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Messages - CyberGama

Pages: 1 ... 414243 4445 ... 163
« on: March 30, 2015, 10:39:33 PM »
have they fixed the dialogue fuck ups yet specifically the main quest ones.
what console?

No they haven't. And the console it's on is Xbox One.
there goes my final playthrough.

Lol, wait a moment, look at my comment again, edited can be so slow. the only fuck up dialogue is Dorians, but the rest is fixed.
thats fucked up, though. especially since my final playthrough would be all the sidequests and shit.

Oh yeah, i know how that felt when i first played it. I felt almost betrayed, glad it's fixed though.

« on: March 30, 2015, 10:38:51 PM »
>doing that homosapiens quest

Lol, i know he's gay. He's just the only guy i didn't get the quest done.

« on: March 30, 2015, 07:18:42 PM »
have they fixed the dialogue fuck ups yet specifically the main quest ones.
what console?

No they haven't. And the console it's on is Xbox One.
there goes my final playthrough.

Lol, wait a moment, look at my comment again, edited can be so slow. the only fuck up dialogue is Dorians, but the rest is fixed.

« on: March 30, 2015, 07:17:19 PM »
have they fixed the dialogue fuck ups yet specifically the main quest ones.
what console?

I think it's already fixed. And the console it's on is Xbox One.

« on: March 30, 2015, 07:10:26 PM »
Why the fuck is Dorians Quest in DA: Inquisitions so dam buggy, wtf Bioware? I can't even get his quest, Double WTF BIOWARE?!?!

Gaming / Re: New Dragon Age Inquisition DLC coming tomorrow!
« on: March 24, 2015, 05:56:36 PM »
trailer for anyone who cares
looks great btw

Looks sexy as hell.

Gaming / Re: New Dragon Age Inquisition DLC coming tomorrow!
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:07:10 PM »
have they not said what it's about?

They haven't said anything about it, but i can assume it has something to do with the ending.

Gaming / Re: New Dragon Age Inquisition DLC coming tomorrow!
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:59:45 PM »
When does it come to my piss4?

No confirm date on PS4
but gama I need it :(

I know that feel.

Oh well, i got it for Xbox One anyways so it's not going to bother me, still, those feels.

Gaming / Re: New Dragon Age Inquisition DLC coming tomorrow!
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:57:45 PM »
When does it come to my piss4?

No confirm date on PS4

Gaming / Re: Your Favorite Diablo Class?
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:55:43 PM »
I've really only played Barbarian and the first few missions of D3 with a Demon Hunter.
Demon Hunter was OP.

Yeah Demon Hunter Was OP indeed, but i like him anyways ;)

Gaming / New Dragon Age Inquisition DLC coming tomorrow!
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:53:10 PM »


Gaming / Re: Just bought destiny
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:44:07 PM »
It's a shit game and you wasted your money.

If you didn't like Halo 4's MP, then you'll absolutely hste Destiny's.
There's no story.
It's just grinding over and over again.
You don't even have the full game and you need to buy the cut content for the full game.

I'd sell it if I was you.

Except Halo 4's MP was better then Destiny, want proof?
>Rocket Launcher
>Sniper Rifle
>OP Guns
>Going to level 8 and facing level 30 players
>OP armor
>Titan, Warlock, Hunter powers

It made Halo 4's MP look like a masterpiece compared to Destiny.

The Flood / Re: Why is nobody posting?
« on: March 21, 2015, 06:41:13 PM »
I'm a reble, deal with it.

Gaming / Re: So I started watching this on a whim
« on: March 21, 2015, 06:40:13 PM »
It's a pretty "meh" series, i don't know why it's popular.

The Flood / Re: We don't need any mods.
« on: March 21, 2015, 06:39:06 PM »
They just get in the damn way. I say everyone that's a mod should get a demotion.






Ban Deci

You can't inb4

Deci shut the fuck up

Shut the fuck up deci

Gaming / Your Favorite Diablo Class?
« on: March 21, 2015, 06:34:58 PM »
So what's you're favorite class in Diablo.

1. Demon Hunter
2. Barbarian
3. Assassin
4. Monk
5. Bard

But out of all the five, my top one has to be the demon hunter.

Sorry this was late, i was in a middle of being busy. Ok i could understand of believing everything, it's impossible to believe it without seeing it. However, what i really meant was the meaning behind of how the earth was made, and no it's not evolution, because where would all that energy come from. where did that big bang came from? how did cells enter the earth? are you saying that plants created animals? I'm glad i'm not an atheist because all of that sounds bullshit and it doesn't add up, plus its a theory, let me repeat, THEROY, it's not real, it's a theory, the big bang is a theory. That's why it's called the BIG BANG THEROY, it's possible that the theory might come true, but still, it's just a theory. i can give you this one video or picture that is a shape of an ark (Noah's Ark) believe me, this is real, i can show you this with no photoshop, also giants are real, so there goes you're stupid evolution theory.
Jesus Christ help me, I am not qualified for this shit at 1am and with someone that clearly has no clue what they're talking about.

Just research what the hell Scientific Theory means in Google, and stop buying into conspiracy theory bullshit. I need to sleep. I might reply better later on, but believe me you've got some seriously poor education given to you. Are you in High School, or Middle School?

High School, and forgive me if i was being an asshole, i wasn't to sure if you believed in that stuff, it was your comment that made me think that you're not the religious person, so sorry if i was being an asshole.

inb4 lol ur just dumb and delusions

Honestly, sounds like sleep paralysis

I just realized this, sleep paralysis is a different story, you can't move or talk while being paralysis, i was able to speak and move, so sleep paralysis is out and it has nothing to do of what i witness physically.
You only said your body was moving weird. I've had sleep paralysis and my body moved/felt like it was during it too. Why were you moving you body weirdly then if you had control over it and what did you say/what did it say and did you look and see what was there?

I'm sorry but what, i didn't understand what you're saying?
You said you could speak and that it was singing and that you could look around. What did you speak, what did it speak/sing, did it respond to you speaking, and did you look and see what was there?

I was actually speaking normally while i was woke up. I forgot to add this, there were more singings when i heard it in my ear, i'm going to say this in my belief, you don't have to agree with it. Anyways in my belief, and this is taught by my family since i'm a catholic, whenever you hear signings, it's actually coming from heaven, like i said, if you don't believe it that's fine. I never said a word while this happened to me, i had no idea what was going on, all the signing just happened while my body was being weird. Sadly i didn't see what was there, however that doesn't mean that the signing was fake or a hallucination, and i heard more then just one signing. When i was saying "Jesus Christ, help me with my body" all of that weird stuff was gone, like it was nothing, like i said you don't have to believe it.
I know that I don't, I'm trying to understand what's going on here since you weren't very clear at first.

Uh, okay. Do you normally start babbling when you wake up, and do you not move or look around when you get up? Believe me, I've had my share of unexplainable/extremely unlikely events, but this doesn't sound like that to me.

Why didn't you look? Afraid, nervous, feeling like you can't/shouldn't but you kinda want to? That falls under paralysis from personal experience.

But what happened to me was real and i know the real truth behind this world and how it all began.
Okay, pro-tip time so you understand things. You do not know real truth, if you knew it then you would have something to prove it definitively, what you do have is a belief in what is real truth. Stating it as 100% I know is only something that will come off as ignorant and logically flawed. There are people who give their children bleach enemas/forcefeed them bleach b/c they "know" it will be curing their child's autism. Looking at things and not just going with "I know this to be true" is a really good thing as sometimes it can end up with really bad results, not always but it can. Critical thinking is good.

Sorry this was late, i was in a middle of being busy. Ok i could understand of believing everything, it's impossible to believe it without seeing it. However, what i really meant was the meaning behind of how the earth was made, and no it's not evolution, because where would all that energy come from. where did that big bang came from? how did cells enter the earth? are you saying that plants created animals? I'm glad i'm not an atheist because all of that sounds bullshit and it doesn't add up, plus its a theory, let me repeat, THEROY, it's not real, it's a theory, the big bang is a theory. That's why it's called the BIG BANG THEROY, it's possible that the theory might come true, but still, it's just a theory. i can give you this one video or picture that is a shape of an ark (Noah's Ark) believe me, this is real, i can show you this with no photoshop, also giants are real, so there goes you're stupid evolution theory.


So there you go, there's you're so call evolution (if you believe in it), this proves that what the Bible said was real, don't believe me, look up the date, and see if i'm wrong?

If this doesn't convince you, then i don't know what to say.
Am I supposed to believe just anything the media tells me without any pictures, scientific examination, or solid support?

That's the problem, next thing you're going to say is "this is all photoshop, it's the internet stupid" Ok but is the news supposed to be the source of all lies, no. Alright i'll give you this one but you better not say photoshop.

Convincing enough?

Stop sleeping

This never happened to me once, plus it wasn't a sleep paralyze.

inb4 lol ur just dumb and delusions

Honestly, sounds like sleep paralysis

I just realized this, sleep paralysis is a different story, you can't move or talk while being paralysis, i was able to speak and move, so sleep paralysis is out and it has nothing to do of what i witness physically.
You only said your body was moving weird. I've had sleep paralysis and my body moved/felt like it was during it too. Why were you moving you body weirdly then if you had control over it and what did you say/what did it say and did you look and see what was there?

I'm sorry but what, i didn't understand what you're saying?
You said you could speak and that it was singing and that you could look around. What did you speak, what did it speak/sing, did it respond to you speaking, and did you look and see what was there?

I was actually speaking normally while i was woke up. I forgot to add this, there were more singings when i heard it in my ear, i'm going to say this in my belief, you don't have to agree with it. Anyways in my belief, and this is taught by my family since i'm a catholic, whenever you hear signings, it's actually coming from heaven, like i said, if you don't believe it that's fine. I never said a word while this happened to me, i had no idea what was going on, all the signing just happened while my body was being weird. Sadly i didn't see what was there, however that doesn't mean that the signing was fake or a hallucination, and i heard more then just one signing. When i was saying "Jesus Christ, help me with my body" all of that weird stuff was gone, like it was nothing, like i said you don't have to believe it.
I know that I don't, I'm trying to understand what's going on here since you weren't very clear at first.

Uh, okay. Do you normally start babbling when you wake up, and do you not move or look around when you get up? Believe me, I've had my share of unexplainable/extremely unlikely events, but this doesn't sound like that to me.

Why didn't you look? Afraid, nervous, feeling like you can't/shouldn't but you kinda want to? That falls under paralysis from personal experience.

But what happened to me was real and i know the real truth behind this world and how it all began.
Okay, pro-tip time so you understand things. You do not know real truth, if you knew it then you would have something to prove it definitively, what you do have is a belief in what is real truth. Stating it as 100% I know is only something that will come off as ignorant and logically flawed. There are people who give their children bleach enemas/forcefeed them bleach b/c they "know" it will be curing their child's autism. Looking at things and not just going with "I know this to be true" is a really good thing as sometimes it can end up with really bad results, not always but it can. Critical thinking is good.

Sorry this was late, i was in a middle of being busy. Ok i could understand of the whole believing everything thing, it's impossible to believe it without seeing it. However, what i really meant was the meaning behind of how the earth was made, and no it's not evolution, because where would all that energy come from. where did that big bang came from? how did cells enter the earth? are you saying that plants created animals? I'm glad i'm not an atheist because all of that sounds bullshit and it doesn't add up, plus its a theory, let me repeat, THEROY, it's not real, it's a theory, the big bang is a theory. That's why it's called the BIG BANG THEROY, it's possible that the theory might come true, but still, it's just a theory. i can give you this one video or picture that is a shape of an ark (Noah's Ark) believe me, this is real, i can show you this with no photoshop, also giants are real, so there goes you're stupid evolution theory.


So there you go, there's you're so call evolution (if you believe in it), this proves that what the Bible said was real, don't believe me, look up the date, and see if i'm wrong?

If this doesn't convince you, then i don't know what to say.

Gaming / Re: Fellow gourdians!
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:35:43 PM »
I think my mind just killed itself while reading that.

Gaming / Re: Fallout 3 Or New Vegas?
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:34:33 PM »
New Vegas, it's way and a lot better then Fallout 3, sorry but the story of Fallout 3 just makes me want to vomit.

This is definitely off topic, but how exactly do you get a rank up? I want to be Heroic already...

Sorry, i have no idea. If you want to know how, you can go to the septagon thread and ask.

it was putin, whispering to you to go rescue him

Ahhh, good old Putin.

inb4 lol ur just dumb and delusions

Honestly, sounds like sleep paralysis

I just realized this, sleep paralysis is a different story, you can't move or talk while being paralysis, i was able to speak and move, so sleep paralysis is out and it has nothing to do of what i witness physically.
You only said your body was moving weird. I've had sleep paralysis and my body moved/felt like it was during it too. Why were you moving you body weirdly then if you had control over it and what did you say/what did it say and did you look and see what was there?

I'm sorry but what, i didn't understand what you're saying?
You said you could speak and that it was singing and that you could look around. What did you speak, what did it speak/sing, did it respond to you speaking, and did you look and see what was there?

I was actually speaking normally while i was woke up. I forgot to add this, there were more singings when i heard it in my ear, i'm going to say this in my belief, you don't have to agree with it. Anyways in my belief, and this is taught by my family since i'm a catholic, whenever you hear signings, it's actually coming from heaven, like i said, if you don't believe it that's fine. I never said a word while this happened to me, i had no idea what was going on, all the signing just happened while my body was being weird. Sadly i didn't see what was there, however that doesn't mean that the signing was fake or a hallucination, and i heard more then just one signing. When i was saying "Jesus Christ, help me with my body" all of that weird stuff was gone, like it was nothing, like i said you don't have to believe it. But what happened to me was real and i know the real truth behind this world and how it all began.

inb4 lol ur just dumb and delusions

Honestly, sounds like sleep paralysis

I just realized this, sleep paralysis is a different story, you can't move or talk while being paralysis, i was able to speak and move, so sleep paralysis is out and it has nothing to do of what i witness physically.
You only said your body was moving weird. I've had sleep paralysis and my body moved/felt like it was during it too. Why were you moving you body weirdly then if you had control over it and what did you say/what did it say and did you look and see what was there?

I'm sorry but what, i didn't understand what you're saying?

Asking someone not to post just makes them want to post more

Did you not read the title? Or even the post?
there was a title and post body?
This has to be the biggest troll comment i had ever seen.

inb4 lol ur just dumb and delusions

*sigh* read the title idiot, also you're not me so how would you know, it's sad that none of you know the real truth.

Honestly, sounds like sleep paralysis
I'm sorry I cannot edit things at godspeed

K, but how would it be a sleep paralysis, let just say if it is. How would you explain the singing in my ear? simple, something like an entity or from another dimension is there, why i wrote this? because it happened to me, and it was physically real, like i said, you're not me so this would've been nonsense.
I don't think you understand what sleep paralysis is. Your eyes can be open or closed while it's happening and you body is paralyzed as you aren't fully awake and so you are dreaming/hallucinating while still in your body. It's responsible for quite a bit of phenomena that some people think they're visited by angels/demons/aliens/etc.

Sometimes it can be purely audio, it can be touch/audio/visual or any combination of those. I'm not saying that is guaranteed what it was that happened to you, but it by far sounds the most likely.

The problem with paralyze is that you can't move your arms or your whole body, i was able to move my arms, so how can you get a sleep paralyze while still being able to move arms?

Well, the existence of other dimensions and creatures existing in other frequencies of space-time could be possible.

True, but it's all speculation so it's hard to say.

inb4 lol ur just dumb and delusions

Honestly, sounds like sleep paralysis

I just realized this, sleep paralysis is a different story, you can't move or talk while being paralysis, i was able to speak and move, so sleep paralysis is out and it has nothing to do of what i witness physically.

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