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Messages - Alternative Facts

Pages: 1 ... 257258259 260261 ... 306
Serious / Re: Americans, did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 11:35:02 AM »
I'm deathly ill.

Serious / Re: Obama's Syria strategy is failing
« on: November 03, 2014, 02:29:48 PM »
I'll be taking my Nobel Peace Prize

Yes, standing to the side and allowing groups to carry out what are essentially genocides is totally deserving of a peace prize.

Serious / MOVED: Citizens of,
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:26:46 PM »

Serious / Re: Should The United States of America Revolt?
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:32:45 AM »
So when the government was Partially shutdown, people were roaming the streets yelling anarchy and making the LA riots look like a walk in the part, huh? State and local governments would still be fully operational

Let me fix that for you.

A total lack of any central would create absolute chaos.

Serious / Re: Should The United States of America Revolt?
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:02:54 AM »
Yes. Anarchy and a period without a government is far better than our current system.


The Flood / Re: put that mirror down
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:47:07 PM »
It was my precious child, and Camnator destroyed it.

You never learned to mind your surroundings.


I will be back with a new one, and we will destroy you.

The Flood / Re: put that mirror down
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:44:35 PM »
It was my precious child, and Camnator destroyed it.

Serious / Re: Georgia Not Required to find 40,000 missing voter IDs
« on: November 01, 2014, 02:04:46 PM »
You literally only care because the missing votes would likely vote democrat. Otherwise you would not give two shits--any of you.

Or, you know. Preventing 40,000 people from voting at all is worse than any current "voter fraud"

The Flood / Re: Do you think Deci will come back?
« on: October 31, 2014, 09:09:14 AM »

News / Re: Trust System Update
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:53:57 PM »
Ah. I love some good tricks for the holiday.

Serious / Re: Consent to murder - Right or Wrong?
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:58:11 PM »
There have been few particularly disturbing cases in the news over the last 10 years where basically someone consents to being killed and eaten by an acquaintance.

The fuck goes on in Britbongistan?

Serious / Re: LGBT members of this community
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:55:55 PM »
Literally just like this year I've realized I wouldn't mind taking it up the butt from a cute guy

Please tell me you're kidding.

And by cute guy, I mean feminine looking, not all masculine and shit

Ah. A twink.

Twinks are the only guys I like. hngggggg

They're pretty good

Good enough to be better than girls. They know exactly what you like.

Yeah, we aren't going into this subject.

Stick to BC's original question.

Serious / Re: LGBT members of this community
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:53:07 PM »
Literally just like this year I've realized I wouldn't mind taking it up the butt from a cute guy

Please tell me you're kidding.

And by cute guy, I mean feminine looking, not all masculine and shit

Ah. A twink.

Twinks are the only guys I like. hngggggg

They're pretty good

Serious / Re: LGBT members of this community
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:51:19 PM »
Literally just like this year I've realized I wouldn't mind taking it up the butt from a cute guy

Please tell me you're kidding.

And by cute guy, I mean feminine looking, not all masculine and shit

Ah. A twink.
>tfw no qt3.14 twink bf
It's cause you are not qt

Its ok.

Serious / Re: LGBT members of this community
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:48:43 PM »
Literally just like this year I've realized I wouldn't mind taking it up the butt from a cute guy

Please tell me you're kidding.

And by cute guy, I mean feminine looking, not all masculine and shit

Ah. A twink.
>tfw no qt3.14 twink bf

It's cause you are not qt

Serious / Re: LGBT members of this community
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:42:44 PM »
Literally just like this year I've realized I wouldn't mind taking it up the butt from a cute guy

Please tell me you're kidding.

And by cute guy, I mean feminine looking, not all masculine and shit

Ah. A twink.
forgot the term

I'd still wreck either Aubrey Plaza's or Megan Boone's pussy given the chance


Serious / Re: LGBT members of this community
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:39:56 PM »
Literally just like this year I've realized I wouldn't mind taking it up the butt from a cute guy

Please tell me you're kidding.

And by cute guy, I mean feminine looking, not all masculine and shit

Ah. A twink.

Serious / Re: LGBT members of this community
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:37:39 PM »
Literally just like this year I've realized I wouldn't mind taking it up the butt from a cute guy

Please tell me you're kidding.

Septagon / Re: What powers does a Monitor have?
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:22:57 PM »
In before TBlocks makes a power grab

Serious / Re: Georgia Not Required to find 40,000 missing voter IDs
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:20:45 PM »
Isn't the government supposed to serve it's people,
There has literally never been a government like that
supposed to

Shame that it doesn't

Serious / Re: LGBT members of this community
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:20:25 PM »
Eh, around 12 or 13. Just realized I was attracted to the guys, and not the girls. Nothing extreme.

Serious / Re: Georgia Not Required to find 40,000 missing voter IDs
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:06:01 PM »
The Republican deputy whip of the Georgia Senate complained that racially diverse DeKalb County was making it too easy for minorities to cast ballots by allowing voting in a mall close to predominantly African-American churches.

 making them jump through a bunch of hoops and making them go out of their way to participate is only going to turn them away from the process.

The dream of Republicans

Serious / Georgia Not Required to find 40,000 missing voter IDs
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:01:55 AM »

Tens of thousands of Georgia residents have submitted all required documentation, but have still not received a voter registration card, and so will be denied a chance to participate in Tuesday’s important midterm election.

And there’s likely nothing they can do about it.

Yesterday, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Christopher Brasher denied a petition from voter rights advocates that would have forced the Georgia Secretary of State to process an estimated 40,000 voter registration forms now missing from a public database.

As reported two weeks ago, voter registration drives sponsored by the New Georgia Project had collected the necessary forms from an estimated 80,000 people around the state. But while voters in affluent communities seemed to receive their registration cards in a timely fashion, over half of those who applied, mostly those from poorer and predominantly minority neighborhoods, were still waiting, some as long as six months, and there was no record of these potential voters in the system.

After negotiations with Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp proved fruitless, the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights and the Georgia NAACP, which served as legal representatives for New Georgia, sued.

Dr. Francys Johnson, President of the Georgia NAACP, called Tuesday’s court decision “outrageous.”

“[A] Republican appointed judge has backed the Republican Secretary of State to deny the right to vote to a largely African American and Latino population,” Johnson said.

This is not merely academic. In July, Kemp was recorded telling a group of Georgia GOP insiders that he was concerned Democrats were registering too many minority voters. In September, Kemp launched a fraud investigation into the New Georgia Project’s registration drive, though he has never said why he suspected fraud.

The Republican deputy whip of the Georgia Senate complained that racially diverse DeKalb County was making it too easy for minorities to cast ballots by allowing voting in a mall close to predominantly African-American churches.

But Judge Brasher ruled that it was “premature” to suspect that state officials would “fail to carry out their mandatory duties.”

The prospect of 40,000 voters denied access to the ballot has the potential to swing a number of races in Georgia, not the least of which are the Governor’s race between Incumbent Republican Nathan Deal and Democrat Jason Carter, and the important Senate contest between Michelle Nunn, the Democrat, and GOP standard-bearer David Perdue — both of which are extremely close, according to recent opinion polls.

The question of which party will control the Senate next year could hang in the balance.

Georgia law requires the victor to top 50 percent, with a January 6 runoff if no candidate gets a simple majority. This is a very real possibility in the Peach State, as Libertarian Amanda Swafford is expected to grab about 5 percent of the vote.

As detailed recently, 40,000 ballots could amount to around 1.5 percent of the November vote — a margin that could easily affect the outcome in the Georgia Senate race, and in the battle for control of the U.S. Senate.

"Oh, Voter ID laws won't disenfranchise voters. If you sign up, you'll be allowed to vote with no problem"

The Flood / Re: Apple CEO Tim Cook is gay
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:40:44 AM »
This thread:

The Flood / Re: Apple CEO Tim Cook is gay
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:06:34 AM »
wow the level of acceptance towards gay people here is shocking. I'm leaving this liberal hell hole

Nah - he needs to mention how he rose from a ghetto neighborhood, has a great life with a supermodel class wife and works for the NHL.

The Flood / Re: It's my birthday! :D
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:05:09 AM »

The Flood / Re: Are you single?
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:03:31 AM »
In your opinion, maybe. I find it pointless- there's nothing to be gained from it and it isn't enjoyable. Ergo, a waste of time when I have better things I can be doing.

You find social interaction, as in off a computer, pointless? You do realize it's quite necessary for life...

The Flood / Re: Apple CEO Tim Cook is gay
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:02:16 AM »
Whelp. Time to get me a sugar daddy.

The Flood / Re: It's my birthday! :D
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:00:34 AM »
How old are you?

Serious / Re: Reasons for feminism
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:59:51 AM »
>Women are paid 20% less than men on average
[Citation needed]
Are you trying to debate about it or have you seriously never heard about that before?

Just curious - do you want to provide something that isn't almost 15 years old?

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