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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Re: If you share a depression story you're unethical
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:16:33 PM »
It'll certainly be the death of this forum. The actions Cheat and the mods are taking to destroy Serious and revitalize the Flood are horrendous and will ultimately lead to its down fall.

A controversial political opinion = Fine
'Lets kill all the gays' = Not for the serious board

I haven't actually kicked any of your threads out of serious for a while now, so this just seems like you being contrary for the sake of it.
But why couldn't we have a discussion on it? I could certainly make some arguments for that.

Good for you. Go do it in your own thread in The Flood. Sexuality threads, outside of legality for marriage and such, go there anyway now.
For the next two weeks.

Likely permanent.

If you don't wish to go to The Flood, we'll simply move it for you. Stop looking to cause fights please.

A controversial political opinion = Fine
'Lets kill all the gays' = Not for the serious board

I haven't actually kicked any of your threads out of serious for a while now, so this just seems like you being contrary for the sake of it.
But why couldn't we have a discussion on it? I could certainly make some arguments for that.

Good for you. Go do it in your own thread in The Flood. Sexuality threads, outside of legality for marriage and such, go there anyway now.

The Flood / Re: Goodnight, Flood.
« on: January 22, 2015, 03:03:06 PM »
I don't make them all the time. Just sometimes for a few days.

I'm going to go back and count how many have been made since New Years.

If it's more than 1, you're doing it too much.
probably about six

Like I said - you're doing it too much.

Come up with new material.

The Flood / Re: Goodnight, Flood.
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:57:24 PM »
I don't make them all the time. Just sometimes for a few days.

I'm going to go back and count how many have been made since New Years.

If it's more than 1, you're doing it too much.

The Flood / Re: Goodnight, Flood.
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:54:12 PM »
Nobody cares when you go to sleep.

These threads are pointless.


The Flood / Re: Foreskin Or Nah?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:53:22 PM »
You lot get so fucking bent over a piece of skin at the end of a penis.
Thanks, I was getting worried that no one was gonna post this for the millionth time.

Good thing I don't care what other people are worried about.

The Flood / Re: Foreskin Or Nah?
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:52:01 PM »
You lot get so fucking bent over a piece of skin at the end of a penis.

OT: It's 2015 and you live in a developed, western nation. If you can't ensure that you clean a penis thoroughly (Uncut or cut), you deserve the infection and to be laughed at.

Gaming / Re: New Halo book announced!
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:51:02 PM »
Halo: New Blood, a new digital-first short novel

Seriously, enough with this digital "Halo Channel" bullshit. Put the book out in print.

The Flood / Re: Look out Britbongistan
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:15:50 PM »
Lets stage a coup of the staff board.

The passcode to get in is "Haram"

Gaming / Re: 343 to beta test patch for MCC
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:06:49 PM »
Ehhh, I won't start the 343 hate

I have those same jeans.

I don't think he's creepy--that implies unscrupulous intent. I think he's just really sheltered. Possibly sixteen or younger.

Do you think screen capping your profile makes it anymore credible?

Anarchy is dead.

Serious / Re: Bakery refuses to make anti-gay cake; legal action ensues
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:02:13 PM »
...why would you even want that on a cake? :s

It wasn't a wedding cake.

The Flood / Re: Look out Britbongistan
« on: January 22, 2015, 12:59:40 PM »
[18:51:13] Eto: Caliphate is my waifu

You forgot a bit.

I didn't want to totally demonize you.

These threads always become a joy to read.

Someone pass the popcorn.

The Flood / Look out Britbongistan
« on: January 22, 2015, 12:51:48 PM »
[1/22/15, 1:50:45 PM] Mike: Psy wants an Islamist state with no sex.
[1/22/15, 1:50:48 PM] Mike: Or booze
[1/22/15, 1:50:55 PM] LC: or fun
[1/22/15, 1:51:04 PM] Eto: yes

I fully expect Sharia law by the end of the month

Abolishing capitalism and creating a socialist state.

You heard me!

Free university for all, no matter how many years!
Free housing!
Free healthcare!

Your soul is the price, Icy.

> Still thinking I have a soul

I sold that when I started sucking cock

Abolishing capitalism and creating a socialist state.

You heard me!

Free university for all, no matter how many years!
Free housing!
Free healthcare!

Uhh. You may want to talk to someone about that...

Abolishing capitalism and creating a socialist state.

The Flood / Re: I had a dream
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:40:37 AM »
What position were we in?

The Flood / Re: rate my wallet
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:30:34 AM »
I gotta get a new one soon.

Might have to look into Fossil.

The Flood / Re: I'm not wearing pants
« on: January 22, 2015, 03:24:11 AM »
I'm not wearing underwear.

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 03:11:15 AM »

Serious / Re: has anyone on this site had problems with substance abuse?
« on: January 22, 2015, 03:06:08 AM »
I have not. Quite a few members of my family have regarding alcohol though.

The Flood / Re: My nudes were leaked!
« on: January 22, 2015, 12:45:50 AM »
Wow, someone finally broke TBlocks' record.

Mother,  retrieve the visual recording device!

If we combined serious and the Flood, we'd have Old flood. Simple as that. Also I'd have to battle Meta for dominance over this new dominion.

> battling Meta for dominance

Kek. You'd be skinned faster than you can say "bright eyed and bushy tailed"
I've explained my qualifications time and time again, and demonstrated them as well.

I have never heard, no seen, these qualifications.

If we combined serious and the Flood, we'd have Old flood. Simple as that. Also I'd have to battle Meta for dominance over this new dominion.

> battling Meta for dominance

Kek. You'd be skinned faster than you can say "bright eyed and bushy tailed"

Septagon / Re: motivation for private groups to be a thing
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:25:42 PM »
Private groups should have every rule applicable, and then some.

Just sayin'
If they have rules then there's no point for them to exist
It should just be Bnet private group rules. Nothing illegal that could get the site shut down.
Exactly. The only reason I even want private groups is for SUV2 and that group won't be possible without private groups being free of rules just like on

Everything is still being discussed, including the role of the staff and site rules in Private Groups. Nothing is set in stone, nor will it be set in stone for a couple weeks, at a minimum.
There's not even a point in discussing it if you're going to apply the forum rules into private groups. I don't think you even understand the point of private groups if you want the forum rules to be applied to them.

There are obviously going to be rules regarding illegality that apply to them - even if they're the current Anarchy rules (Such as no loli - while it may not be illegal here, it is in some countries that we have users in).

There is also the chance, if ads are activated in the groups, that porn would not be allowed (thank the adservice)

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