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Messages - CyberGama

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The Flood / Re: Interesting thing i learned about lord of the flies
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:34:43 PM »
The OP is sorta a shambles. I've got ideas for a 40k movie though. At least an MA rating, hopefully R rated. There are enough adult fans to make bank.

You do? I'm interested to hear your ideas of a 40k movie.
Like Hellraiser meets Star Wars stylistically, I guess. I mostly have scenes in mind at this stage and not too much plot. It might have a quick spoken intro to set the scene and some lore for newcomers and then the opening would be looking down from the bridge of an Imperial Cruiser at a planet undergoing rebellion. There are bloody battles happening below. They suddenly sight an incoming Dark Eldar raiding fleet diving towards the current conflict. Panic. Shit hits the fan.

Viewpoint swings out of the bridge and onto the black of space.  A massive, Warhammer 40 000 logo drifts at the screen and past us. Then these three songs (which together form one piece of music, and are put together here to form one piece) start to play. Viewpoint swings back to the planet and quickly takes us down to the battlefield. A dark polluted sky lit with flashes of lightening. Rebels and Guardsman butcher each other in trenches and stretches of churned muddy battleground. Dark Eldar show up after 30 seconds or so. Butchery intensifies intensely, while captives are plucked screaming or are shredded where they struggle. Dark Eldar depart an exhausted and slaughtered battlefield approximately 4 minutes after arriving. The whole opening sequence will take five minutes from when the music starts.

It's just scenes like that that I mostly have stored in my head. The plot is something to do with a war orphan, his adoptive inquisitor master, and a greater demon of Tzeentch, ect ect.

That sounds like an interesting movie, i would probably watch it.

The Flood / Re: How would you jimmy your rustles?
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:27:23 PM »
like holy fuck edison invented electricity for a fucking reason how about you use it to fucking microwave your tea instead of using some gay ass gass fuckign stove like fuck you you fucking piece of shit luddite hang yourself from the oak tree

What does this have to do with jimmying your rustles?

The Flood / Re: How would you jimmy your rustles?
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:26:36 PM »
I don't get a jimmy even is.
And how it is all connected to an image of a gorilla, I will never know.

You must jimmy your rustles to understand.

The Flood / Re: what the fuck is wrong with fucking british people
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:25:56 PM »
The British people are not the ones to worry about, its the rain.

The Flood / Re: How would you jimmy your rustles?
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:23:21 PM »

Well thats one way to jimmy your rustles, lol.

The Flood / Re: I'm never buying from Pizza Hut again
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:21:04 PM »
just use a fucking microwave holy fuck

>Thinks it takes a microwave to make a pizza.

The Flood / Re: I'm never buying from Pizza Hut again
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:19:44 PM »
Git rekt m8.

The Flood / How would you jimmy your rustles?
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:18:22 PM »
Just curious, we all have jimmys to rustle but how would you handle it in your way?

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:09:10 PM »
I will never understand why the kreig leaders or any kreig army rides horses, still badass though.

Well ya see, Krieg death riders aren't just clipclopping around on ponies.

Krieg horses are the nastiest, most aggressive, dangerous and stronk breed of horse imaginable. Pumped full of chemicals to boost strength, aggression and to numb pain these buggers will rampage through any infantry formation. They don't even need a rider to be deadly as fuck lol.

Plus, it's badass. Lol

lol, dam, i thought that those were normal horses, thats awesome, now i really need one XD.


The Flood / Re: Is it wrong to give your dog a BJ?
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:03:00 PM »
Nah, thats totally normal for a dog to do a BJ.

The Flood / Re: You groove you lose
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:59:58 PM »


The Flood / Re: Interesting thing i learned about lord of the flies
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:58:05 PM »
The OP is sorta a shambles. I've got ideas for a 40k movie though. At least an MA rating, hopefully R rated. There are enough adult fans to make bank.

You do? I'm interested to hear your ideas of a 40k movie.

The Flood / Re: Interesting thing i learned about lord of the flies
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:55:14 PM »
Reading the book was actually really creepy.
It's been a while but it was quite the read.

It was, a bunch of English kids stranded on a island and only there to survive. It was really sad book and like you said creepy, it was worth the read for me as well, also R.I.P Piggy.

Gaming / Re: The one game series that needs to make a comeback
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:53:41 PM »
YES, my god how i missed that game so much, they need to reboot this game, because lets face it. No one remembers TimeSplitters and barley anyone remembers this game, i just hope that if they reboot it they do it the right way.

The Flood / Re: Interesting thing i learned about lord of the flies
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:51:18 PM »
So no one really cares?


The Flood / Interesting thing i learned about lord of the flies
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:47:10 PM »

So when i was reading the book and watching the movie, i always thought that it was going to be one of those survival type cliche shit (thats what i thought, until now). Yes i know i know the movie and book is not shit, and i really like the FIRST one and the book. But there was something that got my attention. When simon was at the pigs head, i never thought that it would be a spiritual thing. I always thought that it was just one of those moments of a ghost, but this one put up a spiritual thing and actually had a brain and told simon of what happened. It made me curious if the animals are actually smarter and knows better then people. I never really thought that animals are smart. But hey, you learn something new everyday. Also the second Lord of the Flies movie sucked balls. I don't know why they had to go overboard with the gore. It saddens me that a lot of modern movies are farting out remakes and book movies to get cash. Thats just plain ass stupid, at least there were some decent ones and one that are actually great that don't fart out cash. Still this is just plain stupid and it needs to stop, starting with Hollywood. They need to leave or get a brain and thats it. Producers and directors also needs to get a brain or get out. Also if they ever make an actual 40k movie and not like that Ultrasmurfs movie, then i'll watch it because Ultramarines suck balls, and the movie sucked balls.

The Flood / Re: Eye thread
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:34:41 PM »

The Flood / Re: Introudcing your new Pastor,
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:32:34 PM »
What kind of heathen religion is this?

Satanism religion

The Flood / Re: How many of you play music at times other than
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:31:38 PM »


*Friend Hangout

*In bed



and thats it.

Gaming / Re: Kill me.
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:28:33 PM »
To much furies for you?

The Flood / Re: let's all pay our respects to arky again
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:26:36 PM »
R.I.P :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

The Flood / Re: Introudcing your new Pastor,
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:23:27 PM »
>Nicolas Cage

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:19:05 PM »
I will never understand why the kreig leaders or any kreig army rides horses, still badass though.

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 09:27:41 PM »

Eldar women are totes adorable.

They are sexy as hell, that i will not lie.

« on: February 07, 2015, 09:01:08 PM »


Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:54:49 PM »



*Bolter Shoot*

MFW you couldn't possibly dodge that, since they spent their entire lives being the best marksman
MFW Vignette Assasins would wait for days for the best time to kill
MFW they would find the best spots to kill you or to hide
MFW what their wearing camoflauges them
MFW they could easily escape any situation

Alright, i'm making a poll, Eldar Ranger vs Vignette Assassins.
That's unfair Vignette Assassins are people who assassinate high ranking ppl, their not really one who would meet their opponent on the battlefield unlike the Eldar Rangers who face their enemy >:Y

Which is why an Eldar Ranger would have no problem dodging a bullet from a vignette assassin, case close.
Vindicare Assassins(Why are we calling them Vignette?) specialize really specifically in assassination through being elite snipers, stalking and killing a target with extreme care and precision at long range. They have dealt with Eldar before, and have not run into any serious problems.

In one celebrated (but carefully concealed) engagement, a massed Eldar assault in the Lammas Campaign was halted by a lone Vindicator Assassin hiding in a ruined tower. The Eldar advance in the face of this tower was stalled again and again by a hail of deadly sniper fire which slew Exarchs, Warlocks, and Support Weapons crews in quick succession. Eventually, the Eldar called in their scouts to clear the tower, but when they entered it they found it empty.

Rangers are outcasts that leave their Craftworld looking for adventure. Despite being great at stealth, like most sneaky Eldar, one's ability varies greatly among them as they don't have any real formal training as they're just bands of rogues. Unlike the highly trained Vindicate Assassin's, they are not as disciplined and dedicated to their craft. Plenty end up just quitting and going back to their craftworlds when they get tired of adventure. While there are those Rangers that continue to their whole lives, I see no reason why they would best a Vindicare, let alone manage to dodge a shot from one.

Vindicare Assassins(Why are we calling them Vignette?) specialize really specifically in assassination through being elite snipers, stalking and killing a target with extreme care and precision at long range. They have dealt with Eldar before, and have not run into any serious problems.

Ok i see your point, however i would like to say that while they are impressive warriors who had dealt with Eldar, Orks, however they are some types of enemies that can counter them or even have the assassins have trouble killing like necrons for example, i could be wrong but thats just me.
Of course, just about everything in the WH40k universe has had some enemy that just stopped it and made it screw up or was especially tricky to finish off. I'm sure I could dig around and find a couple moments when a Vindicare messed up royally and got creamed.

However, the point remains. There is no clear indication that an Eldar Ranger would have any real advantage to a Vindicare. Vindicare are also quite consistent in skill and training, Rangers are not.

Also the Vindicare look more badass then a Eldar ranger.

That's not true.


Stealth suit > Cloth
Maybe it's just that I have a bias against anything skin-tight and full black.

Hey, if you like the looks of the Eldar Ranger better then a Vindicare Assassin look thats fine.

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:51:47 PM »



*Bolter Shoot*

MFW you couldn't possibly dodge that, since they spent their entire lives being the best marksman
MFW Vignette Assasins would wait for days for the best time to kill
MFW they would find the best spots to kill you or to hide
MFW what their wearing camoflauges them
MFW they could easily escape any situation

Alright, i'm making a poll, Eldar Ranger vs Vignette Assassins.
That's unfair Vignette Assassins are people who assassinate high ranking ppl, their not really one who would meet their opponent on the battlefield unlike the Eldar Rangers who face their enemy >:Y

Which is why an Eldar Ranger would have no problem dodging a bullet from a vignette assassin, case close.
Vindicare Assassins(Why are we calling them Vignette?) specialize really specifically in assassination through being elite snipers, stalking and killing a target with extreme care and precision at long range. They have dealt with Eldar before, and have not run into any serious problems.

In one celebrated (but carefully concealed) engagement, a massed Eldar assault in the Lammas Campaign was halted by a lone Vindicator Assassin hiding in a ruined tower. The Eldar advance in the face of this tower was stalled again and again by a hail of deadly sniper fire which slew Exarchs, Warlocks, and Support Weapons crews in quick succession. Eventually, the Eldar called in their scouts to clear the tower, but when they entered it they found it empty.

Rangers are outcasts that leave their Craftworld looking for adventure. Despite being great at stealth, like most sneaky Eldar, one's ability varies greatly among them as they don't have any real formal training as they're just bands of rogues. Unlike the highly trained Vindicate Assassin's, they are not as disciplined and dedicated to their craft. Plenty end up just quitting and going back to their craftworlds when they get tired of adventure. While there are those Rangers that continue to their whole lives, I see no reason why they would best a Vindicare, let alone manage to dodge a shot from one.

Vindicare Assassins(Why are we calling them Vignette?) specialize really specifically in assassination through being elite snipers, stalking and killing a target with extreme care and precision at long range. They have dealt with Eldar before, and have not run into any serious problems.

Ok i see your point, however i would like to say that while they are impressive warriors who had dealt with Eldar, Orks, however they are some types of enemies that can counter them or even have the assassins have trouble killing like necrons for example, i could be wrong but thats just me.
Of course, just about everything in the WH40k universe has had some enemy that just stopped it and made it screw up or was especially tricky to finish off. I'm sure I could dig around and find a couple moments when a Vindicare messed up royally and got creamed.

However, the point remains. There is no clear indication that an Eldar Ranger would have any real advantage to a Vindicare. Vindicare are also quite consistent in skill and training, Rangers are not.

Also the Vindicare look more badass then a Eldar ranger.

That's not true.


Stealth suit > Cloth

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:47:06 PM »



*Bolter Shoot*

MFW you couldn't possibly dodge that, since they spent their entire lives being the best marksman
MFW Vignette Assasins would wait for days for the best time to kill
MFW they would find the best spots to kill you or to hide
MFW what their wearing camoflauges them
MFW they could easily escape any situation

Alright, i'm making a poll, Eldar Ranger vs Vignette Assassins.
That's unfair Vignette Assassins are people who assassinate high ranking ppl, their not really one who would meet their opponent on the battlefield unlike the Eldar Rangers who face their enemy >:Y

Which is why an Eldar Ranger would have no problem dodging a bullet from a vignette assassin, case close.
Vindicare Assassins(Why are we calling them Vignette?) specialize really specifically in assassination through being elite snipers, stalking and killing a target with extreme care and precision at long range. They have dealt with Eldar before, and have not run into any serious problems.

In one celebrated (but carefully concealed) engagement, a massed Eldar assault in the Lammas Campaign was halted by a lone Vindicator Assassin hiding in a ruined tower. The Eldar advance in the face of this tower was stalled again and again by a hail of deadly sniper fire which slew Exarchs, Warlocks, and Support Weapons crews in quick succession. Eventually, the Eldar called in their scouts to clear the tower, but when they entered it they found it empty.

Rangers are outcasts that leave their Craftworld looking for adventure. Despite being great at stealth, like most sneaky Eldar, one's ability varies greatly among them as they don't have any real formal training as they're just bands of rogues. Unlike the highly trained Vindicate Assassin's, they are not as disciplined and dedicated to their craft. Plenty end up just quitting and going back to their craftworlds when they get tired of adventure. While there are those Rangers that continue to their whole lives, I see no reason why they would best a Vindicare, let alone manage to dodge a shot from one.

Vindicare Assassins(Why are we calling them Vignette?) specialize really specifically in assassination through being elite snipers, stalking and killing a target with extreme care and precision at long range. They have dealt with Eldar before, and have not run into any serious problems.

Ok i see your point, however i would like to say that while they are impressive warriors who had dealt with Eldar, Orks, however they are some types of enemies that can counter them or even have the assassins have trouble killing like necrons for example, i could be wrong but thats just me.
Of course, just about everything in the WH40k universe has had some enemy that just stopped it and made it screw up or was especially tricky to finish off. I'm sure I could dig around and find a couple moments when a Vindicare messed up royally and got creamed.

However, the point remains. There is no clear indication that an Eldar Ranger would have any real advantage to a Vindicare. Vindicare are also quite consistent in skill and training, Rangers are not.

Also the Vindicare look more badass then a Eldar ranger.

Gaming / Re: Blood angels > everything in the 40k universe
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:33:00 PM »



*Bolter Shoot*

MFW you couldn't possibly dodge that, since they spent their entire lives being the best marksman
MFW Vignette Assasins would wait for days for the best time to kill
MFW they would find the best spots to kill you or to hide
MFW what their wearing camoflauges them
MFW they could easily escape any situation

Alright, i'm making a poll, Eldar Ranger vs Vignette Assassins.
That's unfair Vignette Assassins are people who assassinate high ranking ppl, their not really one who would meet their opponent on the battlefield unlike the Eldar Rangers who face their enemy >:Y

Which is why an Eldar Ranger would have no problem dodging a bullet from a vignette assassin, case close.
Vindicare Assassins(Why are we calling them Vignette?) specialize really specifically in assassination through being elite snipers, stalking and killing a target with extreme care and precision at long range. They have dealt with Eldar before, and have not run into any serious problems.

In one celebrated (but carefully concealed) engagement, a massed Eldar assault in the Lammas Campaign was halted by a lone Vindicator Assassin hiding in a ruined tower. The Eldar advance in the face of this tower was stalled again and again by a hail of deadly sniper fire which slew Exarchs, Warlocks, and Support Weapons crews in quick succession. Eventually, the Eldar called in their scouts to clear the tower, but when they entered it they found it empty.

Rangers are outcasts that leave their Craftworld looking for adventure. Despite being great at stealth, like most sneaky Eldar, one's ability varies greatly among them as they don't have any real formal training as they're just bands of rogues. Unlike the highly trained Vindicate Assassin's, they are not as disciplined and dedicated to their craft. Plenty end up just quitting and going back to their craftworlds when they get tired of adventure. While there are those Rangers that continue to their whole lives, I see no reason why they would best a Vindicare, let alone manage to dodge a shot from one.

Vindicare Assassins(Why are we calling them Vignette?) specialize really specifically in assassination through being elite snipers, stalking and killing a target with extreme care and precision at long range. They have dealt with Eldar before, and have not run into any serious problems.

Ok i see your point, however i would like to say that while they are impressive warriors who had dealt with Eldar, Orks, however they are some types of enemies that can counter them or even have the assassins have trouble killing like necrons for example, i could be wrong but thats just me.

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