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The Flood / Re: So I watched Star Wars Episode III this morning again
« on: December 25, 2014, 10:33:26 PM »
I'm apparently the only person who hates the original trilogy and likes the prequels more.

The Flood / Re: I Hereby Establish the Nation of Fagistan
« on: December 25, 2014, 10:32:49 PM »
Norway moves all troops outside the borders.

Fagistan has no standing army.

The Flood / Re: I Hereby Establish the Nation of Fagistan
« on: December 25, 2014, 10:27:17 PM »
Requirements for citizenship?

Have a nice butt.

The Flood / I Hereby Establish the Nation of Fagistan
« on: December 25, 2014, 10:15:01 PM »

Try and stop me, Obama!

The Flood / Re: What was your favorite gift of the day?
« on: December 25, 2014, 09:40:25 PM »
Tie between

- New Camera
- CK One Cologne
- Stuff for Florida

The Flood / Re: sandtrap's poem was cool, but...
« on: December 25, 2014, 09:13:12 PM »
where the fuck is the redesign you nameplate stealing nigger?

Process was slowed due to alcohol.

Should be up by the New Year.

The Flood / Re: So after Christmas
« on: December 25, 2014, 02:12:46 PM »

Saved mine for next year though.

The Flood / Re: Christmas Present Thread
« on: December 25, 2014, 02:12:19 PM »
New adidas sneakers
Keurig Machine
New Nikon Camera
3 Sweatshirts
Adidas Fleece
Couple Plaid Button Downs
Gift Cards

The Flood / Re: Now, look here
« on: December 25, 2014, 01:35:45 PM »

The Flood / Re: Foxbros Assemble
« on: December 25, 2014, 01:35:25 PM »
No offense, but that picture is fucking creepy.


The Flood / Re: Now, look here
« on: December 25, 2014, 01:34:35 PM »
It's only fucking 2pm.

2 PM

News / Re: Polling on Moderation Style for Sep7agon.Net
« on: December 24, 2014, 05:41:17 PM »
Worst time for this discussion as I'm juggling family stuff like I'm sure many of you are. Won't be able to read or discuss as much as I'd like for a couple days here.

^Hit the nail on the fucking head.

It's fucking christmas, we shouldn't be fething around on the bloody forums trying to figure out some rule change bollocks.

Hence the poll being open until at least Sunday.

News / Re: Polling on Moderation Style for Sep7agon.Net
« on: December 24, 2014, 04:15:42 PM »
I'd like to remind everyone, staff and non-staff, to avoid fighting or swaying votes in here. Just a precautionary warning.

I don't want to have to clean stuff out.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:58:55 PM »

News / Polling on Moderation Style for Sep7agon.Net
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:57:22 PM »
In light of the upcoming revamp to the look of the website under Isara, and due to concerns over problems in the way the site staff moderates the website - we have decided to take a look and update the current system as we go into the New Year, to make the site more appealing and open to all members.

In this poll, we are asking which type of moderation system you would prefer to see used for the website, out of three options - A strict system, a lax system, or a hybrid system. More information on the three systems are found directly below.

  • Strict System - Under this system of moderation, all rules will be enforced more heavily with a clear, concrete moderation process when it comes to warnings and bans (This process would be shared with the community once it is developed). While we will not become Waypoint and just ban without letting you know ahead of time that you are breaking the rules - there would be far less verbal warnings being given out before we actually take moderation action. Essentially: You know the rules, you follow the rules, or you lose privilege to post on the forums.
  • Lax System - Similar to what we have now, this system would take a more relaxed route to enforcing the rules, with moderation decisions less concrete. While there would be a suggestion moderation process, any punishments would ultimately come down to the Moderator that is online and handling the problem, along with the severity of the rule break, and whether or not there are alternatives to bans available
  • Hybrid System - This would use both the strict and lax systems, and apply them to different rules for the website. For example, Personal Attacks/Graphic Content/Harassment would fall under the Strict System - you know that it is not allowed, and the moderation process for handling them is concrete and clear. Issues like spam and shitposting, however, would fall under the Lax System - it comes down to the moderator's discretion as to how it is dealt with*

* The Hybrid System is up for consideration, but we also ask for your input on the idea - what rules should be strict, what should be lax, etc.

No matter what system is chosen, we will come up and inform the entire community of the new moderation guidelines and processes. We also ask for everyone to not only vote in this thread, but to voice your ideas and concerns in the comments below so that we may try and adapt this to suit the needs of the community.

This poll will run through the weekend, giving everyone ample time to vote and weigh in. Afterwards, the site staff will go over the results and begin work. If you have any questions, feel free to ask as well.

Thank you all, and have a great holiday!

~Sep7agon Site Staff

Septagon / Re: 3 Strikes, 3 Sets
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:14:03 PM »

Also. You executed my thread with death by exile. You monster.

You have no proof it was me.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:06:19 PM »
I think if we ever implemented the system verb, meta, and sandtrap are speaking of (stricter moderation) I'd probably end up leaving.

Part of this places appeal is it lax atmosphere.

Like I said - there is also a Hybrid system (I might as well explain that briefly while I'm here since the poll won't be up for a bit).

Brief explanation for the Hybrid System

- Strict Rule Enforcement, and Clear Moderation Guidelines, for rules such as Personal Attacks, Graphic Content, Harassment - the stuff that makes this website annoying to visit. You still get a verbal warning, but you don't get 10 before a ban - 1 and then ban.
- More relaxed rule enforcement, and a suggested, but not required, moderation guidelines for rules like spam and shitposting - yeah, it may not be your cup of tea, but it's not entirely detrimental. Similar to now, where the moderators online decide the punishment, or work to avoid bans if possible.

It'll be better explained later. Give your thoughts now if you want.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:57:08 PM »
But that would just be a pretty pointless extra work. I'm not opposed to giving monitors more abilities and a better defined role, but it seems like a hassle and a delay to communicate what I do to the monitors so that they can further deliver the message to the members. Why not just let me write a quick comment that gives the person reporting a post immediate feedback.
That's my concern too.

I'm just concerned about the role of the monitors, to be honest. Whether or not they or the mods deliver the messages is relatively unimportant, but as long as we have the monitors lying around they may as well be able to do things.

We've heard that concern.

Monitor's have been given the ability to lock threads - but it is only to be used if there are no Ninja's online, to help handle problems in such an event.

I believe we are also looking at additional fixes to help make the role more useful - but at the time time, it's a balancing line to make sure the Ninja's don't become too similar to Monitors.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:52:54 PM »
Regarding communication between the mods and members, I had a recent suggestion that basically included a response window with each report. Every mod dealing with a report would then provide a quick and anonymous response on what they did and why. Does anyone feel like this would be a good idea?
Doesn't feel personal enough.

I think - as long as we have the monitors - they should serve the role as communicators. You could modify such a system, and make it so moderators choose the response to be made and then the monitors "pick up" the various responses and personally deliver them to whichever user on behalf of the moderator.

Problem is, Monitor's don't have access to the report system to see what is reported - nor can they see the actions being done by Moderators. It became a process to get information from a Ninja who isn't on Skype (Where we do most of our discussing as it's quicker), for the Monitor to then send a PM.
Would it not be possible to create an auxiliary system alongside the report list, a sort of "response list" which doesn't necessarily need direct 1-to-1 communications between monitors and moderators?

That would come to Cheat/Isara to find out. I'm not aware of the coding, or potential for it to happen.

Septagon / Re: 3 Strikes, 3 Sets
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:51:58 PM »
Like I posted in the other thread - we're going to have a poll to determine the style of moderation before we iron our a process as to how moderators will enforce the rules.

You're welcome to post this in that poll thread as well, but if you could....condense it, slightly?

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:49:32 PM »
Regarding communication between the mods and members, I had a recent suggestion that basically included a response window with each report. Every mod dealing with a report would then provide a quick and anonymous response on what they did and why. Does anyone feel like this would be a good idea?
Doesn't feel personal enough.

I think - as long as we have the monitors - they should serve the role as communicators. You could modify such a system, and make it so moderators choose the response to be made and then the monitors "pick up" the various responses and personally deliver them to whichever user on behalf of the moderator.

Problem is, Monitor's don't have access to the report system to see what is reported - nor can they see the actions being done by Moderators. It became a process to get information from a Ninja who isn't on Skype (Where we do most of our discussing as it's quicker), for the Monitor to then send a PM.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:46:44 PM »
Regarding communication between the mods and members, I had a recent suggestion that basically included a response window with each report. Every mod dealing with a report would then provide a quick and anonymous response on what they did and why. Does anyone feel like this would be a good idea?
The anon part has merit.
But why not just PM the user?
This is about communication, why not use the tools that are already there and for that particular use?

Because Flee's system would link right to the report - there is already a comment system on reports for moderator's to use to add comments - those comments would be sent to the reporter as Anonymous PM's.

So it would say

"Report received, looking into"
"Warning given"

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:42:02 PM »
Certainly good to see progress being made.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:38:38 PM »
The site staff will (likely) be holding a poll to gauge which style of moderation the website would like to see -Strict, Lax, or a Hybrid (More on the three options will be in the poll thread). This will help determine new moderation systems and punishment outlines.

I'll link to the poll once it's been finished and posted.
Fucking gays and their hybrids.

It's not pink, it's lightish red.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:33:38 PM »
So if you're suggesting moving everything but the religious and political discussions into the flood, I'm all for it. It would certainly raise the quality of the threads here, but I worry about how popular Serious would become when it only contains those two subjects...
That's my concern too.

Would it be possible to display both feeds on a single webpage?

I feel like the biggest problem is the "Anything Controversial" aspect of Serious.

If we potentially alter that wording to make it more clear, it could help confusion.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:16:37 PM »
The site staff will (likely) be holding a poll to gauge which style of moderation the website would like to see -Strict, Lax, or a Hybrid (More on the three options will be in the poll thread). This will help determine new moderation systems and punishment outlines.

I'll link to the poll once it's been finished and posted.

The Flood / Re: Discuss the Mods/Site Staff
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:04:43 PM »
But whatever we do do - there won't be happiness. If we become more strict, we are becoming Waypoint. If we become more lax, we apparently don't care about the forums.
You're putting words in my mouth. At no point did I say there needs to be a change in the strictness or the laxness of the punishments, themselves.

Not you exclusively Meta. We already have your suggestions.

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