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Messages - Alternative Facts

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Serious / Trump vs Clinton's America
« on: November 16, 2016, 04:09:23 PM »
Thought this was interesting look at how the country voted last week. From the NYT:

This is what Trump's America would look like, with 85% of the land mass

And this is what Clinton's America would look like with 15% of the land mass

Serious / Re: Yes, the Swamp will be Drained
« on: November 15, 2016, 11:35:07 PM »
I shall believe it when I see it.




WHAT A GREAT GUY, LET'S ALL GIVE HIM A PAT ON THE BACK while this does fuck all to change people's behavior

Not his fault that people like YOU are behaving in a way detrimental to this country
::) ::)

Verb, I'm not quite sure I get what you're still arguing.
The Trump thing, or the New Deal thing?

Trump thing.

Verb, I'm not quite sure I get what you're still arguing.

This is an excellent and much needed change, though I question claims that outlets such as this really led to an impact in the election.

Serious / Re: Trump to be coached by Obama, surprised by "scope of job."
« on: November 15, 2016, 01:09:20 AM »
“Bannon is going to be keeper of the image of Trump as a fighter against the status quo, and Reince is going to utilize his personal connections with the speaker and others, to make the trains run on time,” said Ken Blackwell, a former Ohio state official and a member of the transition team.
As it confirms directly what I had speculated in another thread, that Trump would keep enough insiders around to act as liaisons between him and the establishment.

Yeah, sure.

But oh my fucking god, Ken Blackwell on the transition team.


MRCTV is an online media platform designed to broadcast conservative values, culture, politics, liberal media bias, and entertainment to a new and diverse audience on a social media optimized site.

The Facebook news websites are about as good as this one.
Is dailymail more to your tastes? I can redo the OP if you'd like.


Serious / Re: Trump to be coached by Obama, surprised by "scope of job."
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:46:07 AM »

Again, untrue
Both these quotes:
President Obama was so shocked at how little Donald Trump and his advisers appeared to understand about the myriad duties and responsibilities the President-elect would be taking on at the White House that he will "spend more time with his successor than presidents typically do" to provide him with additional guidance, a new report claims.
According to a report Monday in The Wall Street Journal, Trump "seemed surprised by the scope" of responsibilities he would be taking on as President and his aides were not even aware that the President-elect would have to hire a full White House staff.
List WSJ as their source, yet they hide the actual information behind a paywall, they may as well not exist.

The WSJ has always been behind a paywall, and there are several ways around it if you really wish to read the article. Its not like it's hidden from you - do a simple google search.

Anonymous sources are incredibly iffy in journalism, and they do have shitty results in a lot of cases. But some of the biggest cases, including the Washington Post coverage of Watergate, has come from anonymous tips and sources.

It's a very risky and dangerous bridge.


MRCTV is an online media platform designed to broadcast conservative values, culture, politics, liberal media bias, and entertainment to a new and diverse audience on a social media optimized site.

The Facebook news websites are about as good as this one.
Are you saying this story didn't happen, or that the article puts an unfair spin on it?

Oh I'm aware it happened, as I doubled checked with more credible outlets.

My problem is that...

A) Websites like these, like any of the infamous Facebook news that trend, often are incredibly impartial, biased and puts terrible spin on the articles. And before you say "Well the NYT does that too!", no. I'm talking about articles that are pure speculation, falsified accounts etc. I'd be more than willing to link some, but I'm sure you can easily find them yourself.

Props to this one for outright stating their bias.

B) It's shitty journalism, with a cheap emotional hook and cherrypicked statistics to drive up anger over immigration while ignoring the actual, nationwide problem that is sexual assault and rape.

Yes, this illegal immigrant raped a girl. Yeah, some illegal immigrants do shitty things. So do some white citizens, and black citizens, and hell, legal Hispanic immigrants. All articles like this due is fuel anger and throw gas onto the fire without a care in the world for the damage it can cause to actual, ongoing issues.


MRCTV is an online media platform designed to broadcast conservative values, culture, politics, liberal media bias, and entertainment to a new and diverse audience on a social media optimized site.

The Facebook news websites are about as good as this one.

Serious / Re: Trump's conflicts of interest
« on: November 14, 2016, 10:13:14 PM »
He'll just end up putting his assets in a blind trust for the duration of his presidency. It won't be a big deal.

I wouldn't exactly say his children running his companies is a "blind trust"

Serious / Re: Trump to be coached by Obama, surprised by "scope of job."
« on: November 14, 2016, 07:49:18 PM »
Yeah I'm pretty much done with this speculative shit.

 "An inside source", "a report"

This is exactly what you do in freshman English when you don't have a legitimate source for the bullshit you typed up the night before the due date.

I agree to an extent, though "inside sources" aren't uncommon in the world of political reporting. While I'm sure a good chunk that turns out to be fictitious, there are quite a few senior advisors and staff that have given quotes under the premise of anonymity.

> Giulini
> Secretary of State

Politicians are all talk, Trump makes things happen.

Do you have anything to contribute, or do you just want to keep spouting out one-liners supporting Trump?

I wouldn't say he's leaving his Independent designation, but sure.

Serious / Re: Mike Pence didn't support gay conversion therapy
« on: November 13, 2016, 04:57:27 PM »
While Pence certainly doesn't have the best record on LGBT rights, I'm struggling to find evidence that he supports conversion therapy.

As I said, it comes down to what you deem "sexual behavior". Sexuality or simply risky sex.

And here I thought Azendac was unbiased.

Serious / Re: Mike Pence didn't support gay conversion therapy
« on: November 13, 2016, 04:48:40 PM »
to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.
Monogamous sex doesn't spread the HIV virus unless one of the people already has it, and even then it's contained to the couple. Trying to weasel this into "Pence wants to shockjock the gay away" is as disingenuous

It really isn't.
Except you're putting words in his mouth because it /sounds/ like a "dogwhistle"

Not so much putting words into his mouth, but basing interpretation on multiple other anti-LGBT statements and legislation, both proposed and signed.

Also, where the hell did your line on monogamous sex even come from? It's nowhere in the article or legislation.

Serious / Re: Mike Pence didn't support gay conversion therapy
« on: November 13, 2016, 04:14:21 PM »
to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus.
Monogamous sex doesn't spread the HIV virus unless one of the people already has it, and even then it's contained to the couple. Trying to weasel this into "Pence wants to shockjock the gay away" is as disingenuous

It really isn't.

Serious / Re: Trump's cabinet
« on: November 13, 2016, 03:33:59 PM »
Reince Priebus, current head of the RNC, has been announced as Donald Trump's Chief of Staff
That's deeply unfortunate, but I suppose he has to make concessions to keep the RNC from obama'ing him.

Priebus was the top pick for Paul Ryan and Congress.

So much for draining the establishment swamp.

That being said, if Trump does work towards his promises of infrastructure reform, doesn't dismantle all of the ACA, and doesn't override the progress done this past 8 years, then fine. I won't unequivocally hate him.
Saw this on r/ukpolitics:
Fuck it.

I was convinced he wasn't going to run for President, and he did it. I was convinced he'd never get within reach of the nomination, and he did it. I was absolutely positively 100% certain he could never win an election, and he did it. I also thought he wouldn't make a good President.

That's my main consolation about him; he always manages to beat your expectations in the end. Maybe he will be a great President somehow.

Let's not go too far.

He dare touch my right to eventually marry a cocksucker and I will riot.

Serious / Re: Trump's cabinet
« on: November 13, 2016, 03:26:46 PM »
Reince Priebus, current head of the RNC, has been announced as Donald Trump's Chief of Staff

Cool your shits people. If you can't argue without insulting the other person, I'm just gonna start kicking your ass out of here.

OT: Trump is President, I don't like it for a number of reasons and I probably never will like it. That being said, if Trump does work towards his promises of infrastructure reform, doesn't dismantle all of the ACA, and doesn't override the progress done this past 8 years, then fine. I won't unequivocally hate him.

Serious / Re: Mike Pence didn't support gay conversion therapy
« on: November 13, 2016, 10:46:22 AM »
He really couldn't have worded that in a more suspect way.

This is the issue at hand - Pence's stance on conversion therapy incredibly ambiguous and boils down to what you believe "seeking to change sexual behavior" refers to. Does behavior refer to increasing support for things like condoms, or does it refer to sexuality?

The problem is that Pence has never clarified his position - but in light of other statements and laws issues re the LGBT community, it's safely assumed that Pence didn't just want to push for more condoms.

law is what the government is forced to do; policy is what the government chooses to do.

I would largely argue this line

Serious / Re: Trump's cabinet
« on: November 11, 2016, 10:35:29 PM »
Are there sources for any of these beyond pure speculation?

All speculation based on anonymous sources within the transition team and public statements by some of these people.

Though we'll start getting names in the next week or so

Serious / Re: Trump not going to fight against Obamacare
« on: November 11, 2016, 04:13:17 PM »
I have no issue with this

So this is how liberty dies.

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