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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Upgrading my Phone Tonight
« on: October 12, 2015, 02:30:10 PM »
I'm on Verizon. What should I get?

Leaning towards the 6S - Android users, convince me otherwise.

Isn't China kinda sorta a Communist Country?

Politically, yes.

Economically, no.

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 12, 2015, 02:25:13 PM »
How does this shit work? I've seen this type of thing but never participated myself.

Pretty much a role play where you control a country and advance it through time.

You can check out some of our old games.

I'm slightly skeptical as to how well it is working in third world countries (Middle East, Central and Southern Africa specifically)

If it's true, good. Still doesn't change my personal beliefs.
Imposing trade tariffs and foreign aid is making it extremely difficult for capitalism to flourish in Africa. The problem isn't capitalism intrinsically.

I'm aware.

As I said, this thread still doesn't change my personal beliefs
Personal beliefs about what exactly?

Governmental policies, ones that you deem as socialistic.

The Flood / Re: UN Game XI
« on: October 12, 2015, 02:21:50 PM »
I call Australia.

I'm slightly skeptical as to how well it is working in third world countries (Middle East, Central and Southern Africa specifically)

If it's true, good. Still doesn't change my personal beliefs.
Imposing trade tariffs and foreign aid is making it extremely difficult for capitalism to flourish in Africa. The problem isn't capitalism intrinsically.

I'm aware.

As I said, this thread still doesn't change my personal beliefs

The Flood / Re: Innocent people that have done no wrong
« on: October 12, 2015, 02:19:06 PM »

I'm slightly skeptical as to how well it is working in third world countries (Middle East, Central and Southern Africa specifically)

If it's true, good. Still doesn't change my personal beliefs.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Space Edition
« on: October 12, 2015, 02:05:24 PM »
Am I the only one who remembers the UN game that ended in a reset because we got star destoryers, terraforming, etc in like...20 pages?
Was that the one where Neo had the VEX virus or whatever? Or the one where the entire solar system was eaten by three black holes and it ended in a stalemate?

Weren't they the same one?

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 02:04:45 PM »
I'd wager a combination of poor social/economic conditions,
This is irrelevant.

How on earth is it irrelevant? If you're stuck in extreme poverty and you're told "Hey, go kill a group of people and we'll give you money" - chances are you are going to do it. You see the same problem (Less violent, but similarly) with gangs in the inner cities. Poverty stricken young adults resorting to illegal and murderous activities because they are told it will give them a better life.

war-stricken countries,
This only helps to get recruits.

...Which is kind of important? If these countries weren't ravaged by war constantly, and people could begin to work on building up their lives, a good chunk of those who turned to extremism would likely not choose to do so.

a religion that has failed to modernize,
Modernization has nothing to do with it. Islam was trash from the get go.

As was Christianity and Judaism. How much is my sister worth again?

and mental issues in some of the extremists.
The large majority of Muslim terrorists have no mental issues. I've provided lots of sources on this in the past. I don't have the time right now, I can do it later.

I would love to see these.

Just because people are not blowing themselves up in sub-Saharan Africa, or in Latin America doesn't mean they aren't killing each other - they are just using different methods.
They're not killing each other over religion in South or Central America. And they're EXTREMELY religious in those countries. Hmm. How strange.

Again, failure to modernize is a factor in this. Christianity was killing for their religion five, six hundred years ago (Even less if you consider the Salem Witch Hunt as a Christian religion targeting those who aren't). It has modernized, however
Islam has not. Factor that failure to modernize with more lethal weapons, and boom. Are you shocked that we get deadly results?

Saying "Hurr Durr, it's all the religion's fault!" in terms of extremism is no better than saying "Hurr Durr, ban all guns!" in terms of gun control - attempting to minimize the issue to the bare bones, without looking at other conditions that are likely to affect one's choices in life.
Funny how people all over the world face these same conditions and don't resort to senseless violence like Muslims do.

Because inner American cities don't have senseless violence
Because Mexico has no senseless violence.
Because the slums of central and South America has no senseless violence
Because there's no senseless violence in India

Just because it is not the same rate does not mean it isn't happening.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Space Edition
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:58:16 PM »
Am I the only one who remembers the UN game that ended in a reset because we got star destoryers, terraforming, etc in like...20 pages?

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Space Edition
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:53:15 PM »
Just take the rules from the old UN games.

The Flood / Re: UN Game| Calradia or Space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:34:02 PM »
The Fallout one got to almost 50 pages, you kidding?

Still Not as Good man

The Flood / Re: UN Game| Calradia or Space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:31:22 PM »

Go original. I'll join in.
we need another Australia/China showdown

Who won that?
if I recall, the thread died before there was a winner

that was the fall 2014 UN game I think

Shame. I was looking forward to sending in the Emu Army to Beijing.


Go original. I'll join in.
Whadaya mean? Like another one of those games where there isn't really a set time period or?

Yes - no "Fallout" theme or Space theme. Those ones seemed to not do as well.

Fair reminder that posting spoilers is not allowed, unless done so in a separate thread that is tagged "Spoilers", or unless Lemon decides to allow them in here.

The Flood / Re: UN Game| Calradia or Space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:26:25 PM »

Go original. I'll join in.
we need another Australia/China showdown

Who won that?

The Flood / Re: I'm confused about the nsfw policy
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:24:49 PM »
Put yo' porn/gore in a spoiler tagged NSFW in a LINK not embedded.

and no loli/underage shit

wats so hard my child?

I feel like that's a lot to remember, maybe if we had a stickied thread to refer to.

There is one...
I'm not seeing it...


A certain Brit went unsticky crazy >.>

Is this going to be stickied in the future?

No - the rules will be updated to show it in the future.

The Flood / Re: UN Game| Calradia or Space?
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:23:57 PM »

Go original. I'll join in.

The Flood / Re: I'm confused about the nsfw policy
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:23:08 PM »
Put yo' porn/gore in a spoiler tagged NSFW in a LINK not embedded.

and no loli/underage shit

wats so hard my child?

I feel like that's a lot to remember, maybe if we had a stickied thread to refer to.

There is one...
I'm not seeing it...


A certain Brit went unsticky crazy >.>


The Flood / Re: I'm confused about the nsfw policy
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:21:00 PM »
Put yo' porn/gore in a spoiler tagged NSFW in a LINK not embedded.

and no loli/underage shit

wats so hard my child?

I feel like that's a lot to remember, maybe if we had a stickied thread to refer to.

There is one...
I'm not seeing it...


A certain Brit went unsticky crazy >.>

The Flood / Re: I'm confused about the nsfw policy
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:19:17 PM »
Put yo' porn/gore in a spoiler tagged NSFW in a LINK not embedded.

and no loli/underage shit

wats so hard my child?

I feel like that's a lot to remember, maybe if we had a stickied thread to refer to.

There was one.

Damn mods.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:16:52 PM »
The reason that there are so many Islamic terrorists is poverty.

That you find it laughable doesn't make it wrong.
It's been proven wrong several times. Believing poverty causes extremism is like believing blacks are monkeys.

It's surely not the only condition, but wealth issues does play a role.

But there are plenty of reasons people turn to extremism.
It's the religion.

How is it there's poverty all over the world, yet only in Muslim countries do we have people blowing themselves up?

I'd wager a combination of poor social/economic conditions, war-stricken countries, a religion that has failed to modernize, and mental issues in some of the extremists. Just because people are not blowing themselves up in sub-Saharan Africa, or in Latin America doesn't mean they aren't killing each other - they are just using different methods.

Saying "Hurr Durr, it's all the religion's fault!" in terms of extremism is no better than saying "Hurr Durr, ban all guns!" in terms of gun control - attempting to minimize the issue to the bare bones, without looking at other conditions that are likely to affect one's choices in life.

Note that I'm discussing the Middle East solely, and not Muslims in western nations.

Serious / Re: Glenn Beck's most recent book: "It IS About Islam"
« on: October 12, 2015, 12:33:44 PM »
The reason that there are so many Islamic terrorists is poverty.

That you find it laughable doesn't make it wrong.
It's been proven wrong several times. Believing poverty causes extremism is like believing blacks are monkeys.

It's surely not the only condition, but wealth issues does play a role.

But there are plenty of reasons people turn to extremism.

The Flood / Re: The Splat
« on: October 11, 2015, 11:24:37 PM »
There were less furries in the 90's.

I call that a win.

While this would be a confirmation of my beliefs, he doesn't have much of a case. The most damning thing here, I think, is that he didn't bring this up until now despite the fact that the termination was a month and more than a few pieces of paperwork ago.

I believe first pieces of the case were started a month ago. It's just now going public.

Serious / Re: *Official Sep7agon Presidential Poll*
« on: October 11, 2015, 11:19:38 PM »
so the fact that Trump is not only talking about fixing your immigration and trade problems, but taking a protectionist approach to the whole thing, makes him seem ideal.

Granted there's a lot I don't know about economics or your country's politics, but I cannot see anything seriously flawed about Trump.

It's not so much that Trump is offering solutions (Or, new solutions). He's basically yelling "Build a wall! Deport 11 million people!" with no basis of funding or executing such a move, which would cripple most of the government due to it's massive undertaking and cost.

Plus, the President doesn't have that power, so...

I haven't memorized all his campaign plans and don't intend to preach for him, but I recall that his plan was to raise tariffs to disincentivize outsourcing to the point that it would be more viable to produce goods in America than it would be to import them, which would create jobs and overall improve the economy, which would lead to deportations and defenses being viable.

I mean to me that sounds reasonable but I'm nowhere near being qualified to make statements about this.

Talk to Meta. He'll explain why outsourcing is good and how immigrants are necessary.

Gonna be honest, in my best attempt to be impartial, it sounds like the guy is full of shit. If they've got email records of him trying to single out Clinton and focus the investigation on her, and reprimands from his supervisors telling him that's not appropriate, his claims don't really hold any water.

Of course, we will never see those emails (Or anything regarding this case) - it's all going to be done in backrooms and settled out of court.

I'm just going off of what's quoted in the article:

On Tuesday, June 9, Podliska wrote to the panel's intern coordinator: "I'd like the interns to complete the following tasks for me." He listed three tasks, including creating a PowerPoint on all the talking points that came out of the Administration following the attack, and a "master video" that incorporated something Clinton said in September, emails from deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes as well as the controversial "talking points" Susan Rice made on TV.
Conservatives have long accused the administration of trying to cover up the cause of the attack in Benghazi, which Rice at the State Department blamed on a protest rather than a terrorist attack.

But the panel says Podliska's idea was too partisan and was rejected. When he followed up on the email about a week later, the intern coordinator forwarded the message to the deputy staff director.

All were CCed on the deputy staff director's reply, which added on staff director Phil Kiko: "Not approved for reasons previously explained to Brad [Podliska]."

“Directly contrary to his brand new assertion, the employee actually was terminated, in part, because he himself manifested improper partiality and animus in his investigative work,” the committee statement says.

The description in the article barely sounds partisan at all, but it's a summary written by a journalist to cover a word limit. The point of the investigation (At least, on paper), is to investigate the Benghazi incident including the aftermath - reasonably, that should include talking points and such.

 Either way, if the email was more incriminating, or more supportive of the plaintiff, we will never see it. All we're going to get is write ups like this.

Gonna be honest, in my best attempt to be impartial, it sounds like the guy is full of shit. If they've got email records of him trying to single out Clinton and focus the investigation on her, and reprimands from his supervisors telling him that's not appropriate, his claims don't really hold any water.

Of course, we will never see those emails (Or anything regarding this case) - it's all going to be done in backrooms and settled out of court.

The GOP doesn't want this committee lambasted anymore, and a lengthy courtroom debacle is not in their best interest.

NYT Article

For a bit more fact finding.

The Flood / Re: Today is National Coming Out Day
« on: October 11, 2015, 06:49:58 PM »
People love making up special days.

Yeah, like Memorial Day

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