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Messages - Alternative Facts

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Serious / Re: Who is MOST at fault...
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:59:21 PM »
For the current situation in Africa - namely Sub-Saharan Africa?

Just interested in people's thoughts.

The various European empires that carved up Africa and completely fucked its people over in pursuit of natural resources.

Now let me ask - any empire in particular stand out?

The British Empire, but that's the one I know the most about. It's possible that one of the others could have been worse.

Ever hear of Belgium's atrocities in the Congo?

Early estimates put a Belgian massacre of roughly 10 million citizens, along with amputations of hands on millions more who did not comply with Belgium's effort to get rubber.

I did say the British Empire was the one I knew the most about and was completely open to the fact that I may be wrong due to my limited knowledge of the various activities that the various European Empires engaged in in Africa.

Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you or trying to say the British weren't the worst. Just openly sharing facts since Sub-Saharan Africa is largely a place not many people know about.

Serious / Re: Who is MOST at fault...
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:56:43 PM »
For the current situation in Africa - namely Sub-Saharan Africa?

Just interested in people's thoughts.

The various European empires that carved up Africa and completely fucked its people over in pursuit of natural resources.

Now let me ask - any empire in particular stand out?

The British Empire, but that's the one I know the most about. It's possible that one of the others could have been worse.

Ever hear of Belgium's atrocities in the Congo?

Early estimates put a Belgian massacre of roughly 10 million citizens, along with amputations of hands on millions more who did not comply with Belgium's effort to get rubber.

Serious / Re: Who is MOST at fault...
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:51:49 PM »
For the current situation in Africa - namely Sub-Saharan Africa?

Just interested in people's thoughts.

The various European empires that carved up Africa and completely fucked its people over in pursuit of natural resources.

Now let me ask - any empire in particular stand out?

Serious / Who is MOST at fault...
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:45:30 PM »
For the current situation in Africa - namely Sub-Saharan Africa?

Just interested in people's thoughts.

Serious / Re: Republicans hold more college degrees than democrats
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:43:57 PM »
Yeah, on further consideration, the topic of "Republicans have more college degrees" and Dustin's fishing with "Lets rethink Creationism" or whatever nonsense are being merged.

Have at it children.

Alright Dustin. Your threads are getting a bit excessive.

Serious / Re: Feminism in decline
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:30:40 PM »
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
It's so irrelevant and antiquated in the western world that it isn't even funny anymore. I wouldn't have that much a problem with feminism if it weren't for the nutjobs that have hijacked the movement and the amount of reprehensible shit they've tried to pull.

So, your biggest problem is with the extremists in the movement.

Something that happens with any movement.

Serious / MOVED: it's_happening.gif
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:44:28 PM »

The Flood / Re: it's_happening.gif
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:44:18 PM »
I'm gonna go ahead and move this to The Flood - while it's a cool story, I wouldn't classify it as anything political, religious, or controversial.

Serious / Re: New Study Suggests Genetic Link for Male Homosexuality
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:40:41 PM »
But believing this study is a choice


Serious / New Study Suggests Genetic Link for Male Homosexuality
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:38:47 PM »

CHICAGO — A large study of gay brothers adds to evidence that genes influence men’s chances of being homosexual, but the results aren’t strong enough to prove it.

Some scientists believe several genes might affect sexual orientation. Researchers who led the new study of nearly 800 gay brothers say their results bolster previous evidence pointing to genes on the X chromosome.

They also found evidence of influence from a gene or genes on a different chromosome. But the study doesn’t identify which of hundreds of genes located in either place might be involved.

Smaller studies seeking genetic links to homosexuality have had mixed results.

The new evidence “is not proof but it’s a pretty good indication” that genes on the two chromosomes have some influence over sexual orientation, said Dr. Alan Sanders, the lead author. He studies behavioral genetics at NorthShore University HealthSystem Research Institute in Evanston, Illinois.

Experts not involved in the study were more skeptical.

Neil Risch, a genetics expert at the University of California, San Francisco, said the data are statistically too weak to demonstrate any genetic link. Risch was involved in a smaller study that found no link between male homosexuality and chromosome X.

Dr. Robert Green, a medical geneticist at Harvard Medical School, called the new study “intriguing but not in any way conclusive.”

The work was published Monday by the journal Psychological Medicine. The National Institutes of Health paid for the research.

The researchers say they found potential links to male homosexuality in a portion of chromosome X and on chromosome 8, based on an analysis of genetic material in blood or saliva samples from participants.

Chromosome X is one of two human sex chromosomes; the other is chromosome Y, present only in men.

The study authors note that animal research suggests a gene located in one region of chromosome X may contribute to some sexual behavior; it’s one of the same regions cited in the new study.

Specific causes of homosexuality are unknown. Some scientists think social, cultural, family and biological factors are involved, while some religious groups consider it an immoral choice.

Study participant Dr. Chad Zawitz, a Chicago physician, called the research “a giant step forward” toward answering scientific questions about homosexuality and helping reduce the stigma gays often face.

Being gay “is sort of like having certain eye color or skin color — it’s just who you are,” Zawitz said. “Most heterosexuals I know didn’t choose to be heterosexual. It’s puzzling to me why people don’t understand.”

While hardly conclusive, and still debatable, it's still more research.

So, discuss.

Serious / Re: Feminism in decline
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:16:50 PM »
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
It's such a disgusting misrepresentation of reality.

Feminists in Middle-Eastern and African nations? Fuck yeah, right with you.

Feminists in England? Fuck off, and deflate your ego.

I'd argue the same thing about the LGBT movement.

Serious / Re: Feminism in decline
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:11:37 PM »
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
The forum thinks there's a difference between feminism and women's rights but doesn't think there's a difference between feminism and 4chan trolling.

Not helping.
Everyone has a different definition of what feminism is.

the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

Serious / Re: Feminism in decline
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:09:42 PM »
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?
The forum thinks there's a difference between feminism and women's rights but doesn't think there's a difference between feminism and 4chan trolling.

Not helping.

Serious / Re: Feminism in decline
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:06:14 PM »
Let me pose a question to you: Why are you so against feminism?

Serious / Re: ITT: We discuss the psychophysics of internet trolling
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:04:56 PM »
I am genuinely curious to see where this thread goes.

Though, the gorilla remains eager for some meat.

The Flood / Re: What classes are you taking next semester?
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:29:13 AM »

Trust me - it's been brought up at many universities.

It's mainly to ensure we're well rounded in various subjects, but it's honestly pointless and only causes more stress and chaos when it comes to trying and working on your core major classes.
I can understand why it's done in secondary school(our version of high school) but to force students to take pointless subjects is idiotic especially when they're paying huge amounts of tuition fees. Damn it sucks, I feel bad for you guys. I'd absolutely hate doing subjects I don't care for, I would end up failing them all because I wouldn't turn up to exams.

Even if you fail them can you still graduate?

I'm not sure how it's done at other schools, but at my university, in order to graduate, we have to take and pass...

Composition 1+2
2 Natural Science Courses
1 Math Course
1 Western World Course
1 US History Course
1 Art Course
1 Humanities Course
1 Diversities Course

On top of any Major/Minor courses. You don't pass one of these, you have to just retake it until you do pass.

Woah. Now that is ridiculous. Here we just have to take 1 humanities credit and 1 SS credit, though even that doesn't fit very well.

Yup. Especially when you factor in most majors have a good 10-12 classes you have to take, and minors can range between 3-6 classes.

You wonder why degrees take four + years.

They take 4+ years for us as well at a minimum, but you guys seem to have a super dense schedule. What uni in particular?

I'm just at a state university in New York. I imagine private schools have more strict schedules

The Flood / Re: What classes are you taking next semester?
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:25:14 AM »

Trust me - it's been brought up at many universities.

It's mainly to ensure we're well rounded in various subjects, but it's honestly pointless and only causes more stress and chaos when it comes to trying and working on your core major classes.
I can understand why it's done in secondary school(our version of high school) but to force students to take pointless subjects is idiotic especially when they're paying huge amounts of tuition fees. Damn it sucks, I feel bad for you guys. I'd absolutely hate doing subjects I don't care for, I would end up failing them all because I wouldn't turn up to exams.

Even if you fail them can you still graduate?

I'm not sure how it's done at other schools, but at my university, in order to graduate, we have to take and pass...

Composition 1+2
2 Natural Science Courses
1 Math Course
1 Western World Course
1 US History Course
1 Art Course
1 Humanities Course
1 Diversities Course

On top of any Major/Minor courses. You don't pass one of these, you have to just retake it until you do pass.

Woah. Now that is ridiculous. Here we just have to take 1 humanities credit and 1 SS credit, though even that doesn't fit very well.

Yup. Especially when you factor in most majors have a good 10-12 classes you have to take, and minors can range between 3-6 classes.

You wonder why degrees take four + years.

The Flood / Re: What classes are you taking next semester?
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:22:17 AM »

Trust me - it's been brought up at many universities.

It's mainly to ensure we're well rounded in various subjects, but it's honestly pointless and only causes more stress and chaos when it comes to trying and working on your core major classes.
I can understand why it's done in secondary school(our version of high school) but to force students to take pointless subjects is idiotic especially when they're paying huge amounts of tuition fees. Damn it sucks, I feel bad for you guys. I'd absolutely hate doing subjects I don't care for, I would end up failing them all because I wouldn't turn up to exams.

Even if you fail them can you still graduate?

I'm not sure how it's done at other schools, but at my university, in order to graduate, we have to take and pass...

Composition 1+2
2 Natural Science Courses
1 Math Course
1 Western World Course
1 US History Course
1 Art Course
1 Humanities Course
1 Diversities Course

On top of any Major/Minor courses. You don't pass one of these, you have to just retake it until you do pass.

The Flood / Re: What classes are you taking next semester?
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:08:28 AM »
In American universities, you have a set of courses for your major (Such as for me, Journalism, Media Ethics, Digital Media, etc.) on top of General Education Courses (Sciences, Math, Composition, Art, etc.). You take them as you wish, but all of the requirements need to be filled before you can graduate.

certain classes are required but you can choose when you take them. There are also electives and capstones that you can choose from certain areas based on what your major is.
So other than taking lectures for your degree you have to take extra classes in other subjects?

Wtf is the point? Surely at university you should be past the point of taking different subjects you don't care about and should be focused specifically on what you want to do.

Trust me - it's been brought up at many universities.

It's mainly to ensure we're well rounded in various subjects, but it's honestly pointless and only causes more stress and chaos when it comes to trying and working on your core major classes.

The Flood / Re: "Essay" on Rome: Rise, Height. Fall
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:05:21 AM »
Decent, but I've seen better.

I'd give it a solid B+

The Flood / Re: What classes are you taking next semester?
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:03:32 AM »
wtf is this?

In the UK you just choose a degree you want to pursue and that's it. what's with choosing different classes each semester and what not?

In American universities, you have a set of courses for your major (Such as for me, Journalism, Media Ethics, Digital Media, etc.) on top of General Education Courses (Sciences, Math, Composition, Art, etc.). You take them as you wish, but all of the requirements need to be filled before you can graduate.

The Flood / Re: What classes are you taking next semester?
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:00:44 AM »
None. Semester off.

Serious / Re: Jihadi John injured in airstrike, Cameron wants him alive
« on: November 16, 2014, 04:35:14 PM »
But seeing as how the government purposely killed Awlaki despite him not currently engaging troops, many of his Constitutional rights were deprived

Oh god, are you seriously still on this?

The Flood / Re: Ktan Dantaktee
« on: November 16, 2014, 03:01:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: What is your Sanghelli name?
« on: November 16, 2014, 02:29:20 PM »
Elne 'Kimudee
Light Blue

Serious / Re: Jihadi John injured in airstrike, Cameron wants him alive
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:37:50 PM »
A person should NEVER be killed or given a sentence without first be given a fair trial.


Serious / Re: Jihadi John injured in airstrike, Cameron wants him alive
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:01:16 PM »
You know, I consider myself a reasonable man who understands that life is precious and that we should, to the best of our abilities, avoid violence and solve our problems diplomatically and in a court of law.

In this case, however, I am perfectly content with bombing this man into a pile of ash beyond recognition.

« on: November 15, 2014, 08:48:24 PM »
If ya'll don't fuck off with the forum drama I'm going to leave for good this time.

.__. This isn't even forum drama. It's just stupid shit people said on b.old.

That's what people said on B.old...

Nah Naruto is.

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