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Messages - Alpha

Pages: 12 34 ... 15
Serious / Re: White Trump supporter tortured on stream by a couple blacks
« on: January 05, 2017, 04:25:50 PM »

Serious / Re: The US now has a ministry of truth
« on: December 31, 2016, 04:43:55 PM »
Isn't this just to counter Islamic propaganda that may incite extremism?
Yes citizen of course, just preventing Muslim terrorism, nothing to see here, move along.
And you call me a shitposter lmao

Americans will be forever ungrateful to the men who live in the shadows and do the things the rest won't to ensure the country's safety.
God bless those brave NSA agents, spending long hours in an office analyzing the illegally-obtained chat logs and nudes of private citizens.
Not talking about analysts.
God bless those brave CIA agents, working alongside our allies in Mossad to arm and train Salafi rebel groups in countries that are not allied with the US. They carry out beheadings there so that we don't get beheaded here.
LOL You're really eating up this Russian propaganda.

I'm curious, what do you think the KGB does?
Kill journalists, Chechens, maybe some political dissidents.

But they don't arm jihadists, that's for fucking sure.

Hahaha you're an idiot. With your nonsense about religion and your /pol/ tier opinions. America isn't arming jihadis, it armed rebels which were later absorbed by terrorist groups.
Just casually ignore the pictures of John McCain meeting with one of the leaders of ISIS

Serious / Re: The US now has a ministry of truth
« on: December 31, 2016, 03:48:15 PM »
As if the government disseminating propaganda and countering foreign propaganda is a new thing.
It hasn't been this blatant in a very long time, though.
Welcome to the Trump regime.
Obama passed this you fucking shitposter
Along with massive support from Congress Republicans and Democrats. Only 7 people in the Senate voted against this.

Serious / The US now has a ministry of truth
« on: December 31, 2016, 11:53:51 AM »
NDAA 2017 S. 2943


(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days after the date
of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State, in coordination
with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of other
relevant Federal departments and agencies, shall establish
within the Department of State a Global Engagement Center
(in this section referred to as the ‘‘Center’’).
(2) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the Center shall be to lead,
synchronize, and coordinate efforts of the Federal Government
to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state
and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed
at undermining United States national security interests.
(b) FUNCTIONS.—The Center shall carry out the following functions:
(1) Integrate interagency and international efforts to track
and evaluate counterfactual narratives abroad that threaten
the national security interests of the United States and United
States allies and partner nations.
(2) Analyze relevant information, data, analysis, and analytics
from United States Government agencies, United States
allies and partner nations, think tanks, academic institutions,
civil society groups, and other nongovernmental organizations.
(3) As needed, support the development and dissemination
of fact-based narratives and analysis to counter propaganda
and disinformation directed at the United States and United
States allies and partner nations.
(4) Identify current and emerging trends in foreign propaganda
and disinformation in order to coordinate and shape
the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures to expose
and refute foreign misinformation and disinformation and
proactively promote fact-based narratives and policies to
audiences outside the United States.
(5) Facilitate the use of a wide range of technologies and
techniques by sharing expertise among Federal departments
and agencies, seeking expertise from external sources, and
implementing best practices.
(6) Identify gaps in United States capabilities in areas
relevant to the purpose of the Center and recommend necessary
enhancements or changes.
(7) Identify the countries and populations most susceptible
to propaganda and disinformation based on information provided
by appropriate interagency entities.
(8 ) Administer the information access fund established
pursuant to subsection (f).
(9) Coordinate with United States allies and partner
nations in order to amplify the Center’s efforts and avoid
(10) Maintain, collect, use, and disseminate records (as
such term is defined in section 552a(a)(4) of title 5, United
States Code) for research and data analysis of foreign state
and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts and
communications related to public diplomacy efforts intended
for foreign audiences. Such research and data analysis shall
be reasonably tailored to meet the purposes of this paragraph
and shall be carried out with due regard for privacy and civil
liberties guidance and oversight.
S. 2943—548
(1) APPOINTMENT.—The head of the Center shall be an
individual who is an official of the Federal Government, who
shall be appointed by the President.
The President shall designate a senior official to develop guidance
for the Center relating to relevant privacy and civil liberties
laws and to ensure compliance with such guidance.
(1) DETAILEES.—Any Federal Government employee may
be detailed to the Center without reimbursement, and such
detail shall be without interruption or loss of civil service
status or privilege for a period of not more than 3 years.
State may hire United States citizens or aliens as personal
services contractors for purposes of personnel resources of the
Center, if—
(A) the Secretary determines that existing personnel
resources are insufficient;
(B) the period in which services are provided by a
personal services contractor, including options, does not
exceed 3 years, unless the Secretary determines that exceptional
circumstances justify an extension of up to one additional
(C) not more than 50 United States citizens or aliens
are employed as personal services contractors under the
authority of this paragraph at any time; and
(D) the authority of this paragraph is only used to
obtain specialized skills or experience or to respond to
urgent needs.
(1) IN GENERAL.—If amounts authorized to be appropriated
or otherwise made available to carry out the functions of the
(A) for fiscal year 2017 are less than $80,000,000,
the Secretary of Defense is authorized to transfer, from
amounts authorized to be appropriated by this Act for
the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2017, to the
Secretary of State an amount, not to exceed $60,000,000,
to be available to carry out the functions of the Center
for fiscal year 2017; and
(B) for fiscal year 2018 are less than $80,000,000,
the Secretary of Defense is authorized to transfer, from
amounts authorized to be appropriated by an Act authorizing
funds for the Department of Defense for fiscal year
2018, to the Secretary of State an amount, not to exceed
$60,000,000, to be available to carry out the functions
of the Center for fiscal year 2018.
(2) NOTICE REQUIREMENT.—The Secretary of Defense shall
notify the congressional defense committees of a proposed
transfer under paragraph (1) not less than 15 days prior to
making such transfer.
The authority to transfer amounts under paragraph (1) shall
not be subject to any reprogramming requirement under any
other provision of law.
S. 2943—549
(1) AUTHORITY FOR GRANTS.—The Center is authorized to
provide grants or contracts of financial support to civil society
groups, media content providers, nongovernmental organizations,
federally funded research and development centers, private
companies, or academic institutions for the following purposes:
(A) To support local independent media who are best
placed to refute foreign disinformation and manipulation
in their own communities.
(B) To collect and store examples in print, online, and
social media, disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda
directed at the United States and its allies and
(C) To analyze and report on tactics, techniques, and
procedures of foreign information warfare with respect to
disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda.
(D) To support efforts by the Center to counter efforts
by foreign entities to use disinformation, misinformation,
and propaganda to influence the policies and social and
political stability of the United States and United States
allies and partner nations.
of State shall provide that each organization that applies
to receive funds under this subsection is selected in accordance
with the relevant existing regulations to ensure its bona fides,
capability, and experience, and its compatibility with United
States interests and objectives.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than one year after the date
on which the Center is established, the Secretary of State
shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a
report evaluating the success of the Center in carrying out
its functions under subsection (b) and outlining steps to improve
any areas of deficiency.
(2) DEFINITION.—In this subsection, the term ‘‘appropriate
congressional committees’’ means—
(A) the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee
on Armed Services, the Committee on Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs, and the Committee
on Appropriations of the Senate; and
(B) the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee
on Armed Services, the Committee on Homeland Security,
and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.
(h) LIMITATION.—None of the funds authorized to be appropriated
or otherwise made available to carry out this section shall
be used for purposes other than countering foreign propaganda
and misinformation that threatens United States national security.
(i) TERMINATION.—The Center shall terminate on the date that
is 8 years after the date of the enactment of this Act.

I don't know much about this, so you'll have to explain it to me.
But don't they have a plane for this already? Is Obama taking it with him when he leaves or something?

No they're building a new one for some reason. I guess trump can't stand that a black president used Air Force One.

It's for updated security reasons.

My best guess is that it would be cheaper to replace the existing Air Force One, than try and refigure the current ship.
Or is it because the current Air Force One has been blacked?

The Flood / Re: What happened to
« on: December 22, 2016, 08:38:47 PM »
You're definitely exaggerating a lot when it comes to vaccinations and evolution. Other than that, you're mostly correct.

Serious / Re: Russian Ambassador to Turkey Killed by Gunman
« on: December 21, 2016, 12:08:27 AM »
I hope Assad burns every subhuman Salafi rat alive for this.
>He thinks the murder of Russian is a bad thing
So murder is acceptable?

Serious / Re: Russian Ambassador to Turkey Killed by Gunman
« on: December 19, 2016, 06:57:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:34:22 PM »
Something I liked was that the film explained the lack of ships at the Battle of Yavin; a lot of what they had was destroyed.

Did the Ghost make it out okay?
I didn't see it jump to hyperspace.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:24:24 PM »
gonna check this movie out sometime today

reminder 7>3>1>6>4>2>5

expected placement: ...>3>R>1...
What makes TPM so high on your list, ESB so low?

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:12:56 PM »
Be a bit more detailed? I want to piss off people with spoilers.
Forrest Whitaker's character basically got the Captain Phasma treatment and is only in like 15 minutes of the movie. But he also dies, and his particular group of rebels are basically space ISIS.

I'm not really sure what Krennic's job is, he seems to think the Death Star is his project and doesn't want cgi resurrected Tarkin to take over it, but he didn't design it, he just seems to walk around with black armouerd storm troopers.

Vader only has 2 scenes and he says a pun about choking in one of them, "Be careful not to choke on your ambitions, Lieutenant"

The Rebels want to kill the main character's father for designing the Death Star, even though it is already complete by the time of the film, so they should really be capturing him to figure out a weakness. Which luckily he already designed into the station anyway, and is then killed by rebel X Wings in a bombing run regardless.

AT-AT's get trivialized and are defeated by just shooting at them and they explode, making them even more absurd of a design because they can't even tank hits to make up for slow movement.

Basically all the main characters die Actually I change my mind on this, all main characters die

The Death Star can destroy cities on a lower power setting, but in actuality this creates an explosion big enough to explode a small continent. But they cover it up by saying the "city" exploded in a mining accident.

Every third character says may the force be with you or something a long those lines despite it not really being that common of a phrase. I know a few people say it from time to time regardless of force affinity but it's a bit ridiculous this time.

A blind guy with a stick takes out probably like 30 - 40 storm troopers throughout the film. His stick is also a gun that he can shoot people with despite being blind. He is supposed to be like semi force sensitive I think, but in one scene he literally just walks straight at a squad of Storm Troopers while chanting, so they miss every shot because muh force.

The intro shows main character lady as a child and how she gets separated from Mads "Scientist Man" Mikkelsen, and then it flashbacks those exact same scenes later for some reason.

Barristan Selmy from GoT plays white bearded Death Star strategist from Episode 4 and has one line.

Calamri fleet Captain is not Ackbar

No Bothan Spies at all -That's the second death star, bruh

Vader comes like 15 seconds too late to capture Leia's ship initially before it escapes into episode 4, so now it makes no sense that she tries to lie and say she is a diplomatic ship.

The Imperial Droid character is basically an attempt at a rip off of Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy. He says "whatever comes into his circuits"(mind), fell completely flat for me and was just annoying.

Mads "Master Plan" Mikkelsen confesses that he was the one to help an Imperial Pilot defect, when his team of engineers are being interrogated about said defector. Despite playing the part of a lap dog for years to secretly make the Death Star have a weakness.

The "My friend doesn't like you. I don't like you Either!" guys make a cameo which was kinda amusing.

Oh yeah cgi Princess Leia as well as Tarkin

The rebels initially don't come to an agreement to stop the Death Star for some reason, despite it basically being all powerful as far as they know at the time. But then when a group of them + the main characters go anyway they then show up after instead of just all going at the start.

I kinda just posted these as I thought of them so probably not in an efficient order.
Wait, I thought the Geonosians designed the Death Star, or did they just have the plans for it?
I honestly don't know how that works either. They specifically say Mads designed it, so I dunno. Geonosian hologram was a prototype? Proof of Concept? ha
More like proof of they don't know what they hell they're doing
Galen Erso designed the mechanism to get the laser to work.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:11:41 PM »
Be a bit more detailed? I want to piss off people with spoilers.
Forrest Whitaker's character basically got the Captain Phasma treatment and is only in like 15 minutes of the movie. But he also dies, and his particular group of rebels are basically space ISIS.

I'm not really sure what Krennic's job is, he seems to think the Death Star is his project and doesn't want cgi resurrected Tarkin to take over it, but he didn't design it, he just seems to walk around with black armouerd storm troopers.

Vader only has 2 scenes and he says a pun about choking in one of them, "Be careful not to choke on your ambitions, Lieutenant"

The Rebels want to kill the main character's father for designing the Death Star, even though it is already complete by the time of the film, so they should really be capturing him to figure out a weakness. Which luckily he already designed into the station anyway, and is then killed by rebel X Wings in a bombing run regardless.

AT-AT's get trivialized and are defeated by just shooting at them and they explode, making them even more absurd of a design because they can't even tank hits to make up for slow movement.

Basically all the main characters die Actually I change my mind on this, all main characters die

The Death Star can destroy cities on a lower power setting, but in actuality this creates an explosion big enough to explode a small continent. But they cover it up by saying the "city" exploded in a mining accident.

Every third character says may the force be with you or something a long those lines despite it not really being that common of a phrase. I know a few people say it from time to time regardless of force affinity but it's a bit ridiculous this time.

A blind guy with a stick takes out probably like 30 - 40 storm troopers throughout the film. His stick is also a gun that he can shoot people with despite being blind. He is supposed to be like semi force sensitive I think, but in one scene he literally just walks straight at a squad of Storm Troopers while chanting, so they miss every shot because muh force.

The intro shows main character lady as a child and how she gets separated from Mads "Scientist Man" Mikkelsen, and then it flashbacks those exact same scenes later for some reason.

Barristan Selmy from GoT plays white bearded Death Star strategist from Episode 4 and has one line.

Calamri fleet Captain is not Ackbar

No Bothan Spies at all -That's the second death star, bruh

Vader comes like 15 seconds too late to capture Leia's ship initially before it escapes into episode 4, so now it makes no sense that she tries to lie and say she is a diplomatic ship.

The Imperial Droid character is basically an attempt at a rip off of Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy. He says "whatever comes into his circuits"(mind), fell completely flat for me and was just annoying.

Mads "Master Plan" Mikkelsen confesses that he was the one to help an Imperial Pilot defect, when his team of engineers are being interrogated about said defector. Despite playing the part of a lap dog for years to secretly make the Death Star have a weakness.

The "My friend doesn't like you. I don't like you Either!" guys make a cameo which was kinda amusing.

Oh yeah cgi Princess Leia as well as Tarkin

The rebels initially don't come to an agreement to stop the Death Star for some reason, despite it basically being all powerful as far as they know at the time. But then when a group of them + the main characters go anyway they then show up after instead of just all going at the start.

I kinda just posted these as I thought of them so probably not in an efficient order.
Those weren't AT-ATs. They were AT-ACTs. And it was Krennic's project for most of the Death Star's development. The book Catalyst goes into that more.

inb4 "this proves Russia dindu nuffin"

Brah, Russia would've still dindu nuffin if they were behind the leaks. There's nothing wrong with exposing dirt on any political candidate or faction in any country.
>there is nothing wrong with interfering in a sovereign democratic election

nice ethical bankruptcy
No, there isn't. There's a problem with subverting one.

You could make a solid case that this is Russia's motivation, of course, but there's a difference between interference and subversion.
Subversion is a form of interference. You're truly delusional if you can't see that.
If subversion is a form of interference, US officials really have no ground to stand on by calling out Russia.
It's not like the USG hasn't done the same, but I don't think that's an excuse.
the US has done far worse than what Russia is accused of doing in this case.

And while I don't really believe the Russians have done shit, even if they did, this is kind of a "get what's coming to you" moment. If the United States wants to continue pursuing foreign policy that violates international law and the integrity and inner workings of sovereign nations, its leaders have no business crying when the same things befall them. I think it's a fine excuse.

I don't give a fuck if the Russians did interfere in our election because I don't support our government trying to make decisions for the rest of the world. Iraq was a fucking crime, Libya was a fucking crime, Syria is a botched crime still in progress.

I believe in the sovereignty of independent states, and I'd like my own to be sovereign, but I can't really advocate for that when the officials that are supposed to represent me are trying to establish a global hegemony, with their fingers in everyone else's pies.
Hypocrisy on behalf of the US is not a justification for another country doing the same. (I am not defending the US' meddling in other countries' elections.)
It isn't a justification for, say, Zambia doing it to Chile, but it is entirely reasonable to give the US a taste of its own medicine.

A side-effect of your position is the normalization
Truly normalization is the most heinous crime of 2016.

of this kind of behavior and letting it going unpunished. The US shouldn't do it, nor should any other country.
Unfortunately, the US is doing it, and will continue to do it unless A) the US is crippled geopolitically or B) an isolationist regime takes power (the latter may have just happened, we'll see)

If Russia did interfere in the election, it should be punished regardless of whatever the US is guilty of itself. Violation of sovereignty is one of the highest crimes a country can commit against another.
LMAO fuck off. Russia allegedly did it in order to cockblock a politician hellbent on starting "democratic revolutions" in every country not trading in USD and enslaving itself to the IMF. If it really happened, this would have been a violation of sovereignty done in order to prevent further violation of everyone's sovereignty.

There is no "regardless of whatever the US is guilty of", because a humongous chunk of the geopolitical assfuckery in the world right now, including this, is a result of shit the US political establishment is guilty of. None of these people have any right to start pointing fingers at Russia, given their own treatment of countries that would prefer to stay out of the USA's sphere of influence, as well as their quite open ties to states like Saudi Arabia and Israel. Nobody in the media pressing this red scare shit seems to have been half as concerned about Clinton's relationship with the Saudis or the Chinese (the latter having been a common concern during Bill's presidency). That says a lot to me.
You're arguing that:

1) The entire population of the United States, a sovereign nation, deserved to have its democratic election disrupted as retribution for its government's actions abroad, despite that many of those actions are completely secret and unaccountable, and not necessarily endorsed by the citizenry, due to the nature of espionage
2) Russia should go completely unpunished for this transgression, assuming they did it

Are you legitimately brain damaged?
Do you not realize the consequences of a Hillary victory?

Serious / Re: This video shows the idiocy behind the Russian hacker claims
« on: December 14, 2016, 01:54:56 PM »

ben garrison has to be one of the worst political cartoonists of all time

Serious / Re: This video shows the idiocy behind the Russian hacker claims
« on: December 13, 2016, 10:50:15 PM »

>when Tucker Carlson is the smart person in the room

help us

There's no public evidence released yet, but you're a schizophrenic Pizzagater if you think Seth Rich did it.
Assange has said he did it.
...I'm skeptical despite that coming from Assange. I wasn't aware he said that until I looked it up just now. Very weird if true.
One more name added to the list of dead surrounding Hillary and the DNC

Serious / Re: This video shows the idiocy behind the Russian hacker claims
« on: December 13, 2016, 10:19:25 PM »

>when Tucker Carlson is the smart person in the room

help us

There's no public evidence released yet, but you're a schizophrenic Pizzagater if you think Seth Rich did it.
Assange has said he did it.

Serious / This video shows the idiocy behind the Russian hacker claims
« on: December 13, 2016, 07:25:56 PM »

Russia didn't stop Hillary from campaigning in the battleground states. Russia didn't force Hillary to keep her emails on a private server. Russia didn't make the FBI reopen their investigation. And there is zero proof Russia influence Wikileaks.

This is the DNC hacker. Not a Russian, and has no connection to them. Seth Rich, the man gunned down on his way home in DC.

Serious / Re: Assad regime recaptures all of Aleppo
« on: December 13, 2016, 07:20:58 PM »

And the MSM stil doesn't understand that the Syrian people are happy to be liberated by Assad's forces. You think the Syrian people themselves living under "moderate rebels"(terrorists) would know better than the West.

Serious / Re: Who should be Secretary of State?
« on: December 12, 2016, 11:50:17 PM »
Most reports say that Exxon Chief Executive Rex Tillerson will be announced as Trump's pick next week
With John Bolton as his number 2.
The worst pick possible

Serious / Re: Dumbass reporter makes himself a combatant in Iraq
« on: December 12, 2016, 11:49:25 PM »
That guy is ex military

Gaming / Re: Thinking about giving Battlefront another go
« on: December 12, 2016, 08:04:33 AM »
The Death Star and Scarif DLC are definitely amazing. The new modes are pretty fun.

I was playing the rescue R2 thing and there were 3 heroes at once on the enemy team, is that a thing now?
Yeah. It often has multiple heroes on each side.

Gaming / Re: Thinking about giving Battlefront another go
« on: December 12, 2016, 12:16:17 AM »
The Death Star and Scarif DLC are definitely amazing. The new modes are pretty fun.

Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 12, 2016, 12:05:06 AM »
We're living in unprecedented times. Did Russia at least have an influence via hacks into the DNC and by propagating fake news? Undoubtedly.
Those sneaky commies rigged the campaign by informing American voters? How dare they!

A flood of fake news is "informing voters."

"anything I dont agree with is fake news"

Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 11, 2016, 11:50:57 PM »
If it leads to war, so be it. Russia needs to be put down once and for all.
So tolerant of you

Serious / Re: Aleppo could be liberated before my exams are over
« on: December 07, 2016, 06:37:28 PM »

Serious / Re: MPs vote to back Brexit plan
« on: December 07, 2016, 06:29:35 PM »
Took them long enough

Serious / Re: Pizzagate
« on: December 07, 2016, 01:57:25 PM »

>Has TMZ as a source

I heard about it on Youtube and just took the first article I saw on Google. Do you really think any major, normal news networks would report on that? No.

Serious / Re: Pizzagate
« on: December 07, 2016, 08:35:02 AM »
strange pics of children, pizza used as a code word, handkerchief painting, sculpture of Dahlmer victim, painting of tortured child in Podesta's house

Friend of Obama arrested for child rape

Norwegian aressts of government officials

Richard Nixon rape and cover up of children in Australia

Dinner OR pizza?

PAC that donates to Ping Pong, and is funded by Soros

Twitter being used to share CP

Podestas in Portugal when Madeleine McCann went missing, police suspect sketch looks like the two.

Kanye hospitalized after menitioning PizzaGate at a concert, could be for his own protection

Plane crash kills French anti-trafficking team

Ping pong meaning threesome

More emails

55 UK Football clubs

Serious / Re: Aleppo could be liberated before my exams are over
« on: December 07, 2016, 08:32:17 AM »
And now Obama and the EU are all about to completely withdraw support for the rebels for political deniability.

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