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Messages - Alternative Facts

Pages: 1 ... 118119120 121122 ... 306
The Flood / Re: If my ex was Mrs Charlie, what should I call my GF?
« on: October 02, 2015, 07:52:12 AM »
Pics of ex or current girl?

I'm not going to share those. I remember when I shared pics of my firstborn and what happened then.
What happened then?

Inappropriate sharing and some jackass threatened to kill my kid. It's what originally drove me from Bungie

Ah Rose.

I got his nudes once.

and the very bottom of our economy gets more and more pushed out, struggle, and told to suck it up and put themselves in unpayable debt.
That's just not true; there were evidence of credit constraints for ~4pc of the population prior to federalisation, but that phenomenon hasn't survived. If there's an issue with student debt post-hoc, it's the fact you can't declare bankruptcy on them.

Is that in reference to public, private, or both types of loans?

You can piss on socialism all you want--there's no way you can make capitalism look appealing.

(Not defending Verb's point), but to me, this image only shows that the rise of capitalism hasn't helped reduce the number of people in severe poverty (Which still hovers around 1 billion) - it does show a reduce in the percentage as more and more people are born into capitalist nations (Or those nations convert throughout the 1800's to early 1900's) and generally do well.

I think the GOP is at least smart enough to recognize this.

~ 40% still think that President Obama either is a Muslim, or wasn't born in the United States.

Don't give their base too much credit.
Yeah yeah, and I'm sure there's plenty of statistics that I could pull up to show that Democrats are disconnected from reality too.

Please feel free

The Flood / Re: Dating an Ogre
« on: October 01, 2015, 11:46:37 PM »
what the fuck kind of wizardry is this? i never made this thread

Yes you did. Must be the drugs getting to you.
i haven't done nearly enough drugs to witness what just happened

What happened?

The Flood / Re: What with people's obsession with fox on this forum?
« on: October 01, 2015, 11:21:40 PM »
They make lovely floor decorations.

Gaming / Re: Life is Strange does Telltale better than Telltale
« on: October 01, 2015, 11:15:49 PM »
If posts on the topic are just going to be "X is better", "No Y is" "Lol moron" - I'm going to have the thread locked. Either get back to discussing the topic, or let the thread die.

The Flood / Re: sigh
« on: October 01, 2015, 11:06:18 PM »
Take the minute, go over and just check.

Not that hard.

The Flood / Re: What TV shows do you watch?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:58:11 PM »
I want to see the new "Heroes" that just started today

Last week.

The Flood / Re: Do you think your parents wished they used a condom...
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:54:26 PM »
I have no idea.

The Flood / Re: What TV shows do you watch?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:53:57 PM »
Rick & Morty
The 100
Gravity Falls
Twin Peaks
The X-Files
True Detective
Family Guy
The Cleveland Show
American Dad
Law and Order
Breaking Bad
Drake & Josh
Scooby Doo: MI

No Avatar?
I haven't watched an episode of Avatar in like 3 months

Thought you'd relive Azula's glory days.
Well, if you count the Azula scenes, then yeah. I have an .flv file that's just the parts of TLA that have Azula in them.

Color me shocked.

The Flood / Re: when will you?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:53:00 PM »
wow this is gay

Lets Marvin Gaye and get it on

The Flood / Re: when will you?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:51:59 PM »

The Flood / Re: What TV shows do you watch?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:50:22 PM »
Rick & Morty
The 100
Gravity Falls
Twin Peaks
The X-Files
True Detective
Family Guy
The Cleveland Show
American Dad
Law and Order
Breaking Bad
Drake & Josh
Scooby Doo: MI

No Avatar?
I haven't watched an episode of Avatar in like 3 months

Thought you'd relive Azula's glory days.

The Flood / Re: when will you?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:49:11 PM »

You coulda found better examples.
Yeah, like twinks :)

Ben Baur is not a twink.

Damn, he looks a bit like a friend of mine in the marines, except without acne .

He stars in an upcoming movie. I'm preordering tickets just for that.


You coulda found better examples.
Yeah, like twinks :)

Ben Baur is not a twink.
you have such shitty taste god damn

How was your weekend?

The Flood / Re: What TV shows do you watch?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:48:30 PM »
Rick & Morty
The 100
Gravity Falls
Twin Peaks
The X-Files
True Detective
Family Guy
The Cleveland Show
American Dad
Law and Order
Breaking Bad
Drake & Josh
Scooby Doo: MI

No Avatar?

I think the GOP is at least smart enough to recognize this.

~ 40% still think that President Obama either is a Muslim, or wasn't born in the United States.

Don't give their base too much credit.

The Flood / Re: when will you?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:44:53 PM »

You coulda found better examples.
Yeah, like twinks :)

Ben Baur is not a twink.

Free college should be available to all. The notion that it will destroy the job market is absurd. There are lots of European countries that offer free countries and they are doing just fine. To deny people the right to pursue their dreams because you don't want to compete with them is disgusting.
Yeah and a lot of graduates in those countries have to leave their country, and in most cases, come here to actually find a job. If you can't see the logic behind making something widely accessible deflating its value you are pretty fucking retarded.
When you have to resort to making up things to try and justify yourself then you need to just stop.
Is that why we have so many Europoor immigrants flooding over here?


In 2010, more than 4.8 million European immigrants resided in the United States, representing 12 percent of all immigrants.

About 44 percent of European immigrants were from Eastern Europe in 2010.
The top countries of origin for European immigrants were the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Russia, and Italy.

Aside from the UK and Germany, you have Poland, Russia, and Italy - three economy shitholes in their own right, and none of the countries offering state-funded universities.

That's a liberally-biased site, why should I believe those statistics?

I see when the stats don't go your way, we're still shouting about "liberal bias!"

Please, share your source of statistics regarding migration of population.

Free college should be available to all. The notion that it will destroy the job market is absurd. There are lots of European countries that offer free countries and they are doing just fine. To deny people the right to pursue their dreams because you don't want to compete with them is disgusting.
Yeah and a lot of graduates in those countries have to leave their country, and in most cases, come here to actually find a job. If you can't see the logic behind making something widely accessible deflating its value you are pretty fucking retarded.
When you have to resort to making up things to try and justify yourself then you need to just stop.
Is that why we have so many Europoor immigrants flooding over here?


In 2010, more than 4.8 million European immigrants resided in the United States, representing 12 percent of all immigrants.

About 44 percent of European immigrants were from Eastern Europe in 2010.
The top countries of origin for European immigrants were the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Russia, and Italy.

Aside from the UK and Germany, you have Poland, Russia, and Italy - three economy shitholes in their own right, and none of the countries offering state-funded universities.

The Flood / Re: What TV shows do you watch?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:34:00 PM »
A lot of broadcast dramas.
West Wing
House of Cards
Some others

The Flood / Re: when will you?
« on: October 01, 2015, 10:32:42 PM »

You coulda found better examples.

You can piss on socialism all you want--there's no way you can make capitalism look appealing.
to you maybe

making people dependent on the state is disgusting and cruel in its own way

Offering a state-provided safety net is preferable to saying "Sorry the system is broken, but nothing we can do. Enjoy the cardboard box"
and that's how it should be, nothing broken about it

Requiring people, especially the lowest income class, to go into insurmountable debt to try and improve their life and not assist them when, surprise!, they can't pay it back?

If you can't see the moral wrong in that, you need to rethink things.
you don't need to go into monumental debt to get an education

we established this earlier in the thread

No - you established the point, and then ignored the response regarding many in the lowest income class being unable to afford a basic two year school - let alone a four year school with a more substantial degree.

Now let me tell you why its morally wrong to make citizens dependent on the state. People simply get comfortable with their poverty. Its happening right now as we speak with the current welfare system. People aren't motivated to get out of their situation because why should they? The state is providing them with everything they need. Unless you make people uncomfortable with their situation they're never going to do anything about getting out of it. Its like never weening your child off the breast and then all of a sudden you end up with a 8 year old still breast-feeding.

In no way do I advocate for everything that Sanders wants - free childcare, free college (At least, not entirely), etc.

But what you advocate - for the state to simply say fuck it and ignore the needs of the people when the state is run by those people, is no better - and even worse. The more people that slump into poverty and don't have assistance to get out, the worse our economy gets - from rising student loan defaults, slumps in spending, etc.

The lowest of the low need help, whether or not you want to admit it. They need help to at least get a stable footing in a shitty system.

You can piss on socialism all you want--there's no way you can make capitalism look appealing.
to you maybe

making people dependent on the state is disgusting and cruel in its own way

Offering a state-provided safety net is preferable to saying "Sorry the system is broken, but nothing we can do. Enjoy the cardboard box"
and that's how it should be, nothing broken about it

Requiring people, especially the lowest income class, to go into insurmountable debt to try and improve their life and not assist them when, surprise!, they can't pay it back?

If you can't see the moral wrong in that, you need to rethink things.

You can piss on socialism all you want--there's no way you can make capitalism look appealing.
to you maybe

making people dependent on the state is disgusting and cruel in its own way

Offering a state-provided safety net is preferable to saying "Sorry the system is broken, but nothing we can do. Enjoy the cardboard box"

Unless we vote for it.

I refuse to live in a society where people just get lucky, and some people are "fucked."
And that's what you support.

Unfortunately, solely voting Sanders into office will accomplish next to nothing of his proposals - he'd also need a sizeable liberal Democratic majority in the House (60-100 additional seats) and Senate (10-15) - along with an additional liberal juror on the Supreme Court.

My tax dollars shouldn't subsidize everyone elses' schooling past high school.
Why the fuck not?
if everyone has a degree the job market is ultra fucked

there needs to be a cost attached to a degree

That cost should not put someone in debt for 10-20 years afterwards, while they also work to become a contributor to the overall economy.
its entirely possible to get a degree without getting into a monumental amount of debt. You don't need to go to NYU to get a degree

I'm going to a standard four year public institution - my average debt a year is around five to six thousand dollars, without factoring in other costs that arise with being at the school. For a four year degree, my debt is going to be somewhere between 20-24 thousand, and that's not uncommon for the standard four year school.

Of course I could done a 2+2 program, however that would have wasted more time and money in the long run, as most of my general education requirements were complete. There is also the point to be made that there are many in extreme poverty can't afford to even attend a basic community college - these are the people who go on to work those menial "burger flipper, retail" jobs that are constantly told that they should just go to college to make more money.

College prices continue to go up - and the very bottom of our economy gets more and more pushed out, struggle, and told to suck it up and put themselves in unpayable debt.

My tax dollars shouldn't subsidize everyone elses' schooling past high school.
Why the fuck not?
if everyone has a degree the job market is ultra fucked

there needs to be a cost attached to a degree

That cost should not put someone in debt for 10-20 years afterwards, while they also work to become a contributor to the overall economy.

The Flood / Re: new sep7agon poster BETTER THAN JOCEPHALOPOD
« on: October 01, 2015, 04:16:40 PM »
The best account number is 5

I'm rather partial to 17

The Flood / Re: The beta uprising has begun
« on: October 01, 2015, 04:11:06 PM »



I'm not a mod.

The Flood / Re: we have another school shooter. 10 dead.
« on: October 01, 2015, 04:05:38 PM »
*sigh* time for this song-and-dance again

Happens in pretty much every nation to some degree. Canada is pretty much on-par with us. Australia is higher, I believe. The UK is a bit lower.

I'd like to see those stats.

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