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Messages - Alpha

Pages: 123 45 ... 15
Serious / Re: Sharia Law Police in Germany
« on: December 05, 2016, 09:48:29 PM »
I wonder if Merkel realizes she is fueling the populist revolution.

He still saved several hundred jobs.

Serious / Re: Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 03, 2016, 09:35:22 AM »
When people are threatning your personal comfort, it's okay to kill them
So if someone is in your personal space, and you are not okay with it, you can kill them?
You gotta be the most braindead motherfucker to not realize he's being sarcastic.
I'm sorry sarcasm doesn't always translate through text.
You probably just have autism
It's also difficult to see who is joking here considering how radical many of your views are.

Serious / Re: Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 03, 2016, 12:34:41 AM »
When people are threatning your personal comfort, it's okay to kill them
So if someone is in your personal space, and you are not okay with it, you can kill them?
You gotta be the most braindead motherfucker to not realize he's being sarcastic.
I'm sorry sarcasm doesn't always translate through text.

Serious / Re: Why abortion should be legal
« on: December 03, 2016, 12:32:43 AM »

When people are threatning your personal comfort, it's okay to kill them

So if someone is in your personal space, and you are not okay with it, you can kill them?

Serious / Re: Who should be Secretary of State?
« on: December 02, 2016, 12:46:09 AM »
Rand Paul, but he is really needed in the Senate.

The Flood / Re: I Seriously Have To Use Site More
« on: December 02, 2016, 12:44:08 AM »

There's no dedicated app, no. But it's supported on Tapatalk IIRC.
Eh, I'll just pass on the app then. Last time I got Tapatalk it was just a giant confusing clusterfuck of a messy app.
The UI was all messy and finding this place was a complete hassle cause the crappy search last time.

It's really easy and simple once you subscribe to the forum. The main problem is Youtube links don't translate from the website to Tapatalk. 

The Flood / Re: I Seriously Have To Use Site More
« on: December 02, 2016, 12:41:30 AM »
>nice people


Maybe you should look at what the kid responded.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that Russia had a hand in spreading fake news in an attempt to undermine American elections.
"Everything I dont agree with is fake news."

Do you enjoy sharing false information about things you know nothing about?
What are you saying I know nothing about?

Your statement:

"Everything I dont agree with is fake news."

Disagreement with a media source or story doesn't make it fake news, and that's not what President Obama, social media outlets and professional media organizations have derided over the past month.

Stories like This, from the Boston Tribune are.

According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Mrs. Robinson earned the lifetime pension for “services rendered as full-time/in-home caregiver” for granddaughters Malia, 18, and Sasha, 15, during President Obama’s two terms in office.

In January of 2009, it was reported that Mrs. Robinson was living in the White House full-time to tend to her granddaughters. She was the first live-in grandmother at the White House since Elivera M. Doud, the mother of Mamie Eisenhower, during the Eisenhower Administration.

Critics say Mrs. Robinson should not profit from something as simple as taking care of family. Sally Kellner, volunteer/activist for the National Taxpayers Union, says this is a prime example of needless spending. “I think it’s ridiculous that taxpayers must pay this woman a lifetime salary for something everyday Americans do for free. We take care of our families because we love them, not for profit.”

A.) The Boston Tribune is a fictitious new source
B.) Although the National Taxpayers Union is an actual organization, citing a "Volunteer/activist" for such an organization - especially one dealing with FOIA's, government funding, etc - is your first clue that it's not an actual story
C.) If your uncle on Facebook is sharing stories from "", you can assume it's not true.

For further reading:

The Boston Tribune is a fake new site that masquerades as the online arm of a legitimate big-city newspaper in order to lure readers with fabricated clickbait stories.

The Boston Tribune article provided links to the general landing pages of the National Taxpayers Union,, and the Civil Service Retirement System, both those links did not point to any relevant information.

The Former Presidents Act of 1958 provides lifetime benefits for presidents after they leave office. This law also provides some benefits for former first ladies (such as Secret Service protection), but not lifetime pensions for them (or their parents).

As the First Lady does not receive a salary or a pension, it is reasonable to assume that the unofficial position of "first grandma" is also unpaid and is similarly ineligible for a government pension.

The Boston Tribune is an offshoot of the fake Associated Media Coverage web site, which has previously published false stories claiming that Florida store owners killed 31 looters after Hurricane Matthew, that the practice of "open carry" was being banned in the United States," and that convicted murderer Jodi Arias had been released from prison.
I don't think you see the point I was trying to make.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that Russia had a hand in spreading fake news in an attempt to undermine American elections.
"Everything I dont agree with is fake news."

Do you enjoy sharing false information about things you know nothing about?
What are you saying I know nothing about?

Assad did nothing wrong.

The only reason the US intervened is because Russia is involved.

how does that kool aid taste?
yes assad is a wonderful benevolent leader who has never been responsible for anyone's suffering. praise be unto him!
Assad was democratically elected with both a turnout and victory margin several points higher than and US presidential election in history. If Assad's an evil dictator then America has always been one as well.

By they way, how many weapons of mass destruction were in Iraq? Please remind me of how Saddam was on the verge of nuking New York until he was "replaced"

Assad was the only person Syrians could vote for. It's not exactly an election when there's no opponent.
You are quite frankly retarded, you always ignore all the facts that contradict your hallucinations of a world where you're always right. Assad was democratically elected.

But more importantly, why the fuck would he train in britain to be a doctor, only to return to his country to become a genocidal maniac? his brother went into the millitary and were groomed for political positions, but assad was a doctor that treated foreigners in a foreign country, explain that you snake.
Bro the elections were a sham. He and his family control Syria. There is no democracy there, it's a formality so they can deny that they're a dictatorship.

Also, who cares? Why did many of the people in the Iranian regime study in the UK and elsewhere yet oppress and murder their own people? What does this have to do with anything?
In 2014  11 million people voted with 15 million eligible voters in the entire country(including rebel held areas), and there was an opposition for the first time, and he only received 5%. He even said that the elections were fair. So does Assad still not reflect the will of the Syrian people?

I'm very Pro-American because an allied US with Russia will help with the Anglo-Sphere along with the UK and a slumbering Germany/France/Scandinavia that must wake up.

However Obama/Clinton and the current administration is determined to prevent this from occurring at all costs. Including triggering an international military conflict and trying to scapegoat Russia who has been pushed back repeatedly simply for existing. Didn't want Crimea to happen? Maybe NATO shouldn't have gone back on their word of "We wont move missile defenses an inch closer to your border. :^)"

Wow, didn't think Ian was one of the "Russia did nothing wrong" crowd
Yes, the answer to a defensive missile grid is to invade a sovereign nation.
If we're going to play that game, Ukraine until a few decades ago had been a part of the Russian empire for several centuries. It's populated by mostly ethnic Russians who speak Russian in addition to Ukrainian. Crimea in particular has been home to the black sea fleet for several centuries, in exchange for closer diplomatic relations with Moscow.

So we have a Russian country annexing an ostensibly Russian territory (notice that the "invasion" never moved beyond Crimea) full of Russians, in order to advance Russian geopolitical interests. How is Russia the bad guy again?
So if Mexico wanted to annex SoCal (a traditionally Spanish territory that was a part of the Mexican Empire) to advance Mexican global economic interests...
The difference is that Crimea seceded prior to Russia annexing it.

Why can Trump make campaign statements, retract them but Hillary can't?

What reason does she have to retract it? Obama isn't doing anything because it's too late in his term for it to be completed, with how close Hillary was to him, the chances of her NOT doing it was significantly low.
She would retract it because no one wants a war with Russia, especially not over a country most people in the US couldn't locate on a map like Syria.

And if the US wants a political solution that only wants Assad out, there's two problems here.

1. Why even consider a military strategy such as a no fly zone?
2. What makes the US think the people under Assad will be any better under a different head?

I think you missed one of my points. The US stopped calling for the removal of Assad a while ago in support of the government institutions as a way of preventing another Iraq. The idea is to have the various non-AQ and IS groups find a solution with the government through constitutional amendments so that there is more local power as the Syrian constitution is highly centralised. But Assad refuses so there will be more bloodshed.
Recent State Department press releases say otherwise.

is simply out of not wanting to go to war with us, which she would have caused.
she would at the very least have escalated syria to a full blown proxy war
It's been a proxy war for a while now already
Something she would've escalated.

A sovereign nation that was falling apart, Russia ended the conflict quicker than it would have without it. And what does everyone else do? Embargo Russia so that the Russian people starve, keep in mind that the Russian people now include the Crimean citizens the rest of the world is trying to "Save".

Fucking idiots.

Russia has interests in Syria because they are allies, because it's the only thing keeping Russia from being on the brink of an economic collapse. The US has NO reason for being involved in Syria, other than that they're very Anti-Russian and they don't want Russia to escape the economic punishment that was unjustly instilled on them.

Yes, the answer to a defensive missile grid is to invade a sovereign nation.
To be fair, we should be in Syria fighting ISIS. But, we should be there with the permission of Assad, helping his and Russia's forces fight back against ISIS and the rebel terrorists.

ISIS and Rebels are impossible to distinguish, I guess that's intentional on ISIS's part but it's regardless they're both enemies of Syria's state which Russia is allies with. Both ISIS and the Rebels are awful, we're talking about leaders eating the hearts of their fucking dead enemies. Oh but mean old Assad is accused of using chemical weapons when, oh look, it was the Rebels all along.

Russia is not in the wrong here.

They should. Otherwise we should attack Russia. They're bombing Syrians indiscriminately.
LMAO One crazy dude bites some guys heart (who likely later joined ISIL as soon as they showed up, if he wasn't already Nusra or AQ) and all the Rebels are condemned to death? Who made you judge, jury, and executioner?

Apart from the propaganda you've been eating up, I'm not even talking about ISIL and Rebels. I'm talking about innocent civilians being bombed to shit by Russia who does not give a fuck about collateral damage.

Really? The chemical attacks? That's all you think Assad is guilty of? How much RT have you been watching?

This guy is one of the most brutal dictators in modern history.
>believing the Caesar photos
You are the one reading propaganda.


Obama is a fucking pussy who half-asses everything on international military concerns. Clinton went out of her way during her campaign to advocate for it in an effort to "punish" Russia just for supporting their ally.

Trump campaigned against Obamacare and look what happened there. If you think America would go to all out war over Syria you're just silly.

There's two links in this thread showing the rebels are the ones using the chemical weapons. Of course only US news will say it's Assad because anything else would be a "Pro-Russian-Ally". The current US administration wants a war with Russia so fucking bad when Russia has done nothing to instigate it.
One of them is RT so that's bs anyway, the Washington times article states there is no proof just "strong, concrete suspicions" they mention concrete but it's still a suspicion. On the other hand shortly after the attack happened in 2013 German Intel services listened in on a phone call with a Hezbollah operative and Iran where the former criticised Assads use even though Hezbollah are big supporters of the Regime
It doesn't seem suspicious to you that Russia found evidence about chemical attacks, but all of a sudden the UN doesn't care about sending investigators to investigate militants using chemical weapons?

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that Russia had a hand in spreading fake news in an attempt to undermine American elections.
"Everything I dont agree with is fake news."

>Implying Russia would back down to a No Fly Zone in the region of one of their allies that they're heavily involved in.

The US is the aggressor here, there's no argument to this.

They should. Otherwise we should attack Russia. They're bombing Syrians indiscriminately.

Serious / Re: And here we... go!
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:23:37 PM »
The question is who is this being funded by? Stein raised 3.5 million during her entire campaign. Now this already has over 4 million after a few days. And it has been getting consistent donations of $160,000 and hour.
~~~le conspiracy~~~
George Soros is so mainstream at this point that it's almost embarrassing for me to being him up, as it kills my political hipster cred, but this funding and the #notmypresident riots have his reptilian claws all over them.

Serious / Re: And here we... go!
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:18:37 PM »
The question is who is this being funded by? Stein raised 3.5 million during her entire campaign. Now this already has over 4 million after a few days. And it has been getting consistent donations of $160,000 and hour.
~~~le conspiracy~~~
"Anything that doesn't fit my narrative is disregarded as a conspiracy"

Serious / Re: And here we... go!
« on: November 25, 2016, 03:07:33 PM »
The question is who is this being funded by? Stein raised 3.5 million during her entire campaign. Now this already has over 4 million after a few days. And it has been getting consistent donations of $160,000 and hour.

Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 23, 2016, 01:36:02 AM »
Without it, everyone who doesn't live in the current big states or swing states are basically told to fuck off.
Can you come up with a logical reason why they shouldn't be told to fuck off?

Why shouldn't the most populous areas hold more sway?
So they cant fuck over everywhere else.

Does it work the opposite way so I can see normally? /s

Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 19, 2016, 03:37:19 PM »

Lets not forget about this
Don't you just love institutional racism?


How about you use a source that doesn't make me sign in or subscribe to read the full article.

Serious / Re: Hamilton Cast calls out Mike Pence
« on: November 19, 2016, 03:14:39 PM »

Lets not forget about this

The Flood / Re: I just wanna beat the fuck out of a republican
« on: November 19, 2016, 03:12:19 PM »
So tolerant

So is Trump going to claim Mars and Europa as territory of the US?

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I know about that

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Pages: 123 45 ... 15