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Messages - Arren

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What exactly does this contribute to the conversation? The "precedents [which] contribute to our codifications of norm(s)" are the sex-selection of certain traits among mates.
It does not preclude the topic by implying that nothing else needs to be known, that we already have all the answers (though we haven't stated what they are). The precedents which contribute to our codifications of norms are not only judgments of biological fitness, they're the dynamics of that complex biological refrain which are influenced by history, religion, and culture. These additional contexts elucidate why we attribute labels of shame to nudity rather than assuming shame is merely natural and we should accept it.
We don't find large breasts and full hips attractive because the media says so, the media says so because we find those traits attractive.

Culture impacts the selection of mates too, however. This can be observed with tooth-blackening in Heian era Japan, lip-disks among the Kayapo in Para Brazil today, etc. These things confer advantages to humans beyond physical attractions as selective attributes. Media is an extension of mainstream culture and we are constantly exposed to it now. While I agree that there are general fitness traits with universal appeal, the fluidity of culture similarly gives rise to differential selective traits endemic to that culture.

The implication of the argument that humans' biological impulses are implacable and fixed in time strikes me as outdated considering the influence of cultural factors. It takes our social precedents for granted and models us off of simpler organisms lacking our social complexity. I don't think it's representative of how we actually operate.
It's not a phase that humanity should "grow out of", it's just the basis of physical attraction among our species.
In my earlier post I meant to say we should grow out of feeling shameful of our sexuality, not out of sexuality altogether. I would not be opposed to trying the latter, however. In regard to that I admitted that would be another complicated process, something I don't think operant conditioning could easily solve. I'm not really sure if it could be done completely, but it would interesting to try.

The Flood / Re: Your favorite bands/artists?
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:18:38 PM »
I really don't have favorites

Is it really that difficult to figure out why sexual organs and sexualized body parts are considered inappropriate for public settings?
If our answers are simplistic, not really. When trying to identify what precedents contribute to our codifications of norm the depth of inquiry can actually contribute to the conversation, however.

The Flood / Re: A game
« on: May 04, 2016, 02:06:40 AM »
2/10, I guessed you and Jive.

The Flood / Re: non artificial POC period
« on: May 04, 2016, 01:14:47 AM »
I'm rewatching Mushishi and preparing notes for a future review of it.

The Flood / Re: I'm calling out Arren
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:40:02 AM »
I was on before b.lind. Assuming Desty is a contraction of Digital Zesty, I know him. I wasn't part of the Destiny community so I decided to come here for a bit. I can summarize my wants pretty simply, improvement. Improving what is more complicated. Is there reason to distrust newcomers?
Wait, what? You know me? I can't remember anything about you. What sort of interactions have we had?

I'd guess that you're fun timer, but that guy has already arrived, but his personality didn't match the guy I knew.
I was probably Old King Doran at the time. Our interactions weren't amicable back when, but that was nearly two years ago I think.
Oh, well, I'm putting forth the effort this time to be amiable. I even thanked you for posting that link about flow, even though flow was one of the first thing learnt in psychology. I wasn't being dishonest in thanking you, because I thanked your effort.

Also, I don't remember you.
Oh it's fine, I don't hold any grudge against you. Sorry the link was nothing new, I figured if you'd already seen it it would just be a reminder. I'm pretty interested in flow psychology in personal applications, but I don't have a formulaic process of initiating one yet. The closest I've been to the described effects are more hyperfocused.

The Flood / Re: I'm calling out Arren
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:15:56 AM »
I was on before b.lind. Assuming Desty is a contraction of Digital Zesty, I know him. I wasn't part of the Destiny community so I decided to come here for a bit. I can summarize my wants pretty simply, improvement. Improving what is more complicated. Is there reason to distrust newcomers?
Wait, what? You know me? I can't remember anything about you. What sort of interactions have we had?

I'd guess that you're fun timer, but that guy has already arrived, but his personality didn't match the guy I knew.
I was probably Old King Doran at the time. Our interactions weren't amicable back when, but that was nearly two years ago I think.

The Flood / Re: I'm just waiting for a mate
« on: May 03, 2016, 11:52:48 PM »
"You're under arrest, mate"
"What for?"
"Because I'm not happy with who you are"
[Strong fatherly disapproval intensifies]

The Flood / Re: Moemon
« on: May 03, 2016, 11:47:16 PM »

Alternative sprites are cool.
I like the alternative dragonite design more than I'll ever like the original.
I also really like the look of Dratini and Charizard. 

The Flood / Re: Dat boi
« on: May 03, 2016, 11:39:43 PM »
I'm fine living the rest of my life without seeing that frog again.

Serious / Re: How fascist are you?
« on: May 03, 2016, 11:22:46 PM »
I am a liberal airhead. That score is predominantly based off of my anti-authoritarianism.

The Flood / Re: Are People Entitled to Their Opinions?
« on: May 03, 2016, 11:14:27 PM »
Posting this here because my sense of timing my edit didn't really work

In this case, seeing as the difference in non-factual and factual evidence-based claims can be summarized by ignorance, some seemingly subjective content can, through further inquiry, be identified more objectively. So is the boundary between subjectivity and objectivity merely someone's perception and feeling, or is it more complicated?

The Flood / Re: I'm calling out Arren
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:38:19 PM »
I'd trust half of Harvey Dent.

Gaming / Re: Should I play Undertale?
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:37:30 PM »
Is it really reasonable to criticize media by its audience without investigating it yourself?
Not generally, but it gives you an indication of the type of people who enjoy it.
Why is this important, though? I don't really understand why the fanbase of something can potentially ruin the integrity of content.
Well the vibes I'm getting from this thread are that Undertale is one of those games that tries way too hard to push it's agenda and that the people who enjoy it are Tumblrites. Therefore, I'm not going to bother with it because I've never really liked games that are overly preachy, and Tumblrinas tend to love shit like that.
I haven't actually played it, but from what I've seen yes, the themes and gameplay/story are tightly integrated, so its message permeates many aspects of the game. It would not be nearly as good without that kind of tight integration from a design perspective. I think there's something in Undertale for everyone who likes more emotional substance from their games, but without playing it for myself I don't really know. Maybe I'll play and review it one of these days. 

The Flood / Re: I'm calling out Arren
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:31:40 PM »
I was on before b.lind. Assuming Desty is a contraction of Digital Zesty, I know him. I wasn't part of the Destiny community so I decided to come here for a bit. I can summarize my wants pretty simply, improvement. Improving what is more complicated. Is there reason to distrust newcomers? 

The Flood / Re: Moemon
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:14:29 PM »
So you see it too then?
I do not. Give me a few more months, we'll see if that changes.

The Flood / Re: Are People Entitled to Their Opinions?
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:11:47 PM »
So, subjectively speaking, anything goes?
In this case, seeing as the difference in non-factual and factual evidence-based claims can be summarized by ignorance, seemingly subjective content can, through further inquiry, be identified more objectively. So is the boundary between subjectivity and objectivity merely someone's perception and feeling, or is it more complicated?

The Flood / Re: Moemon
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:10:54 PM »

Who is that in your avatar and what is that shirt?
Bayly from NXT and that shirt is stuff.

Why does her shirt say that she's a nigger?


Pretty sure that says
That's just the Sep7 impulse talking.

Gaming / Re: Should I play Undertale?
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:59:56 PM »
Is it really reasonable to criticize media by its audience without investigating it yourself?
Not generally, but it gives you an indication of the type of people who enjoy it.
Why is this important, though? I don't really understand why the fanbase of something can potentially ruin the integrity of content.

Nice to see the Britfags still occupying all those colonies.

Oh wait...

The sun still never sets on the BritishJapanese Empire.

Gaming / Re: Should I play Undertale?
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:51:46 PM »
Is it really reasonable to criticize media by its audience without investigating it yourself?

The Flood / Are People Entitled to Their Opinions?
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:49:15 PM »
On the internet I frequently see derivations of the argument "Opinions are equally valid, so people can like whatever they want." Is this really fair? To what extent do people have to substantiate their opinions for them to be considered valid? To what extent does context have an effect on opinion validation?

For example, I frequently see people defend their enjoyment of shows with this argument and I disagree because it encourages further media saturation with what I identify as mediocre content. I can substantiate why I think their show is mediocre. Because I criticize other opinions I'm liable to being labeled as pretentious and undesirable to the community in some capacity. There are some things I don't think people should support even if it appeals to some of their sensibilities.

This may sound like "duh" ideas, but I want to know more about how people respond here. If my phrasing is killing the prospect of better conversation by all means criticize.

OP note
I'm more interested in how you think about what you think than what you think is the correct answer. This holds true for almost any conversation.

The Flood / Re: You are now family!
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:28:58 PM »
At this point I think I'd only really fit in as an adopted orphan.

The Flood / Re: Moemon
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:25:24 PM »

But Kitsune, Ahri isn't from pokemon.


Truly Chad is the greatest of nations
why the fuck do you identify that flag with chad before romania

why the fuck did chad steal romania's flag
Nations need to stop using the same templates for their flags, they're mostly boring.

Nepal's got a pretty good one.

Fuck the Ivory Coast and Indian ones though.
I like how Nepal's flag is not just another rectangle. The Indian flag at least has a design in the center, but the Ivory Coast is just generic and uninteresting to look at. You'd think that nations would make their flags as differentiated as possible to display their country's uniqueness. 

So can we agree that those cunting Snakemen with chains during the Ancient Wyvern bit are the real bosses of the battle?

You mean the magic chain axes that can go through walls, floors, or ceilings, and are like 100 feet long? Yeah fuck those.
How do you even deal with this in-game? Can you anticipate them at all?

Pull the mobs nearby, then rush when he's alone and try to stun-lock him until he dies or bait him off the bridge.  Or throw an alluring skull and run.
Alright, that sounds much more like the souls I know. Is this a scenario where you have to think a bit outside the box for a solution, or is it pretty apparent from the in-game situation?

It's just a bad encounter, programming-wise. The chain clips through walls and floors; it's not like the ghosts of New Londo that had a reason for their ambushes. It's unlikely that somebody without prior knowledge of the enemy would survive their first time against one because of how badly it's designed. And it's just a big enemy, not even a mini-boss.
Oh, well it's good there's a workaround strategy until its patched. I asked about novel problems because I'm somewhat (though not really) on the fence about purchasing this right now. From what I've seen it's more souls, which is nice, but it seems more derivative of other souls-born Miyazaki titles. In general I'm wondering whether this game offers enough new and engaging content to be as interesting as the other installments. 

The Flood / Re: Writer of Dragonball Evolution Apologizes
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:09:17 PM »
I dropped the dragon ball

Please just stop writing.
someone makes a pun and everyone loses their minds
Yeah, I thought people generally enjoyed puns. Maybe it doesn't fit this occasion?

The Flood / Re: Moemon
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:07:23 PM »
Whose the one two rows directly below Typhlosion?
looks like either ponyta or rapidash

I think that's right

At first the ears threw me off, but both ponyta and rapidash have pointier ears than I remembered.

So can we agree that those cunting Snakemen with chains during the Ancient Wyvern bit are the real bosses of the battle?

You mean the magic chain axes that can go through walls, floors, or ceilings, and are like 100 feet long? Yeah fuck those.
How do you even deal with this in-game? Can you anticipate them at all?

Pull the mobs nearby, then rush when he's alone and try to stun-lock him until he dies or bait him off the bridge.  Or throw an alluring skull and run.
Alright, that sounds much more like the souls I know. Is this a scenario where you have to think a bit outside the box for a solution, or is it pretty apparent from the in-game situation?

The Flood / Re: Writer of Dragonball Evolution Apologizes
« on: May 03, 2016, 08:58:10 PM »
His honesty and willingness to take responsibility are pretty admirable. This should be a norm not exclusive to infamous projects demanding explanation, it should extend to mediocre products that stagnate an industry. Hopefully this guy keeps that last part of his word and makes something better. I don't really like DBZ, but I wish him the best of luck regardless.

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