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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Re: Origin of your avatar
« on: September 13, 2015, 09:46:14 PM »
Probably some magazine photoshoot.

I'll be changing it in about 5 minutes

The Flood / Re: This may be the last choice you ever make.
« on: September 13, 2015, 09:43:19 PM »
I'll go for the big one

Gaming / Re: (official) TOWN OF SALEEEM
« on: September 13, 2015, 06:38:58 PM »
Come play

Gaming / Re: destishit or gaylo reach
« on: September 13, 2015, 05:02:27 PM »
I'm going to abstain from voting, but say that Destiny has gotten quite a bit better in the past year.

I'll be doing a review later this week

The Flood / Re: If You Had the Chance...
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:49:57 PM »
Switzerland. Literally the only right answer

But Australian men.

>living in a country where literally everything wants to kill you

They can kill me with their dicks.

Wait, what?

The Flood / Re: If You Had the Chance...
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:45:53 PM »
Switzerland. Literally the only right answer
>oppressive gun and ammo regulations

> Neutral

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's deleted emails may be recoverable
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:27:42 PM »
I really don't think anyone's calling for jail time,

Got 20k Here
And another

Oh. I kind of meant people that matter, like respected politicians or other secretaries. Right-wing nutjob sites aside, I suppose.

According to Clinton and the State Department, the latter has ever email that was turned over and are working to release them. And apparently, the emails that were 'wiped' can potentially still be retrieved.
Well if she deleted a bunch of emails, then the state department certainly doesn't have all of them, do they?

As the threads of emails come together (I hate that phrase), we'll get an idea of what she did delete. She claims it was mostly personal emails sent on the server, but who knows.

Yes, Clinton should not have used a private server. The bigger problem that this shows, aside from that, is the continued problem the government has regarding technology and the job they do with it. The fact that we continue to use email to share confidential information, despite continued worries over cyber attacks, is beyond stupid - and runs the risk of emails that are important never showing up (See: Powell)

I agree. The way we deal with classified information is archaic, but the increasing threat of cyber attacks really just reinforces the need for either more robust systems or low-tech alternatives.

The most robust system won't stay private for long in the modern world.

The Flood / Re: If You Had the Chance...
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:22:14 PM »
Switzerland. Literally the only right answer

But Australian men.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's deleted emails may be recoverable
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:21:33 PM »
I really don't think anyone's calling for jail time,

Got 20k Here
And another

The problem is that the Secretary of State is accountable to the public, and by using a private server she denied the public their right to a transparent government; she controlled what information she would or wouldn't release to the public when ordered to do so, ostensibly to avoid tarnishing her record while running for president.

According to Clinton and the State Department, the latter has ever email that was turned over and are working to release them. And apparently, the emails that were 'wiped' can potentially still be retrieved.

Yes, Clinton should not have used a private server. The bigger problem that this shows, aside from that, is the continued problem the government has regarding technology and the job they do with it. The fact that we continue to use email to share confidential information, despite continued worries over cyber attacks, is beyond stupid - and runs the risk of emails that are important never showing up (See: Powell)

The Flood / If You Had the Chance...
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:13:50 PM »
Hypothetical Situation: You are given the opportunity to move to any country that you'd like.

Where would you go?

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's deleted emails may be recoverable
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:08:27 PM »
The only problem is that if they weren't classified at the time, she technically didn't do anything wrong with them. Here in the US, I can't think of any legal cases where someone was retroactively punished for violating a future rule.

Not that I'm disagreeing with you, though.

I'm thinking anything she sends via official channels is at least considered privileged, which is an actual form of classification but is not under the 'classified' umbrella.

That comes down to political jargon and what you want to consider any email sent by government officials.

However, the fact is that people spouting out "She sent out classified info, send her to jail!" is just screaming rhetoric and has no idea about the entire process involving how our government works with classified material.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's deleted emails may be recoverable
« on: September 13, 2015, 04:02:44 PM »
It also needs to be stated that, according to other Government agencies outside of the state department, some of the information sent through the emails was not deemed classified at the time that it was sent - it's classification as such came later in her tenure, or even after the fact.

This really excuses nothing; if anything, it highlights why it's important to follow security protocols. If any other servicemember had done something similar (classified material via personal accounts or unauthorized means) they'd be in prison. And another huge concern is that she's been meticulously grooming her appearance and reputation for a presidential bid; deleting a swath of emails after a large controversy largely centered around her lies to the public was a strategic move to avoid further embarrassment.

It's retroactive punishment (Or at least, that's how it's turning out). She did nothing wrong as the material was not classified as confidential. If you want to complain about her using a private server, that is totally fine. However, trying to say she broke the law at the time of doing so is false.

The Flood / Re: My mom just bought me 60 condoms for university
« on: September 13, 2015, 02:03:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: My mom just bought me 60 condoms for university
« on: September 13, 2015, 01:52:38 PM »
Really, whats the point of the flavored ones?

Like are you meant to suck that? Who the hell would want to suck that?
Some people don't like swallowing.
I don't know why they wouldn't. Cum's tasty.

Absolutely not.
What, you spit man?

You're missing out on an important source of protein then.

I'm a gay man who dislikes sex in general.

I could care less

The Flood / Re: My mom just bought me 60 condoms for university
« on: September 13, 2015, 01:47:58 PM »
Really, whats the point of the flavored ones?

Like are you meant to suck that? Who the hell would want to suck that?
Some people don't like swallowing.
I don't know why they wouldn't. Cum's tasty.

Absolutely not.
What, you spit man?


The Flood / Re: Your favourite day of the year?
« on: September 13, 2015, 01:43:38 PM »
October 14th

The Flood / Re: My mom just bought me 60 condoms for university
« on: September 13, 2015, 01:41:44 PM »
Really, whats the point of the flavored ones?

Like are you meant to suck that? Who the hell would want to suck that?
Some people don't like swallowing.
I don't know why they wouldn't. Cum's tasty.

Absolutely not.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's deleted emails may be recoverable
« on: September 13, 2015, 01:29:10 PM »
Yes she shouldn't have done that but why is it such a big deal?
When you work for the U.S. Government you shouldn't be sending confidential information over yahoo.

It also needs to be stated that, according to other Government agencies outside of the state department, some of the information sent through the emails was not deemed classified at the time that it was sent - it's classification as such came later in her tenure, or even after the fact.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's deleted emails may be recoverable
« on: September 13, 2015, 12:49:17 PM »
Yes she shouldn't have done that but why is it such a big deal?

It's a Presidential candidate.




Serious / Re: What the FUCK NYT???
« on: September 13, 2015, 11:30:20 AM »
Which then misses out the possibility of a good consequence for a stupid reason.

I'd rather someone abstain due to not being able to vote without their religious affiliation being a role, then have them vote as such.

Just my personal preference.

Serious / Re: What the FUCK NYT???
« on: September 13, 2015, 11:24:42 AM »
Let's say you vote for something stupid for a stupid reason.

Let's say you vote for something stupid for a good reason.

Let's say you vote for something good for a stupid reason.

I'd take the third option each and every time.


Serious / Re: What the FUCK NYT???
« on: September 13, 2015, 11:20:31 AM »
Religious affiliation should not be a viable reason for any vote, good or bad, on any bill.
I agree in principle, but I'm rather more concerned with the consequences. If the Iran nuclear deal fell through because of a bunch of Islamaphobic Jewish senators, it would still result in the (assumed) positive consequence of the deal not taking place.


The difference between that and your example is that it'd be utterly fucking stupid to make the pig America's national animal.

Based on the amount of stuff we deep fry in bacon...

Serious / Re: What the FUCK NYT???
« on: September 13, 2015, 10:49:52 AM »
several of the members are voting how they are due to their religious affiliation.
This assumption, tinged in racism, is exactly the problem. They're defining each person's vote based on a presumed religious bias when in reality they are probably just opposed to it.

Schumer's base of support is New York City and Long Island - coming from someone who is an upstate New Yorker, there is almost zero support for the man here outside of Albany and a few liberal bastions (A couple of the larger, Western New York cities). New York City and Long Island are also strong centers of the Jewish population for New York.

It is no different than a Miami Representative voting no on opening the door to Cuba, a city that is full of Cuban refugees. Schumer is well aware that voting for a deal with the Iranians is going to cut off his biggest base of support, which is not something an incoming Minority/Majority leader wants to do - lose support from his home state (See: Eric Cantor).

This Article explains it better, discerning the difference between the two New York Senators

“It came down to where their political bases are,” a Democratic insider involved in New York politics said. “For Chuck, this is all about who sent him to the State Assembly and who sends him to the Senate every six years, and this means Orthodox black hats.”

Gillibrand, on the other hand, relies on a coalition of upstate, suburban and union voters, the insider noted. She may be more focused on not alienating liberals who strongly support Obama.

Serious / Re: What the FUCK NYT???
« on: September 13, 2015, 10:43:01 AM »
several of the members are voting how they are due to their religious affiliation.
Or maybe they just oppose the deal?

And to be honest, I don't blame Jewish senators for not wanting to be diplomatic in a nuclear deal with an aggressively anti-Semitic rogue state.

Religious affiliation should not be a viable reason for any vote, good or bad, on any bill.

That's for either party, by the way. And yes, I would be saying the same if a Muslim Senator voted on a bill to make pork our national animal, etc.

The Flood / Re: Flood Sexuality Survey
« on: September 13, 2015, 10:35:29 AM »
Too many fucking terms.

Serious / Re: What the FUCK NYT???
« on: September 13, 2015, 10:33:35 AM »
I fail to see the point?

It's in very poor taste. Like showing the number of black Congressmen voting for gun control or something like that.

Not especially.

At least with the image in the OP, it's showing that despite overwhelmingly voting with Democrats on almost every issue (Especially Schumer, who's slated to take over in the Leadership), several of the members are voting how they are due to their religious affiliation.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's deleted emails may be recoverable
« on: September 13, 2015, 10:25:24 AM »
i've never followed this e-mail scandal because i'm not voting for hillary anyway

if someone could give me a quick run-down, that would be cool
Apparently sent e-mails that could have confidential government info to third parties.

It also needs to be stated that, according to other Government agencies outside of the state department, some of the information sent through the emails was not deemed classified at the time that it was sent - it's classification as such came later in her tenure, or even after the fact.

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