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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:02:33 PM »
You know the Boomers open fire on literally anyone that approaches them, right?

Hence the more information. Gimme time to develop, you continue taking over the world.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:02:00 PM »
Great Khan Stats

Leader: Chief Cal (NV), Chieftess Su (NV), Chieftan Tal (Idaho)

Population: 7,000 (NV), 20,000 (Idaho tribes, continued unification until Page 27)

Territory: Southwestern Idaho, Mount Charleston, Jacobstown, Red Rock Canyon, extending as far south as Goodsprings, and over to Sloan/Quarry. Territory now extends North and East to the edge of Boomer territory.

Economy: Following the removal of chems from the tribe, the Khan's now operate as a medical business, selling stimpacks and other medical needs to the people of the wastes. Main operation stems in Goodsprings. Current goal is a quicker cure to Cazador poisoning - more information on Page 27/28.

Military (Military HQ located within the Charleston mountain region):

- 1,500 Khan Warriors
- 5,000 Enclave Soldiers (On Loan until Page 30 at the earliest)
- Handful of Drones
- 20 Intercepters
- Vertibird Team


- New Vegas - Khan Alliance: In guarantee for protection, two Khansmen will produce chems for the strip.
- Legion - Khan Alliance: Guaranteed safe travel, punishment, slave protection, economy.
- Enclave - Khan Alliance: Military and minor economic ties
- Talon Company - Khan Alliance: Minor Economic Ties

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:55:00 PM »
alright niggers the fucking nc goddamn r is back

someone fill me in on what i missed

Legion's attacking you, Kinder is godmodding as usual, and Enclave loves me.

And I think Kiyo is playing golf.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:53:39 PM »
I've been told from TBlocks that Vien likely is not playing. Therefore, I will begin plans to work on fusing the Boomers and Khans. If Vien rejoins, all this can be forgotten

Khan Chieftan Cal sends a team of Khan's to the Boomer HQ with technological gifts from the various ruins of our territory. More info on page 26.

Khan Chieftan Cal would like to thank the Enclave for the supplies. We shall have the troops back to you by Page 30.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:47:09 PM »

The Van Graffs have also completed the reconstruction of the B-52 bomber that was sunken in Lake Mead and have it on standby to conduct a bombing raid against the Khans with a large supply of mini-nukes. It's advsed that the Khans stand down or face total destruction

Just one page ago, you were "making plans". Now, you've manage to raise and reconstruct it with no time for research? How did your people get down there? How was the ship lifted? How was it brought to wherever it was reconstructed? Did you have the tools? Did you get info from the Boomers?

Your godmodding shit is annoying at this point.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:21:32 PM »
The Khan's will assist in strategizing with the Legion and Enclave if our assistance is needed.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:10:06 PM »
Khan's aim their drones at Van Graff territory.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:52:42 PM »
[Boomers are isolationist. NPCs or no, they wouldn't just join you on a whim...]

Of course, there would be time (Pages) before that is done. I'm saying, I'm not doing anything towards that until we know whether or not Vien is still playing

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:49:55 PM »
Great Khans now control all land stretching north from Mount Charleston to the edge of the border, and over to Boomer Territory. Pending Vien's return (Or not), Boomer's will join the Khan's

The Flood / Re: Lol, I found a video on Youtube that Kinder made
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:46:48 PM »
I was there for this joke.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:37:41 PM »
The Khan's travel North around the Vegas Strip and make contact with the Boomers, suffering the deaths of three Khansmen.

(Is Vien even playing still? If not, I'm taking over the Boomers

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:29:39 PM »
Talon Company leadership considers this, but instead decides to take the Institute altogether and entice their scientists to join Talon. Plans to take the building will commence in two months.

The Khan's request that Talon Company allow the Institute to remain sovereign.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:19:46 PM »
lol, right? I thought I had a pretty large army at 80,000 soldiers, then it turns out the Legion has millions...

I'm running around 24,500 between Idaho and Nevada

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:16:55 PM »
Various  tribes in Idaho unite under the Great Khan's name there - population swells to 20,000, controlling much of southern Idaho. Continued unification process will continue into Page 27.

Tensions continue to remain strong between the New Vegas and Idaho branches.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:04:48 PM »
The Enclave will send 5 drones in exchange for food and supplies.

Granted. Khan's will arrive to your location by page 24 to collect the drones and return to Khan territory.

Khan Chieftan Cal would like to remind the Van Grafts that their actions will result in consequences.

Khan Doctors set up shop in Goodsprings, creating new medicines to share with the people of the wastelands. Current goal is a medication to quickly alleviate pain from Cazador stings. Expect more information by page 25.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 01:58:09 PM »
Drones? As in the drones from Mothership Zeta?

If you're talking about the drones used in real life then that's not canon as it was never created in the Fallout universe

Drones: 100% 15 Drones have been built.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 01:54:22 PM »
What are you going to do about it? The Van Graff army numbers over 3,000 and despite our small size, we make up for it in superior training and equipment

Yo! Enclave! Can we get some of those drones over here?

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 01:52:47 PM »
Khan's begin charging access to travel up Highway 15 with protection from the Deathclaws, which have been contained in the Quarry for now. Revenue increases.

(Can we all just agree to kill the Van Graffs and take over their empire?)

Serious / Re: First Gay Marriage Ban Upheld in Over A Year
« on: September 03, 2014, 01:24:57 PM »
10th Amendment allows the powers not granted to the Feds to be given to the State and the people. Marriage is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution so it goes towards states to decide

And those state decisions cannot violate Constitutional amendments - hence why no state still has slavery.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:36:07 PM »
The Legion finds this acceptable, and in return offers to take on any Khan who is exiled or otherwise unwanted by the tribe as a slave, if the tribe's leaders find it a suitable punishment. Legionary companies can also be loaned if the Khans require temporary assistance with security, as long as food is provided by the tribe.

The Khans find this acceptable.

Serious / Re: First Gay Marriage Ban Upheld in Over A Year
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:35:16 PM »
You saying you expected more from a bunch of hicks?

I expect them to be slightly better than Utah.

Only slightly.

Serious / First Gay Marriage Ban Upheld in Over A Year
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:29:02 PM »
Of course it's Louisiana

WASHINGTON -- Bucking a nationwide trend, a federal judge in Louisiana upheld a state ban on same-sex marriage on Wednesday, writing that "any right to same-sex marriage is not yet so entrenched as to be fundamental" and that gay marriage was "inconceivable until very recently."

"The Court is persuaded that a meaning of what is marriage that has endured in history for thousands of years, and prevails in a majority of states today, is not universally irrational on the constitutional grid," U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman, who was appointed to the bench by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, wrote.

Feldman noted that his was the only federal court to uphold a gay marriage ban since the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act last year.

"It would no doubt be celebrated to be in the company of the near-unanimity of the many other federal courts that have spoken to this pressing issue, if this Court were confident in the belief that those cases provide a correct guide," Feldman wrote.

The court "hesitates with the notion that this state's choice could only be inspired by hate and intolerance," the judge wrote, holding that Louisiana "has a legitimate interest ... whether obsolete in the opinion of some, or not, in the opinion of others ... in linking children to an intact family formed by their two biological parents."

Feldman said that "inconvenient questions persist" about the recognition of same-sex marriage and posed a few slippery-slope questions of his own.

"For example, must the states permit or recognize a marriage between an aunt and niece? Aunt and nephew? Brother/brother? Father and child? May minors marry? Must marriage be limited to only two people? What about a transgender spouse? Is such a union same-gender or male-female? All such unions would undeniably be equally committed to love and caring for one another, just like the plaintiffs," he wrote.

How the fuck did this guy get office?

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:26:58 PM »
The Legion agrees, but warns that any visiting Khans found selling chems to legion subjects will face the same penalties as a Legion citizen.

The Khans inform the Legion our days of chem production are over, aside from a small operation for New Vegas. Take up your problem with that to Talon Company.

Also, let it be known that any Legion slaves that escape and find their way to Khan territory will be given temporary citizen status while we work out any questions between our Ambassadors.

The Flood / Re: The Canadian Thread
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:25:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: Which two Floodians should be forced to gay marry?
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:23:49 PM »
Me and TBlocks

We would make wonderful Canadamerican children.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:18:45 PM »
The Khan's Ambassador to the Legion requests an economic partnership, along with guaranteed safe passage through Legion territory for Khan tribesmen if ever needed.

As of Page 20, the Great Khans (New Vegas branch) control Jacobstown, all of Mount Charleston, Red Rock Canyon, GoodSprings, Sloan, the Sloan Mines, and the abandoned stretch of highway in the Sloan area.

The Idaho Great Khans send an Ambassador to reestablish connections with their NV brothers.

Khan Chieftan Cal takes a wife in Chieftess Su. The two enjoy a weekend on the Strip.

The Flood / Re: It's my Birthday Today! :D
« on: September 03, 2014, 09:51:11 AM »
Why are we not on celebrating?

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: September 03, 2014, 09:43:23 AM »
Why the fuck is this still going on?

The Flood / Re: Just made iced coffee AMA
« on: September 03, 2014, 09:24:52 AM »
Black, or with creamer? If so, flavored?

The Flood / Re: It's my Birthday Today! :D
« on: September 03, 2014, 09:22:52 AM »
I sent you a pic though

My bad. Thought that was your pinky.

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