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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Re: Official Battle Royale thread.
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:01:51 PM »
Yeah, I'm confused ._.

The Flood / Re: Official Battle Royale thread.
« on: January 08, 2015, 06:59:50 PM »
Wait how the fuck did I get captured?

I dont know. Last I was here, I had a gun pointed at your collar as Zen ran off.
Last thing I did was walking around you and went AFK for the night and day today. I came back somehow captured.

You were walking at me from behind, Zen from in front. Rocket called it out, I spun and aimed the gun at you and spear at Zen (Then going offline for dinner with family).

Afterwards, I come back to you uncaptured

Serious / Re: You know Alan Greenspan? That dirty, free-market shill
« on: January 08, 2015, 06:58:16 PM »
[Insert remove Common Core argument]

Education seems to have decreased and gone to shit because of over-stepping regulation and uniformity across all schools.

But it isn't just the schools that is the problem.

The Flood / Re: Official Battle Royale thread.
« on: January 08, 2015, 06:55:35 PM »
Wait how the fuck did I get captured?

I dont know. Last I was here, I had a gun pointed at your collar as Zen ran off.

I've changed my position.

She absolutely needs to have this treatment. I refuse to tolerate people needlessly dying in the name of "alternative" medicine.

I'm assuming she means weed - which, to a degree, whatever.

If she means praying and that spiritual medication shit, then yeah. Force her to have the treatment via court order.

Serious / Court Orders Teen to Undergo Chemotherapy Treatment (Follow Up)
« on: January 08, 2015, 05:47:06 PM »
Story (Yes, IcyWind uses Fox News

The Connecticut Supreme Court upheld a prior ruling Thursday that a 17-year-old cancer patient cannot refuse chemotherapy treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma.

The state argued that the teen lacked competency extended to maturity and that they did not believe she understood the severity of her prognosis. Her mother and her mother's lawyer said they expect to go back to trial court to more fully explore the mature minor argument.

The teen, who is identified in court documents as “Cassandra C.,” but was identified by police as Cassandra Callender in a November missing persons report, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in September. At the time, doctors at the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (CCMC) recommended she receive chemotherapy.

Cassandra ran away after two treatments in November and, with the support of her mother, refused any more when she returned. After the hospital reported Cassandra’s mother, Jackie Fortin, the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) took temporary custody of the teen, and her mother was ordered to cooperate with medical care administered under the agency’s supervision. 

The teen believes the chemotherapy will do more damage to her body than the cancer will, according to the Hartford Courant. Doctors have said the teen has an 80 to 85 percent chance of living -- with six months of chemotherapy treatment, according to Fox News’ legal analyst Peter Johnson Jr.

After the arguments Thursday, Fortin said she would not allow her daughter to die. The single mother said she and her daughter want to seek alternative treatments that don't include putting the "poison" of chemotherapy into her daughter's body.

"This is her decision and her rights, which is what we are here fighting about," Fortin said. "We should have choices about what to do with our bodies."

Fortin and her lawyer said they are considering the next step after losing the case.

The teen’s doctors testified at a trial court hearing after which the DCF was authorized to make medical decisions on her behalf. The teen and her mother appealed the ruling, claiming it violates their constitutional right and that the state should recognize the “mature minor doctrine.”

The doctrine permits a minor who exhibits the maturity of an adult to make decisions reserved for those who attained the age of majority, meaning 18. Cassandra turns 18 in September. Johnson, who himself battled Hodgkin's disease at age 18, disagrees that it should apply to Cassandra.

“The family is wrong on the law, and wrong on the ethics, and wrong on the humanity,” he told Fox & Friends’ Peter Doocy.

“Wrong on the law, first of all, the state of Connecticut has an obligation to preserve life of an infant. The state of Connecticut has an obligation to prevent suicide. If she does not get this treatment, this is a form of suicide, and frankly the American Civil Liberties Union is complicit in her death if she dies,” Johnson said.

Serious / Re: Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 08, 2015, 05:44:27 PM »
This could be a really, really terrible idea.

All comes to implementation and what the proposal actually says tomorrow.

Serious / Obama to Propose 2 Years of Community School for 'Free'
« on: January 08, 2015, 05:40:36 PM »
Obviously, free means coming from taxes

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

inb4 "He's destroying our country with communism!"

The Flood / Re: Sep7ball
« on: January 08, 2015, 05:34:27 PM »
Needs more rainbows to represent me.

Censoring hate speech in the mosques and launching some sort of peace campaign or some shit is better that what they're doing now.

So, wait a second. We go from this thread, where we say we shouldn't be censoring speech we don't like, even if it is shitty, to these government need to censor?

The Flood / Re: Official Battle Royale thread.
« on: January 08, 2015, 04:30:21 PM »
Why the hell did I have no say in this trade

This is the Serious board.

I'm 100% serious.

If I ask for sex, My wife gives it to me. Why? because that is her duty as a wife.

So, if she's not in the mood, do you force yourself on her?

Shes always in the mood. Or at least she pretends to be cause she knows whats best for her.

Most people would construe this as a threat.

This is the Serious board.

I'm 100% serious.

If I ask for sex, My wife gives it to me. Why? because that is her duty as a wife.

So, if she's not in the mood, do you force yourself on her?

The Flood / Re: I like my new avatar
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:30:01 PM »
May I be the Claire Underwood to your Frank?
Or be cunted.
That is the one rule.

Go sleep with your security personnel again.

The Flood / Re: I like my new avatar
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:27:57 PM »
May I be the Claire Underwood to your Frank?

The Flood / Re: Official Battle Royale thread.
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:23:54 PM »
-drops ghillie suit for added speed and moves to attack Icy from behind-

*spins around and aims gun at Naru's neck, while aiming my spear at Zen *

I wouldn't. One bullet and you're our next dinner. And Zen, the other two can handle you.

(Going to be AFK for the next couple hours)

A wife should have sex with her husband on demand.

If not, don't be surprised when he cheats on you honey.

I wasn't aware internet existed in 1246 BC

The Flood / Re: "How to get Lite-Banned" by TOTD
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:08:55 PM »
I'm a gay staff member and I approve this message.

« on: January 08, 2015, 01:53:01 PM »

Septagon / Re: Again I arrive with a proposal...
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:32:26 PM »
I see no reason we couldn't create this option, other than coding difficulties.

« on: January 08, 2015, 01:27:29 PM »

Everywhere else it is considered a fruit, but in Oklahoma the watermelon has been officially declared a vegetable. And not just any vegetable, Oklahoma's house of representatives yesterday voted to award the watermelon the honour of official state vegetable.

Pretty sure Common Core would teach Oklahoma the difference between a fruit and a vegetable.
Well, really, vegetables don't exist. It's a grocery term to designate between different foods. They're all really fruits.

Going by basic botanical terms:

Botanically speaking, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, whereas vegetables are all other plant parts, such as roots, leaves and stems. By those standards, seedy outgrowths such as apples, squash and, yes, tomatoes are all fruits, while roots such as beets, potatoes and turnips, leaves such as spinach, kale and lettuce, and stems such as celery and broccoli are all vegetables.

Both can come from the same plant, but different parts. Hence the distinguishing terms.

« on: January 08, 2015, 01:22:43 PM »

Everywhere else it is considered a fruit, but in Oklahoma the watermelon has been officially declared a vegetable. And not just any vegetable, Oklahoma's house of representatives yesterday voted to award the watermelon the honour of official state vegetable.

Pretty sure Common Core would teach Oklahoma the difference between a fruit and a vegetable.

The Flood / Re: The U.S Notes redesigned
« on: January 08, 2015, 01:13:36 PM »

Something like this for the back

And something like this for the front

Would be a lot better. But the design as we have it now it perfect; maybe adopt the ideas for the $100 for the other bills but that's really it

These look god awful, to be quite honest. I'd prefer something that celebrates our achievements and represents sections of our country - not more of the same.

But either way - would it be cheaper to make these new bills?

The Flood / Re: Would You Support Unsticking the "Art Thread"?
« on: January 08, 2015, 11:39:20 AM »
Damn, this poll is neck and neck.

But perhaps try to show both sides instead of just the bad.
Well now you're just making assumptions about what I think, although I can't especially blame you for that.

I have absolute, unending respect for the reformers of the faith like Malala Yousafzai and Maajid Nawaz. Unfortunately, you can't afford to not focus on the bad because it insists on presenting itself in the good--such as shooting Malala in the face when she wants an education.

I make assumptions on what you post (Or leave out), not on anything more.

The Flood / Re: The U.S Notes redesigned
« on: January 08, 2015, 11:36:54 AM »
These actually use pretty nice

OT: As soon as the US adopts the metric system. So, never. Cause we're idiots.

The US was going to back in the 50s, it's just a matter of time until we do it again. Hell government institutions, scientific institutions, and the military pretty much use it exclusively iirc.

Call me when it's used in daily lives. I'd like to order 10 kilometers for a race, not 6.21371 miles.

First off - is there evidence to show the trio are from ISIS and not another terror organization, like Al-Qaeda?
You're missing the point. I wasn't claiming that the murderers in this instance are ISIS-supporters. I was saying it's so ridiculously easy to denounce violence that some of the worst groups in existence do it to each other.

I'm happy that they've issued these statements, of course I am. . . It's just not going to do anything especially worthwhile. It'd be like giving Putin a hug because he's also denounced the attack; I'm not under any illusions that the fundamentalists in my own country are going to disappear and we're going to link arms and sing kumbaya, just because of these denouncements.

I also didn't post it because I didn't come across the news story; I don't think you can blame me for that one.

The problem is, I don't think I've rarely see a terrorist attack covered by you that includes a "Aside from protests by the nation, these Muslim nations and leaders from across the globe also denounced it" - it is constantly the same "X supports the attacks, Y supports the attackers."

Simply posting the bad does nothing to help. If you want to simply do so, that's in your right. But perhaps try to show both sides instead of just the bad.

The Flood / Re: The U.S Notes redesigned
« on: January 08, 2015, 11:32:00 AM »
These actually use pretty nice

OT: As soon as the US adopts the metric system. So, never. Cause we're idiots.

I would like to add this to the thread

Before we get the troll who says to just nuke all of the Middle East after this.
It isn't difficult to condemn people like this; even al-Qaeda doesn't like ISIS.

A few Muslim "leaders" in the Western world are so unbelievably inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.

First off - is there evidence to show the trio are from ISIS and not another terror organization, like Al-Qaeda?

Second off - At this point, I don't know what Muslim leaders could do to make you happy. They constantly issue statements denouncing these attacks, saying it does not represent the entirety of the Muslim people, etc - these statements include remarks from top Western allies, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. Short of them getting involved in conflicts like Syria, where they cannot, they are doing what they can. You constantly ignore that in anything, including your OP, and only cite examples of other extremist Muslims supporting the attackers.

Yes, there are a lot of shitty Islamist fundamentalists. We know you don't like it.

Serious / Re: "I don't like what these guys are saying"
« on: January 08, 2015, 11:21:50 AM »
The solution to WBC faggotry is to establish a law or legal precedent that treats a funeral as a private event and allows the Christfags to be removed from the premises, not to violate their right to freedom of expression.

There are already laws in states that keep protestors some distance from funerals.

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