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The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:02:30 PM »
You want to give us stuff we don't?
It's exactly this sort of communication which leads to problems.

Yeah, we know you know this because we've been saying it for the past three pages, but you haven't actually communicated any intentions, ideas, or anything really. It feels more like an argument than a discussion/collaboration. . .

Well, let me tell you this.

Right now, up until the New Year - don't expect changes. The staff is focused on getting the Sep7agon 2.0 up, on top of the holidays.

But whatever we do do - there won't be happiness. If we become more strict, we are becoming Waypoint. If we become more lax, we apparently don't care about the forums.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:59:58 PM »
It wouldn't change my will to ameliorate the forum in whatever ways that I can.
You're hardly a contributory member, then.

Okay. Here's an example. You see this?  ^^^^

I'd ban. This isn't technically a shit flinging contest in high intensity. But this is the kind of bullshit I'm talking about. This is the shit that sparks arguments and forum drama. You people don't know when to drop the fucking ball.

There would be no one left to post on the site then.

The Flood has always been a cesspool. You just have to decide which are the bigger problems.
That way, people have a chance to stop, think, and straighten the fuck out.

Yeah, it doesn't work that way. If a member doesn't give a shit about being banned - which most of this forum's shitposters don't - they aren't going to care about "three tiers of punishments"

Then you take them out back and fucking old yeller them. You let them pass through the system and if they don't give two fucks then they shouldn't be welcome here.

You know what you do with people who don't care? You give them a chance to care. Give them a chance to slow down a bit and straighten out a bit. And when they run out of chances you put your fucking boot down.

So, you want us to be more strict?

We tried that originally, and the forum hated it. Then we became lax, and the community hated it.

Let us know what you will be happy with, and we will try and do that. But it doesn't help that there are 400 different opinions on what you will be happy with - and none of them are what we want to do.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:57:48 PM »
It may not be black or white but it definitely needs streamlining and balancing out.

We know.

You want to give us stuff we don't?

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:56:13 PM »
Yeah, it doesn't work that way. If a member doesn't give a shit about being banned - which most of this forum's shitposters don't - they aren't going to care about "three tiers of punishments"
Then who needs them?

Because they are the active members of the community - shitposting or not.

Doesn't mean they get special treatment - I'm frustrated as you are. But you can't ban the most active members because they "shitpost"

The Flood has ALWAYS been about shitposting.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:53:52 PM »
Pay attention to the underlined passage, and tell me how that doesn't continue arguments?
All you had to underline was the word "fat." Which I used on purpose to see if it caught your eye.

Good job. You know how to spot shit. Now what are you going to do about it in the future?

We know what to do Verbatim. You are simply regurgitating the same things that others have said.

But it is not black/white when it comes to moderating.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:51:46 PM »
It wouldn't change my will to ameliorate the forum in whatever ways that I can.
You're hardly a contributory member, then.

Okay. Here's an example. You see this?  ^^^^

I'd ban. This isn't technically a shit flinging contest in high intensity. But this is the kind of bullshit I'm talking about. This is the shit that sparks arguments and forum drama. You people don't know when to drop the fucking ball.

There would be no one left to post on the site then.

The Flood has always been a cesspool. You just have to decide which are the bigger problems.
That way, people have a chance to stop, think, and straighten the fuck out.

Yeah, it doesn't work that way. If a member doesn't give a shit about being banned - which most of this forum's shitposters don't - they aren't going to care about "three tiers of punishments"

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:49:48 PM »
There would be no one left to post on the site then.
That is just so not true. Did Sandtrap say that he'd permaban? No. Just ban. Three days, maximum. If he wants to continue posting on the forum, he wouldn't continue aggravating arguments like he tries to do every time he opens his fat mouth.

Pay attention to the underlined passage, and tell me how that doesn't continue arguments?

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:45:57 PM »
It wouldn't change my will to ameliorate the forum in whatever ways that I can.
You're hardly a contributory member, then.

Okay. Here's an example. You see this?  ^^^^

I'd ban. This isn't technically a shit flinging contest in high intensity. But this is the kind of bullshit I'm talking about. This is the shit that sparks arguments and forum drama. You people don't know when to drop the fucking ball.

There would be no one left to post on the site then.

The Flood has always been a cesspool. You just have to decide which are the bigger problems.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:58:37 PM »
Figure this is better in Septagon, which kind of deals with Site Staff/site things in general.

Another mod can move it back if they feel otherwise.

The Flood / MOVED: Are the mods here too strict?
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:57:55 PM »

The Flood / Re: Are the mods here too strict?
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:44:13 PM »
We can only communicate as much as possible.
It's obvious that there's currently a deficiency in communication.

I'm curious, what would you suggest in terms of communication?,
I'm just going to post the recommendations I made to Isara:

Obviously, we can't be banning people left right and centre otherwise we'd have no community left - but it's clear that something needs to be done.
- Expand the moderation team
- Improve the roles of monitors
- Standardise the system
- Better communication

Of course, it's all about balance in approaching these issues. Expanding the moderation team runs the risk of upsetting the ratio of users to moderators, and could result in people seeing the moderation team as a ramshackle confederation as opposed to a tight, monolithic organisation of people willing to keep the community up-to-scratch. In saying that, it's not clear that we're understaffed either. I think the lack of communication between the users leads to a feeling of neglect and the illusion that we might not have the man-power, when in fact we just need a more streamlined system. However, replacing Sandtrap - as well as adding perhaps another new moderator - in conjunction with the next point wouldn't be a bad idea.

The roles of monitors, also, need to be expanded. In truth - and I'm not sure how many people agree - the monitors are largely defunct and useless. They don't do anything, it's like the moderation team puts them there so it looks like people are around keeping an eye on shit. All they do, however, is dole out hesitant warnings and reluctant words of caution. Monitors need to be beefed up, and be put in a position of support to the moderators - acting as the bridge between them and the community. They need to be, in essence, the boots on the ground talking to the community and relaying the moderation team's information. They need to be dropping PMs to users who make reports and telling them that the ninjas are considering a proper course of action, and they'll be kept in the loop as to what's happening.

Standardising the system could be tricky and I'm no programmer. The warning system based on percentages was a good start, but we need to be able to say "if you do this, we'll do this", and stick to it. We rely to much on the discretion of the ninjas which, while valuable in serious instances - like Camnator's fucking retarded reveal of Nuka's personal information - it becomes something of a joke when you have Challenger and Kinder hurling insults at each for pages on end. There's also a degree of bias, as much as I hate to say it, within the team. Kinder deserves the bans he gets when he steps over the line, but it's usually in response to something from Challenger which is clearly pissing him off. Is he right to be upset? I don't know. But we need ninjas (and monitors) in the threads either telling Kinder why he shouldn't be upset if Challenger actually hasn't done anything wrong, or explaining to him personally what the team is doing about Challenger's behaviour, which he is reporting. I'm also not calling them out, just using them as an example. I also think monitors should be able to edit/censor posts, as ninjas do.

And, of course, better communication has been the central theme all through my proposals.

The staff has already discussed these suggestions. I'm referring to communication. Yes, you mention posting in threads about why someone shouldn't be upset - but at the same time, publicly posting moderation decisions also opens the door for more fighting and drama.

It's why usually one mod (Psy) PM's the people involved.

The Flood / Re: Use three words to describe another user
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:41:08 PM »

The Flood / Re: Are the mods here too strict?
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:40:47 PM »
We can only communicate as much as possible.
It's obvious that there's currently a deficiency in communication.

I'm curious, what would you suggest in terms of communication?,

The Flood / Re: Are the mods here too strict?
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:38:29 PM »
We try not to. But as the rules say - every decision and penalty can be different, depending on the circumstances and such.
Of course I'm not saying circumstances aren't important, but I think a lack of communication between the moderators and the community leads people to think it's more disconnected and ad hoc than it actually is.

We can only communicate as much as possible. An example was allowing everyone to see the "Warned" title  to show that we actually gave out warnings frequently. Of course, then people used it as an accessory and just shitposted to get it.

It became less of a punishment.

The Flood / Re: Are the mods here too strict?
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:35:57 PM »
Moderating is subjective soo....
It probably shouldn't be. You should all have this objective standard for rule-breaking that you all agree on. Leave no room for that subjective bullshit that just gets in the way.

Nice in theory - however when you get down to actual dealing with bullshit, not everything is black and white.
In saying that, it generally isn't good to rely too much on discretion.

We try not to. But as the rules say - every decision and penalty can be different, depending on the circumstances and such.

We do try to enforce the rules as fairly as possible. But like I said - it's not always black/white. There can be quite a bit of grey

The Flood / Re: Use three words to describe another user
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:34:36 PM »

The Flood / Re: Are the mods here too strict?
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:34:06 PM »
Moderating is subjective soo....
It probably shouldn't be. You should all have this objective standard for rule-breaking that you all agree on. Leave no room for that subjective bullshit that just gets in the way.

Nice in theory - however when you get down to actual dealing with bullshit, not everything is black and white.

The Flood / Re: Are the mods here too strict?
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:24:17 PM »
Icy is a little bitch, yeah.

I am no female dog.

The Flood / Re: Use three words to describe another user
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:07:17 PM »

You all sit on a throne of lies.
wanna sit on a throne of my dick?

I'm not a pedo.

You all sit on a throne of lies.

It's time to twerk

The Flood / Re: Hey mods
« on: December 24, 2014, 11:47:45 AM »

In recent developments, I've chosen an outfit.

Now to fix my hair.
it's taken you like 4 hours to get ready holy fuck you're worse than a woman

My hair takes an hour alone.

In recent developments, I've chosen an outfit.

Now to fix my hair.

The Flood / Re: Hey mods
« on: December 24, 2014, 11:12:53 AM »
Long story.

The Flood / Re: hey
« on: December 24, 2014, 10:18:29 AM »
Please cease from calling Elegiac a dingo.

Elegiac, Again, we are curious as to when the term "Dingo" is appropriate to be used towards you or not. You do seem to pick and choose when you like it and when you don't - if you could PM a mod about this, that would be good.

Well the V-Neck is too small ._.

Heather Grey V-Neck or Navy V-Neck

v-necks suck dude

It's either a V-Neck sweater or a plaid button down.
go with the button down you flaming faggot

Navy Blue/White
Dark Blue/Dark Green
Dark Blue/White

blue/green is the most christmasy

But I wore that one for Thanksgiving.
I told you, heather grey.

RC said no.

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