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Topics - CyberGama

Pages: 1 ... 8910 1112 ... 15
The Flood / Tu son.
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:47:09 PM »
Tomar perezoso, si.

The Flood / Holy shit Jim
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:03:00 PM »
Do you work for Slash.

The Flood / Dam Slash.
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:40:16 PM »
Trying to merge the canons into one big pile of shit, lol.


The Flood / Regarding Sep7gon being canon...
« on: November 30, 2014, 02:11:14 PM »
Cheat was never part of the story 8)

The Flood / Heroic Users.
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:17:33 PM »
We must defeat the evil Legendary Users and save the world from there evil plan, they will do nothing but trouble if we don't stop them!

The Flood / Star Wars EU isn't canon BUT........
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:36:53 PM »
It still gives background to the universe, that doesn't mean that it doesn't connect to the universe because it does, same with Halo, Noelle you just went from being smart to being incoherent.

The Flood / So about that really really old Clone Wars show.
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:13:45 AM »
Not the 2008 version, I mean the very first clone wars show, tell me that it's still canon, don't say it's not, don't say it, I swear if you say it [emoji35]

Gaming / Let's discuss borderlands thread!
« on: November 29, 2014, 12:11:27 PM »
Thanks Lilith for making us Borderlands 2 for that bitch move you did to jack.

Gaming / Let's discuss tales from the borderlands.
« on: November 27, 2014, 03:09:04 AM »
Can we just all admit that Zer0 is a badass and better character.

Gaming / Reason why Halo Reach is the best.
« on: November 26, 2014, 08:48:03 PM »
+A broken Campaign
+Breaks Cannon (yes i meant it, don't hate)
+Characters are dull and boring (aside from Halsey, Captain Keys, Jorge)
+Terrible Bloom
+Armor Lock
+Downgraded textures

It's a terrible game, i recommend you buy it, 10/10

Serious / Why is the whole protest in Ferguson even a thing.
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:15:44 PM »
It's ridiculous of how these so called "blacks that protest" thinks it's ok to protest someone other black that did terrible shit, it's just idiotic and stupid, don't get me wrong, i can understand a protest in some principles, but something like this in Ferguson is just plain stupid, and i can bet my money that this is going to happen again, think about it, this is the second time this happened, it's not going to be a suppressed that it will happen again, how are we going to deal with this anyways is beyond me, this shit has to stop and the so called protesters need to just move on and forget about the past.

The Flood / Gastby confirmed to be illuminate.
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:29:10 PM »
He has 3 claws each of his hand, a triangle has 3 shapes, wake up people, Gastby is an illuminate.

The Flood / What if turkeys never were around?
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:14:19 PM »
Think about it, when there's not turkeys, that means that we never start a thanksgiving with no turkeys, discuss which food would replace a turkey for thanksgiving.

The Flood / The official MLG™ thread.
« on: November 25, 2014, 05:58:17 PM »
[Hey, i see your trying to look at this comment but can't see it, if you want to see this comment, just pay the membership MLG™ and you will get to enjoy all the MLG and being able to see this comment]

The Flood / MLG post.
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:51:49 PM »
this is only for the MLG pros, post if you're MLG 8)

The Flood / Reason why should never say no to panda cheese.
« on: November 22, 2014, 01:38:09 PM »

Panda is love, Panda is life.

The Flood / Santa needs to lay off his ass on those cookies.
« on: November 20, 2014, 11:22:32 PM »
He's not gonna get laid if he's sitting in his ass all day eating cookies, get a diet ya pig.

The Flood / Quick question.
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:04:26 PM »
It's not christmas, so why are we wearing Christmas hats?

The Flood / Worst Teachers You Have.
« on: November 19, 2014, 06:31:19 PM »
Post your worst teacher you can have, i'll go first.

There was this english teacher i had and GOD DAM IS SHE FUCKING STUPID, she would literally just talk about her feelings and instantly give us a test, like she expects us like were mind readers, i had to hall ass on that class just to get a C+, glad I'm not in her class anymore, boy was she stupid.

The Flood / Oh shit i almost forgot about that special day....
« on: November 18, 2014, 08:28:18 PM »
It's trusday, how can i forget something like this.

The Flood / So a turkey walked into a bar.....
« on: November 17, 2014, 06:22:09 PM »
The people saw the turkey, and made him into KFC.

The Flood / Rocketman287 is illuminate
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:12:43 AM »
Why say this, did you check his username, Rocket has three numbers, triangles have three sides, that could only mean one thing...


The Flood / World Domination.
« on: November 15, 2014, 02:24:16 PM »
I'm building a bigger and badass armies to take over the world, you're welcome to join my army, now, someone help me with the giant moon planet that shoots lasers.

Gaming / Just watched the Halo 2 Anniversary Terminals.
« on: November 15, 2014, 01:45:02 PM »

I just have one complain that i really have a cringe on.


The Flood / Who is the real pegboy here?
« on: November 15, 2014, 09:11:50 AM »
I know one of you fgts are lurking in the shadows, hiding you're true self. One of you is a pegboy, I know it.

Gaming / About Rtas Vadum.
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:47:05 PM »
Is Rtas Vadum going to be in Halo 5? Because leaving out an character and pretending he's not there is idiotic.

Also i forgot, did he lose his marbles because of being overwhelmed by the flood?

Gaming / Fucking lol.
« on: November 14, 2014, 06:03:03 PM »
My sister thinks that Halo 4 is the best game (besides the story) fucking lol.

Nevermind, i don't know what i was thinking please ignore this.

Gaming / My first time playing CE.
« on: November 14, 2014, 12:20:53 PM »
So far I'm liking it, however I'm not a fan of the spray, but other then that its great.

Gaming / Halo 2 Anniversary Cryptic Message.
« on: November 13, 2014, 09:47:00 PM »
Nothing new, its basically the epilogue of the Didact.


The Flood / Call of Freedom: Advanced MLG Warfare
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:37:03 PM »

I can't stop laughing, this really killed my sides.

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