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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:07:02 AM »
The Fel Empire comes out of isolation. A ambassador in a Aprehender Class Frigate, accompanied by 5 Knight Class Star Destroyers, is sent to Coruscant to make an alliance with the Republic.

General Ku will meet with the ambassador to discuss alliances, once he arrives.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:04:02 AM »
The assault on Denon is a purely bombardment tactic. The goal is to bomb the planet using the Excalibur's orbital cannon and use the planet as a blockade for the final main North - South Hyperland effectively splitting the Galaxy in half.
Total bombardment set to be completed in 2 pages.

Outraged at the notion of a galaxy divided further, Chancellor Abin demands a meeting with the Sith Empire to hear a reason for such a preposterous decision. 

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:59:16 AM »
The fleet of frigates carrying 20 Force-sensitive children arrives at Coruscant unscathed. They are turned over to the Jedi contingency on the planet for further training.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:55:20 AM »
Ord Mantell and Ansion are now fully integrated into the Republic.
10,000 starships have completed construction.

In light of his initivatives in negotiating with the Sith Empire, and continued efforts through the Republic, Colonel Rhodes has been promoted to the rank of General. Alongside this promotion, the 14th Defense Fleet comprised of 2 Venator-Class defense ships and 45 starships is formed under his command.

Blaster research due on Page 25
Yavin IV expedition findings due Page 25
Bringing smaller systems within Republic borders into the Senate, details expected by Page 26.
1,000 frigates due Page 27
Mustafar Expedition set to Arrive on Page 29

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Chancellor Abin
Government: Constitutional Republic, branches of the Senate, Executor, and Judicial
Chief of the Armed Forces: General Ku
Capital: Republic City
Currency: Galactic Credit Standard
Population: 150,000,000,000 +50,000,000,000
Language: No official language
Controlled Territory: Coruscant, Anaxes, Alsakan, Pantolomin, Skako, Empress Tetra, Ansion, Ord Mantell, Yavin

Armed Forces:

10,000 Government Guards, stationed solely on Coruscant

5,265,000 Ground Solders - armed with standard blasters +5,000,000 from Conscription

50,000 Naval Personal +30,000 established from Colonies

10,000 Military Scientists

2 Haven-Class medical ship: Harmony and Orion Station
13 Venator-Class Destroyers - Flagship is the Iron Fist
10,150 Acclamator Starships
200 Republic Frigates
500 Theta-Class Frigates
9,000 V-Wing Fighters
30,000 portable bacta devices

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:40:04 AM »
Minor protests begin to spring up in the Empress Tetra system, with pro-Empire supporters feeling the Republic is preventing the citizens from making that decision.

General Ku orders 2,000 soldiers to the system to regain control.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:33:48 AM »
Chancellor Abin sends out three frigates to Republic controlled space, in search of force-sensitive children for the Jedi Order.

Twenty children have been deemed as force-sensitive, and are now enroute to Coruscant. Due to the Sith blockade of the Inner Core, the Chancellor feels they are safer under the direct protection of Master Fisto.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:27:05 AM »
Now to play catch up, holy shit...

100 commissioned starships completed on Page 22. General Ku has commissioned another 1000 frigates to be completed on Page 27.

The initial Republican expedition to the Yavin system has arrived. Troops will begin exploring the fourth moon, where ancient ruins have been detected. Details to come on Page 25.

2 Venator-Class Destroyers have been completed. Also, after a long delay, the 10 sent from the Jedi that were due on Page 20 have finally arrived.

Conscription of 5,000,000 soldiers is complete.

Due to the events in the Naboo system, blaster research findings have been delayed to Page 25.

Ord Mantell and Ansion full integration due Page 24
10,000 Starships due Page 24
Blaster research due on Page 25
Yavin IV expedition findings due Page 25
Bringing smaller systems within Republic borders into the Senate, details expected by Page 26.
1,000 frigates due Page 27
Mustafar Expedition set to Arrive on Page 29

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Chancellor Abin
Government: Constitutional Republic, branches of the Senate, Executor, and Judicial
Chief of the Armed Forces: General Ku
Capital: Republic City
Currency: Galactic Credit Standard
Population: 150,000,000,000 +50,000,000,000
Language: No official language
Controlled Territory: Coruscant, Anaxes, Alsakan, Pantolomin, Skako, Empress Tetra, Ansion, Ord Mantell

Armed Forces:

10,000 Government Guards, stationed solely on Coruscant

5,265,000 Ground Solders - armed with standard blasters +5,000,000 from Conscription

50,000 Naval Personal +30,000 established from Colonies

10,000 Military Scientists

2 Haven-Class medical ship: Harmony and Orion Station
13 Venator-Class Destroyers - Flagship is the Iron Fist
150 Acclamator Starships
200 Republic Frigates
500 Theta-Class Frigates
9,000 V-Wing Fighters
30,000 portable bacta devices

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:19:32 AM »
We as a Republic do not recognize the ability of murderers and slaveholders to willingly gift planetary systems. Stand down
This planet must be liberated from oppression...and it will be defended.
The Sith have done no such  thing as oppression. We are taking what is rightfully ours.
General Tii reminds The Republic and Jedi the Sith have more firepower in the 2 Death Squads and Excalibur Destroyer.
Do not be so proud of the mechanical terror you've constructed, Sith. The ability of "superior firepower" is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

What she said.

General Ku orders the Mustafar and Endor fleets to reroute to the Naboo system for assistance. Both are slated to arrive by the middle of Page 23.
The Sith Army will pull out.
You have angered the Empire. Next time there will be blood.

Your cockiness will be your undoing.

The Galactic Republic offers the Jedi control of Naboo, though we ask to establish a military presence in the region.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:12:24 AM »
We as a Republic do not recognize the ability of murderers and slaveholders to willingly gift planetary systems. Stand down
This planet must be liberated from oppression...and it will be defended.
The Sith have done no such  thing as oppression. We are taking what is rightfully ours.
General Tii reminds The Republic and Jedi the Sith have more firepower in the 2 Death Squads and Excalibur Destroyer.
Do not be so proud of the mechanical terror you've constructed, Sith. The ability of "superior firepower" is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

What she said.

General Ku orders the Mustafar and Endor fleets to reroute to the Naboo system for assistance. Both are slated to arrive by the middle of Page 23.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:06:41 AM »
The Jedi and Republic fleets meet the Siths...a standstill occurs as neither fires a shot...just yet.
This planet has been gifted to the Sith from the Vongs! You're trespassing.

We as a Republic do not recognize the ability of murderers and slaveholders to willingly gift planetary systems. Stand down

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:04:37 AM »
The Jedi Fleet arrived on Naboo to find the Sith also trying to take it.
"muahaha" says Tamborvong as he twirls his nonexistent moustache, "now these idiots will fight each other according to plan"

Tamborvong also left 1 billion Gungans on Naboo to trick the Jedi and Sith into thinking he didnt take them

current statistics
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     2 Wat Tamborvong clones
     10,000 Deception Sect members (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     3,000 Subalterns (Lieutenant ish)
     32,000 Yuuzhang Warriors
     69,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     5,000,000 Gungan Slave Warriors
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Big Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Starfighters)
     1000 Even Bigger Aliens That Fly In Space and Kill Shit (Battleships)
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,999,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slave Workers
     49,000,000,000 Gungan Slave Workers -1,000,000,000

     Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     Annexation of Rakata Prime: Page 22
     Zonama Sekot upgrade: Page 24


The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:59:18 PM »
Chancellor Abin orders a fleet of 30 Acclamator-tier starships towards the Naboo system to assist the Jedi.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:44:00 PM »
The Republic is concerned by reports of a Gungan massacre under the Vong Empire.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:37:35 PM »
The Sith Empire questions this rapid expansion on the part of the Republic.

The Republic seeks to bring peace and prosperity to as many systems as possible.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:22:09 PM »
Now safely back on Endor, Bastila reports to the Council. She tells them about her chat with the Force ghost of Darth Bane and her confrontation with Darth Revan and Darth Sicarius. They agree that the knowledge of Sith battle tactics and fighting styles is good, it would be useless unless the Jedi are prepare. The Order begins to militarize itself so they can stand a chance in battling the Sith.

Jedi Armor Sets - 13%

The Republic offers a team of 250 military scientists to assist the Jedi in production and militarization.
The Jedi Order welcomes this!

Jedi Armor Sets - 28%

Colonel Rhodes and 250 military scientists depart Empress Tetra for Endor. Due to arrive by Page 23

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:19:01 PM »
Now safely back on Endor, Bastila reports to the Council. She tells them about her chat with the Force ghost of Darth Bane and her confrontation with Darth Revan and Darth Sicarius. They agree that the knowledge of Sith battle tactics and fighting styles is good, it would be useless unless the Jedi are prepare. The Order begins to militarize itself so they can stand a chance in battling the Sith.

Jedi Armor Sets - 13%

The Republic offers a team of 250 military scientists to assist the Jedi in production and militarization.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:18:02 PM »
15,000 Bacta Devices have been completed.

General Ku orders the construction of 100 new starships, due on Page 22.
Yavin expedition due to arrive on Page 22
2 additional Venator-Class destroyers ordered, due on Page 23
5,000,000 Conscription due Page 23
Blaster research due on Page 23
Ord Mantell and Ansion full integration due Page 24
10,000 Starships due Page 24
Bringing smaller systems within Republic borders into the Senate, details expected by Page 26.
Mustafar Expedition set to Arrive on Page 29

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Chancellor Abin
Government: Constitutional Republic, branches of the Senate, Executor, and Judicial
Chief of the Armed Forces: General Ku
Capital: Republic City
Currency: Galactic Credit Standard
Population: 150,000,000,000 +50,000,000,000
Language: No official language
Controlled Territory: Coruscant, Anaxes, Alsakan, Pantolomin, Skako, Empress Tetra, Ansion, Ord Mantell

Armed Forces:

10,000 Government Guards, stationed solely on Coruscant

265,000 Ground Solders - armed with standard blasters +100,000 from Established Colonies

50,000 Naval Personal +30,000 established from Colonies

10,000 Military Scientists

2 Haven-Class medical ship: Harmony and Orion Station
1 Venator-Class Destroyer: Iron Fist
50 Acclamator Starships
200 Republic Frigates
500 Theta-Class Frigates
9,000 V-Wing Fighters
30,000 portable bacta devices

The Flood / Re: Bill Clinton just won the election
« on: July 26, 2016, 10:08:33 PM »
I need to see it, but I have my doubts.

I'm shocked.

The Flood / Re: Bill Clinton just won the election
« on: July 26, 2016, 10:00:51 PM »
I can't disagree

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 08:18:58 PM »
Commander Rhodes returned to Coruscant, to discuss the conversation with Chancellor Abin and General Ku.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 08:02:05 PM »
Republic ships have arrived in Ord Mantell and Ansion, and has begun efforts to incorporate the systems into the Republic. Efforts to be complete on Page 24

15,000 Bacta Devices due Page 21
General Ku orders the construction of 100 new starships, due on Page 22.
Yavin expedition due to arrive on Page 22
2 additional Venator-Class destroyers ordered, due on Page 23
5,000,000 Conscription due Page 23
Blaster research due on Page 23
10,000 Starships due Page 24
Bringing smaller systems within Republic borders into the Senate, details expected by Page 26.
Mustafar Expedition set to Arrive on Page 29

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Chancellor Abin
Government: Constitutional Republic, branches of the Senate, Executor, and Judicial
Chief of the Armed Forces: General Ku
Capital: Republic City
Currency: Galactic Credit Standard
Population: 150,000,000,000 +50,000,000,000
Language: No official language
Controlled Territory: Coruscant, Anaxes, Alsakan, Pantolomin, Skako, Empress Tetra, Ansion, Ord Mantell

Armed Forces:

10,000 Government Guards, stationed solely on Coruscant

265,000 Ground Solders - armed with standard blasters +100,000 from Established Colonies

50,000 Naval Personal +30,000 established from Colonies

10,000 Military Scientists

2 Haven-Class medical ship: Harmony and Orion Station
1 Venator-Class Destroyer: Iron Fist
50 Acclamator Starships
200 Republic Frigates
500 Theta-Class Frigates
9,000 V-Wing Fighters

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 07:52:13 PM »
The newly appointed Interim General of the Sith Ven Tii will take Sicarius' spot in the Republic talks. He awaits the location specifics.

Chancellor Abin will send his second in command of the military, Commander Rhodes, to meet Ven Tii on Empress Tetra.
Ven Tii has arrived on the planet and awaits the beginning of the meeting with the Commander.

Commander Rhodes arrives to the planet, deboarding the shuttle with a handful of Republic emissaries behind him.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 06:56:07 PM »
100,000 soldiers have been conscripted to the Republic military. An additional conscription of 5,000,000 soldiers begins, expected completion of Page 23.

10,000 starships begin construction, due on Page 24.

Military conscription of 100,000 soldiers are expected by Page 19.
Fleet of Ships Arrive to Ord Mantell and Ansion on Page 20 (Delayed due to meteor activity along the route)
15,000 Bacta Devices due Page 21
General Ku orders the construction of 100 new starships, due on Page 22.
2 additional Venator-Class destroyers ordered, due on Page 23
5,000,000 Conscription due Page 23
Blaster research due on Page 23
10,000 Starships due Page 24
Mustafar Expedition set to Arrive on Page 29

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Chancellor Abin
Government: Constitutional Republic, branches of the Senate, Executor, and Judicial
Chief of the Armed Forces: General Ku
Capital: Republic City
Currency: Galactic Credit Standard
Population: 150,000,000,000 +50,000,000,000
Language: No official language
Controlled Territory: Coruscant, Anaxes, Alsakan, Pantolomin, Skako, Empress Tetra

Armed Forces:

10,000 Government Guards, stationed solely on Coruscant

265,000 Ground Solders - armed with standard blasters +100,000 from Established Colonies

50,000 Naval Personal +30,000 established from Colonies

10,000 Military Scientists

2 Haven-Class medical ship: Harmony and Orion Station
1 Venator-Class Destroyer: Iron Fist
50 Acclamator Starships
200 Republic Frigates
500 Theta-Class Frigates
9,000 V-Wing Fighters

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 06:14:05 PM »
The newly appointed Interim General of the Sith Ven Tii will take Sicarius' spot in the Republic talks. He awaits the location specifics.

Chancellor Abin will send his second in command of the military, Commander Rhodes, to meet Ven Tii on Empress Tetra.

Clinton is officially the nominee.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 05:43:16 PM »
Chancellor Abin sends out three frigates to Republic controlled space, in search of force-sensitive children for the Jedi Order.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 05:02:23 PM »
The public response to Malak's death is a controlled but slightly subdued one as the new Sith Mavericks and Excalibur Star Destroyers are paraded out for the public.

Senators within the Republic have grown uneasy with the rapid expansion of the Mandalore and Sith empires. Chancellor Abin begins meetings to soothe concerns of an impending conflict.
Darth Sicarius' first job as the newly dubbed apprentice of Revan is to meet with representatives from the Republic. The Honor Guard and a Light Sith Security Squad are to travel to the meeting ground.

Chancellor Abin will personally travel to meet with Dark Sicarius.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 26, 2016, 03:46:34 PM »
Senators within the Republic have grown uneasy with the rapid expansion of the Mandalore and Sith empires. Chancellor Abin begins meetings to soothe concerns of an impending conflict.

I'd be mad too if the candidate I supported ended up selling out to Hillary

The picture Meta posted above explains it

And what would you expect him to do? Sanders would lose any political capital he has by opting to go Ted Cruz's route and not endorsing.

I'd be mad too if the candidate I supported ended up selling out to Hillary


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