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Messages - BC

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I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

I live in SoCal, so I can say a few things about the girls. 90% of them are bitchy, boring, or retardedly high maintenance. IDC about how your gf is tbh because we're not talking about her anyway, and you shouldn't be checking out other girls on instagram if you have a gf.

Pfffft, you think she gives a fuck. I sent her a photo to which her reply was "holy shit, what's her insta?"

She shows me girls all the time, we don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I'll show her a attractive ass footballer, doesn't bother me. We both follow her on insta now lmfao

My point was you can't make a judgement on a girl by her looks, or for anyone. The fact you put a percentage proves my point. By your regards 10% of the time your wrong, so 10% your making an unfair judgement. It's stupid. Judge someone's personality when you actually know it, or have a viable way to gauge it, not a picture or series of pictures
I want to shoot myself every time I read your posts


The Flood / Re: I don't suppose anybody's seen Class around recently
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:08:04 AM »
Could be on vacation or busy. Not an unusual amount of time

No, not unusual for sure. But I occasionally talk and listen to folks. I know that Class ain't the cheeriest these days. So when there's an absence I worry.

Fair point, I'm sure he's okay. I didn't take him as the type to harm himself. But at the same time, I hope he is okay

I don't wager that he would. But, not feeling cheery does other things to folks too. Some go quiet. It doesn't help them when they retreat and they're left on their own.

Well, I'm sure we all hope he's okay

The Flood / Re: I don't suppose anybody's seen Class around recently
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:02:34 AM »
Could be on vacation or busy. Not an unusual amount of time

No, not unusual for sure. But I occasionally talk and listen to folks. I know that Class ain't the cheeriest these days. So when there's an absence I worry.

Fair point, I'm sure he's okay. I didn't take him as the type to harm himself. But at the same time, I hope he is okay

The Flood / Re: I don't suppose anybody's seen Class around recently
« on: March 21, 2016, 01:59:18 AM »
Could be on vacation or busy. Not an unusual amount of time

>b-but guise, im humble about muh monysss
>posts pictures of cars and thinks people are jealous when questioning him


>community/members ask for proof
>posts proof
>"this asshole thinks he's better then us!"
>is nice to everyone and jokes along
>"he's such a stuck up prick"

Can never please any of you I guess
man, with all that money you couldve bought yourself an education.

Which is funny because I probably go to a better university then you and got higher scores, but alright.

I guess how someone posts on an Internet forum = actual intelligence
lmao so ebin :^)

shut the fuck up already and make a consistent fucking story already. shit gets annoying when you say youre humble, yet you put stories of "oh hahaha i got a lambo and i totes take care of it unlike the other RICH PEOPLE LOL" or "lmao money isnt everything meme xdDDDDDDDDDDdddddd"

Unless I'm mistaken aren't you and Casper a thing? Cause if that's the case there's nothing I could say to you to even make you believe other wise lmfao.

If I was actually a snobby prick, I would be a snobby prick.

I've even said I felt bad one time I sent a snap about a gift I got my gf, because I felt like it was an asshole thing to do. To which I sent snaps to everyone I sent it to saying sorry if I came across like a prick lmfao.

Sorry you feel the way you feel about me. But literally haven't done a damn thing to anyone

I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

I live in SoCal, so I can say a few things about the girls. 90% of them are bitchy, boring, or retardedly high maintenance. IDC about how your gf is tbh because we're not talking about her anyway, and you shouldn't be checking out other girls on instagram if you have a gf.

Pfffft, you think she gives a fuck. I sent her a photo to which her reply was "holy shit, what's her insta?"

She shows me girls all the time, we don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I'll show her a attractive ass footballer, doesn't bother me. We both follow her on insta now lmfao

My point was you can't make a judgement on a girl by her looks, or for anyone. The fact you put a percentage proves my point. By your regards 10% of the time your wrong, so 10% your making an unfair judgement. It's stupid. Judge someone's personality when you actually know it, or have a viable way to gauge it, not a picture or series of pictures

And I'm sure your gf is as real as your cars.

Someone's salty LOL, it's okay to be wrong sometimes

I'm not salty. Like I told PSU, I'm dating someone

It's just funny how just because she doesn't give a fuck about me looking at women and all these great things you jump to the whole she's not real thing. Not only have I posted a lot of photos, AMA's with photos, and even two photos of us kissing. Let alone my snapchat lmfao.

Some people have it good bro

If driving your fantasy car with your fantasy gf makes you happy, then w/e. But don't try to pretend it's real.

Denying the truth I see, but okay :)

You're the one who posts fake pictures of things you don't have, lol

As well as being sent to all members on my snap, just for you πŸ˜„

You got good photoshop abilities, I'll give you that. But you're trying too hard


Bro do you even know how snapchat works?

I know your messing with me at this point

I do, I have snapchat. But it's easy to take a photo off the internet, photoshop a snapchat text band in there, and claim it's your snap. You're putting too much effort into your fantasy story.

Dude literally ask any of them lmfao, I'll even show you the list of the people I sent it to πŸ˜‚. 2nd of all, no way I could download photo shop and learn to use it in less then like 5 minutes.

You already know how to use photoshop, you've proven that already.

So the pictures of me and my gf were photoshopped too according to you.

I'm baffled lmfao. I bet you no matter what proof I ever posted somebody will find something to doubt. Just like you are now.

It's soooo pointless

Nobody here likes you because of how stupidly materialistic and snobbish you are. Not only do you fake having money, cars, and a gf, but you act like it makes you better than everyone else


I've never said I was better then anyone on this forum, I've even said half of you are probably smarter then me lmfao.

If I was a snobby prick nobody would like me. Yet much to my surprise many people realized all the shit people say regarding me being a snob was literally generated for no reason. I'm nice to everyone, never start shit, and have only legitimately gotten upset once which I apologized for.

When I left the site I even sent pm's to members who hated me saying I was sorry they took me the wrong way, and that it wasn't my intention nor did I really understand how they began to believe I was like that. I sent one to Casper even, and Casper wants me dead lmfao.

That's the funny thing, I've literally never done a single thing to anyone on this site, let alone talk down to everyone.

You guys keep making shit out of nothing.

It literally doesn't make any sense.

>b-but guise, im humble about muh monysss
>posts pictures of cars and thinks people are jealous when questioning him


>community/members ask for proof
>posts proof
>"this asshole thinks he's better then us!"
>is nice to everyone and jokes along
>"he's such a stuck up prick"

Can never please any of you I guess
man, with all that money you couldve bought yourself an education.

Which is funny because I probably go to a better university then you and got higher scores, but alright.

I guess how someone posts on an Internet forum = actual intelligence

I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

I live in SoCal, so I can say a few things about the girls. 90% of them are bitchy, boring, or retardedly high maintenance. IDC about how your gf is tbh because we're not talking about her anyway, and you shouldn't be checking out other girls on instagram if you have a gf.

Pfffft, you think she gives a fuck. I sent her a photo to which her reply was "holy shit, what's her insta?"

She shows me girls all the time, we don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I'll show her a attractive ass footballer, doesn't bother me. We both follow her on insta now lmfao

My point was you can't make a judgement on a girl by her looks, or for anyone. The fact you put a percentage proves my point. By your regards 10% of the time your wrong, so 10% your making an unfair judgement. It's stupid. Judge someone's personality when you actually know it, or have a viable way to gauge it, not a picture or series of pictures

And I'm sure your gf is as real as your cars.

Someone's salty LOL, it's okay to be wrong sometimes

I'm not salty. Like I told PSU, I'm dating someone

It's just funny how just because she doesn't give a fuck about me looking at women and all these great things you jump to the whole she's not real thing. Not only have I posted a lot of photos, AMA's with photos, and even two photos of us kissing. Let alone my snapchat lmfao.

Some people have it good bro

If driving your fantasy car with your fantasy gf makes you happy, then w/e. But don't try to pretend it's real.

Denying the truth I see, but okay :)

You're the one who posts fake pictures of things you don't have, lol

As well as being sent to all members on my snap, just for you πŸ˜„

You got good photoshop abilities, I'll give you that. But you're trying too hard


Bro do you even know how snapchat works?

I know your messing with me at this point

I do, I have snapchat. But it's easy to take a photo off the internet, photoshop a snapchat text band in there, and claim it's your snap. You're putting too much effort into your fantasy story.

Dude literally ask any of them lmfao, I'll even show you the list of the people I sent it to πŸ˜‚. 2nd of all, no way I could download photo shop and learn to use it in less then like 5 minutes.

You already know how to use photoshop, you've proven that already.

So the pictures of me and my gf were photoshopped too according to you.

I'm baffled lmfao. I bet you no matter what proof I ever posted somebody will find something to doubt. Just like you are now.

It's soooo pointless

>b-but guise, im humble about muh monysss
>posts pictures of cars and thinks people are jealous when questioning him


>community/members ask for proof
>posts proof
>"this asshole thinks he's better then us!"
>is nice to everyone and jokes along
>"he's such a stuck up prick"

Can never please any of you I guess

BC legit wakes up everyday and enters into his surrogate body so he can interact with his surrogate possessions, family, and friends.

Get out of the immersion chamber and interact with the world as god intended

Dugbah blessed me with horsepower, and women who jam out to Zelda music.

Praise dug

explain this picture of your true self

But Joseph, that's you. Don't you understand? Dugbah wanted to protect you from the dangers of the world, so he sent you away, shielded you. Your reality, a reality of Dug, is just your safe haven. Have you ever wondered why 42 is the answer to everything? Dug has 4 legs, the 4 legs that guide you, and 2 eyes, the eyes that protect you from the visions of an undug'd world.

Don't wake up!

BC legit wakes up everyday and enters into his surrogate body so he can interact with his surrogate possessions, family, and friends.

Get out of the immersion chamber and interact with the world as god intended

Dugbah blessed me with horsepower, and women who jam out to Zelda music.

Praise dug

I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

I live in SoCal, so I can say a few things about the girls. 90% of them are bitchy, boring, or retardedly high maintenance. IDC about how your gf is tbh because we're not talking about her anyway, and you shouldn't be checking out other girls on instagram if you have a gf.

Pfffft, you think she gives a fuck. I sent her a photo to which her reply was "holy shit, what's her insta?"

She shows me girls all the time, we don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I'll show her a attractive ass footballer, doesn't bother me. We both follow her on insta now lmfao

My point was you can't make a judgement on a girl by her looks, or for anyone. The fact you put a percentage proves my point. By your regards 10% of the time your wrong, so 10% your making an unfair judgement. It's stupid. Judge someone's personality when you actually know it, or have a viable way to gauge it, not a picture or series of pictures

And I'm sure your gf is as real as your cars.

Someone's salty LOL, it's okay to be wrong sometimes

I'm not salty. Like I told PSU, I'm dating someone

It's just funny how just because she doesn't give a fuck about me looking at women and all these great things you jump to the whole she's not real thing. Not only have I posted a lot of photos, AMA's with photos, and even two photos of us kissing. Let alone my snapchat lmfao.

Some people have it good bro

If driving your fantasy car with your fantasy gf makes you happy, then w/e. But don't try to pretend it's real.

Denying the truth I see, but okay :)

You're the one who posts fake pictures of things you don't have, lol

As well as being sent to all members on my snap, just for you πŸ˜„

You got good photoshop abilities, I'll give you that. But you're trying too hard


Bro do you even know how snapchat works?

I know your messing with me at this point

I do, I have snapchat. But it's easy to take a photo off the internet, photoshop a snapchat text band in there, and claim it's your snap. You're putting too much effort into your fantasy story.

Dude literally ask any of them lmfao, I'll even show you the list of the people I sent it to πŸ˜‚. 2nd of all, no way I could download photo shop and learn to use it in less then like 5 minutes.

I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

I live in SoCal, so I can say a few things about the girls. 90% of them are bitchy, boring, or retardedly high maintenance. IDC about how your gf is tbh because we're not talking about her anyway, and you shouldn't be checking out other girls on instagram if you have a gf.

Pfffft, you think she gives a fuck. I sent her a photo to which her reply was "holy shit, what's her insta?"

She shows me girls all the time, we don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I'll show her a attractive ass footballer, doesn't bother me. We both follow her on insta now lmfao

My point was you can't make a judgement on a girl by her looks, or for anyone. The fact you put a percentage proves my point. By your regards 10% of the time your wrong, so 10% your making an unfair judgement. It's stupid. Judge someone's personality when you actually know it, or have a viable way to gauge it, not a picture or series of pictures

And I'm sure your gf is as real as your cars.

Someone's salty LOL, it's okay to be wrong sometimes

I'm not salty. Like I told PSU, I'm dating someone

It's just funny how just because she doesn't give a fuck about me looking at women and all these great things you jump to the whole she's not real thing. Not only have I posted a lot of photos, AMA's with photos, and even two photos of us kissing. Let alone my snapchat lmfao.

Some people have it good bro

If driving your fantasy car with your fantasy gf makes you happy, then w/e. But don't try to pretend it's real.

Denying the truth I see, but okay :)

You're the one who posts fake pictures of things you don't have, lol

As well as being sent to all members on my snap, just for you πŸ˜„

You got good photoshop abilities, I'll give you that. But you're trying too hard


Bro do you even know how snapchat works?

I know your messing with me at this point

Ask: Luis, Jive, Icy, Nasty, Zilla, Jono...and company about it, they all got it

The Flood / Re: daily reminder that...
« on: March 20, 2016, 11:53:57 PM »
So what did Assasin even do lol

Posted loli in order to get banned

lol, alrighty then

The Flood / Re: I got a new pic for yall
« on: March 20, 2016, 11:52:01 PM »
This thread is savage

I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

I live in SoCal, so I can say a few things about the girls. 90% of them are bitchy, boring, or retardedly high maintenance. IDC about how your gf is tbh because we're not talking about her anyway, and you shouldn't be checking out other girls on instagram if you have a gf.

Pfffft, you think she gives a fuck. I sent her a photo to which her reply was "holy shit, what's her insta?"

She shows me girls all the time, we don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I'll show her a attractive ass footballer, doesn't bother me. We both follow her on insta now lmfao

My point was you can't make a judgement on a girl by her looks, or for anyone. The fact you put a percentage proves my point. By your regards 10% of the time your wrong, so 10% your making an unfair judgement. It's stupid. Judge someone's personality when you actually know it, or have a viable way to gauge it, not a picture or series of pictures

And I'm sure your gf is as real as your cars.

Someone's salty LOL, it's okay to be wrong sometimes

I'm not salty. Like I told PSU, I'm dating someone

It's just funny how just because she doesn't give a fuck about me looking at women and all these great things you jump to the whole she's not real thing. Not only have I posted a lot of photos, AMA's with photos, and even two photos of us kissing. Let alone my snapchat lmfao.

Some people have it good bro

If driving your fantasy car with your fantasy gf makes you happy, then w/e. But don't try to pretend it's real.

Denying the truth I see, but okay :)

You're the one who posts fake pictures of things you don't have, lol

As well as being sent to all members on my snap, just for you πŸ˜„

I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

I live in SoCal, so I can say a few things about the girls. 90% of them are bitchy, boring, or retardedly high maintenance. IDC about how your gf is tbh because we're not talking about her anyway, and you shouldn't be checking out other girls on instagram if you have a gf.

Pfffft, you think she gives a fuck. I sent her a photo to which her reply was "holy shit, what's her insta?"

She shows me girls all the time, we don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I'll show her a attractive ass footballer, doesn't bother me. We both follow her on insta now lmfao

My point was you can't make a judgement on a girl by her looks, or for anyone. The fact you put a percentage proves my point. By your regards 10% of the time your wrong, so 10% your making an unfair judgement. It's stupid. Judge someone's personality when you actually know it, or have a viable way to gauge it, not a picture or series of pictures

And I'm sure your gf is as real as your cars.

Someone's salty LOL, it's okay to be wrong sometimes

I'm not salty. Like I told PSU, I'm dating someone

It's just funny how just because she doesn't give a fuck about me looking at women and all these great things you jump to the whole she's not real thing. Not only have I posted a lot of photos, AMA's with photos, and even two photos of us kissing. Let alone my snapchat lmfao.

Some people have it good bro

If driving your fantasy car with your fantasy gf makes you happy, then w/e. But don't try to pretend it's real.

Denying the truth I see, but okay :)

I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

I live in SoCal, so I can say a few things about the girls. 90% of them are bitchy, boring, or retardedly high maintenance. IDC about how your gf is tbh because we're not talking about her anyway, and you shouldn't be checking out other girls on instagram if you have a gf.

Pfffft, you think she gives a fuck. I sent her a photo to which her reply was "holy shit, what's her insta?"

She shows me girls all the time, we don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I'll show her a attractive ass footballer, doesn't bother me. We both follow her on insta now lmfao

My point was you can't make a judgement on a girl by her looks, or for anyone. The fact you put a percentage proves my point. By your regards 10% of the time your wrong, so 10% your making an unfair judgement. It's stupid. Judge someone's personality when you actually know it, or have a viable way to gauge it, not a picture or series of pictures

And I'm sure your gf is as real as your cars.

Someone's salty LOL, it's okay to be wrong sometimes

I'm not salty. Like I told PSU, I'm dating someone

It's just funny how just because she doesn't give a fuck about me looking at women and all these great things you jump to the whole she's not real thing. Not only have I posted a lot of photos, AMA's with photos, and even two photos of us kissing. Let alone my snapchat lmfao.

Some people have it good bro

The Flood / Re: daily reminder that...
« on: March 20, 2016, 11:32:04 PM »
So what did Assasin even do lol

The Flood / Re: Did anyone notice
« on: March 20, 2016, 11:30:34 PM »

I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

I live in SoCal, so I can say a few things about the girls. 90% of them are bitchy, boring, or retardedly high maintenance. IDC about how your gf is tbh because we're not talking about her anyway, and you shouldn't be checking out other girls on instagram if you have a gf.

Pfffft, you think she gives a fuck. I sent her a photo to which her reply was "holy shit, what's her insta?"

She shows me girls all the time, we don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I'll show her a attractive ass footballer, doesn't bother me. We both follow her on insta now lmfao

My point was you can't make a judgement on a girl by her looks, or for anyone. The fact you put a percentage proves my point. By your regards 10% of the time your wrong, so 10% your making an unfair judgement. It's stupid. Judge someone's personality when you actually know it, or have a viable way to gauge it, not a picture or series of pictures

And I'm sure your gf is as real as your cars.

Someone's salty LOL, it's okay to be wrong sometimes

I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

I live in SoCal, so I can say a few things about the girls. 90% of them are bitchy, boring, or retardedly high maintenance. IDC about how your gf is tbh because we're not talking about her anyway, and you shouldn't be checking out other girls on instagram if you have a gf.

Pfffft, you think she gives a fuck. I sent her a photo to which her reply was "holy shit, what's her insta?"

She shows me girls all the time, we don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I'll show her a attractive ass footballer, doesn't bother me. We both follow her on insta now lmfao

My point was you can't make a judgement on a girl by her looks, or for anyone. The fact you put a percentage proves my point. By your regards 10% of the time your wrong, so 10% your making an unfair judgement. It's stupid. Judge someone's personality when you actually know it, or have a viable way to gauge it, not a picture or series of pictures

The Flood / Re: Withing a few years how much could I sell this for?
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:04:54 PM »
The fact that we have possibly the most bland, boring, generic, Gary Stue MC that still bitches as much as Shinji does? The fact that half the Mobile Suits look silly as fuck walking on the ground because they were literally designed for shots of them flying around? The fact that it's literally nothing but teen romance melodrama whenever there's no fighting (and sometimes when there is)? The fact that the basic story line is a complete rip off of 0079?

Anyways,on a related note. This just came in today, of course I still have a Sazabi model kit and another Zaku model kit to start before I can work on this one.


The fuck was wrong with seed, faggot?

Chara Zaku II?

So dope.

I bet her personality is either just as boring or terribly bitchy and not worth my time.

You're basing this on pictures you saw on the internet...?

When you live in an area where every girl looks like that AND is bitchy or boring, yes, I can base it on a picture

Well, she and I both live in Miami and I've overall had good experiences with women from Miami. I don't see anything that would make me jump to any assumption, because it's pretty stupid to do that. And it's not even because she's pretty or how she presents herself.

You could make the same judgement about my girlfriend, yet this is the same girl that just tried to tell me that Marcus Rashford is better then Anthony Martial while playing The Division with me. Same girl I can call a bitch and she'll call me a faggot back.

Looks don't mean shit about personality fam, and she's damn up there in looks

You guys never cease to amuse me

The Flood / It's late
« on: March 20, 2016, 03:10:37 AM »
What did everyone do tonight (or last night if it's morning for you)?

Got crossed out at sea for the first time in a while. It was nice. Now just been chilling here on this website. Relaxed Saturday night/early Sunday morning

I don't really find her attractive.

98% make-up, fake tan, likely dumb as a box with the personality of one too. Seriously, she just fits the profile of a generic model perfectly.

Natural beauty > artificial tat

She's mixed, it's a real tan lmfao. And nah she looks pretty damn good natural too. Can't speak for her personality, don't know her.

Approximately 10 pounds of her body weight is make-up.

Actually, she doesn't wear an excessive amount. I prefer no make up, and I'm not put off by it

You probably would be when you woke up in the morning and found the face you fell in love with left on the pillow while the real reptillian horror smiles at you.

I've never been with a girl that looked drastically different without make up on. And all of them have always removed the make up, if they wore any, before falling asleep.

Just another pretty girl


Approximately 10 pounds of her body weight is make-up.

Actually, she doesn't wear an excessive amount. I prefer no make up, and I'm not put off by it

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