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Messages - Alternative Facts

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Serious / Re: Defending Donald Trump
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:25:55 PM »
Allow me to be more specific: Saudi Arabia's government hasn't declared us an enemy. The people may hate us, but the government doesn't.

Which solely stems from the United States providing billions in aid and an ally over oil.

They are no better than Iran, but we ally with them and provide cash, giving them incentive to not hate us.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:20:45 PM »
do you NEED unhealthy food filled with trans fat?

do you NEED carcinogenic tobacco products?

You know you've hit the bottom of your argument pool when you start pulling out exaggerations and comparisons like this.
These things kill more every year than guns do.

Door, enough with the shitty arguments. You're against gun control, it's well stated and well known. How about forming an actual debate on the issue, not throwing out shitty, repetitive examples?
how about you addres my point and demonstrate what's so shitty about it instead of writing it off so you don't have to?

Gatsby said it best - eating absurd amounts of trans fats in foods, or smoking absurd amounts of cigarettes a day, is only killing yourself, not others. Continuing to pretend that loopholes don't exist and allowing people to acquire guns without a thorough and lengthy background check is absurd.

I said it in either this thread or another, but in many places, its easier to get a gun than it is to get a drivers license.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:14:25 PM »
do you NEED unhealthy food filled with trans fat?

do you NEED carcinogenic tobacco products?

You know you've hit the bottom of your argument pool when you start pulling out exaggerations and comparisons like this.
These things kill more every year than guns do.

Door, enough with the shitty arguments. You're against gun control, it's well stated and well known. How about forming an actual debate on the issue, not throwing out shitty, repetitive examples?

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:07:51 PM »
So, say in two decades, marijuana is legal across the country. Will you give up then?
What do you mean? I want marijuana legalized. I've said that repeatedly and explicitly.

I'm just against people using it for recreational purposes, because I don't think it's worth putting anyone in jail over.

So you want it legalized, but don't people using it recreationally?

Sorry, but they kind of go hand in hand; at least in Colorado.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:03:49 PM »
Then who decides what is beneficial?
I already said. We do. We debate about it, and the best ideas tend to always come out on top, give or take a couple decades.

So, say in two decades, marijuana is legal across the country. Will you give up then?

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:02:14 PM »
You literally just said it depends on who finds it beneficial.
No, that's not what I said at all. You asked me who decides if things are beneficial or not, and I said, "It depends." Meaning, it depends on what the thing is. It doesn't depend on WHO it is.

Then who decides what is beneficial?

The Flood / Re: What degree are you studying for? (or have already)
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:00:50 PM »
Journalism with a dual minor in Political Science and Communication.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:58:49 PM »
do you NEED unhealthy food filled with trans fat?

do you NEED carcinogenic tobacco products?

You know you've hit the bottom of your argument pool when you start pulling out exaggerations and comparisons like this.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:57:38 PM »
In your opinion - in the view of their community, it's beneficial for whatever reason.
And they're wrong. Fuck their community--I'm talking about humanity as a whole.

We can debate about whether recreational marijuana is beneficial, and I'm going to fucking win.

You literally just said it depends on who finds it beneficial.

Unless you're making the requirements, you're wrong.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:53:48 PM »
What if one community decides smoking weed is beneficial?
Then they're wrong.

In your opinion - in the view of their community, it's beneficial for whatever reason.

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:50:25 PM »
Who decides what is beneficial?
Again, it depends. Cancer cures are beneficial to humanity. World peace is beneficial to humanity. Utopias are beneficial to humanity.

In general, we decide what's most beneficial for us. This is pretty obvious.

What if one community decides smoking weed is beneficial?

The Flood / Re: Do you guys like my new weeb avatar?
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:47:44 PM »
if you'll notice I put the fire nation emblem off to the side and at 30% opacity to symbolize how Azula blended into the Earth Kingdom

How deep and thought provoking.

Please, tell us more.
it also symbolizes how gay you are

I'm only 30% gay?

Damn, I need to step it up
yeah RC and Loaf have you beat

I'm not that flamboyant, am I? Loaf should have me beat no matter what

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:45:59 PM »
People should probably just do productive shit regardless of how fun it is, but we're too selfish and stupid for that.
Who deems what is productive?
No one. Logically, it's whatever benefits humanity the most.

Who decides what is beneficial?

The Flood / Re: Do you guys like my new weeb avatar?
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:45:33 PM »
if you'll notice I put the fire nation emblem off to the side and at 30% opacity to symbolize how Azula blended into the Earth Kingdom

How deep and thought provoking.

Please, tell us more.
it also symbolizes how gay you are

I'm only 30% gay?

Damn, I need to step it up

The Flood / Re: Drugs n stuff
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:44:06 PM »
People should probably just do productive shit regardless of how fun it is, but we're too selfish and stupid for that.

Who deems what is productive?

The Flood / Re: Do you guys like my new weeb avatar?
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:40:24 PM »
if you'll notice I put the fire nation emblem off to the side and at 30% opacity to symbolize how Azula blended into the Earth Kingdom

How deep and thought provoking.

Please, tell us more.

Serious / Re: Defending Donald Trump
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:39:36 PM »

They aren't trying to kill us.

Aside from being a US ALLY (Thanks oil!), how are they any different than Iran?

Iran openly funds terrorism. Saudis aren't (to my knowledge).

While Saudi Arabia is often a secondary source of funds and support for terror movements who can find more motivated and ideologically invested benefactors (e.g. Qatar), Saudi Arabia remains perhaps the most prolific sponsor of international Islamist terrorism, allegedly supporting groups as disparate as the Afghanistan Taliban, Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the Al-Nusra Front.

Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds and promoter of Salafist jihadism,[95] which forms the ideological basis of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS and others. Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide, according to Hillary Clinton.[96] According to a secret December 2009 paper signed by the US secretary of state, "Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups."

You were saying?

Serious / Re: Defending Donald Trump
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:33:16 PM »
They aren't trying to kill us.

Aside from being a US ALLY (Thanks oil!), how are they any different than Iran?

Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:32:28 PM »
Why do people try and turn the conversation to guns rather than mental health. Our mental institutions and the state of mental health in the U.S. are fucking sad.

If somone is a collector or gun enthusiast let them have an automatic, but screen them and require strict licensing.

Because it's both?

Mental illness and the treatment of such is shitty in the United States - at the same time, it is beyond easy for those who are mentally ill to acquire weapons that should not be in their hands.

Both need to be fixed.

The Flood / Re: Do you guys like my new weeb avatar?
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:28:09 PM »
Make me a nameplate bby

Serious / Re: Defending Donald Trump
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:21:26 PM »
1.) Anyone would have sent our military to kill that bastard. It takes a small degree of bravery to tell someone else to do something. The military deserves all the credit.

And the President is the Commander in Chief. He gets some of the credit as well.

2.) Saudi Arabia doesn't claim to want us dead. Nor do they (to my knowledge) scream "Death to America!" in the streets. Iran is 'literally' the number one sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East. Hamas and Hezbollah are allies to the Iranian government.

Saudi Arabia is also a country that systematically carries out the death penalty, routinely circumvents basic human rights in speech, religion, voices in government, treats women as second class citizens, terrible conditions for LGBT citizens.

Aside from being a US ally (Thanks oil!), how are they any different than Iran?

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on South Park
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:15:46 PM »
Needs to be taken out back and shot

The Flood / Re: Stereotypical archetypes you LOVE
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:14:01 PM »
The token gay.

Just kidding, they're awful.

Serious / Re: Defending Donald Trump
« on: October 02, 2015, 03:10:05 PM »
1.) The military killed Osama, not your precious president. They're also the ones carrying out these sporadic drone strikes.

The President is the Commander in Chief - he leads the military, he gives the direct order when it comes to high value targets. He did not conduct the investigation, no. But while he could have pulled a Bill Clinton and chosen not to engage, he went through with it. Risky, but it payed off, and Obama deserves credit for going through with it, as do the military personnel who engaged.

2.) I seriously have no idea why liberals keep calling Iran moderate. They're the number one sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East. Not to mention the various American civilians that they have in Iranian prisons.

They are no more moderate or extreme than, say, Saudi Arabia.

Get YOUR sorry ass out of my thread.

Both of you, debate the issue and knock it off with this shit. I'm sure you don't want a first Serious warning within a week of joining, so debate the issue and only the issue.

The Flood / Re: Need some help
« on: October 02, 2015, 02:56:35 PM »
Just download it.

Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:20:53 PM »
Did the company complete all necessary actions including background checks, yada yada?
To sell accessories and non-regulated items?

Oh, so they aren't required to conduct background checks on firearms?

I see a problem there
They didn't sell him a firearm.

My bad, misread.

It still should not be that easy to walk in and say "Hey, I need 40,60,80 rounds of ammunition."

It takes more work to get a damn drivers license than it does to get a gun and ammunition in some places.

Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:14:22 PM »
Did the company complete all necessary actions including background checks, yada yada?
To sell accessories and non-regulated items?

Oh, so they aren't required to conduct background checks on firearms?

I see a problem there
this is such a shitty fucking meme i swear to christ

Not nearly in depth enough.

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:12:59 PM »
I don't see why someone should lose their right to everything for using heroin? I didn't say that. If they do it and overdose and need to go to the hospital, fine as long as they can cover the charges themselves. If not sucks to suck, shouldn't have used that heroin. The point of doing these things is that you also still be a functioning member of society or you can die for all I care.

No government services, included stuff paying for taxpayer dollars, should be offered to those that want to exercise "personal freedom"

If you want to fuck up your life like that, do it without burdening a functioning society, thanks.

Serious / Re: About the shooting: one of my Army buddies posted this
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:07:13 PM »
Did the company complete all necessary actions including background checks, yada yada?
To sell accessories and non-regulated items?

Oh, so they aren't required to conduct background checks on firearms?

I see a problem there

Serious / Re: Oregon Umpqua Community College Shooting
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:06:34 PM »
But it could if it was a failed attempt so tell me what's the difference?

Also this problem could easily be solved if hospitals didn't give treatment unless someone had the capabilities to pay for it themselves with insurance rather than use tax payer money. But that's a sacrilegious conjecture for the liberal agenda, how dare I.

Lord forbid there is a car accident, and someone doesn't have insurance. Fuck them.

Honestly, if we want to go this whole "personal freedom, do what the fuck you want!", fine - you want to dose up on heroin, you lose a right to public options such as hospitals, public transport, etc. Find your own way around, your own medical care.

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