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Messages - Daca

Pages: 1
The Flood / Re: How many of you have been to a strip club?
« on: December 10, 2015, 03:45:40 PM »

The Flood / Re: How many of you have been to a strip club?
« on: December 10, 2015, 03:35:11 PM »
girl x girl
is that an anime

Er, probably,
-Doesn't really watch 'anime'-

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: December 10, 2015, 03:20:47 PM »
Pasty Canadian incoming!
are you meant to be emitting light from your skin?

Didn't you hear?
Canadian's are mythical creatures, born of ice and snow.
Our land is a themepark with plastic moneys, and we emit light like elves. xD

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: December 10, 2015, 03:06:15 PM »
Pasty Canadian incoming!

That feel when halfway through the winter and your summer tan turns into pasty white cracka skin.

Preach it.

But I'm trying to be a wanna-be Elsa.
-melodramatic sigh-

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: December 10, 2015, 02:58:24 PM »
Pasty Canadian incoming!

The Flood / Re: Are there ANY advantages to being short?
« on: December 10, 2015, 02:42:29 PM »
Perfect size for kicking out kneecaps, or excuses for punching under the belt.

The Flood / Re: How many of you have been to a strip club?
« on: December 10, 2015, 02:25:03 PM »
I've been to far too many.
I went to one club and for a 'free show' they brought out a Tim Horton's 'sexy Server' who literally brought mini donuts(Timbits) and gave them out to customers, Canadian Flags, Posters, and those pointless lights you can clip to your shirt, or finger, or whatever. Was an entertaining moment.

Another moment in the same club a stripper came up towards me when we had a group of old highschool pals, one of them a clear dorky virgin. (Had to sit next to me) and she spotted him in no-time at all. Came over, smothered spermicide all over her (milky white kinda lube) and I instantly regretted where I was seated because she slapped her ass which was covered in the stuff, and after that I took off at home and had an instant shower.

Another one, (different club) I walked in dressed up as a cyberpunk, and one of the strippers on show walked up to me and started hitting on me non-stop. It wasn't even for show, she just really liked me, kinda amused me but I'm not really into girl x girl action. Of course just to screw with her, I flirted back.

Another time, I walked in (Same club as ^) with the same attire on just for the heck of it, and another stripper walked right up to me and begged me to preform on stage, I absolutely hate being stared at (center of attention) sort of deal, I don't mind the occasional stare here and there, just not a center of attention, but regardless I refused, and she begged me, even tried to pull off the puppy-dog-eyes getup.

A last time, I went casually dressed, and I know this was for show, as I was literally the only chick there, but a stripper made a bee-line to me, and preformed -only- just for me, all the other patrons got pissed because it was a sort of 'tease' show. I get more attention, they pay more to get her attention etc: We talked and whatnot, she was a fantastic conversationalist.

The Flood / Re: Your go-to liquors?
« on: December 07, 2015, 10:28:34 PM »
Liquor: Baileys, Mudshakes,
Wine: Arbor Mist <3
Cider: Strong Bow
Misc: Viniq (Fun to drink), Coolers, and whatnot.

Not a big drinker, more casual.

Guess I'm the only gemini.

-waves- Hello fellow Gemini!

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:58:31 PM »

Well, nobody makes a fuss in the art thread here. It's usually pretty slow, actually. But when it comes to the main forums it's a different story. Regardless.

Props to you and your pal on the cosplay. Well done.

Thank you!
To be honest, that cosplay only took about 1 month, but I never despised fun fur until then.
Neon pink and coated my entire room/workstation.
Otherwise, I wish I had done more but we plan to edit over it and re-create it with lighter materials considering we did this within a single month.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:42:29 PM »
Little older picture but when I felt like drawing civilian clothes on sangheili.
Concept on helms, and working on figuring out mandible placements.

A word of advice friend. You're either going to get a lot of flak for the notion of drawing or liking furry related content. Or people are gonna tease ya a bit.

Sometimes it's gonna be hard to differentiate between the two. I'd recommend strapping your helmet on and not taking things too seriously around here.

I've figured as much, but I thought since it's an art related thread, I'd like to post; regardless.
After all creativity isn't set to specific boundaries, only thing set is human/poster preference which I cannot change, so all in all.

I respect that people have opinions, but I just like to draw which ever fascinates me.
Be it Dragons, Sangheili, Fursonas, Cosplay or Props.

But thank you for those thoughtful words <3

And additionally.

Me and my SO did a professor Genki Cosplay, I thought this was one of the best next to a fantastic Pyramid Head.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:24:01 PM »
Little older picture but when I felt like drawing civilian clothes on sangheili.
Concept on helms, and working on figuring out mandible placements.

Pages: 1