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Messages - CyberGama

Pages: 1 ... 575859 6061 ... 163
The Flood / Re: Traegerposting Upvote Spree!
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:24:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: Traegerposting Upvote Spree!
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:22:40 PM »
I'll give you the shitposting award.

The Flood / Re: You guys don't know how to run a forum
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:20:57 PM »
Be a man, these types of shit happen, but i don't go around complaining like a baby, i only complain if i get rip off by someone, hell anything except for what your doing.

The Flood / Re: And now for an inspirational quote.
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:19:11 PM »
OP quit shitposting your fucking body.

The Flood / Re: Mr. P is literally making me depressed.
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:15:36 PM »
But seriously.

The Flood / Re: Mr. P is literally making me depressed.
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:14:51 PM »

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:13:14 PM »



*Bolter Shoot*

MFW you couldn't possibly dodge that, since they spent their entire lives being the best marksman
MFW Vignette Assasins would wait for days for the best time to kill
MFW they would find the best spots to kill you or to hide
MFW what their wearing camoflauges them
MFW they could easily escape any situation

Alright, i'm making a poll, Eldar Ranger vs Vignette Assassins.
That's unfair Vignette Assassins are people who assassinate high ranking ppl, their not really one who would meet their opponent on the battlefield unlike the Eldar Rangers who face their enemy >:Y

Which is why an Eldar Ranger would have no problem dodging a bullet from a vignette assassin, case close.
Well, let's hear Psy's opinion he is prob #1 on this v.v

Alright, i'll hear psys opinion on this.

Gaming / Re: Eldar Ranger vs. Vignette Assassins.
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:12:17 PM »
>MFW an Eldar has more experience in combat then the Vignette Assassin
>MFW an Eldar has more field in battle then a Vignette Assassin
>MFW people think that an Vignette Assassin would win against an Eldar Ranger

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:10:46 PM »



*Bolter Shoot*

MFW you couldn't possibly dodge that, since they spent their entire lives being the best marksman
MFW Vignette Assasins would wait for days for the best time to kill
MFW they would find the best spots to kill you or to hide
MFW what their wearing camoflauges them
MFW they could easily escape any situation

Alright, i'm making a poll, Eldar Ranger vs Vignette Assassins.
That's unfair Vignette Assassins are people who assassinate high ranking ppl, their not really one who would meet their opponent on the battlefield unlike the Eldar Rangers who face their enemy >:Y

Which is why an Eldar Ranger would have no problem dodging a bullet from a vignette assassin, case close.

Gaming / Eldar Ranger vs. Vignette Assassins.
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:07:35 PM »

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:05:59 PM »



*Bolter Shoot*

MFW you couldn't possibly dodge that, since they spent their entire lives being the best marksman
MFW Vignette Assasins would wait for days for the best time to kill
MFW they would find the best spots to kill you or to hide
MFW what their wearing camoflauges them
MFW they could easily escape any situation

Alright, i'm making a poll, Eldar Ranger vs Vignette Assassins.

The Flood / Re: Literally.
« on: February 07, 2015, 07:59:48 PM »

The Flood / Re: Do you like me?
« on: February 07, 2015, 07:57:39 PM »

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 07:51:16 PM »
Recorded Voice Report:
' They .. they are everwhere. On the North, West and other directions .. There is no way to escape. By the Emperor - I'm thinking about retreat... But.. but there's no hope. All our 212th Cadian Division has been destroyed, when we had attack the first line of the Necrons forces. Althought they are moving slowly - they'll get us. Without mercy, without any feeling - they'll kill any soldier, tank, bunker and officer. They won't stop. They won't stop until we'll all lie in our blood. It's a question of time ... of time... Err.. what? By the Emperor... it's one of those MONO... ' ________ - end of transmission -

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 07:46:49 PM »

The Flood / Re: I've just had a minor revelation...
« on: February 07, 2015, 05:47:57 PM »
I take it that your not a fan of Pokemon.

The Flood / Re: Favourite pornstar?
« on: February 07, 2015, 04:45:12 PM »
Jada Stevens

Gaming / Re: Let's play Warframe X1
« on: February 07, 2015, 04:44:46 PM »
I run out of gold, wish i could help ya.

The Flood / Re: >Not Legendary
« on: February 07, 2015, 04:28:16 PM »
All the heroic homies, you get an upvote by me <3

The Flood / Re: >Not Legendary
« on: February 07, 2015, 04:26:49 PM »
I know the feeling. I just got Heroic, but I'm about 1300 posts shy of hopefully getting Legendary...

I just want my own damn nameplate. I created one on my very first day here.

Were being ignored </3

The Flood / Re: >Not Legendary
« on: February 07, 2015, 04:25:03 PM »

The Flood / Re: >Not Legendary
« on: February 07, 2015, 04:24:37 PM »
:(. Same

Were being ignored, this is madness </3

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 04:20:04 PM »

Greetings gue'la. Have you heard of the Greater Good?

The Greater Shit? Yeah i did, your kind will die in the name of the emperor.

Remember Mu'gulath Bay?

The Third Expansion was a success, more and more gue'la opt to become gue'vesa by the day. Gue'vesa are freed from the shackles of a corrput and broken Imperium while still being able worship their God Emperor.

Because your precious "greater good" cause nothing but more trouble, you taus wanted everyone in the galaxy to join your "greater good", and if we don't join your "greater good" your response is "kill who doesn't join the greater good" who's the more corrupted one here?

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 04:06:18 PM »

Greetings gue'la. Have you heard of the Greater Good?

The Greater Shit? Yeah i did, your kind will die in the name of the emperor.

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 04:01:34 PM »

>mfw best faction isn't in this thread


"FUCK YOU" - Angry Marine

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 03:32:47 PM »

Either way, there is only one correct answer to this.

Imperial Guard >>> Everything.

Let's just look at these regiments briefly.

Death Korps of Krieg - Innumerable legions of soldiers born to die in the service of the emperor, simply to atone for the heresies of their forefathers and to embody the honourable actions of Colonel Jurten. Who rather than letting the planet fall to chaos, unleashed the entire arsenal of WMDs on everything and nuked the planet back to the stone age. Then proceeded to reclaim the devastated world one inch at a time. It took them 500 years, but now they have the most stone cold murderous bastards in the galaxy being churned out to die for the Emperor.

Catachan Devils - They live on a planet where even the flowers will murder and rape your family for amusement. Give them some shotguns and grenades and they'll have killed the enemy before you finish breakfast.

Mothafuckin Cadians - A planet populated by a race of men who have adamantium bollocks and titanium souls. Spits in the eye of terror and pisses on failbaddon's armless corpse everytime he resurrects.

I can't hold it back anymore, i actually like the imperium of guard more then the space marines, i mean there just normal people and there willing to die wither there brothers and sisters, and they even have the balls to go out and face the horror of 40k, Space Marines are kind of heroes but not, impressive soldiers i'll give it that but the true heroes of the imperial of men goes to the imperial of guards.

Exactly, Space Marines are the poster boys but it's the Imperial Guard holding the Imperium together now. I remember someone going over the statistics of what it would take for the IG to surpass the Astartes with Bullgryns lol.

Which was actually quite interesting, it was a bit like the Spartan 3/4 concept. Mass producible albeit somewhat inferior super soldiers.

What it came down to was that if they converted more worlds into scholam progenitorum facilities and ramped up the ogryn eugenics/breeding programs whilst getting the Mechanicus/Forge Worlds to focus on producing specific materials then they'd have enough Storm Troopers/Bullgryns to launch a second great crusade to reclaim the galaxy >_>

Actually the biggest poster boy out of all the Space Marines are the Ultramarines, you even see them on cover, trailers (except for DOW), and considering there Matt Wards favorite, out of all the Space Marines i like i can't seem to like the ultramarines, there just not impressive like the other Space Marines.

Huh, thats actually interesting.

Even if they did, wouldn't they still have problems with the Necrons, the Space Marines who fought the necrons run like there imperial guards.
Indeed, I was referring to in-universe poster boys lol.
Ultrasmurfs are such a bland bunch, the only remotely redeeming things about them are the McNeill books and Titus/the old guy.

Titus is such a badass, he's the only Space Marine in the ultramarines i like, same with McNeills books, i wish Matt Ward would stop jerking off for the Ultramarines, i mean just look at the Ultramarine movie, very bad.

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 03:22:59 PM »


This is full of heresy.

It might be heresy, but it sure does stir the blood ;o;

Ah yes, the beautiful gore of blood spilling ;______;
It is glorious ;x;
But uhh, the Emperor Protects, Ave Deus Mechanicus and all that.
The seed has been planted.

Hehe, other way round infact <.<
I used to be a die-hard khornate, but then I converted to the light of the Emperor >_>

The emperor approves your comment.

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 03:16:44 PM »

Either way, there is only one correct answer to this.

Imperial Guard >>> Everything.

Let's just look at these regiments briefly.

Death Korps of Krieg - Innumerable legions of soldiers born to die in the service of the emperor, simply to atone for the heresies of their forefathers and to embody the honourable actions of Colonel Jurten. Who rather than letting the planet fall to chaos, unleashed the entire arsenal of WMDs on everything and nuked the planet back to the stone age. Then proceeded to reclaim the devastated world one inch at a time. It took them 500 years, but now they have the most stone cold murderous bastards in the galaxy being churned out to die for the Emperor.

Catachan Devils - They live on a planet where even the flowers will murder and rape your family for amusement. Give them some shotguns and grenades and they'll have killed the enemy before you finish breakfast.

Mothafuckin Cadians - A planet populated by a race of men who have adamantium bollocks and titanium souls. Spits in the eye of terror and pisses on failbaddon's armless corpse everytime he resurrects.

I can't hold it back anymore, i actually like the imperium of guard more then the space marines, i mean there just normal people and there willing to die wither there brothers and sisters, and they even have the balls to go out and face the horror of 40k, Space Marines are kind of heroes but not, impressive soldiers i'll give it that but the true heroes of the imperial of men goes to the imperial of guards.

Exactly, Space Marines are the poster boys but it's the Imperial Guard holding the Imperium together now. I remember someone going over the statistics of what it would take for the IG to surpass the Astartes with Bullgryns lol.

Which was actually quite interesting, it was a bit like the Spartan 3/4 concept. Mass producible albeit somewhat inferior super soldiers.

What it came down to was that if they converted more worlds into scholam progenitorum facilities and ramped up the ogryn eugenics/breeding programs whilst getting the Mechanicus/Forge Worlds to focus on producing specific materials then they'd have enough Storm Troopers/Bullgryns to launch a second great crusade to reclaim the galaxy >_>

Actually the biggest poster boy out of all the Space Marines are the Ultramarines, you even see them on cover, trailers (except for DOW), and considering there Matt Wards favorite, out of all the Space Marines i like i can't seem to like the ultramarines, there just not impressive like the other Space Marines.

Huh, thats actually interesting.

Even if they did, wouldn't they still have problems with the Necrons, the Space Marines who fought the necrons run like there imperial guards.

The Flood / Re: >Not Legendary
« on: February 07, 2015, 03:04:48 PM »

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 03:01:45 PM »


This is full of heresy.

It might be heresy, but it sure does stir the blood ;o;

Ah yes, the beautiful gore of blood spilling ;______;
It is glorious ;x;
But uhh, the Emperor Protects, Ave Deus Mechanicus and all that.

Yes yes hail to the emperor, glory to the emperor etc etc.

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