert Richardson, decided against issuing an arrest warrant and instead a special prosecutor appointed to the matter was planning a simple legal summons. That still means a booking is in Perry's future.

Buzbee said he didn't know exactly when those would occur but that the governor has no intention of hiding: "That's going to be something, that when he goes in to be booked and take his picture that we're going to let you know about."

A summons was being prepared to hold Perry's arraignment -- a court appearance to answer the charges -- on Aug. 29 at 9 a.m., according to the Travis County District Clerk's Office. But Perry spokesman Felix Browne said Monday evening that date had not been confirmed, adding that the governor wouldn't need to appear personally at the arraignment.  Perry would appear personally at his booking.

A grand jury in Austin, a liberal bastion in otherwise largely conservative Texas, indicted Perry for carrying out a threat to veto $7.5 million in funding for the state's public integrity unit after Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg, a Democrat, refused to resign following a drunken driving arrest. The ethics unit is housed under Lehmberg's office.

No one disputes that Perry has the power to veto measures approved by the Legislature, but his threat to do so before actually carrying it out prompted a complaint from a left-leaning watchdog group.

The grand jury met for months before handing down its indictment, and Perry's $450 per-hour defense attorney was paid using state funds. Buzbee said the public will continue footing the bill for the governor's now pricier legal team, though he said a private foundation could eventually be established to handle some of the costs.

Word that Perry avoided an arrest warrant raised questions of favoritism, but legal observers said forgoing an arrest warrant is common in white-collar cases. Former U.S. Attorney Matt Orwig said that insisting on an arrest warrant for Perry would have been "grandstanding."

"He's obviously not a flight risk or danger to the community," Orwig said.

The public integrity unit also led the case against former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay, a fellow Texas Republican who was convicted in 2010 on campaign finance charges, but eventually had them overturned on appeal.

Dick DeGuerin, a Houston attorney who defended DeLay, said the congressman was originally issued a summons -- and it wasn't until DeLay's legal team had some of the indictments against him thrown out that prosecutors sought an arrest warrant. DeLay eventually turned himself in and, wearing a suit and American flag lapel pin, smiled wide for his mug shot.

"It turned out to be kind of a glamour shot," DeGuerin said.

Aides said the case wouldn't prevent Perry from maintaining his packed upcoming schedule, which includes visits to the key presidential battleground states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina in the next two weeks. Perry also has a Thursday speech on immigration at the Heritage Foundation in Washington.

The governor is attempting to rebrand himself to a national audience after stumbling badly during his short-lived 2012 presidential campaign.

Potential 2016 presidential rival and Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie released a statement Monday saying he has "complete faith and confidence in Governor Perry's honesty and integrity," echoing similar sentiments from former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, all of whom may eventually seek the GOP White House nomination. Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad said the charges "could well help" Perry.

"It is an attack. It also is coming out of a county where you wouldn't expect even-handedness," said Branstad, a Republican.

Conservatives also have been quick to note that a video recording made at the jail showed Lehmberg shouting at staffers, kicking the door of her cell and sticking her tongue out at deputies. Perry's attorneys showed the "outrageous" video again while addressing reporters Monday.

Not everyone was backing Perry, though. In Pennsylvania, Republican Gov. Tom Corbett's re-election campaign removed a video endorsement by the Texas governor from its website following Perry's indictment.

Copyright 2014 by The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Serious / Re: the Ferguson protest *cringes*
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:24:30 PM »
The problem is, very few of the media outlets are reporting that these looters are being fought against by the actual protestors. There are people who are working to make sure that the looters stay out of the shops, and are cleaning up the mess left behind.

A protest is understandable to find out the truth. These looters are not protestors.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: August 18, 2014, 10:23:03 PM »
This is still going?

The Flood / Re: Heroic Users Hangout
« on: August 18, 2014, 10:20:10 PM »
Why you bitches not in here?

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