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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Re: Should I Invest in Morton Salt?
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:35:39 AM »
If you're getting salt, there's simply no other way to go.

Do you expect the stock prices in salt to increase soon? I want to buy low before it's simply too much.

The Flood / Should I Invest in Morton Salt?
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:29:43 AM »

I figure I should ask the forum, since you all seem to know a lot about salt.

Serious / Re: Long-term consequences of adolescent cannabis use
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:28:14 AM »
Camnator, I thought you once stated that you don't disagree that marijuana could affect mental growth in adolescents who routinely smoke it.

No, I have said we simply don't know, and it's never been properly observed.

Well then, we should obviously be having new studies regarding the issue - as the study Max linked is.

Even if it goes against the belief that marijuana should be legalized (Which it should be for those over eighteen (With special cases for minors)), it's better to be knowledgable about any effects marijuana may have on a maturing mind.

Serious / Re: Long-term consequences of adolescent cannabis use
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:12:38 AM »
Camnator, I thought you once stated that you don't disagree that marijuana could affect mental growth in adolescents who routinely smoke it.

The Flood / Re: There was a Sep7agon Wiki, apparently
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:07:58 AM »
> People still taking my reusing seriously

You'd think after I reported RC would be an admin, Anarchy would be permanently gone, and that shitposting would be banned, you'd catch on.
Well, someone reported the old wiki. You're the only one who claims to have done it.

Nah, I know of one other user who told the staff (At least Psy and me) that they reported it.
If it's Dustin you're referring to, he already admitted he was just fucking around.

Whatever, it's in the past now.
Besides, the creation of that Wikia led to the real one turning out better.
The new one is fucking gay as shit. It's not anywhere near as funny as the other one.
That's why I was telling people to grab screenshots before it was gone.
Yeah but nobody did.

Oh well we'll have our fun in Anarchy if it comes around again.

Implying you get another Anarchy
You're working real hard so that you'll get a full roasting next Anarchy, aren't you?

Well, if the weekend I imagine Cheat would do the next Anarchy is correct, I wouldn't be here for it.

The Flood / Re: There was a Sep7agon Wiki, apparently
« on: January 15, 2015, 04:42:00 AM »
> People still taking my reusing seriously

You'd think after I reported RC would be an admin, Anarchy would be permanently gone, and that shitposting would be banned, you'd catch on.
Well, someone reported the old wiki. You're the only one who claims to have done it.

Nah, I know of one other user who told the staff (At least Psy and me) that they reported it.
If it's Dustin you're referring to, he already admitted he was just fucking around.

Whatever, it's in the past now.
Besides, the creation of that Wikia led to the real one turning out better.
The new one is fucking gay as shit. It's not anywhere near as funny as the other one.
That's why I was telling people to grab screenshots before it was gone.
Yeah but nobody did.

Oh well we'll have our fun in Anarchy if it comes around again.

Implying you get another Anarchy

The Flood / Re: There was a Sep7agon Wiki, apparently
« on: January 15, 2015, 03:49:30 AM »
> People still taking my reusing seriously

You'd think after I reported RC would be an admin, Anarchy would be permanently gone, and that shitposting would be banned, you'd catch on.
Well, someone reported the old wiki. You're the only one who claims to have done it.

Nah, I know of one other user who told the staff (At least Psy and me) that they reported it.
If it's Dustin you're referring to, he already admitted he was just fucking around.


The Flood / Re: There was a Sep7agon Wiki, apparently
« on: January 15, 2015, 03:47:22 AM »
> People still taking my reusing seriously

You'd think after I reported RC would be an admin, Anarchy would be permanently gone, and that shitposting would be banned, you'd catch on.
Well, someone reported the old wiki. You're the only one who claims to have done it.

Nah, I know of one other user who told the staff (At least Psy and me) that they reported it.

The Flood / Re: There was a Sep7agon Wiki, apparently
« on: January 15, 2015, 03:43:48 AM »
> People still taking my reusing seriously

You'd think after I reported RC would be an admin, Anarchy would be permanently gone, and that shitposting would be banned, you'd catch on.

The Flood / Re: Remember the DeeJ alt?
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:43:41 PM »
Wonder how many people know who owned the account

Septagon / Re: Suggestion: Make Serious a "non-shitposting/autism" board
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:15:20 PM »
Actually, we're considering making Serious only for Religion and Politics (And stuff that may closely relate, such as war)

The Flood / Re: Custom Nameplate Requests
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:08:06 PM »
Can you make some Beauty and the Beast related for me?

Maybe using the rose symbol? Something that would work well with a dull orange/navy blue

The Flood / Re: Announcement about the Wiki
« on: January 14, 2015, 03:22:42 PM »
It's no longer Anarchy with rules.

The Flood / Re: I'm so glad there's a wiki page
« on: January 14, 2015, 03:01:16 PM »
Ugh, that feel when you wake up after organizing the page, and now it's a total clusterfuck.

If I'm going to move forward with this, I'm going to need to add some basic rules.

Welcome to our life.

The Flood / Re: Spider-Man will allegedly be in Avengers: Infinity War
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:56:52 PM »
Still waiting on a Black Widow movie

Serious / Re: Congress Again Buys Abrams Tanks the Army Doesn't Want
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:28:06 PM »
Experts: We don't need more money for tanks!
Congress: lolk, we'll give you 120 million for tank building.

So good to know our elected representatives are listening to the experts and not wasting money.

« on: January 14, 2015, 12:20:28 PM »
As your poignant Avatar says...

Serious / Re: Peshawar School Reopens after December Massacre
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:18:00 PM »
I'm fairly certain another country's Taliban wing condemned the Pakistani Taliban for what they had done.

Yeah, it was the Afghanistan wing.

This was posted the other day. As I said then:

Mass violence and ethnic cleansing in a war torn, corrupt African nation?

99.9% sure this was common knowledge.
"It's Africa, therefore there's no discussion value"

Um, I hope that's not what you're getting at.

Not at all - just that anyone who has studied basic history and reads the news is aware how fucked up Africa is, especially after Rwanda. It's pretty much expected that there's ethnic cleansing, genocide, mass murder, etc. in at least one country.

This was posted the other day. As I said then:

Mass violence and ethnic cleansing in a war torn, corrupt African nation?

99.9% sure this was common knowledge.

The Flood / Re: New Rank Brainstorm
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:08:39 PM »
why not?

We're slowly trying to distinguish ourselves as being our own website, and not just a offsite.

Serious / Peshawar School Reopens after December Massacre
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:00:42 PM »

Pupils and teachers have returned for the first time to the school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar where more than 150 people were killed last month.

A ceremony was held to remember the victims of the Taliban attack on 16 December.

Schools across Pakistan are re-opening after an extended break prompted by the massacre.

US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in the country on Monday to discuss the campaign against extremism.

He is meeting Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to make the case for a more robust effort against all militant groups.

The Pakistani government has made changes after the attack last month - it has scrapped a moratorium on executions and has moved to establish military courts to try terrorism cases.

But US officials travelling with Mr Kerry have said they want to ensure there is a "real and sustained effort" against militants threatening not just Pakistan but also Afghanistan and India.

Pakistan's National Security Adviser Sartaj Aziz welcomed Mr Kerry's visit on Monday and suggested that he would be visiting the school that was attacked in Peshawar. The state department has not confirmed Mr Kerry's itinerary.

Seven Taliban attackers wearing bomb vests cut through a wire fence to gain entry to the Army Public School in Peshawar on 16 December.

They went from class to class, killing 152 people - 133 of them children - and injuring more than 120. All seven gunmen were killed.

"When they entered the halls, their fingers were on the triggers," said Munawar Hussain, a teacher who survived the attack.

Mr Hussain told the BBC that the attackers had aimed at their heads. He only narrowly escaped being shot by hiding under a table.

"Today I was very emotional," he said on his first day back at school.

Many of his pupils will never return. "They are missing, I felt their absence," he added.

The Taliban said the attack - the group's deadliest in Pakistan - was in response to a government offensive in North Waziristan and the nearby Khyber area that began in June 2014.

The school killings were condemned across the world, with US President Barack Obama saying terrorists had "once again shown their depravity". The Afghan Taliban also criticised the attack.

It's been a difficult day for many of the children and teachers who survived the Taliban attack.

Some had mixed feelings about going back to the school where they witnessed the massacre. Yet, most of them put on a brave face as they arrived at the school.

At the morning assembly, the mood was sombre. A ceremony was held to remember those who lost their lives, and students and parents were greeted by Pakistan's powerful army chief, Raheel Shareef.

He tried to reassure them that the government would do everything to protect their school.

After today's symbolic reopening of the school, classes are expected to resume from Tuesday.

Parts of the school have been repaired and repainted. But the main auditorium hall where most of the children were massacred remains closed.

But across the country, parents remain apprehensive about sending their children back to school.

In a country where fear stalks virtually every aspect of public life, something as simple as going to school has now become an act of courage and bravery.

Meanwhile, Pakistan's spy chief Razwan Akhtar met Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Sunday, during the intelligence chief's third trip to the country in recent months.

The meetings indicate more co-operation between the two countries which have frequently criticised each other on responses to tackling the flow of militants across their porous shared border.

Security has been stepped up at schools across the country since the attack.

The government has ordered institutions to do more to protect schoolchildren and audits have been carried out on hundreds of schools since 16 December, according to Pakistani media.

The school is near a military complex in Peshawar and many of the pupils that attend are the children of military personnel.

The city, close to the Afghan border, has seen some of the worst of the violence during the Taliban insurgency in recent years.

If anything, this is one of the instances that does make me question my beliefs regarding extremism (Which I know many of you feel is ridiculous) - especially after images that came from the attacks (One is spoilered below, due to being graphic).


No, I will not condemn the religion, nor the billion who practice it. But the monsters who use that religion to murder hundreds of children - they don't deserve to live.

The Flood / Avatar 2 Delayed to 2017
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:35:06 AM »

To be honest, I have never seen the first movie. Zero interest in it whatsoever.

The Flood / Re: Do you watch multiracial porn?
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:27:31 AM »
ew non-whites

The Flood / Re: Deaths of 2015
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:22:53 AM »
Betty White is certainly up there.

The Flood / Re: Holy shit OffTopic is so cringy.
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:20:08 AM »
Even the friends list has been invaded by desticles

The Wayward's not looking to bad now, is it? RP is banned, no Desticle LFGs, and drama is banned.
Or ya know I could just stay on sep7agon like I have been for months...

That works too. For now, The Wayward is doing what Sep7 is doing; providing a refuge from retardation.

Why don't we combine, exactly?

I've been toying with the notion of such a thing. Me, Rocket, and Ender already use both sites.

Who's on your site that isn't here?

About 130 or so odd users.

One minute

The Flood / Re: Holy shit OffTopic is so cringy.
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:16:51 AM »
Even the friends list has been invaded by desticles

The Wayward's not looking to bad now, is it? RP is banned, no Desticle LFGs, and drama is banned.
Or ya know I could just stay on sep7agon like I have been for months...

That works too. For now, The Wayward is doing what Sep7 is doing; providing a refuge from retardation.

Why don't we combine, exactly?

I've been toying with the notion of such a thing. Me, Rocket, and Ender already use both sites.

Who's on your site that isn't here?

The Flood / Re: It's 2015. If You Don't Have Netflix Yet
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:12:39 AM »

The Flood / Re: Holy shit OffTopic is so cringy.
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:09:35 AM »
Even the friends list has been invaded by desticles

The Wayward's not looking to bad now, is it? RP is banned, no Desticle LFGs, and drama is banned.
Or ya know I could just stay on sep7agon like I have been for months...

That works too. For now, The Wayward is doing what Sep7 is doing; providing a refuge from retardation.

Why don't we combine, exactly?

The Flood / Re: Freakin' fite me mods
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:05:46 AM »
Nah, not really

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