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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Re: cheat you faggot
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:59:28 PM »
You don't mask your IP well >.>

The Flood / Re: Here's Another Faggot
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:41:26 PM »
Unlocked per request >.>

Thank you, sir! Wait, you identify as a male still, correct?

I'm a man, again.

Oops, changed my mind, I'm a girl. Please address me as madame and refrain from attempting to attack me.  ;)

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to pull here.

I want you to be a ballerina with me.

I'm not into user's with fecal matter for a name.

The Flood / Re: Here's Another Faggot
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:40:04 PM »
Unlocked per request >.>

Thank you, sir! Wait, you identify as a male still, correct?

I'm a man, again.

Oops, changed my mind, I'm a girl. Please address me as madame and refrain from attempting to attack me.  ;)

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to pull here.

The Flood / Re: Here's Another Faggot
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:34:43 PM »
Unlocked per request >.>

Serious / Re: Take this poll. Post results.
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:23:13 PM »
Was bored and since it was the easiest, decided to take the test and pick the closest answers that Kiyo would choose

That's me, not Kiyo.

The Flood / Re: Camnator Has Returned
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:16:26 PM »
Already reported two of them.

Neither of which are rule breaking.

The Flood / Re: Camnator Has Returned
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:08:18 PM »
I love that guy. Seriously the video was hilarious, though, I am against theft of course.

I also heard he may have a boyfriend that is a faggot and a nigger.

So uhh camnator, what on earth happened? .-.

It's almost like you have gone... incoherent D:

Didn't get my cannabis cure today.
I see...

So what's with all the... faggot/nigger, the name change and the avatar? .-.

I don't want to get banned again, so I'm following the style that is acceptable here. I was just about to start posting anime gifs, actually.
I see...
Well... I don't quite follow actually what got you banned in the first place?

The first time it was apparently spam even though I hadn't spammed, the second time I suppose was spamming with the same picture over and over, which I won't be repeating.

Riiiight, well unfortunately there has been a rule update so even if you change up the images it would still be spam >_>
I would suggest that you stop though, since I would be pretty saddened if you had to get bant again over it .-.

I'm curious why Sandtrap gets to insult me, and why NAru gets to post topics about faggots but I can't post topics about niggers.

So, how many gifs does it take to qualify as spam now? I'll be sure to report those that abuse the numbers.
I believe it's called being cut a little slack considering the rather trying circumstances he finds himself in right now. I'm not too sure on that point though.

And it's less of a quantifiable number and more of a consistent posting of unrelated gifs/images in multiple or a single thread.

Gotcha. So, when I'm in a bad mood I can break the rules? Cool.

Oops, I just got into a bad mood.

You're a faggot nigger.
No, you know full well what I meant.

No, I don't, considering that's exactly what you just said.
Then I'll spell it out.

A bad mood does not equal the problem sandtrap is currently facing, trying to equate the two is just downright foolishness.

You made a thread to poke fun at him, he isn't in the mood for tomfoolery tonight and he snapped back at you. Considering the context of the thread and his circumstances, he was cut some slack over it. As were you.

I would ask you one thing, to not just return to cause grief for members and a headache for the staff. I don't see why you can't return and post normally. This incarnation of camnator isn't exactly one I enjoy seeing, nor having to deal with.

Why do you assume I don't have my own problems which are equal to Sandtraps? How do you quantify bad moods?

I was NOT poking fun at him, and that was an asinine assumption on your part. I was offering a very serious solution he should listen to. He had no reason to insult me, which is against the rules. Was he warned? I expect better behavior out of a monitor whom should know the rules.

What makes you think I'm not posting normally? This IS normal behavior here. I don't see why I'm being targeted. My faggot thread got locked while two others did not. Explain.
Last I checked, you weren't in chemo for a brain tumour.
I'm getting a little tired of this already, so just cut the crap.

You aren't posting normally when compared to the camnator of a month ago, you are mimicking what you perceive to be normal behaviour here. Quite why, I have no idea.

And you know all about my personal life? I have medical issues as well, some of them aren't even curable like tumors are with hemp oil.

I just don't want to get banned again, so I'm mimicking the behavior of those that don't get bans. Why do you see an issue with that?
When there is a large scale clinical trial with a proven success rate and proper control factors compared with chemotherapy and surgery, then I would see that as a proper treatment.

Welp, let me fill you in. The rules here are pretty lax, it's only when someone persistantly violates them and is causing a disruption/problem for other users that they tend to catch the banhammer. So, from the Master Ninja rather than the Mr Psy, I strongly recommend you stop this crap right now, otherwise things will escalate through warnings and into bans if necessary.

It isn't fair to make the other moderators put up with nonsense all night, so if I have to pull the trigger before I go to bed then so be it. I really don't want to have to do that though, at all. So, please stop for your own sake.
All I ask is for the rules to be enforced fairly. So, if I start reporting people spamming gifs they will be warned and banned now? If so, then I shall stop.

If they are violating the rules, yes.

The Flood / Re: Camnator Has Returned
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:52:08 PM »

Except you're wrong, considering they were my reactions which the rules condone.

Camnator, as I said - you are more than welcome to stay, and we do not mind if you stay.

However, we won't be putting up with this nonsense.

Except you DO put up with nonsense, just not from members you dislike. If I'm welcome to stay then stop bothering me.

I'd love to see an example. Please, feel free to share.

The Flood / Re: No, look at THIS faggot
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:51:02 PM »
Not my type.

At all.

Feeling is mutual.

The Flood / Re: Camnator Has Returned
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:50:17 PM »

Except you're wrong, considering they were my reactions which the rules condone.

Camnator, as I said - you are more than welcome to stay, and we do not mind if you stay.

However, we won't be putting up with this nonsense.

The Flood / Re: Camnator Has Returned
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:48:38 PM »
I love that guy. Seriously the video was hilarious, though, I am against theft of course.

I also heard he may have a boyfriend that is a faggot and a nigger.

So uhh camnator, what on earth happened? .-.

It's almost like you have gone... incoherent D:

Didn't get my cannabis cure today.
I see...

So what's with all the... faggot/nigger, the name change and the avatar? .-.

I don't want to get banned again, so I'm following the style that is acceptable here. I was just about to start posting anime gifs, actually.
I see...
Well... I don't quite follow actually what got you banned in the first place?

The first time it was apparently spam even though I hadn't spammed, the second time I suppose was spamming with the same picture over and over, which I won't be repeating.

Riiiight, well unfortunately there has been a rule update so even if you change up the images it would still be spam >_>
I would suggest that you stop though, since I would be pretty saddened if you had to get bant again over it .-.

I'm curious why Sandtrap gets to insult me, and why NAru gets to post topics about faggots but I can't post topics about niggers.

So, how many gifs does it take to qualify as spam now? I'll be sure to report those that abuse the numbers.
I believe it's called being cut a little slack considering the rather trying circumstances he finds himself in right now. I'm not too sure on that point though.

And it's less of a quantifiable number and more of a consistent posting of unrelated gifs/images in multiple or a single thread.

Come now Cam. You know better than this.

And what about the other 85% of the forum? Why shouldn't they know better?

You know, you've always taken pride in acting better than the rest of the forum, being more intelligent than them.

We warn plenty of users, and ban more than enough. It's not like there are no rules.

Funny, because I've experienced quite the opposite. The few favorites get to do whatever the hell they want while I get joke bans. Remember when YOU warned me for insulting Mad Max,  but never warned Mad Max for insulting me first? That's what I see happen all the time. I even just got a warning for spam when I NEVER spammed.

You have spammed - the repetitive, unnecessary anime images in multiple threads, where they serve no purpose, is spam. As we said in your locked thread, the rules have been updated and are clearer than ever. Feel free to read them, unless you are looking for a ban.

Except it wasn't spam nor against the rules. It even says reactions are fine, which my posts were. I have read the rules, if you had read them you'd realize I did nothing to break them.

I've already explained why you're wrong in the private message. Your images are off topic for the threads, no nothing to continue discussion (and likely hinder it), and are not relevant to the thread.

The Flood / Re: Camnator Has Returned
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:44:06 PM »
I love that guy. Seriously the video was hilarious, though, I am against theft of course.

I also heard he may have a boyfriend that is a faggot and a nigger.

So uhh camnator, what on earth happened? .-.

It's almost like you have gone... incoherent D:

Didn't get my cannabis cure today.
I see...

So what's with all the... faggot/nigger, the name change and the avatar? .-.

I don't want to get banned again, so I'm following the style that is acceptable here. I was just about to start posting anime gifs, actually.
I see...
Well... I don't quite follow actually what got you banned in the first place?

The first time it was apparently spam even though I hadn't spammed, the second time I suppose was spamming with the same picture over and over, which I won't be repeating.

Riiiight, well unfortunately there has been a rule update so even if you change up the images it would still be spam >_>
I would suggest that you stop though, since I would be pretty saddened if you had to get bant again over it .-.

I'm curious why Sandtrap gets to insult me, and why NAru gets to post topics about faggots but I can't post topics about niggers.

So, how many gifs does it take to qualify as spam now? I'll be sure to report those that abuse the numbers.
I believe it's called being cut a little slack considering the rather trying circumstances he finds himself in right now. I'm not too sure on that point though.

And it's less of a quantifiable number and more of a consistent posting of unrelated gifs/images in multiple or a single thread.

Come now Cam. You know better than this.

And what about the other 85% of the forum? Why shouldn't they know better?

You know, you've always taken pride in acting better than the rest of the forum, being more intelligent than them.

We warn plenty of users, and ban more than enough. It's not like there are no rules.

Funny, because I've experienced quite the opposite. The few favorites get to do whatever the hell they want while I get joke bans. Remember when YOU warned me for insulting Mad Max,  but never warned Mad Max for insulting me first? That's what I see happen all the time. I even just got a warning for spam when I NEVER spammed.

You have spammed - the repetitive, unnecessary anime images in multiple threads, where they serve no purpose, is spam. As we said in your locked thread, the rules have been updated and are clearer than ever. Feel free to read them, unless you are looking for a ban.

The Flood / Re: Just Got A Warning for Spam?
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:42:05 PM »
If you disagree with a moderating decision, contact a Forum Ninja with a private message about the situation. Public threads calling out staff members for their decision will be locked and result in moderation at the minimum.

Feel free to check out the updated rules in the News forum.

The Flood / Re: Camnator Has Returned
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:39:45 PM »
I love that guy. Seriously the video was hilarious, though, I am against theft of course.

I also heard he may have a boyfriend that is a faggot and a nigger.

So uhh camnator, what on earth happened? .-.

It's almost like you have gone... incoherent D:

Didn't get my cannabis cure today.
I see...

So what's with all the... faggot/nigger, the name change and the avatar? .-.

I don't want to get banned again, so I'm following the style that is acceptable here. I was just about to start posting anime gifs, actually.
I see...
Well... I don't quite follow actually what got you banned in the first place?

The first time it was apparently spam even though I hadn't spammed, the second time I suppose was spamming with the same picture over and over, which I won't be repeating.

Riiiight, well unfortunately there has been a rule update so even if you change up the images it would still be spam >_>
I would suggest that you stop though, since I would be pretty saddened if you had to get bant again over it .-.

I'm curious why Sandtrap gets to insult me, and why NAru gets to post topics about faggots but I can't post topics about niggers.

So, how many gifs does it take to qualify as spam now? I'll be sure to report those that abuse the numbers.
I believe it's called being cut a little slack considering the rather trying circumstances he finds himself in right now. I'm not too sure on that point though.

And it's less of a quantifiable number and more of a consistent posting of unrelated gifs/images in multiple or a single thread.

Come now Cam. You know better than this.

And what about the other 85% of the forum? Why shouldn't they know better?

You know, you've always taken pride in acting better than the rest of the forum, being more intelligent than them.

We warn plenty of users, and ban more than enough. It's not like there are no rules.

The Flood / Re: Camnator Has Returned
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:35:42 PM »
I love that guy. Seriously the video was hilarious, though, I am against theft of course.

I also heard he may have a boyfriend that is a faggot and a nigger.

So uhh camnator, what on earth happened? .-.

It's almost like you have gone... incoherent D:

Didn't get my cannabis cure today.
I see...

So what's with all the... faggot/nigger, the name change and the avatar? .-.

I don't want to get banned again, so I'm following the style that is acceptable here. I was just about to start posting anime gifs, actually.
I see...
Well... I don't quite follow actually what got you banned in the first place?

The first time it was apparently spam even though I hadn't spammed, the second time I suppose was spamming with the same picture over and over, which I won't be repeating.

Riiiight, well unfortunately there has been a rule update so even if you change up the images it would still be spam >_>
I would suggest that you stop though, since I would be pretty saddened if you had to get bant again over it .-.

I'm curious why Sandtrap gets to insult me, and why NAru gets to post topics about faggots but I can't post topics about niggers.

So, how many gifs does it take to qualify as spam now? I'll be sure to report those that abuse the numbers.
I believe it's called being cut a little slack considering the rather trying circumstances he finds himself in right now. I'm not too sure on that point though.

And it's less of a quantifiable number and more of a consistent posting of unrelated gifs/images in multiple or a single thread.

Come now Cam. You know better than this.

The Flood / Re: Camnator Has Returned
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:27:06 PM »
I love that guy. Seriously the video was hilarious, though, I am against theft of course.

I also heard he may have a boyfriend that is a faggot and a nigger.

So uhh camnator, what on earth happened? .-.

It's almost like you have gone... incoherent D:

Didn't get my cannabis cure today.
I see...

So what's with all the... faggot/nigger, the name change and the avatar? .-.

I don't want to get banned again, so I'm following the style that is acceptable here. I was just about to start posting anime gifs, actually.

And you think that is acceptable?

It must be if many other users do it.

Except they don't anime (For the most part...), and the rules have been updated.

The Flood / Re: Camnator Has Returned
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:25:09 PM »
I love that guy. Seriously the video was hilarious, though, I am against theft of course.

I also heard he may have a boyfriend that is a faggot and a nigger.

So uhh camnator, what on earth happened? .-.

It's almost like you have gone... incoherent D:

Didn't get my cannabis cure today.
I see...

So what's with all the... faggot/nigger, the name change and the avatar? .-.

I don't want to get banned again, so I'm following the style that is acceptable here. I was just about to start posting anime gifs, actually.

And you think that is acceptable?

The Flood / Re: No, look at THIS faggot
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:24:32 PM »
I did not sleep with that woman!

The Flood / Re: Look at this faggot
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:59:55 PM »

Overused joke

The Flood / Re: Above You Is A Symbol Of Oppression
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:44:24 PM »

The Flood / Re: Britbongistan is now
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:42:15 PM »

Serious / Re: Learning to code from a jail cell
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:24:55 PM »

Kinder. Challenger.

Either discuss the topic, or take this elsewhere. Final warning.

The Flood / Re: Who's dick do I have to suck to get Legendary?
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:22:09 PM »

Serious / Re: Time Magazine selects "Person" of the Year: Ebola Fighters
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:19:39 PM »
How so?

I would have preferred (Though they weren't even on the short list) the People of the Year to be the Westerners killed by ISIS - Foley, Hennig, etc.

Something to honor them for their courage in going to Syria to assist/report what actually was going on, and as a bit of a middle finger to ISIS.

Serious / Time Magazine selects "Person" of the Year: Ebola Fighters
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:12:04 PM »
Actual Time Magazine Article

CNN article

(CNN) -- Foday Gallah saw the sick child was distressed and felt he had to do something. So he picked the kid up to comfort him.

And with that act of kindness, the 37-year-old ambulance supervisor in Monrovia, Liberia, contracted Ebola himself.

"Of course, he got vomit all over him and that's how he got Ebola," said photographer Jackie Nickerson, who shot Gallah's image for Time's "Person of the Year" magazine cover, which honors those on the front line of the Ebola epidemic.

They're "the ones who answered the call," the magazine said on its website Wednesday morning.

Nickerson expanded on why Gallah was chosen for one of the magazine's five covers: "He's the shining example of what the right thing to do is. He's a shining example that we should all try to follow. He really did touch me with his story. I don't usually like to use the word hero, but I have to use it here."

According to the latest World Health Organization figures, about 6,300 people have died from the disease, mainly in West Africa. Health workers are still battling more than 11,000 confirmed cases in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, and more than 6,000 suspected and probable cases loom, according to WHO.

Though those countries mark the epicenter of the outbreak, isolated cases have spread wider, penetrating other African countries, Europe and even the United States.

Time magazine's editors decided to honor the "unprecedented numbers" of doctors and nurses who responded when Ebola overtook an already-weak public health infrastructure, and Time Editor Nancy Gibbs outlined how governments were ill-equipped to respond, WHO "was in denial and snarled in red tape" and first responders were accused of crying wolf as the disease spread.

Yet many doctors and nurses, especially those from Doctors Without Borders and Samaritan's Purse, responded and worked alongside local physicians, nurses, ambulance drivers and burial teams, Gibbs wrote. Some were driven by God, while others did it for country and some simply had "the instinct to run into the fire, not away," she wrote.

"Ebola is a war, and a warning. The global health system is nowhere close to strong enough to keep us safe from infectious disease, and 'us' means everyone, not just those in faraway places where this is one threat among many that claim lives every day," wrote Gibbs.

She continued, "The rest of the world can sleep at night because a group of men and women are willing to stand and fight. For tireless acts of courage and mercy, for buying the world time to boost its defenses, for risking, for persisting, for sacrificing and saving, the Ebola fighters are Time's 2014 Person of the Year."

In addition to Gallah, the ambulance driver, Time highlighted on its cover four other Ebola fighters who worked on the ground in West Africa:

-- Dr. Jerry Brown is a Liberian surgeon who converted his hospital's chapel into one of the country's first treatment centers. The center's reception area, where Brown gets dressed, is a bare room, lit by a single bulb, Nickerson, the photographer, said.

-- Salome Karwah is an Ebola survivor who lost both parents to the disease and undertook the task of counseling patients in Liberia. Nickerson recalled how the Doctors Without Borders caregiver appeared to be a typical young woman, dressed nicely and a little nervous about being photographed. "But then, she put on her scrubs. ... She became very calm, a little bit introverted," the photographer said.

-- Ella Watson-Stryker is a Doctors Without Borders health promoter who has been in West Africa since March. The American was uneasy during the 10 minutes it took to shoot her photo, Nickerson said. "She was distracted, she wanted to do other things."

-- Dr. Kent Brantly became the first American infected while running a treatment center in Monrovia. Because he is a religious man, Time shot him at his church in Fort Worth, Texas. "Kent was working in West Africa doing a lot of hard, selfless work to help people out," photographer Bryan Schutmaat said.

Among the others considered for "Person of the Year" honors were Russian President Vladimir Putin, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and the protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. Other finalists included singer Taylor Swift, Chinese Internet tycoon Jack Ma, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani.

Pope Francis received the title in 2013.

The magazine's readers voted for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to receive the title, but the Time editors' decision is based on their view of "the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year."

Poor choice, in my opinion.

The Flood / Re: The Sep7agon Analects [Updated: 12/10/14]
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:07:46 PM »
Icy are you trying to be a writer? Because this is fantastic.

Considering my major is journalism....yes. Yes I am.

Sorry, but you know I disagree with this - mainly, eradicating all religions, because it simply isn't feasible nor will it happen.
It's not so much eradicating religion as it is defending ourselves from barbarism.

Which can be done through various measures - hell, Tunisia is an example of someone who's been improving recently.

So, should we eradicate Islam?
I think so, yes. But I think all religion should be eradicated. Not necessarily in a jingoistic murika way, but we should certainly be enjoying a shift towards secularism right now - which we aren't.

If you're asking whether we're at war with Islam, not at war with terror? Then yes, we are. Should we actively destroy Islam? No. If that's an auxiliary effect to the fight against fundamentalists - then so be it.

Sorry, but you know I disagree with this - mainly, eradicating all religions, because it simply isn't feasible nor will it happen.

Serious / Re: Learning to code from a jail cell
« on: December 10, 2014, 03:24:54 PM »
Kinder, Challenger - once again, cut it with the personal attacks/jabs/whatever you wish to call it.

Doesn't change the fact.
Of course not.

I'm just saying their existence doesn't negate the idea that we absolutely should focus on Islam and we absolutely should focus on the Middle East. Fundamentalism in places like France and my country are but a chip in the boulder.

So, should we eradicate Islam?

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