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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Re: Would you engage in acts of a sexual nature with your avatar
« on: September 24, 2015, 08:50:01 PM »
I'd probably just ask which of her ex's has the best dick.

Septagon / Re: empty space under the nav bar
« on: September 24, 2015, 08:26:08 PM »
> thinking I know what to do with this

The Flood / Re: gonna start watching some popular TV shows on netflix
« on: September 24, 2015, 08:22:54 PM »
> Watching GoT, but not House of Cards.

Verb, I'm disappointed.

Septagon / Re: empty space under the nav bar
« on: September 24, 2015, 08:20:49 PM »
my alternate banners script fixes it

give me this script.

Gaming / Re: Kingdom Memes
« on: September 24, 2015, 08:20:19 PM »
After Kingdom Hearts 2, I gave up following the story seeing as they made like 40 hand held games I couldn't care less about.

Eh. I could write a synopsis if you'd like.

Gaming / Re: Kingdom Memes
« on: September 24, 2015, 08:01:57 PM »
Kingdom Hearts just looks like Deviantart made into a videogame

Don't start coming in here and trashing a game when you know damn well that you would not like it to happen in a Metal Gear Solid thread.

Gaming / Re: Kingdom Memes
« on: September 24, 2015, 06:43:20 PM »
Been wanting to try this series out for awhile. Love the idea and gameplay looks fun. 1.5 remix is $15 on amazon, worth it?

For $15, yes.

Do not watch the movie for 358/2 days until you get 2.5 remix and play through Kingdom Hearts 2 though.

The Flood / Re: >British politics
« on: September 24, 2015, 06:42:25 PM »

The Flood / Re: >British politics
« on: September 24, 2015, 06:13:52 PM »
I feel like I'm watching a reality show.

Serious / Re: "It's all the West's fault"
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:38:14 PM »
But the world is objectively better off with us running shit.

Absolutely not.
Would you rather see Russian or Chinese hegemony?

Look at the other world powers and ask yourself how life would be if they had the influence the US has.

I'd rather see none of the above.
And I'd rather see us in a world with no governments at all, but we have to play with the hand we're dealt and right now the best combination we have is one with the US, or at the very least the collective "west", at the head of the pack.

The United States needs to focus on our growing plethora of problems internally.

We can't keep ignoring those to play Freedom Squad.
For every problem solved a new perceived problem will prop up.

Meanwhile, Rosija is invading the baltic states and China controls Taiwan.

We don't have to ignore internal problems to keep the wolves of the world in line.

We also don't need to start a conflict with Russia and China.

It is not our responsibility to be the Worlds Police and get involved in every conflict, aside from humanitarian aid.
Actually it is. You can thank Theodore Roosevelt for that


Serious / Re: "It's all the West's fault"
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:35:24 PM »
But the world is objectively better off with us running shit.

Absolutely not.
Would you rather see Russian or Chinese hegemony?

Look at the other world powers and ask yourself how life would be if they had the influence the US has.

I'd rather see none of the above.
And I'd rather see us in a world with no governments at all, but we have to play with the hand we're dealt and right now the best combination we have is one with the US, or at the very least the collective "west", at the head of the pack.

The United States needs to focus on our growing plethora of problems internally.

We can't keep ignoring those to play Freedom Squad.
For every problem solved a new perceived problem will prop up.

Meanwhile, Rosija is invading the baltic states and China controls Taiwan.

We don't have to ignore internal problems to keep the wolves of the world in line.

We also don't need to start a conflict with Russia and China.

It is not our responsibility to be the Worlds Police and get involved in every conflict, aside from humanitarian aid.

Start, engage, join - We do not need it.

Serious / Re: "It's all the West's fault"
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:32:08 PM »
But the world is objectively better off with us running shit.

Absolutely not.
Would you rather see Russian or Chinese hegemony?

Look at the other world powers and ask yourself how life would be if they had the influence the US has.

I'd rather see none of the above.
And I'd rather see us in a world with no governments at all, but we have to play with the hand we're dealt and right now the best combination we have is one with the US, or at the very least the collective "west", at the head of the pack.

The United States needs to focus on our growing plethora of problems internally.

We can't keep ignoring those to play Freedom Squad.
For every problem solved a new perceived problem will prop up.

Meanwhile, Rosija is invading the baltic states and China controls Taiwan.

We don't have to ignore internal problems to keep the wolves of the world in line.

We also don't need to start a conflict with Russia and China.

It is not our responsibility to be the Worlds Police and get involved in every conflict, aside from humanitarian aid.

Serious / Re: "It's all the West's fault"
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:15:25 PM »
But the world is objectively better off with us running shit.

Absolutely not.
Would you rather see Russian or Chinese hegemony?

Look at the other world powers and ask yourself how life would be if they had the influence the US has.

I'd rather see none of the above.
And I'd rather see us in a world with no governments at all, but we have to play with the hand we're dealt and right now the best combination we have is one with the US, or at the very least the collective "west", at the head of the pack.

The United States needs to focus on our growing plethora of problems internally.

We can't keep ignoring those to play Freedom Squad.

Serious / Re: "It's all the West's fault"
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:11:41 PM »
But the world is objectively better off with us running shit.

Absolutely not.
Would you rather see Russian or Chinese hegemony?

Look at the other world powers and ask yourself how life would be if they had the influence the US has.

I'd rather see none of the above.

The Flood / You Can Go Back in Time to Change 1 Event in History
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:09:40 PM »
1.) What would you change
2.) Why
3.) What do you think would change in modern day

Serious / Re: "It's all the West's fault"
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:07:45 PM »
But the world is objectively better off with us running shit.

Absolutely not.

The Flood / Re: post your legs ITT
« on: September 24, 2015, 04:47:57 PM »

Driving currently

Is that a Nissan altima?

> steering wheel says Ford
> Nissan Altima

The Flood / Re: I love you Psy
« on: September 24, 2015, 04:26:12 PM »
What on Earth is that?

The Flood / Re: What makes you a special snowflake?
« on: September 24, 2015, 04:18:34 PM »
I'm a CIS white male.

The Flood / Re: Heroes ReborNNNNNNNNNNN
« on: September 24, 2015, 03:46:17 PM »
No, I'll have ABC on.
What the fuck is on ABC at that time?

Gay soap operas.

Much better than a meh sci-fi show that was rebooted due to a network failing at everything else.

Heroes' finally canceled

The Flood / Re: User obsessions
« on: September 24, 2015, 03:44:47 PM »
Me - Dicks.

The Flood / Re: Heroes ReborNNNNNNNNNNN
« on: September 24, 2015, 03:34:52 PM »
No, I'll have ABC on.
What the fuck is on ABC at that time?

Gay soap operas.

Much better than a meh sci-fi show that was rebooted due to a network failing at everything else.

Evolution, or at least micro-evolution, is something that can be, and has been, observed. And while extensive evolution (Such as humans evolving from ape-like ancestors) has not been viewed by scientists, skeletal remains do show this.
Just to point this out: there's literally no difference between micro- and macro-evolution. Creationists pretty much invented the concept to give themselves some wiggle room when the science began buttfucking them.

Terminology aside - the point being that people who decry that evolution is a lie have been proven wrong. It's a poor example to use.

Just because people don't believe in gravity, doesn't mean it isn't true. Science is absolutes - morals are not.
My point was that disagreements do not prove subjectivity.

If a dictatorship and democratic nation both were successful, it's people happy and prosperous, which nation's government is morally correct? Not from your opinion Meta, from a moral stance.

The Flood / Re: Heroes ReborNNNNNNNNNNN
« on: September 24, 2015, 03:27:03 PM »
No, I'll have ABC on.

Can you test them in a scientific lab to say "Person A's morals are the correct ones?"
Yes, if you identify the best basis for morality.


but killing in war is apparently okay to some, while to others it isn't.
And some people don't believe in evolution.

Evolution, or at least micro-evolution, is something that can be, and has been, observed. And while extensive evolution (Such as humans evolving from ape-like ancestors) has not been viewed by scientists, skeletal remains do show this.

Just because people don't believe in gravity, doesn't mean it isn't true. Science is absolutes - morals are not.

Tell me - if a lion kills a zebra, is the lion morally right? Do any species, outside of humans, have morals to even live by?
they lack the ability to reason, so obviously not

So, humans are the only species that have morals?

Then where does this idea that what we believe as morals is absolutely correct? Absolutes only should occur in fields such as science - you can test it, prove it, and repeat the scenarios again and again until it's become a fact.

Morals are not subjective. What people in western culture believe (Such as democracy) is different than what people in African or East Asian cultures believe. Some people believe that killing is never allowed, while others believe it should only be in war or self defense. The scenario's go on and on - homosexuality, drug use, abortions, finances, etc.

Who is right in any of these scenarios? Can you test them in a scientific lab to say "Person A's morals are the correct ones?"

Take killings for example. We all preach that killing should be wrong - but killing in war is apparently okay to some, while to others it isn't. What about killing for self defense? Is that morally acceptable, when you are still taking another life?
the fact that we can debate moral principles does not make it subjective

we debate scientific principles ALL the fucking time
i guess science is subjective now

Tell me - if a lion kills a zebra, is the lion morally right? Do any species, outside of humans, have morals to even live by?

Morality, and immorality, are both subjective. What is moral is not, for the most part, concrete.
this is wrong, though

Except it isn't. Morality, what we consider to be moral, is entirely a human concept. Go out into the wilderness of, say, the rainforest. Or attempt to test it in a scientific lab. You aren't going to get any results, because outside of our species, it does not exist.

Take killings for example. We all preach that killing should be wrong - but killing in war is apparently okay to some, while to others it isn't. What about killing for self defense? Is that morally acceptable, when you are still taking another life?

Also, the concept of "Fuck it, if you want to do it then do it!" is fucking stupid.
Um, no. It's literally the basis of morality. It's your body, and if you want to improve or destroy it in any way, that's your choice.
the basis of morality is stupid, is the point

if i had it my way, no one would ever be able to make bad choices
That's evil. You have no right to make that decision for someone else, period. We all have our time on this earth, and you can't tell someone they have to change the way they're living their life if they're only hurting themselves. Again, that would be an extremely immoral thing to impose and enforce.

One could also say it's evil to allow someone to destroy their body and life, on the basis of "I can do what I want."
One would be wrong. It's immoral to stop a consenting individual from doing anything to his own body. It's just your emotions that are blinding you here. No one has a say in what happens to your body but you.

Morality, and immorality, are both subjective. What is moral is not, for the most part, concrete.

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