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Messages - Alternative Facts

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The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:38:03 PM »
If there is any conflict, it will be due to actions on the part of the Sith Empire. Stand down and leave the system at once.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:36:09 PM »
Republic forces are deployed to the Iseno surface in attempts to counter Sith annexation efforts.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:29:53 PM »
The 7th Defense Fleet is ordered to Code Black, with all ships prepared for conflict.

Chancellor Abin orders the 1,000 frigates to Skako and south along the Hydian Way, towards Iseno. Due by the end of page 30

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:25:32 PM »
The Sith Empire would like to point out it has never infringed on The Republic's territory. If the Chancellor would like to take a look at the Star Maps he would see the close proximity Iseno is to a Sith controlled territory.
Leave the planet. You are trespassing on Sith ground.

The forces using fear tactics on Loronar and Byblos have rerouted to Iseno. They will arrive in a couple posts time.

Considering the Sith's lack of interest in actually annexing Iseno until now, we hardly would consider it Sith ground.

The 14th Defense Fleet near Naboo reroutes north for the Iseno system, and should be in range within 10 posts.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:18:18 PM »
Defending forces of the 6th Excalibur and 2nd Death Squad on Denon make the short trip to Iseno.

It appears we have another Naboo on our hands.

Serious / Re: Democratic National Convention
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:17:33 PM »
I really liked how he told the story of how he met Hillary but it's a shame he left out how he met Monica :(

You act as if the affair of her husband, nearly twenty years ago, directly impacts her ability to lead.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:12:58 PM »
A portion of the 15th fleet, including the Venator class ship Justice, en-route to Naboo, diverts to the Iseno system. Due to arrive on Page 29.
The Sith Empire inquires how they plan to arrive at their destination.

The Republic's 15th fleet made clear their departure from the Yavin system for the Naboo system several pages ago, using open space to the east of Kashyyyk. Ships from the fleet separated near Randon, and headed southwest for the Iseno system.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:08:50 PM »
Master Fisto would delighted in seeing your great city. The New Jedi Temple should be completed by page 29.

4,000 Younglings - 10%

The Jedi Temple on Coruscant has been completed, with Chancellor Abin touring the facilities with Master Fisto.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:58:45 PM »
The Galactic Republic will continue to dispute the validity of such blockades, as they are a disruption to the idea of free trade and movement. Continuing to conduct such an illegal action will be seen as an act of aggression against the Republic and her systems.

Serious / Re: Democratic National Convention
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:48:05 PM »
That was, in my opinion, one of the best political speeches of the 21st century. I'm beyond impressed.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:40:43 PM »
2 Venator class ships from the 7th Defense Fleet begin travel to Fedalle. Due to arrive on Page 30.

In light of recent decisions in the Senate, the expedition to Mustafar has been cancelled. 5 frigates currently on the way reroute to rejoin the 14th Fleet.

1000 Frigates complete as of Page 27. These frigates will not operate under any Defense Fleet, and will instead work directly under orders of Chancellor Abin.

Blaster research due on Page 30
Military conscription due Page 30.

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Chancellor Abin
Government: Constitutional Republic, branches of the Senate, Executor, and Judicial
Chief of the Armed Forces: General Ku
Capital: Republic City
Currency: Galactic Credit Standard
Population: 150,000,000,000
Language: No official language
Controlled Territory: Coruscant, Anaxes, Alsakan, Pantolomin, Skako, Empress Tetra, Ansion, Ord Mantell, Yavin

Armed Forces:

10,000 Government Guards, stationed solely on Coruscant

5,315,000 Ground Solders - armed with standard blasters

10,000 Military Scientists

7th Defense Fleet
Responsible for Coruscant, Alsakan, Anaxes, Skako, and Empress Tetra Systems, led by Genersal Ku
10,000 Government Guards, solely stationed on Coruscant
2,315,000 Galactic Republic Soldiers
6,000 Military Scientists
Orion Station
8 Venator Class Destroyers Temporarily 6
4000 Acclamator Starships
100 Republic Frigates
300 Theta-Class Frigates
4,000 V-Wing Fighters
10,000 Portable Bacta Devices

9th Defense Fleet
Responsible for Regions of Space from Ord Mantell to Ansion, led by General Tsao
750,000 Galactic Republic Soldiers
250 Military Scientists
2 Venator Class Destoryers
1075 Acclamator Starships
25 Republic Frigates
50 Theta-Class Frigates
1,000 V-Wing Fighters
5,000 Portable Bacta Devices

14th Defense Fleet
Responsible for Jedi-Republic territory from Naboo to Endor, led by General Rhodes
2 Million Galactic Republic Soldiers
3,000 Military Scientists
Harmony Station
2 Venator Class Destroyers - Iron Fist and DAK.
4000 Acclamator Starships
50 Republic Frigates
100 Theta-Class Frigates
4,000 V-Wing Fighters
10,000 Portable Bacta Devices

15th Defense Fleet
Currently enroute to the Naboo system, led by Colonel Guan.
250,000 Galactic Republic Soldiers
750 Military Scientists
1 Venator Class Destroyer Temporarly zero
1075 Acclamator Starships
25 Republic Frigates
50 Theta-Class Frigates
1,000 V-Wing Fighters
5,000 Portable Bacta Devices

1,000 frigates under orders of Chancellor Abin
2 Venator-Class ships from 7th Fleet enroute to Fedalle system.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:26:58 PM »
A portion of the 15th fleet, including the Venator class ship Justice, en-route to Naboo, diverts to the Iseno system. Due to arrive on Page 29.

Serious / Re: Democratic National Convention
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:21:41 PM »
We clearly just need 4 more years of Obama.

Serious / Re: Democratic National Convention
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:08:59 PM »
Tim Kaine looks like a robot.

How so?

Tell me that this guy doesn't look like someone who can be programmed to do someone's bidding.

I dunno. Looks like Putin has this one programmed well.

Serious / Re: Democratic National Convention
« on: July 27, 2016, 09:58:45 PM »
Tim Kaine looks like a robot.

How so?

Serious / Re: Democratic National Convention
« on: July 27, 2016, 09:50:01 PM »
I'm not particularly surprised at all with the swap in party perspective.
It could just be the message whenever a new election is run after every 8 term cycle. Though I know with Clinton (Bill) it was about the economy, hence the catchphrase "It's the economy, stupid!".

Idk how Dubya went about it. I read he was more about infrastructure and economics before obviously 9/11 happened.

I mean, I'm not particularly surprised because this happens every 4-8 years (Assuming a sitting president is elected for a second term). The party currently in power shines a light on what they feel are the strengths of America. The opposing side tries to say how shitty we've become.

In 2008, it was the reverse. McCain was trying to play up our strengths, Obama was the embodiment of "Change and Hope"

Serious / Re: Democratic National Convention
« on: July 27, 2016, 09:46:01 PM »
I'm not particularly surprised at all with the swap in party perspective.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 09:28:04 PM »
With little unearthed to help the Republic within the Yavin system, the 15th Defense Fleet departs the system. Traveling south, they are expected to arrive in the Naboo system for routine training in 2 pages.

(Yavin system is free to whoever wants it now. I'm bored of it)

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 07:17:26 PM »

The Jedi Order would like to make a proposition. In order to boost the effectiveness in the Republic Army, the Order asks if that in every battalion there to be at least 1 Jedi Knight to assist Republic Army officers. And as well to be several Jedi X-Wing pilots within each squadron of Republic Navy starfighters.

The Republic accepts these terms. Colonel Rhodes and the 14th Division will send a ship to Endor to retrieve any Jedi set to serve.
Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi, Aayla Secura, Que-Mas Redath-Gom, Ord Enisence are ready to be transported, accompanying them are Jedi Masters Cin Dralling, Jocasta Nu, Plo Koon, Yaddle.

Are there any preferences as to which division each Jedi serves in?
Obi-Wan and Plo Koon are excellent starfighter pilots and tacticians, Cin Dralling is a born-leader best suited to lead squads of soldiers. As for the others the Order is confident that the Republic will find the best use for their Jedis' talents.

Cin Dralling and Obi Wan Kenobi will serve in the 7th Defense Fleet, and will have close ties to the Republic Capital.

Jocasta Nu and Aayla Secura will serve in the 15th Defense Fleet, in the Yavin system.

Plo Koon and Ord Enisence will remain in the 14th Defense Fleet.

Yaddle and Que-Mas Redath-Gom will serve in the 9th Defense Fleet.

Fleet rosters will reflect this in the next update.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 07:10:15 PM »

The Jedi Order would like to make a proposition. In order to boost the effectiveness in the Republic Army, the Order asks if that in every battalion there to be at least 1 Jedi Knight to assist Republic Army officers. And as well to be several Jedi X-Wing pilots within each squadron of Republic Navy starfighters.

The Republic accepts these terms. Colonel Rhodes and the 14th Division will send a ship to Endor to retrieve any Jedi set to serve.
Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi, Aayla Secura, Que-Mas Redath-Gom, Ord Enisence are ready to be transported, accompanying them are Jedi Masters Cin Dralling, Jocasta Nu, Plo Koon, Yaddle.

Are there any preferences as to which division each Jedi serves in?

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 06:59:07 PM »

The Jedi Order would like to make a proposition. In order to boost the effectiveness in the Republic Army, the Order asks if that in every battalion there to be at least 1 Jedi Knight to assist Republic Army officers. And as well to be several Jedi X-Wing pilots within each squadron of Republic Navy starfighters.

The Republic accepts these terms. Colonel Rhodes and the 14th Division will send a ship to Endor to retrieve any Jedi set to serve.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:02:46 PM »
Bringing smaller systems within Republic borders into the Senate, details expected by Page 26.

After several years of diplomatic dealings, the Dorin, Palanhi, and Vortex systems have officially ratified treaties to join the Republic. Other systems in Republic controlled territory, from Glee Anselm to Mrisst, will be subject to Republic military conscription for defense purposes, but will not be a voting member in the Senate.

Military conscription will commence immediately, and will end on page 30.

1,000 frigates due Page 27
Mustafar Expedition set to Arrive on Page 29
Blaster research due on Page 30
Military conscription due Page 30.

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Chancellor Abin
Government: Constitutional Republic, branches of the Senate, Executor, and Judicial
Chief of the Armed Forces: General Ku
Capital: Republic City
Currency: Galactic Credit Standard
Population: 150,000,000,000
Language: No official language
Controlled Territory: Coruscant, Anaxes, Alsakan, Pantolomin, Skako, Empress Tetra, Ansion, Ord Mantell, Yavin

Armed Forces:

10,000 Government Guards, stationed solely on Coruscant

5,315,000 Ground Solders - armed with standard blasters

10,000 Military Scientists

7th Defense Fleet
Responsible for Coruscant, Alsakan, Anaxes, Skako, and Empress Tetra Systems, led by Genersal Ku
10,000 Government Guards, solely stationed on Coruscant
2,315,000 Galactic Republic Soldiers
6,000 Military Scientists
Orion Station
8 Venator Class Destroyers
4000 Acclamator Starships
100 Republic Frigates
300 Theta-Class Frigates
4,000 V-Wing Fighters
10,000 Portable Bacta Devices

9th Defense Fleet
Responsible for Regions of Space from Ord Mantell to Ansion, led by General Tsao
750,000 Galactic Republic Soldiers
250 Military Scientists
2 Venator Class Destoryers
1075 Acclamator Starships
25 Republic Frigates
50 Theta-Class Frigates
1,000 V-Wing Fighters
5,000 Portable Bacta Devices

14th Defense Fleet
Responsible for Jedi-Republic territory from Naboo to Endor, led by General Rhodes
2 Million Galactic Republic Soldiers
3,000 Military Scientists
Harmony Station
2 Venator Class Destroyers - Iron Fist and DAK.
4000 Acclamator Starships
50 Republic Frigates
100 Theta-Class Frigates
4,000 V-Wing Fighters
10,000 Portable Bacta Devices

15th Defense Fleet
Currently stationed in the Yavin system, led by Colonel Guan.
250,000 Galactic Republic Soldiers
750 Military Scientists
1 Venator Class Destroyer
1075 Acclamator Starships
25 Republic Frigates
50 Theta-Class Frigates
1,000 V-Wing Fighters
5,000 Portable Bacta Devices

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:50:31 PM »
Under directive of General Ku, the Galactic Republic Armed Forces will reorganize to better defend and protect her borders. All Naval and Army personal will be formed under one branch, and will then be divided into Defense Fleets throughout the controlled space.

The 7th Defense Fleet will be in charge of protection of Coruscant, Alsakan, Anaxes, Skako, and Empress Tetra Systems, and will be led by General Ku himself.

10,000 Government Guards, solely stationed on Coruscant
2,315,000 Galactic Republic Soldiers
6,000 Military Scientists
Orion Station
8 Venator Class Destroyers
4000 Acclamator Starships
100 Republic Frigates
300 Theta-Class Frigates
4,000 V-Wing Fighters
10,000 Portable Bacta Devices

The 9th Defense Fleet will patrol the northern regions of Republic controlled space, from Ord Mantell to Ansion, and is led by General Tsao

750,000 Galactic Republic Soldiers
250 Military Scientists
2 Venator Class Destoryers
1075 Acclamator Starships
25 Republic Frigates
50 Theta-Class Frigates
1,000 V-Wing Fighters
5,000 Portable Bacta Devices

The 14th Defense Fleet will be led by General Rhodes, and is in charge of protection of Jedi-Republic controlled territory, including Naboo, Endor, and soon to be controlled Mustafar.

2 Million Galactic Republic Soldiers
3,000 Military Scientists
Harmony Station
2 Venator Class Destroyers - Iron Fist and DAK.
4000 Acclamator Starships
50 Republic Frigates
100 Theta-Class Frigates
4,000 V-Wing Fighters
10,000 Portable Bacta Devices

The 15th Defense Fleet is currently stationed in the Yavin system, and is led by Colonel Guan.

250,000 Galactic Republic Soldiers
750 Military Scientists
1 Venator Class Destroyer
1075 Acclamator Starships
25 Republic Frigates
50 Theta-Class Frigates
1,000 V-Wing Fighters
5,000 Portable Bacta Devices

Serious / Re: Bullet point comparison of the RNC and DNC platforms
« on: July 27, 2016, 11:06:27 AM »
I'm actually going to agree with Verb and the RNC on the subject of the death penalty. But in an incredibly narrow fashion.

Serious / Re: Bullet point comparison of the RNC and DNC platforms
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:33:15 AM »
Edit: Misread the quote.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:22:47 AM »
Teams on Yavin IV have scoured many of the ancient ruins on Yavin IV, and have discovered what appear to be depictions of an ancient Sith lord. Word will be sent to the Jedi, and the Republic will continue scouting other installations in the system.

Blaster research will continue to Page 30.

General Ku will speak before the Senate today, and plans to announce a reorganization of the Republic Armed Forces.

Bringing smaller systems within Republic borders into the Senate, details expected by Page 26.
1,000 frigates due Page 27
Mustafar Expedition set to Arrive on Page 29
Blaster research due on Page 30

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Chancellor Abin
Government: Constitutional Republic, branches of the Senate, Executor, and Judicial
Chief of the Armed Forces: General Ku
Capital: Republic City
Currency: Galactic Credit Standard
Population: 150,000,000,000 +50,000,000,000
Language: No official language
Controlled Territory: Coruscant, Anaxes, Alsakan, Pantolomin, Skako, Empress Tetra, Ansion, Ord Mantell, Yavin

Armed Forces:

10,000 Government Guards, stationed solely on Coruscant

5,265,000 Ground Solders - armed with standard blasters +5,000,000 from Conscription

50,000 Naval Personal +30,000 established from Colonies

10,000 Military Scientists

2 Haven-Class medical ship: Harmony and Orion Station
13 Venator-Class Destroyers - Flagship is the Iron Fist
10,150 Acclamator Starships
200 Republic Frigates
500 Theta-Class Frigates
9,000 V-Wing Fighters
30,000 portable bacta devices

The Flood / Re: Who from history would you revive for sex?
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:16:20 AM »
Pretty sure Alexander the Great was a freak in the sheets.

So him.

Serious / Re: Bullet point comparison of the RNC and DNC platforms
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:13:03 AM »
RNC: We support the original meaning of Title IX—that is to say, protection from sexual discrimination—and we oppose newer interpretations of it which redefine sexual discrimination to include sexual orientation and other categories.  We believe that the various bathroom laws that use Title IX as their justification are illegal, dangerous, and ignore privacy issues. (42)

RNC: We condemn the ruling of Obergefell v. Hodges, and support the authority of the states to decide such issues. (18) We support the belief that traditional marriage—the marriage between one man and one woman—is the foundation for a free society, and believe that our government’s regulations should recognize it as such. (18, 38)

) We will appoint judges like Antonin Scalia, who will defend the inalienable right to life and the laws of nature and nature’s God, and overturn activist decisions like Roe v. Wade (right to abortion), Obergefell v. Hodges (right to same-sex marriage), and Obamacare. (17) We will restore to the Supreme Court a strong conservative majority. (17)

Daily reminder that it's 2016, and we have shit like this in the platform of a major political party.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:28:17 AM »
I'm off for the night. Don't fuck shit up

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:19:02 AM »
With talks between Abin and the Sith Empire crumbling, the Republic Senate begins deliberation on a bill that would classify the Sith Empire as a galactic terrorist organization. Support for the bill is currently lukewarm.

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