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Messages - Super Irish

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« on: January 18, 2015, 10:00:35 AM »
The fact that they named an aircraft Warthog...smh

It is the A-10 Thunderbolt II, not the Warthog. It gained the nickname, "Warthog" because of the lineage of Republic. Most of the aircraft that Republic produced was nicknamed, "Hog" in some way.

It's true designation "Thunderbolt II" was to commemorate one of the most effective ground attack aircraft in American history, the P-47 Thunderbolt.

Hmmm, interesting. I just thought it would be the similarity between the pig snorts and the minigun. (And seeing as "Pig" isn't a great name, the name warthog just beefed up it's bad-asssery.)
the comparison


The Flood / Re: What is the best Sci-Fi movie ever?
« on: January 18, 2015, 08:05:37 AM »
>Not putting Bladerunner in the poll.

What, in all that is sci-fi, is wrong with you.

The Flood / Re: why do people like Clint Eastwood
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:59:11 AM »
I can only judge his acting and his directing ability.

And it's damn good.

The Flood / Re: Hey cheat, can you unban Vien? kthanks
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:57:04 AM »
I really hope he comes back at some point.
I doubt it. He basically just does what Noelle does. Because cyber relationships. know...there's always the chance that they might split up.
wait a minute son are you trying to cause drama
Bruh they're not even here.


I hope.
Vielle's still here FYI.

The Flood / Re: British people
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:53:40 AM »
Manchester- the rainiest city in the rainiest country on Earth. It's pretty much Atlantis but with a sort of scouser. At the very least I recommend an umbrella or coat.

If someone asks who do you support in football, beware there's a 50% chance of you being mobbed by hooligans if you say the wrong answer (Manchester United (red);or Manchester City(blue)... choose wisely)

Serious / Re: Should a fetus have a right to an attorney?
« on: January 17, 2015, 09:22:36 PM »
You'd be surprised. A case (not sure if settled) in Ireland I put a thread up earlier gave an attorney for the unborn child arguing for it's right to live after the pregnant woman went brain dead 18 weeks in.

But that apparently is due to some law we have regarding foetuses and abortions, kind of a throwback of Catholic beliefs. It's not entirely related to something as you've desribed but it has happened before.

I have a feeling if it were to start, it would start from South and North Korea, or Pakistan and India. At this moment though it could start in Ukraine if things go further than a small proxy war.

Both sides of either scenario have nukes/artillery and have high tensions around the border zones, and in the Korea case both sides have a superpower as an ally (though relations with NK and China aren't much above neutral, I gather).

I'd say within the next century, likely. No generation has really seen their whole life through peacetime. Hell, it could start just like the last ones, an assassination of a tense country with allies to back, or the rise of a crazed autocratic state, we already have plenty of those.

The Flood / Re: ITT we wait for my promotion
« on: January 17, 2015, 08:29:02 PM »

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 17, 2015, 05:06:16 PM »
I know about the oceans thing. But I mean the exploration that is more likely to provide an immediate benerfit- more living space, shit to dig out of the ground and so forth. Because unless we actually have a rapture hidden away somewhere in the bermuda triangle, I don't see the immediate benefit of exploring deeper and deeper into the oceans when we have a very good understanding of the way the Earth works and that technology (Which isn't all too different) could be used to start sending people into space.

-Gas Hydrates
-Rare Earth Metals
-Black Smokers that have unique life on every single one (and deposit a shit-tonne of minerals)

These are three immediate benefits. These would solve our future energy crisis, our reliance on China for most REM's (used in practically anything and everything technological), and you get to study an ecology that is literally found no where else, even on other similar structures. Saying it has "no immediate benefit" is almost insulting, especially when you consider at currently, we can do equally as "little" with space exploration at the moment. (Don't get me wrong, space exploration is a passion of mine, but we've missed tonnes on the ocean and it's easier to get to and doesn't have as much requirements on equipment and crew to do.)

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 17, 2015, 04:53:12 PM »
Perhaps the worst of all is the fact that society feels stagnant, what is left to explore on Earth? All existing lands are taken, you can't just go into the country and live completely by yourself in this age. Nor do we live in an age where we can explore new worlds and frontiers.

I should point out that for while the most part you are right, we've explored the entirety of our own oceans less than frickin' MARS. It's a frontier just waiting to be explored further.

The Flood / Re: ITT we wait for my promotion
« on: January 17, 2015, 04:41:56 PM »
Ok, let's wait.

The Flood / Re: Plug DJ Music Fantacular
« on: January 17, 2015, 03:45:53 PM »

Don't make me drag you now.

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 17, 2015, 03:23:02 PM »
A good ol' Fight Club quote does this justice

While I enjoy living in the country more than the urban landscape (well, more "urban", seeing as Wales' capital ain't huge compared to most places in the world), I do enjoy some of the things of advancement at the expense of culture and to an extent, freedom.

I fucking love McDonalds. I love the internet. I LOVE bacon. I adore central heating, and music that I cannot create myself. As much as I'd love to create these things to suite a more "free" lifestyle, or be totally independent from such pleasures, I cannot. So be it.
I'm not talking about the cliche "city vs country" bullshit. I'm saying, why is everything so complicated and meaningless? We make shit complicated for no reason.

I think you missed the point, I wasn't even trying to make it a battle.

I didn't even know there's a cliche for that.
I'm not trying to be hostile at all. Sorry if came off like that.

I'm not against technology I'm saying. I'm for changing cities and making them more natural but still being technologically advanced. Not wasting time doing random bullshit that isn't taking our species anywhere. Get what I mean?

'S ok man, no damage dealt :)

The Flood / Re: BP sees an ease in Deepwater Horizon spill fine
« on: January 17, 2015, 03:20:01 PM »
While I understand why they lowered the amount, I doubt they're going to pay it.

Some reason or extended court cases will delay the fine for as long as they feel like it.

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 17, 2015, 03:14:45 PM »
A good ol' Fight Club quote does this justice

While I enjoy living in the country more than the urban landscape (well, more "urban", seeing as Wales' capital ain't huge compared to most places in the world), I do enjoy some of the things of advancement at the expense of culture and to an extent, freedom.

I fucking love McDonalds. I love the internet. I LOVE bacon. I adore central heating, and music that I cannot create myself. As much as I'd love to create these things to suite a more "free" lifestyle, or be totally independent from such pleasures, I cannot. So be it.
I'm not talking about the cliche "city vs country" bullshit. I'm saying, why is everything so complicated and meaningless? We make shit complicated for no reason.

I think you missed the point, I wasn't even trying to make it a battle.

I didn't even know there's a cliche for that.

The Flood / Re: So...
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:55:22 PM »
There's been defections since your absence here.

The master of this province, the National Democratic People's Republic of Sept, is our glorious leader Kim-Yung-Cheat.

The Flood / Re: The Bridge of Death
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:51:15 PM »
Ye must answer these questions three, if the other side ye seek.
Please answer in this format:
[Your name]
[Your quest]
The third question will be received afterwards.

Sir SuperIrish of Tralee.
To seek the holy pint.

The Flood / Re: GAMERGATE: Keep fighting, keep winning
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:47:00 PM »
I hate when they mention GTA 5 as the prime example. Well fucking duh, it's a game about crime in general, and the prostitution industry is dominated by females. As for the killing of them, there is no real incentive as much as killing anyone else in the game, male or female which everyone is freely available to do, and both instances result in a wanted level anyway. In fact, in the campaign I find it difficult to name a female character as a target for killing, apart from that one who you chase which she kills herself by accident, compared to the hundreds of male police officers, military and male antagonists you have to kill by the end to progress through the game.

Claiming it's sexist to have the freedom to do this in a sandbox game equates to saying Minecraft is an advocate of nazism because I can create a swastika if I wanted to.

But, alas, so long as they never gain enough traction to alter videogames for their own agenda then I barely care. If they are con artists as this guy alleges (with damn good evidence, I might add), I'd say they've found a gold mine in terms of this whole scenario.

The Flood / Re: Regarding Kiyo
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:13:19 PM »
We can't ban users for being a dick, or being abrasive - that is the problem. Yes, if it gets to the point where it is personal attacks and/or harassment, of course we step in. But until then, all we can really do is try and explain why they're in the wrong.

But many of the users I was referring to don't go to that level - or they do it in Anarchy.

Damn, I thought we had a rule on that prior. But fair enough, I understand the problem with this sorta thing.

The Flood / Re: Regarding Kiyo
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:07:31 PM »
There are quite a few users on here that, for whatever reason, feel the need to make the forums a negative environment, berating and attacking others for no reason other than boredom. I'm not going to say names, nor should anyone else. But if you want to see more members attracted to the site, some of you need to cut the shit and realize that it's no longer funny, but just annoying and detrimental.

Not that I should be telling you how to do your job (or Ninjas, or anyone with authority here), but isn't that for you lot to enforce?

I mean I'd love this place if everyone was a lot less hostile to each other when shit came to a point, but not everybody here is like this, and laying idle and letting straws building on the camel's back (or logs, depending on who you ask) is how things have escalated to this.

Again, I understand that being a mod isn't easy and this whole thread is about not everybody being perfect, but if you know a hostile environment from members is driving people away, then it should be dealt with swiftly and accordingly.

The Flood / Re: Discuss why you dont eat Organic Food?
« on: January 16, 2015, 09:17:35 PM »
Because I'm a student with no stable income (actually none at all), and food is expensive as it is, yo.

The Flood / Re: So...this is the place
« on: January 16, 2015, 09:14:37 PM »
Hello there.

The Flood / Re: Regarding Kiyo
« on: January 16, 2015, 09:03:28 PM »

I get my internet to work and watch a film after nothing happening here, then a quick checkup shows I've missed FUCKING EVERYTHING?! Bah humbug.

Well, in wider terms it's positive. Less mod complaints, a likely rise in members when someone eventually posts to Bungie, and generally, less shit.

Hmm. Still, I think forum-ocide is a bit drastic. I'm expecting an alt to slip in with the new members we'll get, but things should calm down, so I can lay back...

I don't envy the mods at the moment.

The Flood / Re: What are you doing tonight?
« on: January 16, 2015, 06:01:58 PM »
Trying really hard to watch interstellar.

ISP's "Traffic Management" is a bitch.

Serious / Re: Should we stop Iran from getting the bomb?
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:37:27 PM »
Yes, and if they do need nuclear power plants for power, allow them to construct something that isn't able to create bombs, like a Thorium powered nuclear reactor (the by-products and waste aren't capable of being enriched in a centrifuge, IIRC)

Unfortunately that isn't going to happen. Israel doesn't want Iran to even have a chance of attaining nuclear weapons (and for once I wouldn't blame them), so there's that pressure on the US for sanctions, as well as that for some reason nobody really uses thorium reactors on a mass scale, despite their advantages. But both of these matters are a different story.

The Flood / Re: People that buy pure breed dogs
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:39:11 PM »
My Dad refuses to buy pugs on the account that they are essentially bred to have breathing difficulties, and any other dog that are the unfortunate product of selective/in-breeding.

Hell, I'm still amazed that Cruft's Dog Show still goes on as it is, albeit some minor changes to the rules so that you can't  create a cute dog at the expense of fucking it's quality of life up. (Anymore than being the pet of a Cruft's competitor can, as well as the centuries of breeding have already done).

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:59:25 AM »
A good ol' Fight Club quote does this justice

While I enjoy living in the country more than the urban landscape (well, more "urban", seeing as Wales' capital ain't huge compared to most places in the world), I do enjoy some of the things of advancement at the expense of culture and to an extent, freedom.

I fucking love McDonalds. I love the internet. I LOVE bacon. I adore central heating, and music that I cannot create myself. As much as I'd love to create these things to suite a more "free" lifestyle, or be totally independent from such pleasures, I cannot. So be it.

The Flood / Re: The ONE person you admire/respect most
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:45:18 AM »
My A-Level Physics Teacher.

Either him or my Dad.

The Flood / Re: New Rank Brainstorm
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:59:20 AM »
An update to my previous post, you could do those Borderland style coloured weapon ranks.

Green, Blue, Purple, Orange (conflicts with Ninjas but that could be changed) and Pearl.

If you wanted to elaborate further, 3 shades of each colour represents how far they are on that rank, e.g. pale green is lowest which increases from normal green to a more bright full coloured green, then pale blue and so on.

A simple way of adding new ranks could always be finding synonyms of the current ones.

The Flood / Re: Quick Psychology Experiment!
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:38:50 AM »
Part One: Easy. If you want to go into details, my saliva only digusts me when I have a cold (when it's...gobbier, euch)

Part Two: Eurgh. When saliva's in my mouth I can do little about it. But water is "fresh" until I spit in it, because I can get new water.

On a side note, I wouldn't have minded so much if I'd just licked the water. Strange how the mind works.

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