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Messages - Alternative Facts

Pages: 1 ... 218219220 221222 ... 306
Serious / Re: Gas is starting to dip below $2
« on: December 15, 2014, 08:32:03 AM »
Only hope this doesn't hinder the alternative energy automobile industry that bad.

Serious / Re: Gunman takes 3 people hostage in Australian cafe
« on: December 15, 2014, 08:29:02 AM »
I believe I read that the gunman is an Iranian who was granted asylum.

If someone can verify.

The Flood / Re: If anyone here reaches 10k posts
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:58:31 AM »
Almost to 3,000!

The Flood / Re: Ideas for Sep7agon awards?
« on: December 14, 2014, 10:26:52 PM »
"Coldest" User

Serious / Re: Gunman takes 3 people hostage in Australian cafe
« on: December 14, 2014, 09:40:50 PM »
inb4 the "Aren't guns banned in Australia" comment.
inb4 someone tries to explain how gun control totally works

In 2011,~16,000 of those were homocide.

In 2010, - ~16,200 of those were homocide.

Australian stats

US Stats

From your link, they were between 11-12,000.  In 2012 gun homicides were dropped to under 9,000.

Ah, my apologies. I was writing up the reply quick and jumping between six tabs in that section.

I'll edit my reply, yet the difference between the two is still EXTREMELY overwhelming.

Serious / Re: Gunman takes 3 people hostage in Australian cafe
« on: December 14, 2014, 09:32:14 PM »
inb4 the "Aren't guns banned in Australia" comment.
inb4 someone tries to explain how gun control totally works

In 2011, there were 32,163 deaths related to firearms in the United States - ~16,000 of those were homocide. In Australia, that number was 188.

In 2010, there were 31,679 deaths related to firearms in the United States - ~16,200 of those were homocide. In Australia, the number was 230.

Australian stats

US Stats
1. Does this include suicides? Self-defense shootings?
2. Let's see the actual crime rates compared.

There are separate numbers on the links for other gun fatalities like suicides.

Serious / Re: Gunman takes 3 people hostage in Australian cafe
« on: December 14, 2014, 09:08:05 PM »
inb4 the "Aren't guns banned in Australia" comment.
inb4 someone tries to explain how gun control totally works

In 2011, there were 32,163 deaths related to firearms in the United States - ~11,000 of those were homocide. In Australia, that number was 188.

In 2010, there were 31,679 deaths related to firearms in the United States - ~11,000 of those were homocide. In Australia, the number was 230.

Yes, the number has gone down in 2012, but the sheer difference is extremely overwhelming.

Australian stats

US Stats

Serious / Re: Gunman takes 3 people hostage in Australian cafe
« on: December 14, 2014, 08:27:28 PM »
inb4 the "Aren't guns banned in Australia" comment.

The Flood / Re: Professionally-Done Portrait of IcyWind
« on: December 14, 2014, 08:26:29 PM »
Can we have the fan be slightly more slender? It adds too much emphasis to my torso.

The Flood / Re: Why the fuck is icy a mod?
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:45:43 PM »
icy makes me look straight

Impossible, as I am straight.

The Flood / Re: Why the fuck is icy a mod?
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:41:16 PM »
OP is butthurt about something. But I'm not sure what.........
He recently confessed his attraction for Icy in the LGBT Skype chat, Icy having standards rejected him.

So he's a little hurt and salty.
You're not even in that chat.
this is a thing that exists?

Yeah. Kupo/RC/I have a chat.
I'm offended
Blacks aren't allowed, sorry.

The Flood / Re: Digger, will you marry me?
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:39:35 PM »
Also, fuck you Icy, you're too fat for me.

The denial in this thread.

The Flood / Re: Why the fuck is icy a mod?
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:39:04 PM »
OP is butthurt about something. But I'm not sure what.........
He recently confessed his attraction for Icy in the LGBT Skype chat, Icy having standards rejected him.

So he's a little hurt and salty.
You're not even in that chat.
this is a thing that exists?

Yeah. Kupo/RC/I have a chat.

The Flood / Re: I'd Like to Make An Announcement.
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:37:11 PM »
Mechanical pencils are the best.

They really are.

The Flood / Re: Why the fuck is icy a mod?
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:34:45 PM »
OP is butthurt about something. But I'm not sure what.........

Someone forgot the lube last night.

The Flood / Re: I'd Like to Make An Announcement.
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:33:50 PM »
I'm a metallic blue 0.5 lead pencil.

Totally thought you identified as coral blue #2 semi-gloss lipstick.
How... how were you also thinking of that same exact Spongebob episode as me?


The Flood / Re: Why the fuck is icy a mod?
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:32:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: I'd Like to Make An Announcement.
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:30:55 PM »
I'm a metallic blue 0.5 lead pencil.

Totally thought you identified as coral blue #2 semi-gloss lipstick.

The Flood / I'd Like to Make An Announcement.
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:28:29 PM »
I am now heterosexual, and identify as a #2 Mechanical Pencil.

That is all.

putting hummus in a man's anus,

What the fuck is it with torturers and shoving things into people's anuses?
I mean seriously, you can't get much more closeted than this.

Did I forget to mention that I've changed my desired career?

Journalists are intellectual whores.

Well when you put it that way...

putting hummus in a man's anus,

What the fuck is it with torturers and shoving things into people's anuses?
I mean seriously, you can't get much more closeted than this.

Did I forget to mention that I've changed my desired career?

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:39:06 PM »
Actually, illegal immigrants get more benefits than legal immigrants. My grandmother had to learn English from watching Sesame Street, yet here's some illegals that get free education and my grandmother got absolutely nothing

Considering your Grandmother likely came here before SCOTUS ruled that education had to be provided to all immigrant children...
Does it matter? She had the strict rule of no Spanish in the household, only English
And how is this at all relevant to immigration policy?
Oh wait, anecdotal claims aren't.
It's not ancedotal as this used to be a common occurrence
Okay, but how is it relevant to modern immigration policy?

Now stop me if I'm wrong, but are you actually trying to imply that the children of immigrants or children who immigrate to the country should be denied education - which is a fundamental human right.

Mr. P, please. You know the United States is above any of that trivial United Nations bullshit. Why should we have to deal with countries who are so beneath us?
The UN is shit
I'll leave you with this. It's a topic for another day

A Wikipedia article about criticisms of a global organization.

I'm sure I can find one about the Red Cross too. Doesn't mean they're shit. Come now Kinder, you're a college student. You should know correct sources, and about backing them up with additional sources.

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:34:41 PM »
Actually, illegal immigrants get more benefits than legal immigrants. My grandmother had to learn English from watching Sesame Street, yet here's some illegals that get free education and my grandmother got absolutely nothing

Considering your Grandmother likely came here before SCOTUS ruled that education had to be provided to all immigrant children...
Does it matter? She had the strict rule of no Spanish in the household, only English

Yes, it does matter. It's like saying we're spoiled for having cars when your great great grandfather had to ride a horse to school.

Time's change, ideals on how we educate change. Just because your Grandmother did it one way does not make it the correct way.
Nice opinion, but I disagree

Why do you disagree?
Because I was raised differently and hold a different set of beliefs than you

Whelp, I see this debate has gone nowhere.

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:32:29 PM »
Actually, illegal immigrants get more benefits than legal immigrants. My grandmother had to learn English from watching Sesame Street, yet here's some illegals that get free education and my grandmother got absolutely nothing

Considering your Grandmother likely came here before SCOTUS ruled that education had to be provided to all immigrant children...
Does it matter? She had the strict rule of no Spanish in the household, only English

Yes, it does matter. It's like saying we're spoiled for having cars when your great great grandfather had to ride a horse to school.

Time's change, ideals on how we educate change. Just because your Grandmother did it one way does not make it the correct way.
Nice opinion, but I disagree

Why do you disagree?

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:30:48 PM »
Actually, illegal immigrants get more benefits than legal immigrants. My grandmother had to learn English from watching Sesame Street, yet here's some illegals that get free education and my grandmother got absolutely nothing

Considering your Grandmother likely came here before SCOTUS ruled that education had to be provided to all immigrant children...
Does it matter? She had the strict rule of no Spanish in the household, only English
And how is this at all relevant to immigration policy?
Oh wait, anecdotal claims aren't.
It's not ancedotal as this used to be a common occurrence
Okay, but how is it relevant to modern immigration policy?

Now stop me if I'm wrong, but are you actually trying to imply that the children of immigrants or children who immigrate to the country should be denied education - which is a fundamental human right.

Mr. P, please. You know the United States is above any of that trivial United Nations bullshit. Why should we have to deal with countries who are so beneath us?

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:28:53 PM »
Actually, illegal immigrants get more benefits than legal immigrants. My grandmother had to learn English from watching Sesame Street, yet here's some illegals that get free education and my grandmother got absolutely nothing

Considering your Grandmother likely came here before SCOTUS ruled that education had to be provided to all immigrant children...
Does it matter? She had the strict rule of no Spanish in the household, only English

Yes, it does matter. It's like saying we're spoiled for having cars when your great great grandfather had to ride a horse to school.

Time's change, ideals on how we educate change. Just because your Grandmother did it one way does not make it the correct way.

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:11:00 PM »
Actually, illegal immigrants get more benefits than legal immigrants. My grandmother had to learn English from watching Sesame Street, yet here's some illegals that get free education and my grandmother got absolutely nothing

Considering your Grandmother likely came here before SCOTUS ruled that education had to be provided to all immigrant children...

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 03:03:00 PM »
Preventing illegals is no way shape or form the eradication of capitalism, it's the preservation of it

You DO realize that immigrants are necessary for economic growth, correct?

What am I on about? I'm on that if a case is supposedly a concrete and non-repeal-able idea, then DOMA shouldn't be deconstructed and segregation should still exist.

Again, you make zero sense.

Where did I say there were mass executions in America? I said that crime exists in low-income areas which is conducted by gangs and cartel members. Continue to twist my words

No twisting. But as Psy said, if you compare violence in America to violence in Mexico, it's laughable.

The Flood / Re: Jaden Smith has a wonderful way with words.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:54:17 PM »

Serious / Re: Native Council Offers Amnesty to Whites.
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:51:15 PM »
Why does any of that matter? Crime is still crime, and it's strong in low-income areas.

Are we really asking why, comparing the differences between mass murder in Mexico and basic American crime here, is a big deal?

And, still waiting on the response to my post.

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