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Messages - Arren

Pages: 1 ... 567 89 ... 22
Gaming / Re: Fallout Megathread
« on: September 12, 2016, 10:05:07 AM »

actually me when I play

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 12, 2016, 10:02:57 AM »
That's not Lesbian Scubas
I haven't seen this anime... I don't want to see this anime... but if DemoD made a review of it, I'd watch that. I'd watch anything he made at this point.

Please come back Demo.
It's pretty good though
...Alright, what's it called?

This is kind of going off on a tangent.
It is. In all honesty I just wanted to make the Emiya meme, but I also wanted to provide some kind of answer.

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 12, 2016, 09:59:34 AM »
That's not Lesbian Scubas
I haven't seen this anime... I don't want to see this anime... but if DemoD made a review of it, I'd watch that. I'd watch anything he made at this point.

Please come back Demo.

The Flood / Re: What's on your current to-buy wish list?
« on: September 12, 2016, 09:48:43 AM »
a fiio x5ii portable audio player, with two 200 gig micro sd cards to go with it
An oppo pm3 pair of headphones (I just got a pair of denon ah mm400 headphones, but I want both for some variety)
a EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB SC GAMING ACX 2.0 graphics card
touhou plushies
Ulysses 1922 text oxford edition (with annotations)
Ulysses Annotated (a guide book for ulysses)
Beketh Nexehmu debut on vinyl or CD
Have a nice life deathconsciousness on vinyl or CD
The Complete Works of Plato (hackett publishing)
some sort of really nice camera (idk anything about cameras)
bose noise cancelling headphones (for noisy places)

I think I'll have the graphics card, oppo headphones, and fiio audio player by the end of the year.
Loaf, this is a Christmas list...

The Flood / Re: I finally hard that sandwich I was talking about yesterday
« on: September 12, 2016, 09:46:09 AM »
For lunch, I cut up fresh bell peppers, roasted them on a stove top with a whole chopped up tumeric root, and in a side pan I cut up half of a ginger root cooked that. I added a big handful of spinach. Roasted all that, and while I was waiting opened up a whole avocado and chopped it up, and put it on a tortilla wrap. Then, once everything was done cooking, I poured creamy garlic dressing with a yogurt base on top of it. All of the ingredients were fresh bought yesterday.

So by trying to save the lives of a hundred thousand, he inadvertently killed 40,000 with his good intentions.
Challenger's comment about further testing would not be remiss. I think the action is more important than the intentions, because the intentions can be ethnocentric and not entirely in the best interests of a group of people.
A good point, but wouldn't the alleviation of famine and thus the reducing of suffering be an objectively good action and thus not ethnocentric?
In this particular example my comment doesn't necessarily apply, I'm more so talking about in principle ethnocentrism can cause suffering. Relativistically, however, not starving would probably rank high on people's "life is good" list. Physical needs are not the only way to impart suffering, however.

Say we have a hypothetical in which people from one country want to help the urban poor in another country, but believe them to be ethnically inferior for ethnocentric reasons, so they offer indentured servitude to the urban poor. These people's basic physical needs are covered, which is the ultimate goal of the contract-holder and in their eyes they have moral intentions. Some of the basic freedoms of the urban poor are restricted, however. The contract-holder can still cause suffering in a psychological sense not immediately apparent to them (though one can argue perceiving others as inferior to begin with is immoral, thus their intentions aren't moral to begin with).

So by trying to save the lives of a hundred thousand, he inadvertently killed 40,000 with his good intentions.

Challenger's comment about further testing would not be remiss. I think the action is more important than the intentions, because the intentions can be ethnocentric and not entirely in the best interests of a group of people.

The Flood / Re: Whats your opinion on Straight Edge?
« on: September 12, 2016, 08:51:13 AM »
>tfw i can have fun without needing substances to change my perception of reality
This though.

The Flood / Re: My eyes have been opned
« on: September 12, 2016, 08:49:55 AM »
It's because of the water, isn't it?

this is what the refrance
Wait... so are you telling me Ender has actually read part of Homestuck?
for like two seconds, then I got bored of it
I dropped it after act I the first time I tried reading it, so I can understand. For someone new to the comic it reads like molasses, which doesn't work in its favor.

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 12, 2016, 08:48:12 AM »
Kirito is a layered and complex protagonist
Yeah in the abridged version.

The Flood / Re: My eyes have been opned
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:40:53 PM »
It's because of the water, isn't it?

this is what the refrance
Wait... so are you telling me Ender has actually read part of Homestuck?

Have you ever tried reading all of Homestuck? it's literally over 8000 pages.

She's five, she's got nothing but time
Did Ryle get her into it? Was it my constant subliminal allusions to it? Who did this?

I don't even know what we're talking about
Dammit Dietrich, don't get my hopes up like this. It's unfair.

The Flood / Re: My eyes have been opned
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:30:52 PM »
It's because of the water, isn't it?

this is what the refrance
Wait... so are you telling me Ender has actually read part of Homestuck?

Have you ever tried reading all of Homestuck? it's literally over 8000 pages.

She's five, she's got nothing but time
Did Ryle get her into it? Was it my constant subliminal allusions to it? Who did this?

The Flood / Re: My eyes have been opned
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:28:41 PM »
It's because of the water, isn't it?

this is what the refrance
Wait... so are you telling me Ender has actually read part of Homestuck?

Have you ever tried reading all of Homestuck? it's literally over 8000 pages.

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:25:37 PM »
Been rewatching FMA:B, I probably enjoy it more now than I did during my first run through it.
Your avatar reminds me that I have to rewatch Cowboy Bebop at some point. On my first watch through I only started to really get into it at the end. When I rewatched Mushishi at the beginning of the summer I enjoyed it more than I did watching it around the first time, especially the middle of the show when it was focusing on Ginko as a character and what it meant to be a Mushishi.

What stands out now that didn't before?

The Flood / Re: My eyes have been opned
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:19:55 PM »
It's because of the water, isn't it?

this is what the refrance
Wait... so are you telling me Ender has actually read part of Homestuck?

The Flood / Re: If members had autobiographies, what would they be named?
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:18:08 PM »
Memoirs of an Imperial Officer: The Pain of Insufferable New Recruits (Pip)
Complete Fieldguide to Sangheili Anatomy (Vien)
On Wizards: Literally Better Than Everyone Else (Hargen)
In Defense of Hentai as an Artform (Yutaka)
Chocolate Dragon Girls: Passion and The Perils of Niche Fetishism (Das)
Lolita: A Colorful Re-imagining (also Das)

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:03:04 PM »
Casca also gets raped and gives birth to a demon baby...

Casca herself, not the events surrounding her. She's a strong character with her own personality, and isn't just there for eye candy (since, y'know, she wears full body armor and not a string bikini or whatever).

She was also raped to move the plot forward.

Yet still manages to be a strong character nonetheless.

I thought Verbatim would like that virtually all sex is portrayed negatively.

She gives birth to a rape baby, loses her memory, forgets guts and the love she had for him, and then becomes a non character. She's a fucking child afterward.
If Miura wanted fans to view her as a tragic figure fallen from glory he should have emphasized her regularly and with Guts, not pushed into the background and babysat by a less relevant character (Farmesse) for the majority of their adventures. Miura does have scenes of her and Guts, reminding fans that their relationship is still fragmented, but the story events take precedence for too long and their situation loses its immediacy. Casca can (probably) be healed by the fairy queen (smh) anyway.

Her life is ruined for plot. This is not how you respect your female characters.
I think Miura succeeded with eclipse in what he wanted to establish. It provides the reader with a clear sense of Guts' motives for vengeance, and we can empathize with him. I think Miura had enough for Guts to swear vengeance without Casca's rape,
but if you look at Griffith's past actions, it makes sense why he does it. He's a covetous and spiteful character.
Considering Casca's worth to the story after eclipse events, it would make more sense in my mind for Casca to die there, it could establish the same sentiment without having the undertones of violating "another man's woman."

Again you're just proving my point. She becomes a motivation, a plot point, not a person.
I was adding more ideas to broaden the discussion if anyone wanted to.

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:56:00 PM »
I know nothing of the first two things you said. Ghibli films are tolerable, but to my understanding, they tend to make films with Western sensibilities in mind. Because they understand they have a huge market over here.

The last one I've seen is My Neighbor Totoro over a decade ago, though. There's also a fun game on PS1 called Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu which uses Studio Ghibli animation, but a show was never made.
I find it odd that you've never heard of Mushishi, it's one of the go-to shows when describing anime that defy media stereotypes. It's one of my favorites, and the reason why is kind of complicated. I'll say this about it: It portrays the bittersweetness of life like an atmospheric meditation in a 'super-natural' world. It's my favorite kind of story-telling, and there are only a few shows I've seen that pull it off to any personal effect. This is one of them.

Jin Roh is a story of military espionage with allegorical references to Little Red Riding Hood. The allegory is heavy-handed, but the other film aspects are pretty solid in my opinion, from composition to sound design and animation. Many critics of the movie upon release called it bleak and depressing without praising its merits. I get the impression they don't like it because it isn't a feel-good story or because they are particularly biased towards expression in anime as opposed to live-action media. It was a good movie. I ended up enjoying it more than Akira. 

The Flood / Re: What's on your current to-buy wish list?
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:33:33 PM »
Model kit for chemistry
Sleeping bag so I can camp out without it being cold and miserable

The Flood / Re: If members had autobiographies, what would they be named?
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:29:45 PM »
Azu is a Verbatim clone? Since when?

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:28:18 PM »
Casca also gets raped and gives birth to a demon baby...

Casca herself, not the events surrounding her. She's a strong character with her own personality, and isn't just there for eye candy (since, y'know, she wears full body armor and not a string bikini or whatever).

She was also raped to move the plot forward.

Yet still manages to be a strong character nonetheless.

I thought Verbatim would like that virtually all sex is portrayed negatively.

She gives birth to a rape baby, loses her memory, forgets guts and the love she had for him, and then becomes a non character. She's a fucking child afterward.
If Miura wanted fans to view her as a tragic figure fallen from glory he should have emphasized her regularly and with Guts, not pushed into the background and babysat by a less relevant character (Farmesse) for the majority of their adventures. Miura does have scenes of her and Guts, reminding fans that their relationship is still fragmented, but the story events take precedence for too long and their situation loses its immediacy. Casca can (probably) be healed by the fairy queen (smh) anyway.

Her life is ruined for plot. This is not how you respect your female characters.
I think Miura succeeded with eclipse in what he wanted to establish. It provides the reader with a clear sense of Guts' motives for vengeance, and we can empathize with him. I think Miura had enough for Guts to swear vengeance without Casca's rape,
but if you look at Griffith's past actions, it makes sense why he does it. He's a covetous and spiteful character.
Considering Casca's worth to the story after eclipse events, it would make more sense in my mind for Casca to die there, it could establish the same sentiment without having the undertones of violating "another man's woman." 

The Flood / Re: Think for yourselves. Don't be sheep.
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:10:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:07:13 PM »
Casca also gets raped and gives birth to a demon baby...

Casca herself, not the events surrounding her. She's a strong character with her own personality, and isn't just there for eye candy (since, y'know, she wears full body armor and not a string bikini or whatever).

She was also raped to move the plot forward.

Yet still manages to be a strong character nonetheless.

I thought Verbatim would like that virtually all sex is portrayed negatively.

She gives birth to a rape baby, loses her memory, forgets guts and the love she had for him, and then becomes a non character. She's a fucking child afterward.
If Miura wanted fans to view her as a tragic figure fallen from glory he should have emphasized her regularly and with Guts, not pushed into the background and babysat by a less relevant character (Farmesse) for the majority of their adventures. Miura does have scenes of her and Guts, reminding fans that their relationship is still fragmented, but the story events take precedence for too long and their situation loses its immediacy. Casca can (probably) be healed by the fairy queen (smh) anyway.

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 11, 2016, 09:57:38 PM »
You're such a huge fucking weeb.

You post about anime more than anyone else.
Who me, or Ian? I'm pretty sure you're addressing Ian because I'm not here often.
But I also do talk about anime a lot.

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 11, 2016, 09:47:21 PM »
Oh yeah, and "deconstructions" of anime tropes don't work for me.

The only way anime knows how to "deconstruct" its own tropes is by amplifying them to extremity (Kill la Kill, Panty & Stocking, One Punch Man, Me!Me!Me!), which is lazy, uncreative, boring, and almost as obnoxious as the tropes themselves.
They do have a tendency to do that, now that I think about it. Are the quotes around 'deconstruct' implying that they don't deconstruct anime tropes?

In Mob Psycho, the shounen fight tropes are deconstructed primarily using anticlimax and explosive visuals (cue One Punch Man), but unlike One Punch Man rather than only using anticlimax to emphasize the ridiculous power of the protagonist comically and moving to the next gag, Mob Psycho spends more time contextualizing that power's effect on the side characters in the developing narrative.

A lot of anime is about spectacle and not necessarily nuanced substance behind it, relying primarily on the emotional affect of images over the ideas they can produce. The first time I watch an anime, I have difficulty thinking about it in detail, and I am more susceptible to the emotional affect the shows produce. It's only later I can (somewhat) coherently piece together why I like something and whether or not I think the intentions of the creators are cheap. I'm trying to improve my way of appraising media, but I'm still quite slow with it.

What problems do you have with something like Mushishi or Jin Roh? Do you also dislike Ghibli Films?

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 11, 2016, 08:49:23 PM »
Looks like shit, then again it's anime so that is to be expected.
I frankly respect Bones for adapting the show closer to ONE's art-style.

Let's also not forget that the art quality is one aspect of how good a show looks. This show is well animated and expressive, and that looks pretty damn good.

ONE's deconstructions of anime and narrative tropes in Mob Psycho is particularly interesting because it doesn't rely on the predominant anime aesthetic. Additionally, rather than being a collection of disparate parodies and strange encounters as meta-comedic shows tend to do, Mob Psycho is developing a shounen narrative with atypical shounen characters. ONE also did this with One Punch Man, but I think the effect in Mob Psycho is greater because the entire cast is more atypical, not just the protagonist. That's interesting enough for me to continue watching. I also get the impression I'm missing a lot the show throws at me, which in this case is good because I want to go back and dissect it.

If you predominantly watch anime for pleasing art-styles alone, I think that's kind of shallow. Then again, I'm talking about anime fans so that is to be expected.

Part of me wonders if this was all a part of Jim's plan....
His plans consist of one of two things:
1.) Music
2.) Masturbation
There is nothing else.

The Flood / Re: Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 11, 2016, 08:01:48 PM »

No we can't.
oh. I'm sure you've had to explain this plenty, but why do you dislike anime?

The Flood / Can We Talk About the Best Anime of This Season?
« on: September 11, 2016, 07:55:54 PM »

And why it's Mob Psycho 100?

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