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Messages - Alternative Facts

Pages: 1 ... 838485 8687 ... 306
The Flood / Re: whoever can guess what store this is
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:46:23 PM »
Hobby lobby

The Flood / Re: whoever can guess what store this is
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:33:15 PM »
Big Lots

Serious / Re: France Announces Major Bombing on Raqqa
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:26:08 PM »
Not to mention that you can't kill an idea with guns.
That argument might have worked with Al-Qaeda but ISIS is a much larger and physical entity. 30000 is a clearly defined threat that can be dealt with.

Sure - you're fighting a somewhat concrete number of enemies in a more defined region. But the ideas still remain, and will spread.
Yeah and there is nothing that can be done about that; it's a null point to the discussion at hand.

Not really - we have to realize that alongside fighting ISIS (Or....trying and flailing), we also have to combat the repeat issue of extremism and work to make strides so that we don't continue this stupid cycle. Otherwise we'll never end this.
Words aren't going stop the spread of extremism any more effectively than war.

Not separately, no.

Serious / Re: France Announces Major Bombing on Raqqa
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:23:44 PM »
Not to mention that you can't kill an idea with guns.
That argument might have worked with Al-Qaeda but ISIS is a much larger and physical entity. 30000 is a clearly defined threat that can be dealt with.

Sure - you're fighting a somewhat concrete number of enemies in a more defined region. But the ideas still remain, and will spread.
Yeah and there is nothing that can be done about that; it's a null point to the discussion at hand.

Not really - we have to realize that alongside fighting ISIS (Or....trying and flailing), we also have to combat the repeat issue of extremism and work to make strides so that we don't continue this stupid cycle. Otherwise we'll never end this.

Septagon / Re: Fix the ban message
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:22:03 PM »
A) I don't care, if you get banned it shouldn't say you got a warning

We have a series of templates when giving a warning that fills out all the information for us (user name, thread link, etc) when we are applying a warning to an account. I chose to use the Spoiler template because it linked to the thread in question that you were lite-banned for, which is already drafted to write "You have been warned"

I could have changed it manually, but tbh I'm lazy.

If you're wondering, there is a lite-ban template that does say "You have been banned". However, I don't believe that template links to the thread that you were banned for. So, I'm not a fan of using it.

Serious / Re: France Announces Major Bombing on Raqqa
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:17:55 PM »
Not to mention that you can't kill an idea with guns.
That argument might have worked with Al-Qaeda but ISIS is a much larger and physical entity. 30000 is a clearly defined threat that can be dealt with.

Sure - you're fighting a somewhat concrete number of enemies in a more defined region. But the ideas still remain, and will spread.

The Flood / Re: Finally got laid
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:13:37 PM »
Cause this thread won't spiral out of control by Page 3.

Serious / Re: France Announces Major Bombing on Raqqa
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:11:27 PM »
Not to mention that you can't kill an idea with guns.

Serious / Re: France Announces Major Bombing on Raqqa
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:01:50 PM »
How exactly do we deal with ISIS then OP? A strongly worded letter of disapproval?

By not simply having one country bomb them at a time before we pass the torch to the next nation that wants a crack at it?

Sure, you can make the argument that "The United States is helping too!", but no. We aren't bombing Raqqa with them at the moment, it's not a joint effort. It's France's government and people taking their anger out while the other world leaders look on from Turkey, shrug their shoulders, and do next to nothing that would actually fight the problem. There is no unified front or coalition - it's Putin doing what he wants, France doing what he wants, and the other countries just kind of throwing rocks and saying "yeah! Die!"

Not to mention that bombing "training centers and ammunition storage" is going to do next to nothing. You think that ISIS is going to care that a building with bombs is gone? They've got another couple dozen around the corner most likely.

The Flood / Re: Welcome home SecondClass
« on: November 15, 2015, 03:55:23 PM »
I'm awaiting his thread in Septagon.

Serious / France Announces Major Bombing on Raqqa
« on: November 15, 2015, 03:54:07 PM »
That was Quick

(CNN)French fighter jets bombed a series of ISIS sites in Raqqa, Syria, on Sunday in what officials described as a major bombardment.

The targets included a command center, a recruitment center, an ammunition storage base and a training camp for the terror group, said Mickael Soria, press adviser for France's defense minister.

Paris attacks: Authorities hunt for a French national

ISIS claims Raqqa as the capital of its so-called caliphate. The airstrikes come two days after a series of terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which France's President described as "an act of war."

Twelve aircraft, including 10 fighter jets, were involved in Sunday's airstrikes, Soria said.

Twenty bombs were dropped, he said, and all of the targets were destroyed.

Yeah! You keep cutting off the head of the hydra and act surprised when it reappears as double! You go!

I imagine some corny joke about "Hard as a Steelix" to be used

Top one is generally seen in live media coverage from outside (As in, reporting). It's like the backside of the White House that you see only when needed.

Bottom one is more iconic for the ceremonial shit.

The Flood / Re: Vegetables make you gay.
« on: November 15, 2015, 02:18:59 PM »
No wonder I enjoy cucumber.

Serious / Re: Democratic Debate #2
« on: November 15, 2015, 01:18:24 PM »
Can I get a TL;DR of the debate?

Sanders (after his campaign complained about having to talk about foreign policy first) proved his lack of foreign policy experience in that section, same economic arguments as last time.

Clinton did decent in the foreign policy section, fucked up by saying Wall Street Donors came to her after 9/11 (Arguments include that because she did so well in helping to rebuild the cityscape and help survivors, she saw an increase in donations)

O'Malley wasn't shit, but wasn't amazing. Rode Sander's coattails.

i think we should just kill anyone who follows a religion

The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:28:49 PM »
Oh wait

This is my thread.

Mods lock please.

(And delete if possible)

I'll discuss with the others
Don't get slapped again

I do what I want.
Why is your butt red?

LC went Christian Grey on me.

The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:27:02 PM »
Oh wait

This is my thread.

Mods lock please.

(And delete if possible)

I'll discuss with the others
Don't get slapped again

I do what I want.

The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:23:41 PM »
Oh wait

This is my thread.

Mods lock please.

(And delete if possible)

I'll discuss with the others

The Flood / Re: ITT: I will overlay the French flag on your avatar
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:19:28 PM »
Am I doing it right?

Serious / Re: Democratic Debate #2
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:05:33 PM »
Couple "oooos" from the crowd when Clinton calls Sanders out for attacking her integrity.

Clinton cites her time as Senator during 9/11, says his proposals are not enough.

Serious / Re: Democratic Debate #2
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:01:49 PM »
Like Id love to see some of Sanders shit implemented but it never will. Damn

We know. Democrats won't regain the House for the remainder of the decade - his ideas would never get through.

Serious / Re: Democratic Debate #2
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:59:50 PM »
Who's winning?

I'd say it's fairly even between Clinton and Sanders - which is good for the latter, as he's going up against a former First Lady and Secretary of State, someone who has dealt with foreign leaders for over 20 years.

Serious / Re: Democratic Debate #2
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:56:53 PM »

Well they're all shit but O'Malley seems really confident.

He has nothing to lose - he barely registered in numerous polls, and I think his peak is 7%. Like I said, he is riding Sander's coattails

Serious / Re: Democratic Debate #2
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:50:37 PM »
Anyone else impressed with O'Malley so far? Clinton and Sanders aren't impressing me at all.

Nope. He's about as good as Santorum.

Serious / Re: Democratic Debate #2
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:36:45 PM »
Democrats once again showing they're completely incompetent when it comes to foreign policy.

How so?
Clinton wants to arm "moderate" rebels and Sanders wants Saudia Arabia and friends to do all the work.

Both completely useless methods that don't address nor solve the issue.

Both are solutions that need to be used in tandem with a global coalition of soldiers and analysts. Neither will work on it's own.

Historically Democrats have always been worse at foreign policy and Republicans have been worse at domestic policy.

Fair enough - though I would hardly say Trump or Carson have a firm grasp on foreign policy - and they are currently dominating.

Thoughts so far:

O'Malley is riding Sander's coattails
Sanders is interesting
Clinton is strong on foreign affairs.

Serious / Re: Democratic Debate #2
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:26:09 PM »
Democrats once again showing they're completely incompetent when it comes to foreign policy.

How so?

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