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Messages - BC

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The Flood / Re: That's it, I'm done
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:52:10 PM »
This is fucked up beyond belief, wow.

The Flood / Re: My sisters Finnish friend is over
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:50:43 PM »
Hows the accent?
She speaks English relatively well but her accent isn't very distinctive. Although I've really heard a Finnish accent so I don't know what to compare it to.
Finnish accent is goddamn terrible.

It's not cute at all? Damn.
Nah her ass and face makes up for it tho

I'll allow it, get in there, you have the looks mate.

The Flood / Re: My sisters Finnish friend is over
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:47:15 PM »
Hows the accent?
She speaks English relatively well but her accent isn't very distinctive. Although I've really heard a Finnish accent so I don't know what to compare it to.
Finnish accent is goddamn terrible.

It's not cute at all? Damn.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:46:26 PM »
So here's the dealio:

I just got engaged; been dating this girl for over five years. Just before I met this girl, there was another girl I was really into but didn't have the balls to ask out, even though I knew she'd say yes. Ended up following similar career paths and I'd see her almost daily, and the conflict of still feeling attracted to someone (and not just physical attraction) while being in a committed relationship is really hard.

Just let her go. End your contact with her. She's poison to your soul, and you should move on.

The frustrating part is, every single time we hang out, we click, a perfect moment sparks, and we always hook up. We literally can't say no to each other, our chemistry is on point. And I actually enjoy having her around as a friend, it's just a whole odd situation. The only reason why she doesn't want to date me aside from feeling that I'm better then her, is that I'm a few months younger (and yes, it is that stupid.) But it's not like she doesn't want to, she says and openly talks about how I make her happy and how I would be an amazing boyfriend, she just can't get over that fact. It's weird.

Sure, I'd love to move on, but no one compares. You get me?

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:43:01 PM »
So going from what I remember, you have a very nicely paying job and a bucketload of disposable income right?

Money doesn't equal happiness, I know that saying is as tired and overused as any out there but it's true.

And just as it doesn't equal happiness, you can't just buy altruism to make yourself feel good because that rarely works either. Actually doing things to help people is what might help break that wall, you don't have to blow money on everything but you (I assume) are in a position where you could easily spend time helping others. At least until you find the thing that you truly enjoy doing.

That or this is just a passing spate of the blues over the grill >.>

Why is it always assumed I don't help people with my time? Why?

That is practically my hobby. Hell, it's all I do at school. I'm in a club at school that is entirely centered around leading retreats to help students in their issues. You ask anyone that genuinely knows me and they will agree, but somehow everyone jumps to the money thing. I didn't buy altruism, I didn't even think that something you can buy.

But here I am, and no one ever gave me the benefit of the doubt. The reason why the girl I was talking about and I even started doing stuff was because I helped her for 2 years straight and sacrificed over and over again, time, and friends, for her well being and her happiness. Yet I'm just a rich pretentious prick who's living a false altruistic life.

You tell me who's being fair.

Look, you've clearly got a chip on your shoulder over the whole thing. Which is understandable enough, given how most people do assume that and think you are a lucky shit who should shut up and enjoy your money. But I'm wasn't assuming that you didn't, it was a suggestion for if you weren't already. If you are, then great, but that means that your problem lies elsewhere.

And in this case, it's likely just the blues over the girl. It will pass in time and you'll either meet someone else or things might work out in your favour.

Sorry for lashing out then. It didn't know what I was saying wrong that was causing everyone to lash at me. I also added an entire paragraph to the OP explaining this is greater detail. And maybe your right, but I feel as if it's more, because everything pertaining to her just like goes to the back of my mind because all I really want for her is to be happy.

It's quite alright, but it really does sound like she is the problem. Well not in a negative way, but you know what I mean <.<

Try to find a way to put it out of your mind, but these things always pass in time. If they don't... make a sitcom about it >.>

It bothers me that I don't get the joke, even though I feel like I really should.

*thinking intensifies*

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:42:00 PM »
I'm inclined to agree with Mr. P. here.

Maybe I could be your new girlfriend?

Depends, are you actually a girl? (Not serious)

If you are,

Bby cum get sum (srs)
Honey, give me some makeup and I can be whatever you want.

You win bonus points today. Lmfao

The Flood / Re: BC1096 vs RC5908
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:40:09 PM »

Well BC lifts... So he can thrust harder with his sword. RC would pretty much take it like a bitch.

I'm impressed you knew this, how?
ive seen your pictures. ;)

Lol, thanks I guess

The Flood / Re: My sisters Finnish friend is over
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:38:19 PM »
Hows the accent?

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:37:25 PM »
I'm a little bothered by the similarity between BC's and RC's names.

It happens a lot, it's also weird we both came to I believe around the same time. Maybe I came a year before he did.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:36:47 PM »

I'm inclined to agree with Mr. P. here.

Maybe I could be your new girlfriend?
You need a pick axe for that gold diggin m8?

Hey! Your here :)

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:36:27 PM »
I'm inclined to agree with Mr. P. here.

Maybe I could be your new girlfriend?

Depends, are you actually a girl? (Not serious)

If you are,

Bby cum get sum (srs)

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:35:30 PM »
So going from what I remember, you have a very nicely paying job and a bucketload of disposable income right?

Money doesn't equal happiness, I know that saying is as tired and overused as any out there but it's true.

And just as it doesn't equal happiness, you can't just buy altruism to make yourself feel good because that rarely works either. Actually doing things to help people is what might help break that wall, you don't have to blow money on everything but you (I assume) are in a position where you could easily spend time helping others. At least until you find the thing that you truly enjoy doing.

That or this is just a passing spate of the blues over the grill >.>

Why is it always assumed I don't help people with my time? Why?

That is practically my hobby. Hell, it's all I do at school. I'm in a club at school that is entirely centered around leading retreats to help students in their issues. You ask anyone that genuinely knows me and they will agree, but somehow everyone jumps to the money thing. I didn't buy altruism, I didn't even think that something you can buy.

But here I am, and no one ever gave me the benefit of the doubt. The reason why the girl I was talking about and I even started doing stuff was because I helped her for 2 years straight and sacrificed over and over again, time, and friends, for her well being and her happiness. Yet I'm just a rich pretentious prick who's living a false altruistic life.

You tell me who's being fair.

Look, you've clearly got a chip on your shoulder over the whole thing. Which is understandable enough, given how most people do assume that and think you are a lucky shit who should shut up and enjoy your money. But I'm wasn't assuming that you didn't, it was a suggestion for if you weren't already. If you are, then great, but that means that your problem lies elsewhere.

And in this case, it's likely just the blues over the girl. It will pass in time and you'll either meet someone else or things might work out in your favour.

Sorry for lashing out then. It didn't know what I was saying wrong that was causing everyone to lash at me. I also added an entire paragraph to the OP explaining this is greater detail. And maybe your right, but I feel as if it's more, because everything pertaining to her just like goes to the back of my mind because all I really want for her is to be happy.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:33:23 PM »

Everyone hear is under the impression that because I have money I'm not allowed to not be happy.

Literally no one thinks that.

Read what everyone is saying. Somehow me having money somehow dictates everything I do and my demeanor.

It sounds like a lot of people are claiming that because you have so much money that you should be happy. I'm not drowning in tears of sympathy for the unhappiness of someone whose car costs more than my college education, but my recommendation is to get involved in your community somehow. If you're religious, try volunteering at your church. Find a social group to become a part of. Find value outside of the typical rat race of work and school.

Read the new edit to OP. That answers what you just said

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:24:42 PM »

Everyone hear is under the impression that because I have money I'm not allowed to not be happy.

Literally no one thinks that.

Read what everyone is saying. Somehow me having money somehow dictates everything I do and my demeanor.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:24:06 PM »
I think it's really unfair for people to say that you should be happy because of your family's wealth. Wealth never has and never will equal happiness. Once all the basic needs of life are met (food, shelter, water, etc.) increased wealth from that point will not correlate to being happier. So of course a rich person is going to be happier than a bum but a rich person isn't necessarily going to be any happier than the guy that makes $30k a year. Rich people are just that, people. You can hate them all you want because they're more wealthy than you but they're no different than you. They have feelings like all the rest of us.

Thank you, but you guys need to move past the wealth thing, please.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:23:22 PM »
So going from what I remember, you have a very nicely paying job and a bucketload of disposable income right?

Money doesn't equal happiness, I know that saying is as tired and overused as any out there but it's true.

And just as it doesn't equal happiness, you can't just buy altruism to make yourself feel good because that rarely works either. Actually doing things to help people is what might help break that wall, you don't have to blow money on everything but you (I assume) are in a position where you could easily spend time helping others. At least until you find the thing that you truly enjoy doing.

That or this is just a passing spate of the blues over the grill >.>

Why is it always assumed I don't help people with my time? Why?

That is practically my hobby. Hell, it's all I do at school. I'm in a club at school that is entirely centered around leading retreats to help students in their issues. You ask anyone that genuinely knows me and they will agree, but somehow everyone jumps to the money thing. I didn't buy altruism, I didn't even think that something you can buy.

But here I am, and no one ever gave me the benefit of the doubt. The reason why the girl I was talking about and I even started doing stuff was because I helped her for 2 years straight and sacrificed over and over again, time, and friends, for her well being and her happiness. Yet I'm just a rich pretentious prick who's living a false altruistic life.

You tell me who's being fair.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 04:13:05 PM »
As someone who was kicked out, disowned, and is in a state of borderline homelessness, there really isn't much for me to say here other than a pretty basic be happy with what you've got because you're incredibly lucky that life handed you good cards.

Wow...really? Damn. I'm sorry mate. Why'd they kick you out and disown you? If you don't mind me asking. That's messed up

And I know I'm lucky and I know I'm blessed and I'm thankful. Trust me I am.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 04:10:17 PM »
You have typically what everyone strives. As RC said, you're rich, you're attractive, you have a good family so for a lot of people it's weird as to why you're feeling down.

And i said that. I feel as if no one read the whole thing, which would explain the whole issues of everyone lashing at me for no reason. I don't know why I feel this way. I said I was thankful for everything and blessed. It's not like I'm saying fuck it I don't want any of it. Yet somehow I'm the bad guy to everyone.

I don't know why I feel like this, hence why I'm asking for people to like help me I guess. I don't know.

The Flood / Re: The Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4
« on: October 01, 2014, 04:02:09 PM »
Does not look like a lambo. Sorry, that feels like something from Ford or something else. Maybe just me.
Lamborghini's are never going to look like what they once used to.

You do know this one is inspired by the Miura and other classics right? It's supposed to be a GT car
this is actually what i was feeling from it

looks like a good grand tourer

Exactly what it's supposed to be :)

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:59:58 PM »
I think you should stop showing off the stuff you bought with your parents money. It comes off to others as bragging, just because you were born into a rich family.

And do not try to explain to me again how you bought a $600,000 car at the age of like twenty with your own money, because that is bullshit.

1. That literally has nothing to do with the topic...
2. It's not bullshit
3. Please actually

...forget it

The Flood / Re: The Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:31:18 PM »
Wait, now I see some Aston Martin in the front end... is it just me?

That is one thing I don't see actually haha

The Flood / Re: The Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:30:36 PM »
Does not look like a lambo. Sorry, that feels like something from Ford or something else. Maybe just me.
Lamborghini's are never going to look like what they once used to.

You do know this one is inspired by the Miura and other classics right? It's supposed to be a GT car

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:23:22 PM »
You're rich, you have two cars which cost more money than most people see in a lifetime, you have a girlfriend who you claim to be madly in love with, and you're attractive. And you're crying because you feel lost in it all.

Maybe you're realizing your self proclaimed altruism is fake. I don't like you anymore.


I don't have a girlfriend, she won't date me lol. And I'm not saying I'm lost in it all, I'm saying I'm lost in general.

How is anything you even says remotely fair? And how does that make me being nice somehow fake?

None of those things go together. Everyone hear is under the impression that because I have money I'm not allowed to not be happy. Which is laughable at best. Like come on

And to add onto that, granted it's your choice, to not like me is just uncalled for

The Flood / Re: The Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:20:49 PM »
Does not look like a lambo. Sorry, that feels like something from Ford or something else. Maybe just me.

Really? What makes you say that?
Not sure but the image is not really something the average person associates with a lambo. Sorry. I remember these being stunt cars in Burnout and it had a ford like symbol. So something american.

It's better then those leaks

The Flood / Re: The Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:01:06 PM »
oh good

a lambo that doesn't look like it's been molested by carbon fiber bolt ons

As if any of them have? Look closer haha
this right here?


Veneno and Sesto (which I can tell your ganna go), aren't production cars. So they don't count
i like the sesto a bit though

it's one of the sleekest of their cars and they didn't put a bunch of random crap on it

the veneno is just... echk... so much random stuff on it

I actually hate how the Sesto looks

it looks good for a track car

Not even that. I love what they did with the car and the reason for everything. But aesthetically I think it's trash
it's just a gallardo with a few changes to me

They completely overhauled it, they just kept the Gallardo chassis. The two aren't necessarily comparable
i'm talking about the aesthetics

they have a lot of similar dimensional characteristics

the sesto just looks like a gallardo made from fighter jet parts

Ah, that's what you mean't. Even still, they are ganna look the same because it's essentially a "super" version of the car, much like the Reventon and Murcilargo.

The Flood / Re: The Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:34:57 PM »
oh good

a lambo that doesn't look like it's been molested by carbon fiber bolt ons

As if any of them have? Look closer haha
this right here?


Veneno and Sesto (which I can tell your ganna go), aren't production cars. So they don't count
i like the sesto a bit though

it's one of the sleekest of their cars and they didn't put a bunch of random crap on it

the veneno is just... echk... so much random stuff on it

I actually hate how the Sesto looks

it looks good for a track car

Not even that. I love what they did with the car and the reason for everything. But aesthetically I think it's trash
it's just a gallardo with a few changes to me

They completely overhauled it, they just kept the Gallardo chassis. The two aren't necessarily comparable

The Flood / Re: The Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:32:46 PM »
oh good

a lambo that doesn't look like it's been molested by carbon fiber bolt ons

As if any of them have? Look closer haha
this right here?


Veneno and Sesto (which I can tell your ganna go), aren't production cars. So they don't count
i like the sesto a bit though

it's one of the sleekest of their cars and they didn't put a bunch of random crap on it

the veneno is just... echk... so much random stuff on it

I actually hate how the Sesto looks

it looks good for a track car

Not even that. I love what they did with the car and the reason for everything. But aesthetically I think it's trash

The Flood / Re: The Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:31:02 PM »
Does not look like a lambo. Sorry, that feels like something from Ford or something else. Maybe just me.

Really? What makes you say that?

The Flood / Re: The Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:30:40 PM »
oh good

a lambo that doesn't look like it's been molested by carbon fiber bolt ons

As if any of them have? Look closer haha
this right here?


Veneno and Sesto (which I can tell your ganna go), aren't production cars. So they don't count
i like the sesto a bit though

it's one of the sleekest of their cars and they didn't put a bunch of random crap on it

the veneno is just... echk... so much random stuff on it

I actually hate how the Sesto looks

The Flood / Re: The Lamborghini Asterion LPI 910-4
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:30:14 PM »
It isn't as aggressive as I like Lamborghinis to be but nonetheless, looks great.

I agree, I like very aggressive cars overall, but I like this. A good amount too

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