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Septagon / Re: motivation for private groups to be a thing
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:22:00 PM »
Private groups should have every rule applicable, and then some.

Just sayin'
If they have rules then there's no point for them to exist
It should just be Bnet private group rules. Nothing illegal that could get the site shut down.
Exactly. The only reason I even want private groups is for SUV2 and that group won't be possible without private groups being free of rules just like on

Everything is still being discussed, including the role of the staff and site rules in Private Groups. Nothing is set in stone, nor will it be set in stone for a couple weeks, at a minimum.


I'll tell you what's wrong with the Flood.

There's not enough attention whoring femboys here for my liking.

Is Slash too butch for you?
Very. All those niggers he lynches makes his upper body very defined and masculine.

Well, we'll have to fix that.

Mods, lynch this masculine creature and fetch us someone more dainty.

I'll tell you what's wrong with the Flood.

There's not enough attention whoring femboys here for my liking.

Is Slash too butch for you?

Septagon / Re: motivation for private groups to be a thing
« on: January 21, 2015, 10:57:13 PM »
Private groups should have every rule applicable, and then some.

Just sayin'

News / Re: Sep7agon Weekly Update - January 21st, 2015
« on: January 21, 2015, 09:15:53 PM »
Is this going to be a thing now?

Do you not want it to be a thing?

The Flood / Re: MEMES
« on: January 21, 2015, 08:46:48 PM »
Not a meme but

The Flood / Re: Mythic Users Hangout
« on: January 21, 2015, 08:46:13 PM »
ITT: Mythic Ninjas circlejerking

>Been here since beginning
>Still not a Mythic

Fuck you Cheat.

We need a revolt

The Flood / Re: Mythic Users Hangout
« on: January 21, 2015, 08:41:47 PM »
ITT: Mythic Ninjas circlejerking

>Been here since beginning
>Still not a Mythic

Fuck you Cheat.

News / Re: Sep7agon Weekly Update - January 21st, 2015
« on: January 21, 2015, 08:41:08 PM »
Green and orange text is haram.

Kinda like the idea of a update thread tho.

Yeah, well.

So's your Mom.

News / Re: Sep7agon Weekly Update - January 21st, 2015
« on: January 21, 2015, 08:03:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: Mythic Users Hangout
« on: January 21, 2015, 08:02:11 PM »
> Not Mythic

News / Re: Sep7agon Weekly Update - January 21st, 2015
« on: January 21, 2015, 08:01:25 PM »
Good luck keeping this up >.>

I'll be doing my best. If it has to go bi-weekly, so be it.

News / Sep7agon Weekly Update - January 21st, 2015
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:56:21 PM »

In this inaugural edition of the Sep7agon Weekly Update..

  • The Serious Forum is undergoing a makeover - what you can expect, and how you can contribute to the changes?
  • A Mexican, Christian and Canadian get Mod Powers - is this the end of the world as we know it?
  • Hot Threads to watch out for!
  • Hear directly from TheOneTrueDesticle on Penises, Anarchy, and McDonalds Tea

Serious Showdown

In the same tune as other updates with Sep7agon 2.0, include a change to the UI, staff, and rules, the Serious forum is also beginning to undergo adjustments into what topics will be found within. Currently in a trial phase running for the next couple weeks, the Serious forum will contain topics limited to politics, religion, military & war, medicinal stories that may have national and/or global impact, philosophy, and ethics.

Meanwhile, new stories and conversations related to topics such as sexuality, science, math, or other previously allowed topics will be directed to The Flood, for at least the duration of this trial phase. Sorry PSU, your sports topics aren't serious enough for us

This trial aims to hone what is allowed in Serious after issues regarding topics being posted there, while aiming to try and get more quality threads into The Flood to counteract what some have called "a torrent of shitposting*"
*No one has called it that
Along with the trial phase, resident (unlicensed) psychologist Mr. P is currently running a poll as to whether or not the Serious forum should change to coincide with the policy change. Potential options include "The Senate", "Conference", or the option to create your own. For more information and to vote, head here

For more information on the policy change, and to give your impressions and thoughts, head on over to the Serious forum and weigh in in Mr. Psychologist's stickied thread. The trial is set to run roughly two weeks, and the staff will go over findings and make any final decisions afterwards.

"Everything in Moderation....Including Moderating"

As Cheat announced earlier this week, the Sep7agon site staff will be undergoing changes to streamline how it handles incidents and make everyone feel more useful in the grand scheme of things.

The three veteran Ninjas, Flee and DemonicChronic, have been promoted to the role of Master Forum Ninja alongside LC and Mr. P. Congrats to them, don't ban us with your bias.

Meanwhile, the three veteran Monitors, including Yutaka, TBlocks, and Rocketman287, have all been promoted to Forum Ninja for a trial period to assess who, out of those three, will retain moderating privileges. Grab your popcorn folks, it's time for Battle Royale!

During this trial phase, the three Ninjas will have (nearly) every ability allowed, and will be studied by the remainder of the staff, namely Cheat. At the end of the trial period, all or some of the three Ninjas will be retained in the role. Those who do not make the cut will (likely) have the ability to reshuffle into another role on the staff, or will have the option to be a regular member if they wish.

The Monitor role will, tentatively, be retired as changes are made regarding what it will become in the future. Don't expect it to be gone long.

For questions and concerns regarding the staff changes, trial mods, or anything else staff related - feel free to private message a moderator or post a thread in Septagon.

Fiery Hot Topics


Lime = IcyWind
Orange = Interviewee

Welcome to the very first Sep7agon Weekly Update interview section, where we'll be interviewing various community members every single week. Today on the hot seat, we have the infamous TheOneTrueDesticle, or Desticle for short. Desticle, how does it feel to be the live guinea pig?

Eh, I've lived through worse.

Care to tell us about your time on Sep7agon, how you found out about us and such?

So basically the only reason I signed up is because Cheat made it so guests couldn't view post replies right around the time of the AdSense kerfuffle. Latsu had been sending me threads every few days to look at but when it got to that point I finally just signed up This was shortly after the release of Destiny (and the overthrowing of #OffTopic by the desticles) so I wanted a name which would sufficiently piss off a long-time user. I chose TheOneTrueDesticle and nothing was ever the same.

So, what're thoughts on Anarchy? You definitely become one of the more recognized members whenever that opens up for the weekend

Am I? Well, I'd say a majority of the conflicts I bring on are at the time of Anarchy weekend. In fact, I have something really special planned this time around for my good friends.

But let me tell you the story of the first Anarchy weekend

I'd love to hear it.

I had signed up exactly one day before Anarchy first started. I wasn't really sure exactly what it was but Latsu seemed excited for it. It was then that I made my mad dash to get my first 25 posts in to attain the sought-after title of "Member" so I could participate in the shitfest. And it was glorious

Oh, indeed. Speaking of those first rounds of Anarchy, can we expect to see any leaked nudes of you in this round? I'm sure your fans would love a glimpse

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).  I honestly don't think they could handle it

Quite cocky, eh?

I recall a story about Zeus, the God of Thunder and one of his many lovers. She asked Zeus if she could see his true form and he told her she would be destroyed or something if she did - I can't really remember. Anyway, that's pretty much what would happen. One look and -blam!-. You're dust. Pretty cool stuff. And yes, they will be quite cocky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Haha. We'll have to test that out after our interview

I'll have to charge you 1600 Microsoft points for that pleasure

Damn! 100 points short.

Aw, shucks

So, what're your thoughts on the state of forums right now? Any changes you'd like to see our lord and savior Cheat make in the future?

Let's rock. Okay, so Cheat, Like, what the fuck? So imagine in your mind's eye this: A sliding scale of autism. On one end in the depths lies the full autism end. On the other is a complete lack of autism/ Right now, The Flood and Serious make up those two extremes. I think we should enact a "shitposting only" rule in Serious and convert The Flood into a "serious bsns only" forum. Definitely a good idea, yeah?

I'm pretty sure Psy and Meta would castrate you on that one.

Yeah, well, In all seriousness, I'd like to be able to post a general discussion thread in Serious. Because going in, you have the expectation of "no anime spam, no derailing, no shitposting" and so on - think there could be some really great potential for Serious to become a wider discussion board

Obesity could be a huge topic of conversation. Very informative to our members.

Absolutely. In fact, there are quite a few members of the forum who suffer from chronic and severe obesity. So I think having more of an open discussion about it could be very helpful

Come now. Let's not bring Slash's mom into this

ayy lmao

Any shout outs you'd like to make before I let you go?

Yeah, I have a few:

- CIS Scum: You're a neckbeard faggot
- ねこ: <3 u bbe
- Psy: Thanks for being not shitty
- Cheat: My admin tools stopped working again. Pls fix
- Elegiac: Nobody gives a shit when you're going to bed. Shut the fuck up
- Latsu: Come play CS:GO with me, fgt

Final question - if you had the chance, would you sleep with a 10/10 femboy?

So I have a story to tell you regarding that last question

I'll grab the popcorn

Anyway, in the 10th grade, I found out that one of my friends was secretly posing as a 10/10 femboy. So, you know how when you're traveling really fast in a spacecraft, stuff like dust and paint chips and shit can tear your aircraft apart? Crazy shit, huh?


Sorry, that doesn't have anything to do with the story. I just found that interesting. So anyway. I went to McDonald's and this chick put ice in my drink after I specifically told her not to. What a pile of shit. It's like, half the restaurants I go to refuse to bring me a drink without ice. Hot damn

So to answer your question. No, I wouldn't.

Shame. Well, thanks Desticle for being my guinea pig. We'll go bang now. Until next time folks - don't be a cunt! And if you are interested in the full, unedited interview with Desticle, where he lays into several of our prominent members, PM me for more information!

I'm curious - would anyone be upset if Gaming were to evolve into an Entertainment board? (TV, Movies, Sports, Games, etc.)

It's not like the Flood gets much of these posts anyway, so moving them into an Entertainment board wouldnt change much
bitch this was my idea

I stole it you overgrown stuffed animal

I'm curious - would anyone be upset if Gaming were to evolve into an Entertainment board? (TV, Movies, Sports, Games, etc.)

It's not like the Flood gets much of these posts anyway, so moving them into an Entertainment board wouldnt change much

The Flood / Re: Post your My Pictures folder
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:27:39 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post in This Thread for a Hidden Project
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:15:56 PM »
Going to go ahead and lock this while I make preparations. One of you (Two if needed) will likely hear back later tonight/tomorrow

It seems like a pretty consistent theme thus far, people are sick of the really shitty shitposts.

This will probably be taken as a leading question by some (icy) but still

Would you all rather see things like maths/science threads moved from serious to the flood, or shitposts (really dire ones) being locked?
And which do you see as improving the flood more?
I thought that Serious was for Political/Religious discussion?

Is that not clear enough to determine what stays there?
Not exactly, but apparently that's the direction people are hellbent on taking.
It's the direction it needs to go.
Example, when he first joined, Espira made a couple of threads about things like dreams iirc in the Serious board because he wanted them discussed as such.

Not bad reasoning, but that's what causes the lack of proper posts on the Flood, keeping Serious to the two types of threads leaves the Flood to grow and Serious to be a place comfortable to certain types of people like Meta.
A win win.

Well under the current trial phase in Serious, the topics allowed would be...


*This pertains to the more serious aspects of healthcare, rather than just things like the common cold. To give three examples - Ebola crisis, Nationalised healthcare/Insurance healthcare discussions and things like suicide prevention/discussion.

The Flood / Re: Why are bisexuals their own group in the LGBT?
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:09:35 PM »
Why was this moved to The Flood?

New Serious policy, in a test phase

How would you feel if we axed Gaming and Serious, merging all those to be The Flood as it was on b.old?
Icy, I like you, but if you thought of that yourself... You're bloody stupid.

It was never going to happen - I honestly wanted to see if a single person would like it

Gojira pls

The Flood / Re: Post in This Thread for a Hidden Project
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:55:28 PM »
Forgot to say, if you have Skype, it'll make discussing this project easier.

The Flood / Post in This Thread for a Hidden Project
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:49:54 PM »
Currently working on something for the staff, and need a few volunteers to (possibly) participate in part of the project. I won't be sharing details on what it entails you to do (It's honestly really simple, and doesn't impact your posting on the website).

Post here if interested and I'll contact you if needed.

How would you feel if we axed Gaming and Serious, merging all those to be The Flood as it was on b.old?

What would you prefer the staff do regarding shitposting?

The Flood / Re: I've upset Mr. Psychologist
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:35:24 PM »
why would you do such a thing?

Because the Serious Forum should seriously be renamed "Meta Cognition University"

I stand by this belief.

I prefer the name "Mr Psychologist University"
Nah <.<

Serious is what it should be.

The Senate*
You are worse than Obama.

I am the Senate.

The Flood / Re: Cheat, I have taken legal action you fucking neckbeard.
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:34:22 PM »

The Flood / Re: I've upset Mr. Psychologist
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:33:14 PM »
why would you do such a thing?

Because the Serious Forum should seriously be renamed "Meta Cognition University"

I stand by this belief.

I prefer the name "Mr Psychologist University"
Nah <.<

Serious is what it should be.

The Senate*

The Flood / Re: I've upset Mr. Psychologist
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:29:29 PM »
why would you do such a thing?

Because the Serious Forum should seriously be renamed "Meta Cognition University"

I stand by this belief.

I prefer the name "Mr Psychologist University"

Meta is the Emperor of that forum - it is only fitting he have a university in his name.

The Flood / Re: I've upset Mr. Psychologist
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:26:52 PM »
Do you want me to actually start trying to impeach you?


Because I will.

As a member, I will continue my campaign for Meta.
Well you can enjoy playing Nelson Mandela from forum jail .-.

Can I play Lady Gaga instead?
No, haram.


The Flood / Re: I've upset Mr. Psychologist
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:25:32 PM »
Do you want me to actually start trying to impeach you?


Because I will.

As a member, I will continue my campaign for Meta.
Well you can enjoy playing Nelson Mandela from forum jail .-.

Can I play Lady Gaga instead?

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